Glanville, who more than once, in his character of burgess for Plymouth, had been little friendly to the prerogative of the Crown; nevertheless, on seeing to what extremities the factious and discontented were disposed to carry all things in their efforts to subvert the Church, the monarchy, and the laws, proved himself active in their defence. In the following year (1641) he received the honour of knighthood from the hand of Charles I.
It is not a little remarkable, that though he filled the office of Speaker at a time when the stormy debates were carried on, and often interposed his authority to maintain the rules and order of proceeding, which so many were disposed to subvert, his popularity remained unshaken, and he was held in universal respect, though known to have the King's interest at heart, and to be devoted to his service.
Glanville lost no whit of the attention paid to him, till the factious became openly the rebellious, and war was proclaimed on either side. It was then that his enemies, who were the King's also, having him entirely within their own power, and finding he was not to be shaken, conferred on him the highest honour he had yet attained that of being made a sufferer in a righteous cause. Before matters, however, had arrived at an open rupture between the King and the Commons, Glanville particularly distinguished himself in the Committee respecting subsidies, which, by a message through Sir Harry Vane, Charles had requested might be granted to him in lieu of ship-money, adjudged to be his right, but which he would not insist upon, out of affection to his people, since they were unwilling to pay it. Deprived of these means by his own forbearance, he prayed the Parliament to grant the supplies that he found so absolutely necessary at such a crisis. This allusion to "right" and "ship-money" was exceedingly offensive to some of the more violent members; after a sharp debate it was resolved to go again into Committee of the whole House; and all present seemed to wish "that whatsoever," says Clarendon, "they should give the King should be a free testimony of their affection and duty, without any release of ship-money, which deserved no consideration, but in a short time would appear null and void."
Hampden, the most popular and most wily man among them, and who had so lately defended the ship-money suit against the Crown, did not lose such a moment as this; and judging the subject ripe for the question, desired it might be put"Whether the House would consent to the proposition made by the King, as it was contained in the message of Sir Harry Vane." This he well knew would be sure to meet with a negative from all who thought the sum too great, and were not pleased that it should be given in lieu of ship-money, though the King had said nothing more than the whole House knew to be truth; namely, that it had been adjudged his right; and his offer to waive this right, from love to his people, would have been hailed as a proof of his desire to render them happy, and to conciliate them, by any other than men who had determined that the poor King never should be right till wrong had hurled him from the throne. At this call of "Question" Serjeant Glanville (as one of the members only in Committee) rose; and though he seldom spoke on such occasions, yet now, in what Clarendon calls "a most pathetical speech," in which he excelled, he endeavoured to prevail with the House to entertain freely and grant the King's desire, as an act that would prove of great benefit to the nation at large, inasmuch as it could not fail to reconcile his Majesty to Parliament for ever, by a ready testimony of their affection. After having endeavoured to raise in his hearers a kind and dutiful feeling towards the King, he next shewed them, in the clearest manner, how very inconsiderable would be the subsidy to those, taken individually, by whose contributions it must be raised. The Serjeant had computed his own assessment; he named the sum to which it would amount; and all present knowing how large was his estate, and therefore that most men would have far less to pay, the matter appeared too insignificant to be worthy any more debating.
Glanville saw the powerful impression he had made by his eloquent appeal; he had stirred up some feeling of generosity, towards the King; and had shewn, by the simplest and most certain test - that of an arithmetical calculation - how little such generosity would really cost themselves. Willing therefore still further to conciliate them, he let the House know that, in matters of law affecting right, he was as jealous as themselves; and he let fall in his zeal some severe expressions against the impost of ship-money, and against the judgment lately given in its favour. "This," says Clarendon, "from one known to be very learned, how necessary and artificial soever to reconcile the affections of the House to the matter in question, very much irreconciled him at Court, and to those upon whom he had the greatest dependence, though there was scarce ever a speech that more gathered up and united the inclinations of a popular council to the Speaker; and if the question had been presently put, it was believed the number of the dissenters would not have appeared great." The failure of this affair of the subsidies, principally by the mismanagement and misrepresentation of Sir Harry Vane, who so often betrayed the King, whilst pretending to serve him, caused the speedy dissolution of that Parliament, which Charles too soon had bitter cause to lament. Some factious spirits - Hampden, St. John, and Pym at their head - rejoiced at it; but all who wished well to the King and to the country saw that, taken in the aggregate, such a number of dispassionate and well-intentioned men would not be returned again; and that in another House, which Charles would too soon be obliged to call, the factious would return no representatives but such as were willing to go all lengths with the evil spirit of the times. Dissolving a Parliament such as this at a crisis when the elements of rebellion were gathering strength, and combining their several powers before the bursting of the storm, was, on the part of the King, most unwise. Charles never recovered that false step of ill-advised policy; and when he was forced to leave the treasonable Parliament which he afterwards called, and which but too soon hastened his ruin, his faithful Speaker, Glanville, followed him to Oxford, where he devoted all the energies of a mind naturally energetic to the service of his prince. At Oxford, with some other loyalists of great merit, in a public convocation, he was created Doctor of Civil Law, in 1643. And being now considered by the rebels "a desperate malignant," in the year 1645 they disabled him from sitting as a member at Westminster.
Shortly after returning to his own home in Devon, the King's cause no sooner declined in the west than he was seized and committed to prison (probably at Exeter), and there remained a long while in captivity. He was not released till the year 1648, when he bought his liberty by a heavy fine being laid on his estates. Loyd, in his 'Loyal Sufferers,' gives the highest character of Glanville, and from him we learn that this imprisonment was not the first to which the Serjeant had been exposed. He states that Glanville's first durance was on shipboard, 1636, for having spoken his mind too freely on some points respecting the prerogative; that afterwards he suffered six several hard imprisonments (one of which was two years in the Tower of London) for declaring himself "as honestly in some law points against a treasonable popularity;" and so high did his character stand in the estimation of all men, that, notwithstanding his so recent captivity, the University of Oxford, ever honourable and consistent, even under the most dangerous circumstances and times, was bold enough to return Sir John Glanville as her burgess in one of the Parliaments held in the days of the usurper. But Glanville's attachment to the exiled family of the murdered King was known to be unshaken; he was not, therefore, suffered to take his seat. His spirit undaunted by those who, in this arbitrary manner, had opposed his just election, determined him, if Parliament could not aid him in asserting the rights of the injured in the general assembly of his countrymen, that he would defend them as long as the law remained unsubverted to bear him out, and he now pleaded openly as a lawyer the causes of many a vanished Royalist - amongst others, those of Lord Craven and Sir John Stawel, the latter being a prisoner, and particularly obnoxious to many who then held the reins of Government in their own hands.
In 1643, an unsuccessful attempt was made to bring to trial at Salisbury the Earls of Pembroke and Northumberland, and several members of the Commons; they were charged with the crime of High Treason, and a Commission was issued to Justices Heath, Bankes, Foster, and Glanville, who went to the city to try them, but the Grand Jury refused to find the bill, and the House of Commons retaliated by impeaching the Judges themselves, who had ventured to act under the King's authority. [fn 126]
"7th August, 1648, in the Lords, - Whereas Sir John Glanville of Broad Hinton, Knight, Serjeant-at-Law, hath been referred, by order of the Commons, to the Committee for the advance of money, etc., to compound for his delinquency, and five and twentieth part, he having left his habitation, and gone and resided in Oxford, the enemy's garrison; which Committee proceeded to a fine with him for £2320, whereof £1350 is satisfied by the Rectory and impropriate of Lambton, com. Devon; so that only £970 remains to be paid. The Lords and Commons approve the said composition, and ordain, that, for his five and twentieth part, he pay only the fifth part of the yearly revenue of his lands, and he is hereby discharged of his imprisonment, and of his bail. And his Majesty's Solicitor-General is to prepare a pardon for him with restoration to him, his heirs and assigns, etc., provided that if his lands during the three years preceding 1640, shall prove to have been of greater value than set down in this ordinance, then he shall be liable to such further fine as the House shall appoint." [fn 127]
Sir J. Glanville gave the rents or profits of the estate of South Brent Tor that "the feoffees, their heirs, assigns and successors, or most of them that will be present in the school-house on Friday in the Easter week, between the hours of ten and eleven, do elect a youth born of honest parents within the said borough, whose parents are poor, and without deceit reputed to be unable to maintain such boy to dispose the profits for his maintenance at one of the universities, and when all the feoffees (trustees) are dead but eight the survivors must renew the estate to others, of which the eight masters of the town and parish must be of them." Sir John Glanville's works were principally of a political nature. Some of his parliamentary speeches may be found in Rushworth's Collection. The following lines are the only fragment of his poetry to be met with. They are addressed to his brother townsman Browne:- [fn 128]
"Ingenious swaine! that highly dost adorneGlanville met, in the course of his business as a barrister, with a singular client, who seems to have had some discourse with his advocate quite apart from the litigation in which they were engaged. This client was Matthew Hale. Hale's career had been, according to Burnet, doubtful. Being intended for a Puritan he went to schools where the masters taught the doctrines of the sect, and afterwards he was sent to Magdalen Hall, Oxford, with Mr. Obadiah Sedgwick for his tutor. [fn 129] At first a laborious and clever student, he left his studies for stage players, who happened to visit the University. But he extricated himself, and resolved, upon his arrival in London, not to see a play again. Still, Matthew Hale partook of the temperament of young men, and much delighted in company. At last, notwithstanding the former gravity of his deportment, he determined to eschew the scholar and the divine, and become a soldier, so that, when his tutor Sedgwick became chaplain to Lord Vere, in the Low Countries, Hale meditated a change, no less than that of serving in the army of the Prince of Orange. [fn 130] At this juncture the lucky lawsuit brought him into contact with Glanville, to whom he had been recommended. Hale most likely told him his story. He certainly informed Glanville of his military propensities, so that their conversation became quite unembarrassed. Serjeant Glanville perceived the future great lawyer in his erratic client, and Matthew Hale was sufficiently free from evil habits to adopt with readiness the advice of a -
Clear Tavy, on whose brinck we both were borne!
Just praise in me would ne'er be thought to move
From thy sole worth, but from thy partiall love:
Wherefore I will not do thee so much wrong,
As by such mixture to alloy thy song.
But while kind strangers rightly praise each grace
Of thy chaste muse, I (from the happy place
That brought thee forth, and thinks it not unfit
To boast now that it erst bred such a wit)
Would only have it knowne I much rejoice
To hear such matters sung by such a voice.
"1653, July 16.
"We went to another uncle and relative of my wife's, Sir John Glanvill, a famous lawyer,
formerly Speaker of the House of Commons; his seate is at Broad-Hinton, where he now liv'd
but in the Gate-house, his very faire dwelling-house having been burnt by his owne hands, to
prevent the rebells making a garrison of it. Here, my cousin Will. Glanvill, his eldest son, shewed
me such a locke for a dore, that for its fitting and rare contrivances was a masterpiece, yet made
by a country blacksmith."
Sir John Glanville married, about 1615, Winifred, daughter of William Bouchier, of Barnsley, co. Gloucestershire, Esq., who was grandson of Anthony Bouchier, of Barnsley, Esq., by his wife, Thomazine, daughter of Sir Thomas Mildmay, Kt., and sister to Sir Walter Mildmay, Knight of the Garter, and Principal Counsellor, Chancellor, and Treasurer to Queen Elizabeth (see Pedigree VIII.).
By this alliance Sir John Glanville had issue - (1) William Glanville; (2) Francis Glanville; (3) John Glanville; (4) Margaret Glanville; (5) Mary Glanville; (6) Julius Glanville (see his issue further on); (7) Elizabeth Glanville.
Sir John Glanville died at Broad Hinton Manor, the 2nd October, 1661, and was buried in the parish church of that place. In the year 1673 his widow, Winifred, erected in the chancel a monument to his memory bearing the following inscription:-
"Memoriae Sacrum Johannis
Glanvillii militis, servientis
ad Legem Carolo Primo
et Carolo Secundo, filii
Johannis Glanvilii de Tavistoke
in Com' Devon, Tempore
Reginae Elizab., unius Justiciariorum
de Communi Banco, natu
Secundo: Domus Communium
in Parliamento nuper
Prolocutoris: hujus manerii
Glanvilliorum, primi
emptoris et proprietarii
Obiit 2 die Octobris, Anno Dom' 1661
Hoc monumentum propriis
Sumptibus Posuit Winifreda [fn 131]
Glanville ipsius Johannis
dum vixit uxor Amantissima
Nunc Vidua maestissima
29 die Septemb. A..D. 1673.
Succeeded his father, Sir John Glanville, and lived a retired life at Broad Hinton. He was a Justice of the Peace for the county of Wilts. About 1653 Mr. Glanville married Frances, daughter of Sir Henry Gibbs, and had by her (1) Winifred Glanville, born October 21st, 1654; (2) Francis Glanville, born 5th December, 1655, and died 28th September, 1656. In 1677 he gave some plate to Broad Hinton Church.
"Given by the Worth and Religious William Glanvill, Esquire, to the Parish Church of
Brode Hinton in the year 1677, two large flaggons and challice with a cover and patten and a bason
all of silver, eich weighing --. He gave the cases also.
"Mem. - That the former small silver challice and the cover was added to the vessels for the
com'union table.
"In witness wrof I have here unto sett my hand the 14 day of Octobr in ye above sd year 1677,
being ye day and consecration of the said to the Holy Com'union.
"HENRY DUDLEY, Vicar of Brode Hinton." [fn 132]
Mr. Glanville died in October, 1680, and was buried at Broad Hinton Church, on the 13th of the same month, and over his tomb is the following inscription to his memory:-
"Gulielumus Glanville Amiger Johannis Equitis aurate filius Primogenitus Vir si quis alius ad antiquae. Probitatis fidei et Pietatis Normani factua Negotiis gerendis Par. sed eorum Ambiter Major Innocenti'm Honoribus praetulit et nou alio quam. Eirenachae munere perfunctus: Publicae Pacis juxta et Privatae Custos fidelissimus bene latuit quo melius Viveret. quietem quam in vita sequebatus Mors aequa Attulit die xi Octobris anno dom' M.DC.LXXX & Sexagintae quinque annos natum Caelo Naturum eidem reddidit." [fn 133]
Mrs. Frances Glanville married secondly, in 1681, John Stone, son and heir of Sir Richard Stone, who died in 1661. By this second alliance Frances had no issue; but John Stone, by his first wife, Catharine, second daughter and eventual coheir of Sir John Carleton, Bart., of Brightwell and Holcombe in Oxfordshire, had, with other children, Carleton Stone of Brightwell, Esq., who married, 12 Oct., 1676, Winifred Glanville, daughter and coheir of William and Frances Glanville of Broad Hinton; but he dying without issue, in 1708, the estates passed to his brother, John Stone of Brightwell, Esq. [fn 134]
"Here lyeth interr'd the body of
John Glanville, Esqre, late of Broadhinton
in the county of Wilts, who
departed this life the
24 day of August, Anno Dom. 1715,
in the 56 year of his age."
Edward Glanville, the second son, born 1660, and resided at Ashburton, Devon. He married 24 October, 1703, Charity, daughter of J. Tinkham of Ashburton. [fn 137] Edward Glanville dying in 1738 left issue:- Richard Glanville, b. 10 Jan., 1704; Joan Glanville, b. 8 March, 1707; John Glanville, b. 17 Dec., 1710; and Elizabeth Glanville, b. 9 May, 1714. For an account of Richard, the eldest son, and his family see further on.
Winifred Glanville (the third child of John and Catherine Glanville) was born 14 Nov. 1654, and married, April 25th, 1677, John Lowe of Gray's Inn, Esq.
John Glanville (sen.) was buried at Broad Hinton Church, plarch 13, 1688.
Margaret Glanville, eldest daughter of Sir John Glanville of Broad Hinton, Wilts, married, in April, 1635, Francis Baskerville, son and heir of Thomas Baskerville of Richardstown, Wilts, Esq., who was descended in the male line from Sir Robert Baskerville, Kt of Erdisley Castle, Hereford, and his wife, Agnes, daughter and heiress of Nesta, daughter of Rees-ap-Griffith, Prince of N. Wales (circa 1130). Mrs. Margaret Baskerville died 26 March, 1696, and for the issue of this alliance see the Pedigree of Baskerville and Polwhele.
Mary Glanville, second daughter of Sir John Glanville of Broad Hinton, was born in the year 1616, and married, in 1636, at St. Dunstan's Church, London, Piers Edgecumbe Esquire, son of Sir Richard Edgecumbe, by his wife, Mary, daughter and heir of Sir Thomas Cottle of London. Mr. Piers Edgecumbe represented Newport and Chelmsford in Parliament in the reign of Charles I.; and, in the words of the inscription on his monument, "was a master of languages and sciences; a lover of the King and Church which he endeavoured to support, in the time of the Civil Wars, to the utmost of his power and fortune." He left issue by his wife, Mary Glanville:-
1. Sir Richard Edgecumbe, who succeeded him. He married Lady Ann Montague, second surviving daughter of Edward, Earl of Sandwich. Sir Richard Edgecumbe dying in 1688 was succeeded by his only surviving son, Richard Edgecumbe, Esq., of Mount Edgecumbe; a Lord of the Treasury in 1716; and on 20th April, 1742, he was elevated to the peerage as Lord Edgecumbe. (See Pedigree IV.)Elizabeth Glanville did not enter into the matrimonial state; and it appears by the will of her father, Sir John, that he had provided her a very substantial estate, that of the manor and lands of Clavency in the county of Wilts, which she by her will left to her niece, Winifred Glanville, daughter of her brother Julius, but made a proviso that should Winifred die without issue (which she did), the manor and lands were to revert to her, i.e. Winifred's, brother, John Glanville of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., who bought the estate of Catchfrench, and died there in 1735.
2. Francis Edgecumbe, ob. s.p. 1668.
3. Winifred Edgecumbe, who married Thomas, Earl of Coventry.
Richard Glanville, the eldest son of Edward Glanville (revert to issue of John Glanville of Broad Hinton Manor, Wilts, and Catherine his wife, page 128) of Ashburton, Devon, by Charity his wife, was baptized 10th January, 1704, and marrying on the 31st August, 1722, Elizabeth St. Hill, had issue:- [fn 138]
1. Thomas Glanville,b. 14 Jan., 1723.Thomas Glanville succeeded his father, and resided at Ashburton. He married 20th. May, 1747, Miss Anne Halse, [fn139] and dying in November, 1765, left issue:-
2. Joan Glanville, b. 24 Jan., 1725.
3. Richard Glanville, b. 22 Jan., 1728; ob. 1733.
4. Richard Glanville, b. 26 Feb., 1735.
5. Elizabeth Glanville, b. 28 March, 1737; ob. March, 1738.
6. Elizabeth Glanville, b. Sept. 19, 1740.
7. Roger Glanville, b. Feb. 18, 1742.
1. Anne Glanville, b. August 81, 1752.Richard Glanville, the third son of Richard and Elizabeth Glanville, married at Ashburton, on 18th January, 1755, Miss Mary Halse (d. 1756), probably sister to his brother Thomas' wife, and by her he had issue:-
2. Elizabeth Glanville, b. March 7, 1755, and died the same year.
3. Mary Glanville, b. 28 December, 1756.
4. Elizabeth Glanville, b. 23 August, 1759, and dying unmarried in 1840, her sister Johanna took out probate twice for £9000 and goods and chattels, being the "natural and lawful sister and next of kin."
5. Joanna Glanville, b. 10 September, 1761, and married a gentleman of the name of Adams.
I. Joseph Maddock, Midshipman R.N., ob. s.p.Roger Glanville of Ashburton (revert to the issue of Richard and Elizabeth Glanville, p. 129). Roger, it is said, was very unfortunate in his monetary speculation. In a south county speculation he had invested over £40,000; unluckily for him, this concern, like many others have done, came to grief, and Roger found himself minus his money, and no satisfaction to counteract for his loss. The writer's grandmother well remembers Roger Glanville (who was her grandfather), and she says that he was a gentleman of very handsome exterior, a little above the middle height, and possessing a remarkably proud bearing. He was gifted with excellent abilities, but he chose to devote himself rather to pleasure than to making good use of them. He married on the 12 April, 1765, Miss Mary Teddy of Ashburton. Roger Glanville dying in April, 1820, aged 77, left issue:-
II. William Maddock, C.S married, in 1804, at the Parish Church of Kingston,. Portsmouth, Mrs. Elizabeth Hodder, and by her had issue:-i. Joseph William Maddock, an officer in the Royal Navy, ob. s.p.III. John Maddock, a Paymaster in the Royal Navy, married, in 1816, Miss Mary Anne Wise, and by her had issue:-
ii. Thomas Searle Maddock, Lieutenant Royal Navy, ob. s.p.
iii. William John Henry Maddock, an officer in the Royal Navy.
iv. Elizabeth Ann Maddock, m. W. Smith, Esq., C.E.
v. Matilda Emma.
vi. Maria Louisa.
vii. Julia Sophia.i. Harry Augustus John Frederick Maddock, Lieutenant R.N., ob. s.p.IV. Anne Maddock, married at Kingston Parish Church, Portsmouth, November 17th, 1796, Admiral Thomas Searle, C.B., of Kingston Cross, son of James Searle [fn 140] of Stradlescombe, Devon.
ii. Caroline Jane Maddock, married Captain C. S. Dunbar, R.N., and he dying left one son, Charles A. R. F. Dunbar, Esq., R.N., now stationed at Chatham. He married on May 9th, 1878, Elizabeth Cotton Scrivenor, eldest daughter of Hugh Maynard Scrivenor, Esq., and great-granddaughter of Baynes Cotton, Esq., of Kenilworth.
iii. Adelaide Maddock, married E. Flood, Esq.
iv. Maria Louisa Maddock, married O. Flood, Esq.This officer entered the Royal Navy in October, 1789, and his first appointment was to H.M.S. "Mutine," and shortly after was transferred to H.M.S. "Royal George," in which ship he was present at the capture of three ships of the line off L'Orient, by Lord Bridport. In October, 1796, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in consequence of the great exertions he had made in saving the lives of seven men, and also appointed to H.M.S. "Courier," 12 guns, 40 men. On the 15th April, 1799, he recaptured the "Nelly" from the French privateer "Le Vengeur" of 14 guns. On the 29th May, off Winterton, he brought to action a French vessel of 16 guns in the act of capturing a merchant sloop; the engagement lasted one hour and forty minutes, but having the superiority of sailing and advantage, the French vessel escaped; Mr. Searle continued the chase till midnight, when, owing to a fog, he lost sight of her. At daylight he discovered a vessel in the north-east, and, supposing it to be his late opponent, he made sail in chase and came up and captured "Le Ribotteur," of 6 guns. After this he commanded a squadron of small ships, under the chief command of Lord Duncan, and on the 10th July assisted at the capture of three vessels in the "Watt." On the 11th August, 1800, Lieutenant Searle was employed in a very spirited and gallant attempt to cut off some vessels from Schiermonikoog which proved a complete success. The enemy was five times the cutter's force. They landed on the island, drove the men from the batteries, and spiked four guns. On the 21st November, being in Yarmouth Roads, Lieutenant Searle was ordered by Lord Duncan to reconnoitre the ports of Helvoetsluys and Flushing; in this occupation he engaged and captured the "Le Gurrier," 14 guns, 44 men. For this action he was promoted to the rank of Commander. He next served in the "Preseus" bomb, the "Holder" defence ship, and the "Autumn" sloop of war. He was also employed, under Lord Keith, in the expedition against the Boulogne flotilla, on which occasion he commanded one of the explosion vessels. In 1806, he was appointed to the "Fury" bomb, and also to H.M.S. "Grasshopper." In the "Grasshopper," whilst cruising off Carthagena, he discovered several vessels at anchor under Cape Palos. On the 7th the Spanish ships of war, "San Josef," of 12 24-pounders, 99 men; the "Medusa," 10, 77 men; and "Aigle," 8, 50 men, came out to attack the "Grasshopper." Notwithstanding their great superiority. Captain Searle immediately brought them to action, and in fifteen minutes the "San Josef" struck her colours, and ran ashore; shortly after that the prize was brought off; the other two vessels sailed away. Lord Collingwood, his great commander, in writing to the Lords of the Admiralty, highly praised Captain Searle for his zeal and enterprise. On the 4th April, 1808, he, with H.M.S. "Mercury," Captain Murray Maxwell, discovered off St. Sebastian's Lighthouse a large convoy of the enemy under the protection of about twenty gunboats, and a numerous train of flying artillery on the beach. At three P.M. the signal was made to weigh and attack the convoy, and stood directly in for the body of them, then off the town of Rota. At four o'clock H.M. ships opened fire, which was kept up with great spirit until half-past six, when seven of the convoy had been taken, and many driven on shore; the gunboats were compelled to retreat, and two of them destroyed. Captain Searle himself actually silenced the batteries at Rota, who kept in to the southward of the town so near as to drive the enemy from their guns with grape from his 32-pound carronades, and at the same time kept in check a division of gunboats that had come out from Cadiz to assist the other engaged by H.M.S. "Alceste" and "Mercury." The boats being sent out boarded the enemy, and brought out seven tartans. The captured vessels were all loaded on Government account for the arsenal at Cadiz. Captain Searle for his conduct on this occasion received the thanks of the Admiralty, and was also promoted to Post Rank. His next action was on 23rd April, when, in company with H.M. gun-brig "Rapid," he captured, after an action of two hours, during which forty men were killed and wounded, two Spanish vessels whose cargoes on board were worth £30,000 each. The Spanish vessels had been protected by four gunboats, and a battery off Faro, two of which struck, and the other two were driven on shore and destroyed.
Lloyd's Patriotic Fund presented Captain Searle with a piece of plate valued 120 guineas as a mark of their admiration of his services, and the crew of H.M.S. "Grasshopper," on his leaving the vessel on account of his promotion, presented him also with a sword value 80 guineas. He then served in the "Frederickstein," 31 guns, and "Elizabeth," 74. He was then appointed to the "Druid" frigate, which was senior ship at Cadiz and at Tariffa, when that place was besieged by Marshal Soult. In 1815, Captain Searle was made a Companion of the Bath. In 1818, he was appointed to H.M.S. "Hyperion," in which ship he had the honour of conveying H.R.H. the Prince Regent for a cruise, and afterwards sailing to South America, where he remained till 1821, and then returned, to England with specie to the amount of £500,000 sterling. On. the 1st August, 1836, he was appointed to the command of H.M.S. "Victory," 104, flagship, and advanced to Flag rank 9 November, 1846. He died 18 March, 1849. The issue of this marriage was:-
1. John Searle, Lieutenant R.N., ob. s.p.V. Elizabeth Maddock, married, in 1806, Robert Balfour, Captain R.N., son of the celebrated Admiral Balfour, and had issue, Edwin R. J. Balfour, born 1816, Captain R.N ob. 9 May, 1879, aged 63, leaving one daughter and four sons.
2. Thomas Splatt Searle, ob. s.p. 1809.
3. Jane Splatt Searle, b. 13 Oct., 1803, married 28 Feb., 1828, Post-Captain Richard Dickinson, R.N., C.B., K.S.L., K.S.A etc. This officer saw much hard service in different parts of the world, and at the battle of Navarino he was second in command of H.M.S. "Genoa," and on the early death of Commodore Bathurst in that engagement he succeeded to the command of that ship. Dying 1 Jan., 1840, he left issue:-i. Adolphos Frederick Dickinson, ob. s.p.4. Anne Elizabeth Searle, b. 1805, married Stanley Lowe of White Hall, Devon, Esq., and has issue:-
ii. Adolphina Frederica Anne, who married, first, her cousin William Glanville-Richards (great-grandson of Roger Glanville of Ashburton, Esq.), eldest son of the Reverend William Richards, M.A. of Queen's College, Oxon, and Vicar of Dawley Magna, ob. 1868. Mr. Glanville-Richards dying on 6 April, 1867, left issue:-(1) William Urmston Searle Glanville-Richards, b. 1856.Mrs. Glanville-Richards, married, secondly, the Reverend Henry Sach, and he dying on 16 March, 1880, left issue Emily Frederica Sach, b. 1869.
(2) Henry Arkwright Hakewill Richards, b. 1858; and three daughters and one son who died young (see page 138).
iii. Richard Dickinson, unmarried.
iv. Thomas Searle Dickinson, Commander R.N., married, in 1866, Louisa, daughter of J. Izatt, Esq., of St. Andrews, Scotland, and has issue:-(1) Louisa Dickinson.v. Reverend George Cockburn Dickinson, Vicar of Hartford, near Huntington, married, in 1870, the Hon. Ursula Elizabeth Denison, daughter of the late Lord Londesborough, and sister to the present Peer; she dying on 23 April, 1880, left issue:-
(2) Mabel Maud.
(3) Arthur Thomas Searle.(1) Edith Jane Catherine Christophina Henry Richard Sweny Dickinson, unmarried.
(2) Londesborough Granville Lawton Maud.
(3) Francis Trevelyan Egerton.
(4) Edgell Antonio Albert Fitzgerald.
(5) Eveline Haroldina Elizabeth Carnegie.
(6) George Victor Conyngham.I. Stanley Lowe, an officer in the Army.5. Amelia Emma Searle, married Major Semple of the 35th Regiment, and had issue:
II. George Lowe.
III. Bertha Lowe, married, first. General Sir William W. Turner, C.B., K.C.S.I.; second, 20 July, 1875, General G. S. Macbean, H.M.B.S.C.
IV. Ann Lowe, married the Reverend George Marie Capel, Rector of Passingham, grandson of the Hon. J. T. Capel, and son of the Hon. A. F. C. M. Capel, [fn 141] and his wife Charlotte Mary, daughter of Thomas, Viscount Maynard.
V. Henry Lowe.
VI. Amie Lowe.I. Henry Semple, late Captain 60th Rifles, ob. Aug. II, 1881.6. Louisa Mary Searle, married Sampson Bennet, Esq., of Plymouth.
II. Frederick Semple, Lieutenant R.N., ob. s.p.
III. Charles Semple.
IV. Edward Semple.
V. Nichodemus Semple, married Katie Burney.
VI. Mary Semple.
VII. Minnie Semple.
7. Katie Searle, died unmarried 1878.
8. Augusta Charlotte, married Captain John Sicklimore, R.N. She died 31 Mar., 1850, leaving an only daughter, Charlotte, who married Charges Morgan, Esq.
9. Charlotte Augusta Searle, married Captain Worth, R.N., and she died 31 Dec., 1841, without issue.
10. Cecilia Caroline Searle, married H. C. Burney, Esq., LL.D., and dying in 1875, aged 53, left issue:-I. Francis Burney, ob. s.p.
II. William Burney.
III. Cecilia Charlotte Burney, married, 1862, Captain Oswald Every, late 75th Regiment, now Governor of Dartmoor Prison, brother of Sir Henry Every, 10th Baronet.
IV. Selina Maria Burney, married Sir Claude Edward Scott, 3rd Baronet.
V. Katie Burney, married her cousin N. Semple, Esq.
VI. Montague Burney.
VII. James E. Burney, married II April, 1882, Gertrude M., daughter of the late James Finlay, Esq.
VIII. Ida Augusta Burney, married A. Tabeatau, Lieutenant R.N.
VI. Amelia Maddook, died unmarried, and was buried in the Maddock family vault at Kingston, near Portsmouth.
1. Thomas Glanville, b. May 2, 1766.Thomas Glanville, the eldest son of Roger and Mary Glanville, was an officer in the Royal Navy, and having been taken prisoner during the French War, he was confined in prison for some years, and only released at the conclusion of hostilities. By Mary, his wife, daughter of ---- Worsely, Esq., he left two sons, Thomas, b. 1789,. and Henry, b. May, 1792. The latter settled in India, and nothing has ever been heard of him since he left these shores; but Thomas, the elder, who was an officer in H.M. Dockyard at Devonport, marrying Miss Burt, and dying in 1849, left issue:-
2. Mary Glanville, b. 14 Feb., 1768.
3. Elizabeth Glanville, b. 14 March, 1770.
4. Susanna Glanville, b. 14 June, 1774 (see page 137.)
5. Richard Glanville, b. 20 Feb., 1778.
6. Roger Glanville, b. 25 Dec., 1781. I
1. James Burt Glanville, [fn 142] married Miss Elizabeth Cummings, and has issue:Susanna Glanville, daughter of Roger and Mary Glanville (see page 134), married Thomas Taylor, who in the earlier part of his life was an officer in the Royal Navy, and served under Sir Charles Cotton. Quitting the Naval Service he devoted himself to the study of Mathematics and Astronomy, and after making himself a proficient in both of these branches of science, he was appointed Deputy-Astronomer to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, which responsible position he held for some years. Dying in 18--, he left issue:-I. Mary Glanville.2. Anna Maria Glanville, married Ambrose Tween, Esq., of the Geological Survey, India.
II. Vyvyan Glanville.
III. Oliver Glanville.
IV. Godfrey Glanville.
3. Thomas Burt Glanville, was born in the year 1824, and owing to the devotion of his mother and maternal grandfather to the Wesleyan cause, the latter having been a personal friend of John Wesley, this gentleman early joined the Wesleyan Church, and after leaving the Grammar School, Devonport, he went to the Theological Institution, Richmond, to complete his studies. Three years after this he was sent as missionary to the Mysore, India. Here he devoted himself to the work of education with much success.The fine educational institution at Bangalore was built by him and Mr. Garrett, and endowed by Government. His success with the boys could not be tabulated, at work so long, Christian converts so many, but the change in the beliefs of a great many of them was not the less sure.
It was never Mr. Glanville's habit at any time to speak much about his work, and none but his wife and the boys himself knew how much time and labour he gave to them. What was visible was this. He found on coming to Bangalore a small schoolroom and about twenty boys, in three years he left a large and handsome building, well endowed by Government, three hundred boys, and seven masters. The waste ground in front of the building, an unsightly rubble heap, was given to the school by Sir Mark Gubbon at his request, and was by him converted into a pretty pleasure-ground, and place for gymnastics and games.
On the day of Mr. Glanville's departure for South Africa, whither he was sent by the Missionary Committee, the weeping crowds which thronged the compound and road leading to it, by hundreds, shewed how much he was beloved. Sashiah, who is now a prominent man in the Mysore, was one of his favourite pupils. At Graham's Town he was appointed to establish a Wesleyan College.
His reputation as a preacher was high. Bathurst and King William's Town were successively the seats of his ministrations. At this latter place he resigned his connection with the ministry. This step was taken from a growing dislike to the narrow theological tenets of his Church, and brought to a decision by the violent headaches which generally attacked him after preaching.
Mr. Glanville left the ministry in 1859, and after a sojourn of one year in Pietermaritzberg, Natal, where he established the "Courier" newspaper, he returned to Graham's Town, where he became Editor of the "Journal," and afterwards part proprietor. As Editor of the "Journal" Mr. Glanville made his mark in the Colony. Perhaps the most prominent feature of his writings was its justice. He looked at a question from all sides, so that his political opponents respected his opinions. And though his wit was sparkling, and has been called "merciless," he never descended to personalities, and often gave offence because he would not allow letters to appear in the paper which were abusive. He was first elected to the House of Assembly as one of the representatives of the district of Victoria East, afterwards he was member for Graham's Town.
A very significant proof of the impression he had made in the House of Assembly was given by the invitation he received from Mr. Molteno to join the first Colonial Ministry, with the offer of the Portfolio for Native Affairs. When this transpired his friends eagerly desired that he should accept the overtures of the Premier-elect. It was hoped that with a seat in the Cabinet he would obtain a wider field of usefulness for the exercise of his peculiar powers. But the imperious demands of the business of the paper with which he was connected, which under his enterprise had now become extended to the Diamond Fields, forced him to decline the proffered honour, and soon after to give up the representation of the City in Parliament.
He was now able to give closer attention to the new and important engagements which he had undertaken at the Fields. He had been one of the earliest to visit this newly-developed source of wealth. He saw at a glance that the discovery of diamonds would give an impetus to the commerce of South Africa, such as had never yet been experienced, and therefore lost no time in planting there a branch of his firm, and establishing the "Diamond News," both of which projects under his fostering care rapidly grew, and by their results more than answered his expectations, and demonstrated his shrewdness.
It was in the year 1878 that he yielded to the yearning anxiety to visit England, which is so common in those who leave the Mother Country in early life. The keen enjoyment and the rich delight which this visit gave him were well described in a series of deeply interesting letters written by him, and from time to time published. He had not been here long ere he was fixed in London, and hard at work. His partners had resolved upon another enterprise; the "Empire" newspaper was established, and again he occupied the Editor's sanctum, with customary success, a want long felt was admirably met, and a journal was published in London for the use of colonists, by colonists, European subjects were handled as it were from a colonial point of view, and the same buoyant style which had enlivened the pages of the "Journal" gratified the supporters of the "Empire," which has so far followed a satisfactory course, and has enjoyed much public favour.
The duties of conducting a newspaper were at length too severe for a man whose health needed lighter and less irregular work, so that he was led to accept the office of Emigration Commissioner, in succession to his friend Mr. Fuller, His large experience, attractive manners, and kind heart rendered him specially adapted for his post.
Mr. Glanville did not live long after his appointment as Cape Commissioner in England. By his wife, Wilmot, daughter of T. Watson, Esq., he left issue:-
I. Flora Adelaide Glanville, born 1851, married, in 1870, Benjamin Durban, only son of the Hon. Robert Godlonton, M.L.C., and has issue three sons and four daughters.4. Stephen Henry Burt Glanville of Exeter, newspaper proprietor, married Charlotte Margaret, daughter of Thomas Latimer of Exeter, Esq., J.P., [fn 143] and has issue:-
II. Annie Alicia Glanville, born 1852, married, in 1880, the Rev. Charles Pettman.
III. Herbert Cranswick Glanville, born 1853, the eldest son.
IV. Ernest Glanville, born 1855, married, in 1880, Miss Emma Priscilla Powell, and has one daughter, Ada, born in 1881.
V. Wilmot Glanville, born 1857,
VI. Mary Edith Glanville, born 1860.
VII. May Glanville, born 1862.
VIII. Henrietta Glanville, born 1866.
IX. Lilian Glanville, born 1867.I. Margaret Glanville.5. Mary Elizabeth Burt Glanville.
II. Jessy Mary Glanville.
III. Latimer Glanville.
IV. Gilbert Bowen Glanville.
V. Dora Glanville.
VI. Annie Maria Glanville.
VII. Stephen James Glanville.
VIII. Charlotte Latimer Glanville.
IX. Thomas Latimer Glanville.
1. Thomas Glanville Taylor, F.R.S., born at Ashburton, 22 November, 1804, and after studying some time at the Royal Observatory under his father, during which period he gave every aid in his power to Colonel Sabine when he was engaged in his experiments. "for determinating the difference in the number of vibrations made by an invariable pendulum," and also much aided the same gentleman in his still more difficult and delicate investigation respecting "the reduction to a vacuum of the vibrations of an invariable pendulum."Mr. T. Glanville Taylor also assisted Mr. Groombridge with the reduction of his "Catalogue of Stars within 50o of the North Pole." His ability and zeal were so much approved of by the celebrated Astronomer Royal, John Pond, Esq., F.R.S., that at that gentleman's recommendation Mr. T. Glanville Taylor was appointed in 1830 Astronomer at Madras; while in that position, he published his "Astronomical Observations" in five volumes, besides which he made a very extensive series of Meteorological and Magnetic Observations in different parts of India. He married Bliza, daughter of Colonel Eley, C.S.I., and by her had-
I. Frederick John Chalmers Taylor, who married Frederica Georginia,. daughter of . . . . Wilton, Esq., and has issue-2. Reverend Henry Taylor, LL.D. (revert to issue of Thomas Taylor and Susanna Glanville), was for many years a chaplain in India, and also chaplain to the Earl of Powis; he married Miss Mary Ayrton Ellen Bradley, who died in 1877, aged 77 years.(1) Frederick Glanville Taylor.II. Frank George Taylor.
(2) Louisa Glanville Taylor.
(3) Frank Glanville Taylor.
(4) Thomas Glanville Taylor.
(5) Percy Chalmers Taylor.
III. Henry Hanson Taylor.
3. Susanna Taylor, daughter of Thomas Taylor and Susanna Glanville his wife, married at Walcot, Bath, June 23, 1828, her cousin the Reverend William Richards, M.A., Queen's College, Oxon, and Vicar of Dawley Magna, [fn 144] and he dying 5 April, 1868, left issue-I. Elizabeth Richards, ob. s.p.4. Harriet Taylor, daughter of Thomas Taylor and Susanna Glanville his wife, died unmarried in 1868.
II. William Glanville Richards, b. 4 June, 1830; bapt. at Reading 1840 married, Dec. 1854, his cousin Frederica Adolphina Anne, only daughter of Post-Captain Richard Dickinson, R.N., C.B., K.S.L., K.S.A.., R.G. etc. (revert to page 132). Mr. W. Glanville Richards, dying 6 April 1867, left issue living (see page 132).
III. Thomas Richards, R.N., ob. s.p.
IV. John Richards, b. 1832; m. July 25, 1864, Hannah, only daughter of Charles Soame, Esq., and niece of the late Sir Peter H. B. Soame, Bart. and has issue one son John.
V. Harriet Louisa Richards, married, October, 1864, the Reverend Henry Dawson Moore, B.A., Vicar of Hornby, Yorkshire, and has issue-(1) Henry Glanville Allen Moore.VI. George Richards, b. 1833, late an officer in the Army, ob. s.p. 1879.
(2) Dora L. Trustlove Moore
(3) Jane F. J. W. Moore.
VII. Henry E. Richards, M.D., F.C.S., married Sophia Maria, daughter of the Rev. Thomas Moore, M.A., and dying 14 Feb., 187 7, left three children.
VIII. Maria F. Richards, married her cousin Samuel More-Richards, eldest son of the Rev. S. More-Richards, and has issue three children.
IX. Francis Glanville Richards, married, 1874, Barbara, daughter of the Reverend Peter Moody, M.A.
X. Edward S. Richards and others who died young.
Mrs. Anne Glanville died and was buried October 5, 1702, at Kingston-upon-Thames. Julius Glanville her husband survived her about seven years, and he dying February, 1710, was buried 18th of the same month, also at the parish church of Kingston-upon-Thames. Julius Glanville had issue by his wife Anne:-
1. John Glanville, born 1665.
2. Elizabeth Glanville, born January 25, 1662.
3. William Glanville, born January 25, 1662.
These two last children were twins, and did not long survive their birth, for they both died in 1663, and were buried in Broad Hinton Church.
4. Winifred Glanville, born February 2, 1665.
5. Julius Glanville (of whom presently).
Johannes Glanvill
Ab Antiqua familia de Tauystoke in
Comitatu Devoniae otiundus
Johannes Glanuille justiciarius de
Communi Banco regnante Elizabetha pronepos
Johannis Glanvill de Broad Hinton
in agro Winton' Equitis. Aurati
regibus Carlo Frimo et Secundo
Servientis ad Legem primarii et Domus
Communium m Parliamento Prolocutoris
Nepos hospitii Lincolnieilsis Aliquando
Socius non indignus juris Consultus sagax
et probis rei literariae hiatoriae praecipue
et Chronologiae peritua Coelebs quod
Mortale est exuit Junii 1785 aetat 71
Johannes Glanville
de Catchfrench in hac parochia
Armiger in gratam patrui memoriam hoc Monumentum.
1. Sir John Glanville, born 1696, who succeeded his uncle John in the Catchfrench property, and of whom further on.
2. Ann Glanville, married Wm. Hancocke, of St. Germans, Cornwall, Esq., October 16th, 1724. She received the legacy of £100 under her grandfather Julius Glanville's will.
3. Martha Glanville, buried at St. Germans, July 18, 1744.
4. Elizabeth Glanville, buried at St. Germans, November 19, 1735.
5. Mary Glanville, buried at St. Germans, May 22, 1742.
6. Walter Glanville, died in 1751, and was buried at St. Germans Church; he left an only son, John Glanville, who died 1780, and whose daughter, Mary Glanville, married Captain Pridham, Royal Navy.
7. Julius Glanville, named in his uncle John's will as "very justly having incurred my displeasure, this is all I devise to him," i.e., £17.
To the Mem:
Elizabeth Glanvill
The faithful and affectionate wife
The sincere and Bosom friend
The kind and equal partner
In all the cares of her afflicted
Husband John Glanville Esq.
She lived (as much as in her lay) with a
Conscience void of offence towards God
And towards man and died praising God
August 23 1748.
While faithful Earth does thy cold Relics keep
And soft as was thy nature is thy sleep,
Let here this pious marble fix'd above
Witness the Husband's grief, the Husband's love
Grief that no rolling years can ere efface
And love that only with himself must cease
And let it bear for thee this heartfelt boast
T'was He who knew thee best that lov'd thee most.
John Glanville their only child
died Jan. 7th 1750-1 in the
21 year of his age.
The arms over this inscription are azure, 3 saltires or, impaling or, a cross saltire azure.
Sir John Glanville married, secondly, Mary, daughter of L. McNeill, Esq., of Barbadoes, and by her had two children:-
1. Francis Glanville, of whom presently; andSir John Glanville died in the year 1769, aged 73, and was buried in the parish church of St. Germans, Cornwall. He was succeeded in his estates by his second son, Francis Glanville, his eldest son, John, having died during his lifetime.
2. Mary Glanville, married the Reverend W. Blunt, of Crabbet, in Sussex, son of Samuel Blunt, of Crabbet, Esq., by his wife, Winifred, daughter of Robert Scawen, Esq. The Rev. W. Blunt had issue by this alliance:-I. Scawen Blunt, who married Miss Chandler, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Chandler, and by her had Francis Blunt and Alice Blunt, who both died without issue, and Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, who married in 1869 the Lady Anne Isabella Noel, only daughter of the Earl of Lovelace by his marriage with (in 1835) Augusta Ada, only daughter of George Gordon, Lord Byron.
II. Mary Fanny Blunt, married April 25, 1815, Colonel George Wyndham, son of George O'Brien Wyndham, third Earl of Egremont. Colonel Wyndham was created Lord Leconfield, of Leconfield, in 1859, and by this marriage had issue:-(1) Henry, second Lord Leconfield.
(2) Percy Scawen Wyndham, M.P.
(3) Fanny Charlotte, mar. Alfred Montgomery, Esq.
(4) Helen C. E.
(5) Blanch Julia, mar. 1848, the sixth Earl of Mayo.
(6) Constance E., m. Colonel William Mure, of Caldwell, Ayrshire.
1. Francis Glanville, born September 3, 1816.Miss Charlotte Anne Gregor, of Trewarthenick, Cornwall, the last of the Gregor family, dying unmarried in 1825, bequeathed her large estates to the above Mrs. Booker nee Loveday Sarah Glanville, niece of Catherine Masterman, who wedded Miss Charlotte Anne Gregor's uncle, Francis Gregor, Esq., M.P., High Sheriff of Cornwall, in 1788. Mr. Gordon Booker on this additional acquisition of property through his wife assumed by Letters Patent the name and arms of Gregor in 1826.
2. Jane Frances, born 1818, mar. Sir Paul Will. Molesworth, Bart.
3. Georgina Mary, born July 19th, 1820.
4. Elizabeth Glanville, born March 15th, 1826; died August 1871.
Mr. Francis Glanville married, secondly, in 1796, Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Robert Fanshawe, [fn 145] Royal Navy, Commissioner of Plymouth Dockyard, who was the second son of Rear-Admiral Charles Fanshawe, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Rogers, Bart., of Blachford, Devon. The Fanshawes were a very ancient and influential family both in the counties of Derby and Essex. (See Pedigree of Fanshawe.)
Mr. Francis Glanville died July 3rd, 1846, and his wife December 21, 1847; they were both buried at Great Marlow in the county of Bucks, but a tablet was placed in the Church of St. Germans, Cornwall, to their memory, bearing the following inscription:-
To the Memory of
Francis Glanville of Catchfrench in this Parish
who was born July 31st 1762, and died July 3, 1846.
Also of Elizabeth His wife
Daughter of Robert Fanshawe, Esq., R.N., many years
Commissioner of Plymouth Dockyard.
She was born Feb. 4th 1772, and died Decbr 21, 1847.
They were buried in a vault in the Churchyard of Great Marlow, Bucks, where they died.
Francis and Elizabeth Glanville left issue:-
1. Francis Glanville, born April 13, 1797, of whom further on.
2. Rev. John Glanville, born June 10, 1799, M.A., Balliol Coll., Oxford, Rector of Jacobstow, Cornwall; ob. 1864; mar. Elizabeth, daughter of. . . . Smale, Esq., by whom he had a daughter Alice A. Glanville, born July 21, 1845, and married Connock Marshall, Esq. Mrs. Marshall died 1876.
3. Robert Glanville, born and died 1800.
4. Arthur Glanville, born and died 1812.
5. Reverend Edward Fanshawe Glanville, born April 1807; died 1878; late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, B.A. 1828; M.A. 1830; Rector of Yelford 1869. Mr. Glanville married, July 25,1835, Mary Ann, second daughter of Sir Scrope Bernard Morland, fourth Baronet of Nettleham, Lincolnshire, and widow of the Reverend F. C. Spencer, Rector of Wheatfeald, Oxford, and nephew to the Duke of Marlborough, by whom he had Frances Bernard Glanville, born July, 1836, died January 8, 1856.
6. William Fanshawe Glanville, born 1808; died 1861; entered the Royal Navy Feb. 28, 1821, and obtained his Lieutenant's Commission December 15, 1827. He served on various stations till, on January 6, 1839, he was appointed flag-lieutenant to his uncle, Sir Robert Stopford, and for his services at the capture of St. Jean d'Acre, by that officer was promoted to the rank of Commander, November 4, 1840. He then served three years in the Flagship at Portsmouth, and received his post rank November 9, 1846. In 1854 he commissioned the Boscawen line-of-battle ship for service in the Baltic, and on her hoisting the flag of Admiral Sir Arthur Fanshawe, his uncle, as Commander-in-Chief of the North American squadron, served as his Flag Captain for three years. His last service was as Captain of the Donegal, 101 guns, which appointment he resigned through ill health. He died in August 1861. He married, July 7, 1841, his cousin, Mary Anne, youngest daughter of Vice-Admiral Bedford, and by her had issue:-I. Arthur B. Glanville, born 1842; died 1861.7. Charles Fanshawe Glanville, married Miss Hannah Saunders; and had a daughter, Alice Glanville, born November 12, 1851, and married. Rev. H. Macnamara. 8. Elizabeth Mary, died 1876; 9. Cordelia Fanshawe, died 1863; 10. Catherine Fanshawe, died 1871. These three ladies resided at Catchfrench, where they died, and were buried in the churchyard of St. Germans.
II. Janet Glanville, born 1844; died 1861.
III. Julia Glanville, born 1845.
IV. Reverend Owen Fanshawe Glanville, born 1847.
V. Wilfred William Glanville, born 1849. A Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, and was one of the unfortunate officers who went down in H.M.S. Captain on September 7, 1871.
VI. Ranulph Glanville, born 1851, settled in Canada.
VII. Reverend Percy Glanville, born 1858; died 1882.
1. Jemima Amabel Glanville, married 1853 the Reverend Arthur Tatham, Rector of Boconnoc and Braddoc, and had issue:- (1) Harriet Amabel, born 1854; (2) Mary Agneta, born 1855; (3) Arthur Glanville, born 1856; (4) George Julius, born 1858.
2. Francis Robert, born 1827, son and heir (see below).
3. Rev. Henry Carew Glanville, born January 1,1830. Late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, B.A. 1851; M.A. 1853; Rector of Shevioch, Cornwall.
4. George Julius Glanville, born October 3, 1832. He entered the Indian Army, 2nd Bengal Fusileers, in 1851, and, after returning home on sick leave in 1854, joined the Turkish Contingent during the Crimean War. He returned to India in May, 1857, and found on landing at Calcutta that the Indian Mutiny had just broken out. He immediately volunteered to lead a small body of Madras Fusileers to Cawnpore, which he reached by forced marches in time to enter the town before the garrison was shut up with General Wheeler in the entrenchments. He was severely wounded during the siege, and was eventually killed in the attack upon the boats.
5. Mary Agneta Glanville, born 1834.
6. Reginald Carew Glanville, born 1836. Was a Postmaster of Merton College, Oxford; B.A. 1858; M.A. 1878; called to the Bar (Inner Temple) 1861.
7. Harriet Elizabeth Glanville. born 1838; ob. 1868.
1. Francis Glanville, born 1862, now a Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers.
2. Arthur George, born 1866.
3. Amabel Maria Concepcion, born 1868.
4. Henry Estcourt, twins, born 1869.
5. Reginald, twins, born 1869.
6. Ernest Wilfred, born 1870.
7. Gerald Walter, born 1872.
8. Mary Ethel Maud, born 1875.
9. Mary Florence Victoria, born 1877.
10. Mary Frances, 1881.
Having now brought this feeble attempt on "The Records of the House of Glanville" to a conclusion, the following lines will not be out of place:
"What profit pedigree or long descent
From farre-fetcht blood, or painted monuments
Of our great grandsire's visage: 'tis most sad
To trust unto the worth another had
For keeping up our Fame; which else would fall,
If, besides birth, there be no worth at all,
For, who counts him a gentleman whose grace
Is all in name, but otherwise is base?
Or who will honour him that's honour's shame,
Noble in nothing bat a noble name?
It's better to be meanly born and good,
Than one unworthy of his noble blood,
Though all thy walls shine with thy pedigree,
Yet virtue only makes nobility,
Then, that his pedigree may useful be
Search out the virtues of your family,
And, to be worthy of your father's name,
Learn out the good they did, and do the game,
For if you bear their arms, and not their fame,
Those ensigns of their worth will be your shame."
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