William Glanvill
31 Dec 1717
This is the will and testament
of me William Glanville of the Middle Temple London Esqr
made the one and thirtieth day of December one thousand
seven hundred and seventeen I constitute and appoint Lancsllott
Burton and Peter Shafter (?) Esquires executors of this my will
in trust that they see the same performed in such manner as
herein after is mentioned and directed and for their pains and care
therein I give to them a legacy of two hundred pounds apiece I give
to Mrs Mary Burton the new wife of the said Lancellot Burton the
summe of fifty pounds to the three ladies daughters of the Earl of
Bradford tenn pounds apiece to buy each of them a ring to the
Honourable Mrs Harcourt my goddaughter twenty pounds to the
Right Reverend the Lord Bishopp of Bangor twenty pounds to
Dame Mary Hythe twenty pounds for mourning to John Skerritt
Esquire my sett of volumes called Rymers Fadera to Robert Whitfeild
tenne pounds to the Corporation for Augmenting small Mirraridges (?)
ffifty pounds to Elizabeth Nicholls ffifteens shillings weekly during her
life and one guinea upon every quarter day as long as she shall live to
Elizabeth Seymor during the terme of her naturall life the yearly summe of
forty shillings to Elizabeth Chills twenty pounds to Mary ffetherston
tenn pounds to Edward Biddulph tenn pounds to Susanna
Turner my cook maid tenn pounds and to my two ffootmen if they
shall be in my service at the time of my death three pound a peece
and also mourning to all my servants. I desire that forty rings
of twenty shillings value each may be distributed to so many of my
friends as my executors shall think fitt and I desire my executors to cause
my body to be put into a strong thick coffin of wood and to be carried
in a plain hearse without Escutchoons or any decoration whatsoever
and attended with two coaches only for some of my friends and
servants to assist at my funerall in order that my body may be buried
behind the Church in the churchyard of the parish of Wootton in the
County of Surrey there to be layd six yards under ground and I will
that a small stone be set upright at the head of my grave withan
inscription thereon as followeth die ..... anno salutio
ropecat (?) 17 Hic situ fuerant (?) Orbiquia (?) Wiefmi (?) Glanville Requiescant
Doner Advenist Redempfor And I give unto ffive labouring men
and the clerke of the said parish of Wootton that shall dig my grave of
the depth aforesaid and assist in putting my body therein six pounds
equally to be divided amongst them I give to the poore of the same
parish of wootton five pound and to the poor of the parish where I
shall dye five pounds to be distributed amongst them as my executors
shall think fitt And I do hereby direct that my executors shall with all
convenient speed after my decease take out of my personal estate so much
mony as will purchase lands or rents of Inheritance in ffee simple of the
shar yearly value of thirty pounds over and besides all taxes and Aprizes (?)
whatever which purchase shall be made in the name of my said trustees
or the survivor of them and by them in due and legal forme conveyed
from time to time other trustrees and their heires so as at all times hereinafter to
support and preserve a perpetual succesion in the lands and rents
to be purchased for the intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned (that is to
say) to the intent and purpose that my said trustees or the survivor of
them and the heires and assignes of such survivor do and shall upon the
anniversary day of my death yearly and every year foreever out of the rents
and profits of the lands or rents so to be purchased will and truly pay
or cause to be paid unto such five poore boyes of the parish of Wootton
aforesaid as they my said Trustees shall nominate and elect out of the
poore boyes of the same parish yearly who shall not severally exceed the
age of sixteen yeares the summe of forty shillings each upon condition
that such five boys shall with their hands layd upone my gravestone so to
be inscribed as aforesaid respectively repeat by heart or without booke in
a plaine and audible voice The Lord's Prayer, the Apostles Creed and the
Tenn Commandments in the English tongue, and shall also reade
the fifteenth chapter of the first Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians, and
write in a legible hand two verses of the said Chapter and to this
further intent and purpose that is my said trustees or the
survivor of them and the heires and assignes of such survivor
doe and shall ifsue and pay aft and every part of the surplus or
remainder of the said yearly summe of thirty pounds for the
bnidnig (binding !) out such poore boyes as aforesaid to handicraft trade or in
husbandry not giving any greater summe for the binding out of any one
of the said boyes their tenn pounds at most provided always and
my intent nevertheless is that none of the said boyes shall at any time
be intitled to have or *** out of this my charitie more than
one single benefaccion (that is to say) that none of them shall
receive more than one summe of forty shillings for attending at my
gravestone nor more than one tenne pounds for bindnig out in
apprentice and I do hereby further declare my mind to be that
the said yearly summe of thirty pounds shall be asnwered *** paid
for the interests and purpofes aforesaid out of my personall estate
untill such purchase shall be actually made as herein before is directed
and appointed to be made and in case insufficient number of poore
boyes cannot be found in the parish of Wootton aforesaid who shall
be qualified to take the benefit of this my charitie as aforesaid then
and in such case my said trustees are hereby inpowered to choose or
admitt other boyes not exceeding the number aforesaid nor of more
adult yeares than is before mentioned out of the severall parishes of
Westcost Abenger Shear Ashted Epsom and Cheam or any of
them in the aforesaid County of Surrey and as for and concerting all
such real estate whereof I am seized or have any powoer to give or dispose
I give and devise the same and every part and parcell thereof unto
my daughter Frances Glanville for and during the term of her
natural life without unpeachment of nast (?) and after the determination
of that esate then to my said trustees and their heires during the
life of my said daughter upon trust to support and preserve the contingent
estate herein after directed from being defeated and for that purpose to
make entryes as there shall be occasion and from and immediately
after the decease of my said daughter then I give all and every the
said real estate to the first and to all and every other the sonne and
sonns of the body of the said daughter to be begotten, in Tayle Male
one after another as they shall severally be in priority of birth the
elder of such sonns and the heires male of his or their body or bodyes
and for want of such issue then to all and every the daughter and
daughters of the body of my said daughter to be begotten and the heires
of the body and bodiies of all and every such daughter and daughters
which said daughers and their respective issue and to take the said
devised premisses as tennants in common and not as joynt tennants and
for want of such ifsue then I give and devise the said real estate to my said
executors and their heires upon trust to dispose of the annuall rents ifsues and
profitts thereof in perpetuity to any for such charitable of or intents and purposes
as the aforesaid yearly summe of thirty pounds is by this my will appointed and
directed to give Allowing my said trustees to difarge (?) the aforesaid number of poore
boyes in manner as aforesaid according to the yearly reconne of my esate and as
it shall happen to be upon the contingent aforesaid and as for and concerning all
and every my personall estate (except my household goods plate jewells linnen
arrears of rent books and other goods and things in constant use in and
about my house or for the ornament thereof which I give unto my said
daughter immediatelie) I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof
to my said executors by them to be invested and laid out in purchase of
lands or rents of inheritance in ffee simple which lands when purchased
and as the same shall be purchased I will shall be conveyed and settled
to the same estates and uses and subject to the same trusts as my said reall
estate by this my will is devised and directed to goe and I do hereby
declare my mind to be that all and every the profits and profitt of my said
personal estate soe given to my said executors upon trust as aforesaid
untill the same be invested in lands as aforesaid shall goe to and be had
and recieved by such person and persons and for such intents and purposes
as the rents and profitts of the lands nouls (?) got to had such purchase or
purchases been actually made as is before directing provided at wayes and my
intent and meaning neverthelefs is that in case the person or persons to whom
my said daughter shall heppen to be married shall within twelve months
after such his marriage take upon him the name of Glanville and bear the
armes of the ffamily of Glanville and shall use his and their utmost
endeavours to establifh the name and arms of Glanville in himselfe and
posteritie by my said daughter in stead of his owne name and armes
that then my intent and meaning is that he shall in case he shall
happen to survive or outlive my said daughter have and receive to his ***
*** for arms during the terme of his natural life All the rents and profitts
of my said reall estate and all the interest and proceeds of my personall
estate soe to be invested in lands as aforesaid and the rents and profitts of the
lands therewith to be purchased in like manner as tennants by the
Curtesy of England hold and enjoy lands but in case my said daughter
shall at the time of her death have any ifsue of her body either male or
female that shall in the life time of their father rise to attaine the age of
eighteen yeares then and in such case the ffather of such ifsue shall
have and receive only from thenceforth one moiety and not the whole of the
said rents and profitts to his own use and the other moiety shall goe for
the provision and advancement of such issue and it is my further intenet that
no after taken husband of my said daughter shall take any of the rent and
profitts of my estate either reall or personall by virtue of the provision aforesaid
unless there be a failure of issue of my said daughter by all and every former
husband which she had or such issue at the time of her death be all dead without
issue and I do hereby desire my said executors are to take care that the person
or persons to whom my said daughter shall happen to be married shall before
her marriage agree to settle and assure upon her out of the estates and
**onyed by this my will devised and given the theart yearly sum of ffive
hundred pounds for her sole and separate use and wherewith he shall not
intermeddle or have any controuling power over the better to enable my said
daughter to doe acts of charity and to render her owne life the more independent
and easie And I give my godson Thomas Dalton ffifty pounds and lastly
I do hereby direct that my said executors and trustees shall have allowed to
them out of my estate all such costs charges damages and expenses as they or either
of them shall sustain or be put unto in the execution and defnce of this my will
and the severall trusts here contained in that they shall nto be answerable
out of their own estates for any unwilfull lose or miscarriage that my happen
in my estate or any part thereof nor shall be responsible for the receipts and payments
acts and deeds of one another but either of them for his own *** receipts
and payments acts and deed and not otherwise I will have my aforesaid
gravestone and the inscription thereon to be made so be always kept clean and
legible and when and as often as occasion shall require there shall be a new
stone set up at the head of my grave with the like inscription thereon as is before
mentioned and now I most sincerely and heartily repent of all my sinns and
pray God to forgive me as I forgive all men recommending my Soul to him
who gave it beeching thee O greate and incomphensible God not to dispose of it
according to my sinns and demerritts but according to they unlimitted mercy and the
all sufficient merrits of my blessed saviour Christ Jesus in whom I put my trust
and sure confidsure and hope for an happy and blessed resurrection Amen
In witnefs whereof I have to this my will written upon six sheets of
paper to the first five sheets thereof subscribed my name only and to the
sixth or last sheet thereof I have subscribed my name and sett my seale
the day and year first before mentioned Wm Glanvill. Signed and sealed by
the said William Glanvill the testator for and as his last will and testament
in the prefence of us who in his presnce have subscribed our names
as witnessed hereof William Dourrence Randolph Peters Thos
I give to Elizabeth Small
twenty pounds for mourning and to Mr William Coke
merchant fifty pounds and as to the legacy which I have before
given to the Lord Bishopp of Bangor I declare the same to be in
testimony of the respect I beare him for defending the libertyes of his
countrey and for his love to mankind for his indevours to free
religion from superstition and tyrany wich worldly interest and
ambition was blended with it and to restore it to that simplistic and
ufefulinefse which was the designe of its blefsed author ffor which his
labour of live he has justly merritted the esteem and regard of all
good men instead of that lord of infamy and scandall which the
passions of designing men rase so *tiously (?) and uncharitably
thrown upon him Wm Glanvill
Quinto .... (latin text dated 5 February 1718 admon granted to Lancellot Burton Armigent and Peter Shafter executors