Roger Glanvill
3 Feb 1639
In the name of God Amen the third day of ffebruary in the
yeare of our lord god one thousand sixt hundred thirtie nyne And in the ffifteenth year of the
reigne of our most gratious and soveraignes Lord Charles by the grace of England & Scotland & ffrance
& Ireland & King defender of the faith *** I Roger Glanvill of Newton Abbott in the countie of
Devon Clothier being in reasonable good health and strength of Body and of perfect memorie thanks
be unto Almightie God therefore, revoking all former Wills and testaments by me heretofore
made Doe now make and declare this testament and last will in manner and forme following
And first I comend my Soule into the handes of Almightie God and my body to christian
buriall nothing doubting butt that by the merits, death and passion of my only Saviour and
redeemer Jesus Christ that both soule and body shalbe placed in eternall and everlastinge
bliss and happines in heaven And as touchinge my worldlie goods and substance, I dispose
thereof as followeth (That is to say) I give and devise to the poore of Wolborough and Towne of
Newton Abbott the sume of ten shillings to be paide in or uppon the next Saboth day after my decease
the sume to be distributed according to the discretion and good liking of my Executor hereafterhere
nominated & Also I give devise and bequeath unto Christian my now wife All that One house with
the appurtenances called or comonlie known by the name of the redd Lyon and wherein one
Richard Reybell the elder doth now inhabite and dwell in such said house is sittuate and
being in and within the Towne of Newton Abbott and parish of Wolborough or one of
them in the countie of Devon Item I give devise and bequeath unto Richard Glanvill
my eldest Sonne during his naturall life the yearely or annuall Sume of Twenty Shillinges
of lawfull money of England to be raysed satisfied and paid by my Executor out of and
from the yearly rents, profitts and revenue of those closes of land or some parts thereof
called by the name of the meadow ground als *pches Item I give devise and bequeath
unto Roger Glanvill my second sonne also during his life the annual or yearly summe of
Three pounds tobe raysed satisfied and paid by my Executor out of and from the yearely
rents profits and revenues of all those closes of land or some parte thereof called by the name
of the Westwoodes Item I give and bequeath unto Lawrence Glanvill my Third sonne the
sume of Ten shillings onely and not otherwise Item I give and bequeath unto John
Glanvill my ffourth son also during his naturall life the annuall or yearely sume
of Three pounds of like lawfull money of England to be raysed leavyed and paid by my
Executor likewise out of and from the rents, revenues and profits of the foresaid closes
of ground or some parts thereoff called as aforesaid by the name of the Westwoods
All which said closes, peeces and parcells of land and ground are lying and being within
the parish of Wolborough aforesaid And my will and intente is that all and every
the foresaid Annuall or yearely sume and sumes of money (the foresaid sume of ten
shillinges given and bequeathed to the foresaid Lawrence onely and also *** ***
to be satisfied and paid att the ffower usuall feasts of the yeare (that is to say) the
feaste of Saint Michaell The archangell, the birth of our lord god the annunciacon
of the blessed virgin Mary, the nativitie of St John the Baptist be fower even
and equal portions. The first payment thereof to be made at such of the said ffeast which shall
first and next happen after my decease. And further my will intent and meanening is that if the
foresaid sumes of xx ii and ii any or either of them bee behinde and unpaid in parte or in all
by the feast of Three Monethes next after any ffeast of the ffeasts in which the same ought tobe
paide being demamded: That then it shalbe lawfull to and for the said Richard, Roger and
John Glanvill into some parte of the foresaid closes and parcells of groundes to enter
and peaceablie to have hould and emoy the same and the surplusage thereof to pepay
unto the Executor herein nominated and expressed Item I give grant bequeath declare
and convey unto George Glanvill my ffift sonne his executors administrators and
assignes every and either of them All that One messuage or tenement comprehending
One Dwelling house, one orchard and herbe garden with their and every of those
appurtenances sittuate fitt laying and being withyn the foresaid towne of Newton
Abbot and parish of Wolborough or one of them in the foresaid countie of
Devon which said premisses sometyme were in the tenure manurance or occupation
of Phillipp Benett deceased and now in the tenure mannurance or
occupation of one Edward Lee his assigne or assignes, undertent or undertents
To have and to hould the foresaid premisses with their and every of their appurtenances
unto him the said George Glanvill his executors administrators and assignes and
every of them for during and untill the end of the full and whole terme of ffifty
yeares fully to be compleate expired and ended, The said terme to comence and take
his first begining immeditely from and after the death, decease *** forfeiture
or surrender or any other lawfull determination of the estate, terme and interest of one Richard
Bennet and James Bennet sonnes of the foresaid Phillip Bennet deceased, The said George Glanvill
his executors administrators and assignes and every and either of them from and after the comencement
of the terme aforesaid and during the contyuance of the same, yeilding, doeing, paying, observing
fullfilling and performing all such heighcents, dueties, suites, services, rates, taxes, charges,
payments and impositions whatsoever issueing goeing out of or from due or payable for the
said demised premisses onely or onely any parte thereoff And also from and after the
comencement of the terme aforesaid and during the contyunance of the same, well and sufficiently
*crayreing, sustyneing upholding and mayntayneing all and singuler the foresaid premisses
aswell in houses walkes tymber and coveringes as in hedges ditches and fences and in all other
needful and necessarie reparacons whatsoever when and as often as neede shall require
at the only proper costes charges and expences of him the said George his executors
administrators and assignes each and either of them. Item I give and bequeath unto Susan
my daughter with one David Langworth the younger of Newton Abbot aforesaid the sume
of fforty pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paid within six monethes next
after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto Roger Glanvill my grandchilde the sume
of Twenty Shillings to be paid unto him the said Roger when he shall accomplish the full age of
twenty fower yeares Item I give and bequeath unto Joane Dononeing wife of one Hugh Downing
of Newton Abbot aforesaid the sume of Twenty Shillings Item I give and bequeath unto all my
Sister Mary Goodridge her children and to every and either of them the sume of Ten Shillinges
each of them Item I give and bequeath unto my Sister Grace Grey the sume of Twenty
shillings of lawfull money of England All which paid last sume and sume of money given
and bequeathed unto the said Joane Downeing, Mary Goodridge her children and Grace
Grey to be paid within three monethes anext and immediately after my decease And lastlie all
the residue of my messuages lands tenements leases rents revertions profits privilidges
cemodities advantages hereditaments emoluments feedinges pastures heasues leases good chattells and
moveable or unmoveable not formerlie given granted bequeathed devized or conveyed I do in and
by this last will and testament give grant bequeath devise and conveye in as large ample and
*** manner as I can may might or ought unto Thomas Glanvill my youngest sonne
whome I also make constitute ordayne and appointe to be my whole and sole executor of
this my testament and last will according to the true intent purpose and desire of mee the
said Roger. in witness and testimony whereof I the said Roger Glanvill have hereunto sett
my seale yeoven the day and yeare first above written One thousand sixe hundred thirtie
nyne. *** that the said Roger Glanville did publish this to be his last will and testament
according to the desire of him the said Roger in the presence of us THoams Voysey
Test: Tho: Wislake. Gilbert Wyndett.
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