William Glanville

3 Feb 1622/3

In the name of God Aemn The third day of ffebruary
in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand sixe hundred twentie and two. And in
the Twentieth yeare of the Raigne or our Sovaigne Lord James by the grace of god King
of England ffrance and Ireland, defender of the faith And of Scotland the six and
ffyfifth I Willm Glanvile Cittezon and haberdasher of London being att this present
sicke in bodie but sounde and pfect memoryie praise be unto Almightie God for the same
Doe make and declare this my last will and Testamt in manner and forme following ffirst
and principally I render up and comend m y soule into the hande and protection of Al-
mightie God my Creator Jesus Christ my saviour and redeemer the hollie ghost my
sancifier; threw y son and one eternall God in whose marries by whose meritts and
of whose goodness I onely trust to be saved, and to live with my redeemer in glorie eternallie
And my body I commit into the earth from wheynece it came to be interred and buried in decent manner
att the disposicon and discretion of my executer hereineafter named, And for such temporall goods
and substance asye hath please God to lend me and to make me owner of this life I give and
dispose the same as followeth ffirstly I give and bequeath unto the hospital of Chyldren within
the Citty of London usuallie called Christ hospitall for the angmenacord? thereoff and for
the better maynetenance and education of the Children there, the some of Three hundred pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto the hospitall called St Thomas Hospitall for the angmersacond?
and better mayntenance thereof the some of one hundred pounds And in like manner and for
the same intent and purposs I also give y bequeath onto the hospitall called St Bartholomews
Hospitall the like some of one hundred pounds Item I give and bequeath unto the poorest
prisoners that are of most honest life and conversation in Ludgate towarde their releife the
some of ffiftie pounds to be distributed at the discretion of my Executor Item I give and bequeath
unto the like poore prisoners oin Newgate towards their necesseyes the some of Twentie
pounds to be distribute as aforesaid Item I give and bequeath unto the like poor prisoners
in the Compter in Woodstreete to be distributed as aforesaid as aforesaid the some of Thirtie poundes
Item I give and bequeath unto the like poore prisoners in the Compter in the Poultrie to be distri
buted as aforesaid the like some of Thirtye poundes Item I give and bequeath unto the like
poore prisoners in the prison of Kinge Bench in Southwark to be distributed as aforesaid the
like some of Thirtye pouns Item I give and bequeath unto the like ppore prisoners in the
prison called the White Lyon in Southwark to be distributed as aforesaid the some of Tenn
pounds Item I give and bequeath unto the like poore prisoners in the prison called the Marshall
to be distributed as aforesaid the some of Twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto the
like poore prisoners in the prison of the A*rcto to be distributed as aforesaid the like some of
Twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto the like poore prisoners in the prison called
the Gasehonosa? at *efom to be distributed as aforesaid the some of tenn poune Item I give
and bequeath unto the like poore prisoners in Aynsbury prison to be distributed as aforesaid
the some of ffive pouns Item I given and bequeath unto the like poore prisoners in the prison
by White Chappell to be distributed as aforesaid the like some of ffive pounds Item I
give eand bequeath unto the poore of the parrish of St Gregoryes by P?arises Church that are of
most honest life and conversation the some of tenn pounds to be distributed at the discretion
of my executor with the assistance of the church wardens *** Item I give and bequeath
unto the like poore of the pish of St Martins by Ludgtate to be distributed as aforesaid
the some of ffive pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Shufferworth/Shutterworth the some
of ffifte pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my nephew Thomas wood the some
of One hundred pounds Item I forgive unto Mr William fferonds the some of one hundred
pounds wch? he? onse the me and the interest thereof and for a further remembrance I give @ bequeath the
son to him to make him a Ringe the some of fforty Shillinge Item I give and bequeathe
unto Mrs Osborne to buy her a small ringe for a remembrance the some of tenn pounds
Item I give and bequeathe unto Mr Henry Knight to buy him a small Ringe for remem
brance the like some of tenn pounds and to his wife for the like remembrance of* tenn
pounds Item I give and bequeath unto Mrs Amos Bothbie the wife of Mr Martin Bothbie
(my executor hereinafter named) to buy her asmall Ringe for a remembrance the like some
of tenn pounds Item I give and bequeathe unto Mr John Browne my loving friend to buy
him a Ringe for a remembrance the some of ffortie Shillings Item I give and bequeathe unto
Mrs Childs to buy her a eniye for a remembrance the like some of ffortie shillings Item
I give and bequeathe unto Mrs Blount wife to Mr Edward Blount to buy her a eniye
for a remembrance the like some of ffortie shilling Item I give and bequeath unto my
loving friend Mr John Ward to buy him a ringe for a remembranceth elike some of fforty
Shillings Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Aramris Manorto buy him a eniye for a
remembrance the like some of fforty shillings Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Robte
Grymes to buy him a ringe for a remembrance the like some of fforty shillings Item I
give and bequeath unto my loving freind Mr Willm Brewen to buy him a ring for a
remembrance the like some of ffortie shillings Item I give an bequeath unto Mr Adams
if he shall speach at my buriall the some of tenn pounds Item I give and bequeath
unto Mrs Purcasse for a remembrance of my love the some of ffortie shillings Item I give
and bequeath unto Edward Pate some times my servant the some of twenty poundes
Item I give and bequeath unto Anne Hyde the some of tenn pounds Item I give and bequeath
unto Humfrey and Joane Mr & Mrs Bothbies servants to each of them the some of ffive pounds
Item I give and bequeath unto Jonas the mans servant of Mr Thomas Ranolyns? the
some of ffortie shillings and unto John his apprentice the like some Item I give and be
queath unto ould Elizabeth some tymes my servant the some of ffive pounds Item I
give and bequeath unto the poore in Bridwell the some of Thirty pounds Item I give
and bequeath ffifty poore? gerkones? to be bestowed and given unto fiftie men such as
my executor shall thinke fitt and make chonce of ffynally all the test and residue
of my goods chattels leases honoses plate readie money jewells bonds debts and all
other my personall of estate whatsoever not herein before bequeathed (after my debts
paid and funerall expenses discharged I whollie give and bequeath unto my trustie
and welbeloved freinde Mr Martin Boothbie of pishe of St Martins by Ludgate
whom I do ordaine appoint and constitute sole exectuor of this my last will and
testament renouncing all other will by me heretofore made entreating him and I
have alwaies some him a loveing and faithful friend So he will not be wanting in his
daice to pforme duely this my last will in all poins and it is expense And my will and
mynd is that all and every the aforesaid somes of money and legacies herein before be
queathed shalbe satissyed payde and discharged within one yeare next after my decease
In Witnes whereof I the sayde Willm Glanvile have here unto to sett my hand and seale
the daye and year first above written. William Glanvile Sealed subscribed
and deluded and published and declared by the said Willm Glanvile to be his last
will in the pore of us John Stratton Snr Robte Whipp Ester Jarvis servant
the same

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