Robert de Glanville, Feudal Lord of Bromholm, etc. (vi. A in Pedigree), was at the survey enfeoffed of several Lordships of the Honour of Eye in Suffolk. The following are the Extracts from "Domesday Book" relating to him:-
"SUFFOLK: HUNDRED OF STOW.- Robert de Glanville holds Crating of Robert Malet, which Leuin, a freeman of Edric, the predecessor of Robert Malet, held in commendation. There is one carucate of land in the soke of the King and the Earl. There were always 6 bordars, and there was then one plough and a half, afterwards 1/2 a plough, and now two ploughs in demesne. There was then half a plough belonging to the men, 3 acres of meadow, and the 4th part of a mill. There were then 2 horses, now there are none. Now there are 4 steers, 14 hogs, and 43 sheep, and 6 freemen of the same. Leuin holds in commendation 12 1/2 acres. There was always 1/2 a plough among all, and there is a soke man of the same Edric of [i.e., holding] 28 acres. There was always 1/2 a plough. Then and afterwards the whole was worth 20 shillings; it is now worth 30 shillings." (D. B., pp. 304, 304b.)
"BOSEMERE HUNDRED.- In Crating is one freeman who, in the time of King Edward, was under the protection of Edric. There are 20 acres and 2 bordars; and there was then 1/2 a plough; now 1 ox, and 1 acre of meadow, and it is worth 3 shillings and 4 pence. Walter of Caen holds it. In the same is 1 freeman, and 1 1/2 acres, who was the man of a certain client of Edric's, and it is worth 2 shillings, and Robert de Glanville holds it." (D. B., p. 304b.)
"PLUMESGAT HUNDRED.- . . . . . In Gliemham is a freeman of Almicin(?). There are 15 acres, and they are worth 2 shillings. Robert de Glanville holds it. The soke is the Abbot's." (D. B., p. 308b)
"PLUMESGAT HUNDRED.- . . . . . In Benhal 4 freemen hold 8 acres in commendation, and they are worth 16 pence. They are in demesne. The soke is the Abbot's. In the same I freeman holds in commendation 1 acre and 1/2, and it is worth 6d. Robert de Glanville holds it. The soke is the Abbot's." (D. B., p. 309.)
"HUNDRED OF CARLEFORD.- . . . . . In Burch, Robert de Glanville holds one freeman, Wlunin, the Priest, who was under the protection of Edric, in the time of King Edward. There are 6 acres, and they are worth 12 pence; and 11 acres of freeland, and they are worth 11 pence." (D. B p. 315b.)
"HUNDRED OF PLUMESGAT.- Baldeseie (?) a berauite (barton) of Holeslea, which Robert de Glanville holds of R. Malet, 1 carucate of land. There were always 3 bordars. Then there was 1 plough and 1/2, now there are two. Then, it was worth 25 shillings, now it is worth 40 shillings, and it is one mile in length and 5 furlongs in breadth; and it returns 27 pence for gelt. In the same ville 17 freemen, under the protection of E[dric], held 60 acres of land in the time of King Edward. There were then 3 ploughs, now l 1/2, and 4 acres of meadow. It was then worth 10 shillings, it is now worth 12. In How, 1 freeman for the 4th part of 1 acre worth 2 pence." (D. B., p. 317b.)
"HUNDRED OF WILEFORD.- . . . . . In Alretun there were 31 freemen in the time of King Edward, now 34, under the protection of Edric, of these Godric, the predecessor of Swain, had the protection of 2 1/2, but W. Malet has been seised thereof, There is 1 carucate of land and 80 acres, and one bordar and 1/2. There were then 6 ploughs, now 5; and 20 acres of meadow. It was then worth 40 shillings, it is now worth 100s. There is a church, 24 acres, and 1 acre of meadow, and they are worth 4 shillings, and in Holeslea is a mill worth 12 shillings. All this Robert de Glanville holds." (D.B., p. 317b.)
"HUNDRED OF WILEFORD.- . . . . . In Carlesford, Robert de Glanville holds of Robert Malet, 24 freemen, [who were] under the protection of Edric in the time of King Edward. There are two carucates of land and 5 bordars. There were then 7 ploughs, now 4, and 4 acres of meadow. It was then worth 30 shillings, it is now worth 40, and it is one mile in length and 5 furlongs in breadth, and it returns 12 pence 1/2 for geld. Belonging to the church are 36 acres worth 3 shillings." (D. B., p. 319.)
"HUNDRED OF LOXA.- . . . . . In Dalingehow, Robert de Glanville holds of Robert Malet 4 freemen, under the protection of Edric. There are 80 acres and 17, and 1 bordar. There was always 2 ploughs and 2 acres of meadow. There is wood for 4 hogs. It was always 21 shillings." (D. B., pp. 327, 327b.)
"BISSOPES HUNDRED.- . .. .. Godwin held Berdefeld in the time of Edward for a manor. There are 4 carucates of land. There were then 18 bordars, now 23. There were always 2 ploughs in demesne. There were then 8 ploughs belonging to the men, now 9. There is wood for 200 hogs and 9 acres of meadow. There were then 2 nag-horses, now 1. There were then 9 steers, now 20. There were then 40 hogs, now 60, and 83 sheep. It was then worth £6, now £7. It is 6 furlongs in length and 8 in breadth, and returns 3 1/2d for geld. Edric held Stetebroc in the time of K. Edward. There are 5 1/2 carucates of land. Then and afterwards 16 villians, now 11. Then 11 bordars, now 30. Then 11 ploughs in demesne, afterwards 6, now 5. Then and afterwards there were 12 ploughs. And Wingberg(?) to wit a barton in the same account and valuation. Now 5 ploughs, and 12 ploughs can be restored in all. There are 20 acres of meadow and wood for 400 hogs. There were then 5 nag-horses. There were then 16 hogs, now 30, and 30 sheep. There are two churches having 40 acres, and 1/2 a plough, and 17 sokemen having one carucate of land and 3 ploughs, wood for 40 hogs and 5 acres of meadow. The soke of these sokemen is in Hoxa, the Bishop's Manor, and Edric (The Dane) held half of the Bishop. It was then worth £14, it is now worth £16. And of this manor Walter holds 2 sokemen of 40 acres, and they are worth 8 shillings. Robert de Glanville 4 of 20 acres, worth 5 shillings in the same valuation; and Walter, the son of Grip, one of 15 acres, worth 30 pence in the same valuation; Leornic, one of 20 acres, worth 26 pence in the same valuation. Edric has the soke and sac. It is two miles in length and one broad, and it returns 14 pence 1/2 for geld. Others hold there." (D. B pp. 328b, 329.)
"In Torstanestun are 6 acres, and they are worth 12 pence. Robert de Glanville holds this of William de Warena (?)." (D. B p. 400b.)
Robert de Glanville also held half a Knight's Fee of Norwich. [fn 10]
In the year 1113 A.D. he founded Bromholm Priory, in the county of Norfolk, and made it subordinate to the Cluniac Monastery of Castle-Acre, and dedicated it to St. Andrew. He endowed it with lands here, and in his Lordships of Bacton and Ceswick. At the same place, says Weever, was also a priory of Black Monks (Cluniacs), dedicated , to St. Sepulchre, founded by G. de Glanville, and value, at [pound sterling]149 19s. 0 1/2d. per annum.
"Bromholm, sometime a priory," saith Camden,"and enriched by G. de Glanville, and seated on the sharp top of an hill, the crosse whereof our ancestors had in holy reverence; I know not for what miracles. A certain priest brought over with him, saith Thomas Rudhorne, Bishop of St. David's, temp. Henry IV., a woodden crosse into England, whereupon our Saviour Christ was crucified, which he delivered to the monks of Bromholm, after which the place did shine gloriously with miracles. But the story of this Holy Grosse is more fully delivered by Capgrave on this manner; St. Helene, saith he, having found the crosse, did divide it into nine parts according to the nine orders of Angels, of one part thereof (which was most besprinkled with Christ's blood), his hands and feete being thereto nailed. She made a little cross which she enclosed in a box of gold beset with precious stones and gave it to her sonne Constantine the Emperor, which went successively from one Emperor to another until it came to Baldwin, who kept a chaplaine to say daily masse before this sacred relique. The said chaplaine being dead, one Hugh, a priest, born here in Norfolk, was preferred to his place. Baldwin, so long as he carried this crosse with him to battle, had ever the upper hand of his enemies, but forgetting it he was forthwith slain, upon which his chaplaine Hugh stole secretly away with the said box and crosse - came to this Monastery of Bromholm, and bestowed them both here upon the monks, for which so inestimable a gift he, with his two sons (which he had by his wife before he entered into Holy Orders) were kept of the monks with all things necessary untilI the death of Hugh the father, and the preferment of both his sonnes. By the virtue of this Holy Crosse, - Co-operante Domino, - God assisting, thirty and nine persons were raised from the dead to life and nineteen which were blinde received their sight, besides many other miracles which it wrought, if you will believe my author."
"But wenden to Walsingham and my wife Alis,Bartholomew de Glanville, the son and heir of the founder, confirmed his father's grants, and he also himself considerably increased the revenues. In 1233, Henry III. with his court resided here for a time and confirmed several additional grants in augmentation of its endowment. At the time of the Norwich taxation, A.D. 1291, it had rents in fifty-six parishes in Norfolk and Norwich.
And byd the Roode of Bromholme bring me out of dette." PIERS PLOWMAN.
King Henry I., after 1113; Stephen, Earl of Morton afterwards King; Bartholomew de Glanville, Baron de Bromholm, son of the founder, 1169; Sir Nigel de Risley, circa 1190; Geoffrey de Glanville; Stephen de Glanville; William de Glanville, King Henry III., 1228; Bishop Walter de Suffield, 1256; Thomas Thirkelby, 1275; Sir John de Vele and Letia his wife, 1276; John de Heringflete, 1284; Reg' de Durham, 1298; King Edward II., 1312; Walter Thurston, 1360; Sir John Plaiz, 1385; John Crespying, 1423; Sir John Fastolf, 1459.
Richard, Earl of Cornwall, son of King John, and brother to King Henry III., as well as his son Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, as Lords of Bromholme, were patrons of this Priory. King Edward II. was afterwards patron by inheritance. Edward II., in the sixth year of his reign, in honour of God and out of his special devotion for the Holy Cross of this Priory, and for 100 marks paid to him, confirmed to the Priory the manor of Baketon, which said manor Sir Geoffrey de Glanville, grandson of William de Glanville, the founder, and who had succeeded his elder brother William in 1234, conveyed, in the year 1240, by fine to Thomas, son of Richard de Backton, free lands in Baketon, with wreck at sea, and all its privileges, on payment of £20 per annum into the Exchequer as a fee-farm for ever. The Prior and convent entered into an agreement between William de-la-Pole, Earl of Suffolk, that the Prior and convent held the 5th part of the manor of Baketon, called the King's part, paying yearly to the Earl of Suffolk 20s., and his heirs male, and by virtue of that part had a certain and view of frank pledge belonging to it valued at 34s. 4d. per annum, to the Prior and convent, and they grant to the said Earl, the aforesaid 34s. 4d., wrecks at sea, etc., belonging to it, for his life, and the said Earl covenants to pay the sum of 34s. 4d. to the Prior, out of £20 annual fee-farm payable to him by the Prior. This deed was signed by the Earl and the Prior, etc., March 1st, 14 of Henry 6th, 1436.
In the reign of Henry VII., this Priory was in the possession of the widow of John de-la-Pole, Earl of Lincoln.
In the year 1229, Pope Gregory IX., wishing to end the dispute between the Priory of Lewes and Acre and this Priory, respecting -the appointment of the Prior of Bromholm, referred the matter for determination to the Abbot of Osolvestonand the Deans of Stamford and Rutland, who ordered that the Prior of Acra should nominate six monks, three of Acra and three of Bromholm, out of whom the Monastery of Bromholm should choose one for their Prior.
Pope Clement, by a bull dated the fourth year of his pontificate discharged this monastery from all subjection to that of Acre.
Vincent, temp. Henry I.; Philip, circa 1210; Vincent, 21st Henry III.; Clement, 42nd Hen. III.; John, 53rd Hen. III. and 1st Ed. I.; William de Totington, died Prior 6th Edw. I.
William de Wylton, 4 April, 6th Edw. I.; John, 2nd Edw. III.; Robert, 14th Henry VI.; John Tyteshale, 1460; John Macham, John Underwood, 1509, who was suffragan to the Bishop of Norwich, by the title of John; Bishop of Chalcedon, William Lakenham, 22nd Henry VIII. The last Prior.
On 5th Jane, 38 Henry VIII., that King granted the whole of this manor, lands, house, rectory, patronage, to Thomas Wodehonse, Esq.:-
"Parcell Terrarum et Possessionum nuper Prioratus de Bromeholme in com. Norff.
"Annualis redditus nomine decimae partis pro scitu et maneriis de Bromeholme, Cassewyk et Backton et Wylton ac rectoria de Caessewyk et Bacton in com. praed. inter alia concess. Thomae Woodhouse Arm. et haec redibus suis inperpetuum per liberas patentes nuper regis Henrici octavi datas quinto die Junii anno regni sui 38vo red dendo at Festam Sancti Michaelis Archangeli tantam per annum £5 7s. 6d."
"Domino Gaufride de Glanville" was witness to the deed of Richard de Paston to Bromholm, who granted 12 pence to keep the books in repair.
The great gateway of entrance, a considerable portion of the church, part of which is believed to have been the kitchen of the monastery, and other indications of offices and lodgings still remain. The Priory precinct, partly walled and partly moated, occupies about 30 acres. [fn 11]
Notum sit omnibus tarn futuris quam praesentibus quod EGO BARTHOLMEUS DE GLANVILLE concedo et praesenti carta confirmo omnia quae pater meus Willielmus de Glanville concessit et dedit Deo et sanctae Mariae et Sancto Andreae Apostolo et monachis de Acra apud Baketuniam Deo servientibus, ubi pater meus requiescit; scilicet terrain Stanardi presbiteri de Casewic et ecclesiam ejusdem villae cum pertinentiis et Bromholm ubi manent. Et ecclesiam de Delham cum appenditiis; decimam quoque maneriorum meorum, scilicet de Bakatunia totam; et duas partes decimae de Hamges. Et similiter de Horham et de Alretuna, et de Dalingtho.
Et de Burg de'dominiis meis.
Et similiter de Snesclinges.
Decimam quoque molendinorum meorum de Baketuna et de Wilefort totam.
Et duas partes molendini decimae de Honinges.
Et unam molendinum in Munelle et dominio.
Et Terram Herdfredi pesbiteri in domino.
Et quandam partem meae silvae a viae molendini usque ad Tokesgate.
Et duas partes decimarum meorum hominum: scilicet avunculi mei Rogeri de
Bertuna: Et Galfridi presbiteri de Honinges: et Turstani despensatoris: et Warini de
Torp: Et Ricardi Hurel: et Walteri Utlage: et Roberti de Buskevill: et decimam totam
Ricardi filii Ketel.
Et totum decimam de pannagio de Baketuna, et de Horham.
Et de turbagio de Snathefeld duas partes.
Et insuper in crementum quod ad finem suum delegavit, scilicet Geishorm et omnia
que ibi habuit in agnis, in homnibus scilicet Wistan cementarium et omnes alios qui
ibidem sui juris erat solute et quiete ab omnibus consuetudinibus praeter Danegeld regis.
Et insuper quod ego Bartholomeus dedi in elemosina scilicet ecclesiam de Pastun
cum pertinentiis et cum terra silvae, et cum terra Pastun, et cum terra Greneho, et cum
terra ad capud-briges, et terra ad Aldehithe et Laucetan, et terra Toche de Briges quam
ipse Toche dedit in elemosianam summa quiquaginta et duae acrae. Et praeterea dedi eis
trigintae Acras juxta mare.
Et meum pratum de Blareholm propter decinam procurationis meae domus, te
mariscum meum juxta Bromholm.
Et praeterea dedi eis decem acras juxta mare.
Et decimam Ricardi presbiteri de Bachetune, in Honore Dei et Sanctae Mariae et
Sancti Andreae Apostoli. Pro salute animae meae et animae patris mei et omnium
amicorum meorum vivorum ac defunctorum.
Ricardo presbitero, et Balwino, decano de Caresfeld, et Radulfo Capellano, et
Goscelino presbitero. Et Jurdano de Sakevill, Roberto de Walemer Harveio de Glanvill
et Randulfo filio ejus, Rogero de Glanvill et Willielmo de Glanvill, Odone de Withested,
et Ricardo de Ebrardo filiis ejus, Osberto de Glanvilla, et Reginaldo de Glanvilla, et
Willielmo filio Petri, et Humfrido fratre suo, et Rogero Talevaz et Michaele. (Ex Reg.
de Acra, fo. 162.)
S. Comes de Moretoil et de Bolonio justiciario suo de Suthfolc et de Norfolc et
omnibus hominibus et fidelibus suis, Salutem.
Sciatis me concessisse ecclesiam de sancto Andrea de Bachetunia Monaechis de Acra
qui senit de ordine de Clunicio, sicuti Willielmus de Glanvilla dedit eis cum elemosinis
quas dedit eis in terris et in decimis et Terram, et homines quos habebat in Gueneholm,
ad finem eis dedit sexdecim solidos et unam nummuni.
Et Volo et praecipio ut firmam pacem meam habeant per totam terram meam et
quod nullus eis disturbet nec injustum faciat.
Et hoc concedo eis gratia Dei pro me uxore mea et pro anima patris mei.
Roberto, Vicecomite, et Roberto de Sachville; Et Ricardo Capellano et Gervasio,
Rogero de Hosa, Willielmo de Uilers, Roberto clerico.
King Henry III. grants a charter, and after reciting the usual preamble, it goes
on to say, "De dono Stephani de Glanvill ecclesiam de Baketon cum pertientiis et Ailwardum
ad portam, cum uxore ejus, et liberis, et toto tenemento suo;- de dono Randulfi
de Glanvilla. triginta solidatas terrae et unum molendenum, cum pertinentiias in
"De dono Willielmi de Glanvill, boscum de Baketon et unam acram et unam rodam
terrae, et dimidiam juxta mare et stagnum quod vocatur Thuresmere juxta cimiterium de
"Et terram de Geiholm cum pertinentiis suis, et cum toto redditu ejusdem terrae
scilicet semptem solidos et tres denarios: De dono Galfridi de Glanvill, annum redditum
dimidiae marcae percipiendum de servitiis et tenementia quae in carta praedicti Galfridi,
quam inde habent plenius continentior: . . . . . Hiis testibus J. Bathon; L. Dunelm.
et W. Carliol Episcopis, etc. Apud Westmonasterium xiiij die Febr."
The Seal of the Prior is round and large, about three inches in diameter of red wax, the impress being the west end of the Priory Church, under an arch, in the centre is the figure of St. Andrew seated in a "glory," round his head, his right hand elevated and holding a cross, probably like the famous one already mentioned, and in an arch over this the bust of the Virgin with the child Jesus in her arms.
The legend was:-"Sigillum Prioris et convent S.C.J. Andre de Bromhold."
William, Earl Glanville, died Dec. 2. He married Beatrix, daughter and coheiress with her sister of Sir William de Sackville, Lord of Mount Bures and Bracstead, Mayland, Essex (whose father, Hertbranus de Sackrille, entered England at the Conquest; Beatrix's uncle. Sir Robert de Sackville was ancestor to the Dukes of Dorset), and by her left issue, Bartholomew de Glanville, Matilda de Glanville. [fn 12]
"This cumb'rous fabric near the village stood,
Broomholme by name, its turrets saw the flood
That polish'd bright the pebbly fretted, floor,
Which bound the margin of the neighbouring shore;
Whilst stately barks, borne by propitious gales
Upon the main, displayed, their whit'ning sails,
Proud in prosperity would smoothly glide,
As murm'ring waves would feel their loves divide.
This hallowed fane with reverential awe
Was reared by him who studied virtue's law."
Bartholomew de Glanville succeeded his father Earl William in the Barony, and, as before stated, confirmed his father's grants to his Abbey, and adds considerably to them. (The Latin Charter is given in full under Bromholm.) By this deed Bartholomew grants the Monks of Acra, at Baketon, where his father William de Glanville lies buried, the land of Stanard the priest, and the Church of Casewic, and all the appurtenances in Bromholm, the Church of Delham with its appurtenances, the whole of his Lordship of Baketon, and two parts of the tithe of Stringes of Horham and Alreton, of Langho and Brug, belonging to his Lordships; also of Sneseling, with all the tithe of his mills in Baketon and Wileford; two parts of the tithe of the mill of Honing, and one mill at Munisle in demesne, with the land of Herfrid the priest, and part of his wood in the mill-way to Takesgate, two parts of the tithe of the men or tenants of Roger de Beketon, Geffrey the priest of Honing, Watler Utlage, etc., all the tithe of Richard, son of Ketel, and the whole tithe of the paunage of Baketon and Horham and of the turbage of Swathefield two parts, and at his death he bequeaths to this Priory, Geishorm, and all that he possessed in the fields there, with his villians, to be free and quit from all customs, except the King's Dane-gelt. He also gave them the Church of Paston with its appurtenances, with all his wood and land there, with his land at Guneho, and at Briges, at Aldehithe, and Lawceland, and of Edith de Bridges, 30 acres of land by the sea, a meadow at Brereholm; the tithe of what was provided for his own house, a marsh (of) at Bromholm, etc., in the honour of God, St. Mary, St. Andrew the Apostle, for the health of his own soul, his father's and all his friends. In the years 1169 and 1175 he was Viscount or High Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. [fn 13] At Orford, twenty miles from Ipswich, there was a royal castle in the time of Henry III., who granted a charter to the town, which was previously a borough by prescription; it is now a mere village. Only the keep of the castle remains; it is a polygon of eighteen sides, with walls ninety feet high, and has square towers in its circuit, which overtop the rest of the building; the architecture is Norman, and it was erected by Glanville; [fn 14] and in the year 1167, when he was residing there, the fishermen took in their nets a wild man, having the human shape complete, with hair on his head and a long and sharp beard and a large amount of shaggy hair on his breasts. The fishermen were not able to keep him long, as he stole away to sea privately, and was never seen afterwards. [fn 15]
In 1171, when King Henry II. went over to Ireland, Bartholomew de Glanville, Wimar the chaplain, and William Bardul render their account for 320 hogs sent to the army in Ireland £26 16s. 5d., 15 days' pay to 36 masters and 468 equippers £33 13s. 0d., making bridges, hurdles, and other ship's apparel £6 5s. 5d., 6 handmills and their appendages 14s. 4d. This account was paid to them by the King's Writ. (Pipe, 17 H. II., Bot. 1.)
In 1206 (7th John) Bartholomew de Glanville granted to Sir Robert de Creke and Agnes his wife, who was daughter of William de Glanville, two carucates of land in Combes, Suffolk, and to her heirs.
A fine was levied between Bartholomew and his wife Isabella and Richard de Berking, tenant of 80 acres of land in the Manor of Emneth, as the dowry of Isabella which she had received from her former husband. He also witnessed his relative Stephen de Sackville's grant to the Priory of Mendham, which had been founded by William de Huntingfield.
His gifts in his Lordships of Bacton, Honing, Paston, and Keswick to Bromholn, are mentioned in the account of those Manors. By his wife Isabella, he left issue two sons, William de Glanville, and Geoffrey de Glanville.
William succeeded his father Bartholomew in the several Lordships. He also grants a charter to his grandfather's monastery at Bromholm. Before succeeding to his father's Lordships, we find him paying in 1195 one hundred marks, to have the custody of the heir of William de Boville with his lands, etc.
"Willelmus de Glanvill deb: c marcas pro habenda custodia heredum Willelmi quousque etatem habeant cum terra de Glorestorp et Bawenna." (Rot. Rip., 6 Ric. I., Nor. et Suff. fo. 88b.) [fn 17]
William was also a witness to his father's Charter of Confirmation to Bromholm Priory.
By his wife Dionisia (De Berking) he did not leave issue, and dying in 1234 he was succeeded by his brother Geoffrey.
"Omnibus sanctae Matris ecclesiae filiis praesens Scriptum visuris vel auditures
Priores de Acra Monachorum et de Bromholme eorum locorum conventus salutem in
Domino, etc. . . . . . Et Ego Willielmus de Glanville advocatus domus de Bromholme
concedo et sigilli mei appositione confirmo pro me et haeredibus meis hanc praescriptam
conventionem inter praescriptas domos de Acra et de Bromholme in perpetuum.
Hiis testibus:-
Eudone Arsie; Waltero de Capravill; Reinero de Duntun; Waltero filio Hamonis;
Alin de Sushacra; Alexander Dapifero; Galfrido camerario; Will. de Hernigesh;
Willielmo Breton; Will. W'decoc; Robert Page, et multis, aliis laicis et Clericis;
Johanne de W'rdeste, Official domini; Galfridide Bukelande," etc.
"Omnibus sanctae matris ecclesiae filijs Johes de Birkine, et Johanna vxor eius, et
Dionisia vxor Wittmi de Glanvilla, Salutem:-
"Noverit universitas vestra, quod Canonici et moniales de Wattun terrain nostram
de Serzeuans, quam ad firmam de Wittmo de Glanuilla et Eogero Walteri ad firmam
receperunt, et de nobis postmodum tenuerunt cum instauramentis, et implementis, et cum
firma integre, et plenarie reddiderunt, et super omnibus conuencionibus de firma praelibata
factis, satisfecerunt. Inde est quod praefatos canonicos et moniales super eadem firma et
On the death of William de Glanville in 1234, without issue, Geoffrey his brother, succeeded him in the several Lordships; Geoffrey also granted a `deed of confirmation to Bromholm Priory, of which Sir William de Gynento, Lord of Haverland, Sir Robert, and his brother Sir John de Worstede were witnesses, which deed was likewise confirmed by King Henry the Third. William de Boville petitions Geoffrey de Glanville, as his superior Lord, and from whom he holds the Manor of Letheringham, Suffolk, as in fee, that he will confirm to the Canons of St. Peter, Gipwic, his donation of the Church of St. Mary de Crew, and tenth part of Letheringham and Thorpe (Tanner, ex. Libro, Norwich).
In the year 1240 Sir Geoffrey held one Knight's fee of the Lordship of Castle Acre, which, with his other extensive possessions, on his death went to his daughters and coheirs on the decease of his son Geoffrey. In the same year he conveys by fine to Thomas the son of Richard de Backeton free lands in his Lordship of Bacton.
Sir Geoffrey de Glanville married Margaret daughter of Sir Geoffrey de-la-Haye, and by her had issue:-
(1.) Geofrey de Glanville, who dying without issue, his property descended to
his five sisters and coheirs. [fn 19]
Margaret de Glanville, married Edmund, Earl of Cornwall.By the death, of Geoffrey de Glanville, the elder line of the Glanvilles failed, and a part of the lands of that branch went into the families of his sisters, which will be seen under the account of the following manors.[fn 20]
Alianore de Glanville, married Lord Almuric Pecche.
Agnes de Glanville, married Baldwin, a Norman.
Emma de Glanville, married Sir John de Grey.
Basilia de Glanville, married Sir William Boville.
Julian de Glanville, married Sir Simon Pecche.
BACTON, or Backton, written in "Domesday Book" Baketuna, is a parish of considerale extent in the Hundred of Tunstead in Norfolk, and is bounded on the east by Walcote and Happisburgh, on the south by Witton, on the west by Edingthorpe and Paston. This village has long been celebrated for its extensive Norman ruins, called Bromholm Priory, or Bacton Abbey. (Vide account of Bacton Abbey.)
Little appears to have been known of this place previous to the Norman Conquest. It seems, however, to have been in a state of cultivation during the period of the Saxons, and came early into the possession of Edric, a noted Dane, who, in the reign of Edward the Confessor, invaded and seized on this and other lands in the neighbourhood. At the Conquest, Edric was deprived of them by William I. This Edric was a Thane of the first rank; after the custom of the Normans, he assumed the name of Edrio de Laxfield, from a town of that name in Suffolk. In the time of Edward the Confessor, William, Earl Warren, held sixteen acres in Bacton, valued at 2s.
William the Conqueror, on his accession to the English Throne, granted, amongst other divers lands, the Village and Manor of Bacton to Robert Mallet, Lord of the Honor of Eye in Suffolk, who held it as a tenant of the Crown. The first description as to its extent we find from "Domesday Book," where it was valued at 100s.,and held by fourteen freemen at 40s. It was one leuca long and one broad, and paid 15d. to gelt. Robert de Glanville, son of Randulph de Glanville, "The Sire de Glanville," was, soon after the Conquest, enfeoffed of this valuable Lordship, which he held from the Honor of Eye in Suffolk. He was succeeded by his son William, "Earl Glanville" (vide Lordship of Paston), who founded and endowed Bromholm Priory 1113. On his death, this Lordship with other lands passed to his eldest son, Bartholomew de Glanville, Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk 1169 and 1175, and Governor of Orford Castle, who was succeeded by his eldest son, William de Glanville, but he dying in 1234, without issue, his brother. Sir Geoffrey de Glanville, inherited them, and on his death his son, Geoffrey de Glanville, became the possessor, but dying without issue, his five sisters became his heirs, and this Lordship alone was large enough to be divided into five distinct manors.
Emma de Glanville, the second sister and coheiress, married Sir John de Grey, a famous warrior, who was Sheriff of Bucks and Bedford 1239, Constable of Gannock Castle 1246, Chief Justice of Chester, Governor of Northampton Castle 1253, Steward of Gascoigne 1254, Governor of Shrewsbury Castle 1257, Constable of Dover Castle 1258, Sheriff of Herefordshire and Governor of Hereford Castle 1263, Sheriff of Derby and Nottingham 1265, dying in 1266: he left issue by her. (1.) Reginald de Grey, who was Sheriff of Notts and Derby, Governor of Derby Castle 1266, Northampton Castle 1267, made Justice of Chester 1281, and in 1295 he was summoned to Parliament as Lord Grey of Ruthyn and Wilton. He married Maud, daughter and heir of Henry Longchamps, Earl of Wilton. (2.) Emma de Grey, who married Sir William de Huntingfield, and brought with her as her dowry a portion of the Lordship of Bacton, now called Huntingfield Manor. (See Pedigree of De Grey.)
This William de Huntingfield was Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, and an accountant with Alberic De Vere, Earl of Oxford, for the customs of Norfolk and Suffolk. In 1271 Sir Roger de Huntingfield was Lord of this portion of the Backton Lordship, and had a chapel in his manor-house here, which the Prior and Convent of Bromholm had granted him leave to erect. Every tenant of the Crown, when the King went to war, was bound to furnish an armed soldier, and to maintain him in the field forty days for each knight's fee [fn 21] that he possessed. The said Sir Roger de Huntingfield having sent to the assistance of Henry III. in Gascoign his knight named De Gayzi, who performed much laudable service, the Sheriff of Suffolk had an order that the demand of sixty marks due from him to the King should be excused.
In the 3 of Edw. III., 1330, Roger de Huntingfield held of Queen Isabel half a fee in Bacton, and also half a fee in the honor of Eye in Suffolk; and in 1334 Richard de Celeshull conveyed by fine to Sir Thomas de Sywardeby the moiety of several messuages and lands, with £4 rent in Bacton, Broomholm, and Paston, to be enjoyed after the death of Alianore, widow of Roger de Huntingfield, by Richard for life, the remainder to Sir Thomas and his heirs by Elizabeth, sister and coheiress of Roger. John de Norwich, of London, 39 Hen. III., conveyed the moiety of Huntingfield Hall, in Bacton, to John de Somerton; after this it was conveyed to John de Preshale.
In 36 Henry VI., William de Sywardeby, corn. Yorks, was Lord, and his widow Elizabeth conveyed to Agnes Paston, and John Paston, Esquire, her son, the Manor of Huntingfield Hall, and all the lands late Roger de Huntingfield's, and William de Sywardeby her husband's in Wilton; and in the same year Jeffrey Pigot and Margaret, his wife, daughter and coheiress of William de Sywardeby, conveyed to them their right. It continued in the Paston Family (see under Paston Manor), until Sir William Paston dying seised of it in 1611.
Basilia, daughter and Coheiress, married Sir William de Boville, of Letheringham, brought to him this manor or subdivision of the Lordship of Bacton. He with his wife presented to the Church of Alderton in Suffolk in the reign of Edw. I. From the Boviles it passed to the Latimers, and Thomas le Latimer was Lord in 9 of Edw. II., 1316.
In 34 Edw. III., Thomas de Wingfield, who married Margaret de Bovile, sole heiress of John de Bovile, Lord of Letheringham, conveyed the Manor of Latimer's Hall to William Attefen with the homages and services of divers persons. 6 Henry VI., Thomas Attefen conveyed it to Wm. Paston, Esq., Peter Savage and his wife.[fn 22]
Alianore de Glanville, first daughter and coheiress, brought her portion of Lordship of Bacton to her husband Lord Almuric Peche.
Edmund Earl of Cornwall granted, in 24 Edw. I., the wardship of William de Leach to John de Walcot, which belonged to him on account of the custody of Thomas son and heir of Sir Edmund Peche Kt., and of Richard Leche his brother, if William died under age. Julian fifth daughter and coheiress, married Symon Peche, brother to Almuric. In 9 Edward I. Simon de Peche and Julian his wife granted lands here to Clement, son of Edmund de Paston, by fine, and also to Laurence de Repp. In 30 Edward I William Peche and Rose his wife and John their son were seised of a manor in Bacton, which had been afore granted by Julian Peche and held of the honour of Eye by the service of 6d. every 32 weeks; it was valued at £7 12s. 8d. This manor then came to the Pastons by the marriage of Cecily, daughter and heiress of Sir Simon Peche, with Walter de Paston. A park is mentioned at Bacton in ancient times, and there is a place called to this day Bacton Wood.
In the year 1603 these Manors of Paston, Peche, Latimers, and Huntingfield were valued in the whole at £238 13s. 7d. with 172 combs 2 bushels of barley.
In 24 .Henry III., Geoffrey de Glanville, the Last Lord of this manor, and brother to the five coheiresses, conveyed by fine to Thomas de Baketon free lands in Baketon.
The Church was a Rectory and dedicated to St. Andrew, it was given by Lord William de Glanville to the Priory of Bromholm. In 1325 John de Wode-Dallyng was Rector of it. There is an old prophecy respecting the Church of Keswic, a manor which also belonged to the Glanvilles and formed portion of the great Lordship of Backton; it runs thus:-
"When Keswic Church becomes a barn,This has been fulfilled.
Bromholm Abbey will be a farm."
Almaricus Peeche, defunctus. De captione terrae in manum Regis Dicunt [juratores]
quod Galfridus de Glaunville tenuit manerium de Honyng' de domino abbate Sancti
Benedicti de Hulmo per servitium unius feodi militis. Et post decussum (?) dicti Galfridi
haereditat' ipsius Galfridi descendit quinque sororibus suis tanquam haeredibus propin
Et Alianore primogenita soror maritata fuit in Normundie. Et ratione quod dicta
Alianore maritata fuit, ut supra tota terra quae debuit eidem Alianorae capta fuit in manum
domini Regis. Et dominus Henricus Rex pater domini Edwardi Regis qui nunc est,
tenuit dictam terram in manus suas quos que illam terram dedit domino Almarico Peche
sed per quod servitum idem Almaricus dictam terram tenuit ignorant.
Et dicunt quod propars Normundie, quam dominus Rex dedit dicto Almarico ut
supra valet per annum in omnibus exitibus 52/51/2.
Item dicunt quod dictus Almaricus obiit die jovis proxima post Natale Domini anno
regni Regia Edwardi supradicto (16).
Et quod Thomas filing Emundi Peche est haeres ipsius Almarici propinquior et de
aetate tredecim annorum, ut intelligunt.
16 Edward I. NORFOLK.
Willielmus Peeche ut legatus et Rosa uxor ejus et Johannes filius Eorundem (De
Manerio capto in manum Regis).
Dicunt [juratores] super sacramentum suum quod Willielmus Peche et Rosa uxor
ejus et Johannes filius Eorundem conjunctim feoffati fuerunt de Manerio de Baketon'
cum pertinentiis dedono et concessione Julianae Peeche habendo et tenendo seisinam suam
cum praefato Willielmo conjunctim continuaverunt a die Sancti Lucae Evangelistae anno
regni Edwardi vicesimo quinto quo die feoffati fuerunt usque in diem circumcisionis
Domini Anno Regni Regis Edwardi tricesimo quo die ut legatus fuit dictus Willielmo.
Edward I. NORFOLK.
William de Glanville was Lord of these Manors, and he gave the Churches to his Priory of Bromholm. They afterwards passed into the family of De Gyney. Roger Gyney, Kt., was Lord of them in the reign of Edward I.
They might have also formed portion of the inheritance that belonged to Gilbert de Glanville, Earl of Suffolk, which was seized by the King for taking part with Simon de Montford, Earl of Leicester. (Vide Phillpott.)
The Church of St. Nicholas of the fee of St. Bennet's of Holm was given by William de Glanville to Bromholm Priory, and it was worth 20 marks per annum, and a Vicarage was ordained.
King Henry II. granted this Lordship to Ralph de Glanville, Lord Chief Justice of England, and he gave it to Reyner, who enfeoffed Nicholas le Boteler of it with his sister in Frank marriage. The Church, dedicated to St. Margaret, was valued at 25 marks, and granted by De Glanville to his Abbey of Butley in Suffolk. It passed to the family of Wichingham. Edmund de Wichingham, in reign of Henry VI., married Alice heir of John Fastolf, by whom he had four daughters and coheirs. Amy married Richard Southwell of Wood Rising, and of Uppton in her right, and Sir Robert Southwell was Lord in 6 Henry VIII., when it was found to be held of the Countess of Suffolk as of her Manor of Benhale in Suffolk. (Vide Benhale.)
William de Auberville claimed an interest in the patronage of the living as a descendant of R. de Glanville.
Part of this Lordship Henry II. gave to R. de Glanville, L.C.J., who founded an Hospital for the King's soul, his own, and that of Bertha his wife, and for the benefit of thirteen lepers, which was confirmed by Pope Innocent III., and Honorius III. William de Auberville also inherited this portion (a third part), with those of Upton and Chadgrave, Wanton Aspal, Benhale, Baudesey, Fenburgh, and a share of the Church of Glenham Parva, with lands in Butley and Stratford by fine, and gave them to Butley Abbey.
Soon after the Conquest this Lordship was divided into three parts, of which the first belonged to the Glanvilles. Randulf de Glanville gave it on the marriage of his daughter Maud to William de Auberville. In 1249 Ralph Car(b)bonel was Lord of . . . . It then went to Hugh de Simere, and in 1401 John de Somery aliened it to John de Burne.
Roger de Glanville, who married Gundreda Warren, had an interest in this Lordship. He gave the Patronage of the Church there to his Priory of Bungay, and in 1 John the Countess Gundreda, his widow, demanded her dowry therein of De Creke, and he called to warrant Agnes his wife, whose inheritance it was, she being the daughter, and heiress of William Glanville; and in 9 John an Assise was brought to find if Roger, brother of Robert de Glanville, was seized of a carucate of land here which William de Eggesfeld had. In 5 Edward II., Sir Robert Ufford and Cecilia his wife settled it in tail on William their son and heir, which Cecilia was daughter and heir of Robert Lord Valoins.
William de Glanville was Lord of this Town and Lordship. Bartholomew de Glanville, his son and heir, gave the Church of Paston, of which town he was Lord and Patron, to the Priory of Bromholm, founded by his father in 1113.
On the death of Sir Geoffrey de Glanville this Lordship came to his five sisters and coheiresses, whose interest therein may be seen under Bacton.
The Church was a Rectory dedicated to St. Margaret, and valued at 15 1/2 marks, and was granted by Bartholomew de Glanville to Bromholm Priory with 52 acres of land. The ancient family of Paston takes its name from this place. In the pedigree of that family, now in the possession of the Duke of Newcastle, and opposite the Coat of the first WULSTAN DE PASTON, it is written:-
"This Wulstan Paston came out of France to his cosin William, Earle Glanvile, three years after the Conquest, and was buried at Baketon, where first the said Earle founded the Abby of Bromholm, and from thence they both were translated to Bromholme Abby, founded after by the said Earle, as it doth appeare by an old booke remaining in the custody of Edward Paston, Esq., which booke is supposed to appertein to William Botyner als Worcester Herald of Armes and Executor to Sr John Fastolf Kt., in which there is written the Pedigrees of most of the Norffolke Gentr of that age, and, among others, there is written of the Pastons as followeth:-
"Obitus Willimi Paston filii Clement Paston xiiij die Agusti Anno Dni 1444 Anno r ne Rs Henr' Sexti xxij litera dominical D. Sed memorand quod dies annivsarii sue tenetur semper xiij, die, quia xiiij, dies est vigil assuimp'con beate Marie, et iste Wittus fuit etat lxvj annor, & natus fuit apud Paston Moritur, London, sepult apud Norwic & Memorand quod omnea antecessor sui (exept Wulstano qui Vehit in Angliam ad Wittum, Comitem Glanvile, tertio anno post conquestu) sepulti sunt apud Paston in choro ecclie & porterio & Ipse Walstanus sepultus fuit apud Baketon prope dictum, Wittum Glanvile ubi Abbathia de Bromholme prima fundata est."
Opposite the Coat of the second WULTAN it is thus written:-
"That Wulstan de Paston, first of the name did beare this coate [fn 23] appeareth by a very old Pedigree and by two old breefs of the evidences showed before King Edward the Fourth."
"Richard, son of Ralph de Paston, gives, grants, and confirms to God, and to the Church of St. Andrew of Bromholme and the Monks there certain rents amounting to 12d. yearly for the health of his own soul and for the soul of his father Richard, and Nicholas his brother, and for the souls of his predecessors and successors." The witnesses are Sir Walter de Glanvile, Gerard de Nerford, William the Constable, and many others.
Edmund de Paston married "Dom Glanville," and by her he left two sons, Clement, and Walter de Paston, the second son, who married Cecily Peche, and had issue, Clement Paston of Paston, Norfolk, Esq., who was ancestor of Robert, Viscount Yarmouth, and Baron Paston of Paston.
The following pedigree will shew the Glanville connection:-
Arms of Paston and Glanville at Old Paston Hall in Norfolk.
Arms of Peche:- Argent, a fesse between two chevrons Gules, at top of upper chevron a lion rampant Or.
The Glanvilles held, soon after the Conquest, a considerable extent of land here Bartholomew de Glanville had three parts of a fee here and in Holm, of the old feofment of Henry II.
On the forfeiture of the lands and honour of Eye by Robert Malet in the reign of Henry I., the Glanvilles became Lords of this Lordship, and the Boviles held under them in the time of Henry II., with whom they afterwards became allied by marriage. Sir Philip Bovile gave lands in the reign of Henry I. to the Priory of Wykes in Essex, and Paul de Bovile who lived in the following reign.
In the year 1195, William de Glanville (as before stated) gave 100 marks to have the custody of the heir of William de Bovile until of age, with his lands, etc. This heir was most probably the William Bovile who married the Glanville heiress, sister and coheiress of Geoffrey de Glanville, Lord of Bacton in Norfolk, for, in 3 Edward II., William, son and heir of William Bovile and Isabel his wife, was impleaded for the Manor of Alderton, and the Church of Dallinghoo in this county, by William de Huntingfield, who was descended from Emma the other sister and coheir, wife to Sir John de Grey, being portion of the possessions of the said Sir Geoffrey de Glanville (Suf. Trav.).
William de Bovile having given the Church of St. Mary of Crew and all the tithes of Letheringham to the Monastery of St. Peter in Ipswich, he founded a small Priory of three or four Black Canons (as a cell to that house) to the honour of the Blessed Virgin, whose yearly income was valued at £26 18s. 5d. (26 Henry I.).
In 56 Henry III. a fine was levied between John de Bovile and William de Bovile of the Lordship of this Manor, together with Alderton, Creeting, Dallinghoo, and Thorpe in this county, which formed portion of the Glanville Lordships, whereby they became conveyed to William for life, remainder to John and his heirs, remainder to the right heirs of William, which John was brother to William.
In 7 Edward II., William Bovile and Joan his wife were seised in a moiety of their estate for life, with remainder to Simon Fitz Richard and Nichola his wife, one of the daughters of the said William Bovile. John de Bovile, son of William, was the next Lord, and he, dying, left an only daughter and heiress, Margery, who married first Sir John Carbonel, Knt., and second Thomas second son of Sir John Wingfield of Wingfield Castle, in which family the Lordship of Letheringham remained until William the Third's time.
In 6 Richard I., Thomas Ardern and Ralph son of Robert interpleads Sir William de Auberville and Maud his wife for their portion of the inheritance of Ralph de Glanville, L.C.J., in the Lordships of Bawsey and Glosthorp. The Bovilles also held a share in these lands, being the portion of the Glanville possessions that fell to Geoffrey de Glanville, and from him to his sisters and coheirs, one of which married a Bovile and carried her share into that family.
Belonged to Glanville, and one moiety of it became the property of the Convent of Butley, and the other share the inheritance of the Uffords. Robert de Ufford Steward to the Household, was owner, and upon his death it was given to his widow, Cicely de Valoins (who was also descended from another branch of the Glanvilles, as may be seen in Pedigree 1), as part of her dowry. In 11 Edward III., Robert de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, obtained a grant of a weekly market and an annual fair here. Dying in 1370, he was succeeded by his son William, second Earl of Suffolk, who died without issue in 1382, and his estates, including the Glanville inheritance, were divided between his three sisters. Cicely de Ufford married Lord Willoughby D'Eresby, who died 1373, leaving a son Robert to succeed him, and was coheir to the estates as nephew of William de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk. This Lordship continued in the Willoughby family until the failure of male issue in William ninth Lord Willoughby, who died in 1552. It afterwards became the property of the Earls of Dysart. Henry II. granted to the Chief Justice certain lands which had been the property of William Fitz Hervey.
Sir Geoffrey de Glanville succeeded to this Lordship on the death of his elder brother William, which on the decease of his son Geoffrey de Glanville without issue, it, with others, passed into the families of his five sisters and coheirs. William Boville, who married the Lady de Glanville, one of the sisters, inherited it, and in the reign of Edward I. their descendant William de Boville and Isabel his wife presented a Rector to the Church of Alderton.
From the family of Boville it passed to the Latimers. In 3 Edward II., William, son and heir of William de Boville and Isabel his wife, was interpleaded for this Lordship, and the Church of Dallinghoo, by William de Huntingfield, who was descended from another sister of Geoffrey de Glanville (Emma). In 48 Henry III., William was constituted Keeper of the Peace in Suffolk by letters patent, and in the following year made a Justiciary. In the Escheat Roll, 30 Edw. I., it appears that William de Bovill held seven fees in Letberingham,, Creeting, and Thorpe, and also property in the county of Essex.
This Lordship was then vested in the Wingfields, and afterwards passed into the family of Bacon of Frinston.
This Lordship belonged to Ran. de Glanville, the Chief Justice, and portion of it became the property of his daughter, Maud de Glanville, who married Sir William de Auberville, who, in 20 Henry III., gave the advowsons of the following churches in Suffolk to Adam, the Prior of Butley - namely, Aspal, Wattisden, Capel, Benhall, Baudsey, and Finborough, with a share of the Church of Little Glenham, with lands in Butley and Stratford, all of which formed portion of the Glanville inheritance.
William Lord Willoughby died seised of the Lordship of Orford, 18 Hen. VIII., and assigned it to his wife for life.
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