- Cole
Ada May (circa 1877 - circa 1907)Albert (circa 1865 - )Albert (1887 - 1953)Albert (1892 - )Alice (1884 - )Alice Elizabeth (1880 - )Alice Matilda (circa 1864 - after 1911)Alisa Fay (1932 - 2011)Ann (1859 - circa 1941)Anne Louisa (1886 - circa 1961)Annie Eliza (1884 - )Annie Littlewood (between 1856 and 1857 - 1939)Annie Louisa (1886 - circa 1961)Arthur Edwin (1898 - circa 1979)Austin Albert (1912 - 1994)Barbara Mary (1914 - 1999)Catherine (1862 - 1941)Charles (1889 - )Edith Mary (circa 1908 - )Edward (before 1750 - )
- Cole (cont.)
Elsie Doris Annie (1898 - 1984)Emily (circa 1860 - circa 1906)Emily (1882 - )Emily Eliza (circa 1884 - )Enid V. (1915 - )Eric Stalman (1894 - 1963)Ethel Rose (1903 - 1988)Evelyn Mary (1892 - 1967)Fanny (between 1875 and 1876 - circa 1966)Florence (circa 1894 - )Florence Edith (1893 - 1975)Frederick (1883 - circa 1938)Frederick (circa 1890 - )Frederick Henry (1907 - 1992)Frederick John (1880 - 1944)George (between 1856 and 1857 - before 1926)George (circa 1885 - )George Rudolph (circa 1853 - 1939)Gertrude Ann (before 1920 - )Gilbert Relmon (1905 - 1990)
- Cole (cont.)
Gladys Ivy (1905 - 1996)Hazel (1930 - before 2004)Henry (between 1858 and 1859 - circa 1933)Henry (1881 - circa 1956)Hilda M. (1916 - after 1949)Irene (1910 - 1985)James (1856 - circa 1945)Jessie Kentish (1900 - 1979)John (1899 - )Kathleen Susy (circa 1890 - 1980)Lilian Ethel (1906 - )Lucy Jane (between 1887 and 1888 - circa 1965)Marion Edith (circa 1888 - )Marjorie (circa 1899 - )Mary (before 1771 - )Mary Ann (between 1844 and 1845 - 1921)Millicent Mary (1921 - )Minnie (between 1875 and 1876 - 1938)Phyllis (1913 - 1998)Phyllis Knight (1892 - circa 1952)
- Cole (cont.)
Rebecca (before 1742 - )Richard (before 1836 - )Roland George Stalman (circa 1897 - 1981)Ronald C. (before 1923 - )Sophia (between 1820 and 1821 - circa 1876)Sophia Elizabeth (between 1886 and 1887 - circa 1932)Thomas (circa 1894 - circa 1894)Violetta Maxine (1908 - 1968)Walter (1894 - )Walter I. (before 1920 - )William (before 1886 - )William (circa 1891 - )William Charles (circa 1888 - )
- Coleman
Ada (before 1923 - )Afton Mary (1922 - 2003)Ann (1915 - 2010)Ann May Theresa (1915 - 2010)Annie (1882 - circa 1955)Arline Ingrid (1916 - 1916)Arthur Henry (1887 - circa 1940)Arthur Stuart (1913 - 1996)Audrey Georgia (1922 - 2016)Beatrice Annie (1882 - 1945)Blanche Lee (1924 - 2009)Carol Lee (1936 - 1983)Charlene (1930 - 2006)Charles Edward James (between 1881 and 1882 - circa 1961)Charles William (1915 - between 1992 and 2006)Charles William Harold (1886 - 1976)David George Eaton (1901 - 1983)David George Jnr (1928 - 2003)Donna Augusta (1917 - 2013)Doris (1921 - 1988)
- Coleman (cont.)
Douglas Keith (1927 - 1927)Douglas Russell (1927 - )Edith Florence (circa 1911 - 2010)Electra Pauline (1954 - 1991)Elizabeth (1839 - 1907)Elsie Sarah Sophia (1909 - 1969)Emily G. (before 1896 - )Emily Rosina (1886 - circa 1959)Emmeline (between 1862 and 1863 - 1943)Engrid Marie (1894 - 1964)Ernest John (1904 - 1975)Esta Fay (1913 - 1976)Florence (1905 - )George (1901 - 1983)Geraldine Ruth (1926 - 2009)Gloria Ruth (1928 - )Grace Elizabeth (before 1918 - )Hannah (1829 - circa 1911)Harold Schofield (1917 - 2009)Harry James (1889 - 1981)
- Coleman (cont.)
Harry James (1915 - 1915)Helen (1912 - 1982)Helma (1906 - 1976)Ila (1905 - 1986)Irene (1888 - 1964)Irene Elizabeth (1911 - 1992)Irene Violet (1921 - 1985)Janet (1931 - 2022)Jeffrey R. (after 1956 - before 2005)Jerry William (1931 - 2016)John Albert (1929 - 1991)John William (1858 - 1925)Joyce Constance (1925 - 1998)Juddy (1928 - 2003)Kate (circa 1871 - 1938)Kathleen Sheila (circa 1927 - 1953)Leah Florence (1919 - 1998)Lilian A. (before 1917 - )Margaret Elizabeth (1906 - 1987)Mary (before 1809 - )
- Coleman (cont.)
Mary (1900 - 1984)Mary (after 1921 - )Mary Elizabeth Mace (1859 - 1940)Naoma (1927 - 2013)Norman Claude (circa 1920 - circa 1920)Owen Acton (1898 - 1923)Ralph John (1920 - 1976)Richard Harris (1922 - 2001)Roland George Kemmel (1915 - 1960)Rose Kathleen (before 1920 - 1946)Ruth (1931 - 2005)Samuel (1790 - )Sarah Catherine (1908 - 1989)Sidney (before 1895 - )Sidney Frederick (1909 - )Sylvia Enid Gwen (1904 - 1961)Vera Patricia (circa 1924 - 2020)Wallace John (1925 - 1999)Wilford Woodruff (1895 - 1983)William (1832 - )
- Coleman (cont.)
Winifred Ruth (1892 - circa 1967)Winnie (1892 - circa 1967)Zola Pratt (1905 - 1998)
- Colenso
Mary Ann (1861 - circa 1922)
- Coles
Ada Jane (circa 1864 - 1917)Ada May (circa 1896 - circa 1897)Albert Edward (1880 - circa 1957)Albert Maurice (1897 - 1985)Alfred (circa 1815 - 1907)Alfred (1870 - 1952)Alfred James (circa 1838 - 1895)Alfred Norman (1894 - 1952)Allen Barrington (circa 1929 - 2012)Ann (circa 1864 - )Ann West (1836 - 1915)Ann West (1864 - circa 1890)Anne (circa 1873 - )Annie (1890 - )Annie Elizabeth (circa 1841 - 1870)Annie Hilda (circa 1900 - )Annie Lucy (1910 - )Beatrice Annie (1897 - 1997)Beatrice May (1920 - 2003)Bertha May (1899 - 2001)
- Coles (cont.)
Catherine (1800 - 1855)Clara (1841 - 1927)Constance Molly (circa 1925 - )David John (1937 - 1999)David Thomas (1938 - 2013)Dennis Ernest John (circa 1927 - )Doreen (1926 - 2000)Doris Ethel (1916 - )Dorothy Phyllis Coles (1915 - 2006)Edith Charlotte (1890 - 1963)Edith Joan (1921 - 1979)Eileen E. (before 1927 - )Elizabeth Emily (1895 - circa 1981)Elsie J. (1894 - after 1939)Emily (1842 - 1872)Emily (1874 - 1955)Emily (circa 1901 - circa 1901)Emily (1906 - 1993)Emily Elizabeth (1895 - circa 1981)Emily Jane (circa 1868 - )
- Coles (cont.)
Emily Mary (1871 - circa 1967)Emily Rose (1911 - 1994)Emma (circa 1842 - )Enid Rosa Margaret (1919 - 2005)Esther (1870 - 1956)Esther Dora (1925 - circa 1929)Ethel Laura (1905 - 1958)Eva Grace (1903 - 1986)Florence Vera May (1916 - 1998)Francis Mark (1899 - circa 1975)Frederick (1827 - circa 1894)Frederick (1915 - )Frederick William (1876 - 1945)Gladys Emma (1911 - 1999)Gladys M. (1899 - )Grace (1885 - circa 1937)Gwendoline Margaret (circa 1922 - 2005)Hannah (between 1857 and 1858 - )Harold John (1904 - 1988)Harriet (between 1836 and 1837 - circa 1871)
- Coles (cont.)
Harry Adams (circa 1861 - after 1911)Herbert A. (1897 - )Jack (1913 - circa 1978)John (1797 - 1852)John (1866 - circa 1951)John (1866 - )John (circa 1935 - between 1956 and 1957)John Albert (1913 - circa 1978)John Alfred Maurice (circa 1924 - )John Dowlen (1867 - 1938)Joyce (1923 - 1993)Joyce Margaret (circa 1922 - )Kenneth Reginald Ralph (1931 - 1993)Laura Ethel (1905 - 1958)Lucy (1910 - )Lucy Annie (1890 - circa 1972)Lucy Fanny (1905 - 1986)Lucy M. (1882 - )Margery Gladys (1914 - 1969)Maria Ann Hayward (1817 - 1895)
- Coles (cont.)
Maria Norris (circa 1839 - )Marion Lily Ada (1923 - 1994)Mary (circa 1844 - 1890)Mary Jane (1900 - circa 1975)Mary Jane (1901 - circa 1981)Mary L. (before 1926 - )Matthew (between 1844 and 1845 - circa 1924)Monica Phyllis (1930 - 1993)Muriel (1914 - 1995)Olive Grace (circa 1921 - )Percy George (1910 - 1997)Phillip John (1941 - 2009)Phyllis Dora Ethel (1900 - 1998)Raymond Thomas Mervyn (1910 - 1960)Reginald John (1926 - 1999)Robert John (circa 1893 - circa 1958)Ronald Stanley James (1920 - 2004)Rose (1909 - circa 1940)Rose (1911 - 1994)Ruth Sylvia (1927 - 2014)
- Coles (cont.)
Stephanie Marcella (1896 - circa 1982)Walter J. (circa 1921 - )Wilfred Henry John (1910 - 1971)William Albert (1908 - circa 1980)
- Collard
Alfred H. (1889 - )Beatrice Nellie (1892 - circa 1958)Bryon Henry George (1916 - 1988)Dennis Gordon (1923 - )Dorothy M. (before 1928 - )Florence (1909 - )Gladys Doreen (circa 1913 - )Jane (between 1836 and 1837 - )Joan (before 1923 - )Joyce Beatrice (circa 1914 - )Sarah Jane (between 1836 and 1837 - )
- Coller
Emily (between 1854 and 1855 - )William (before 1834 - )
- Collett
Alfred Charles (1924 - )Alfreda Emily (1894 - )Brian (1929 - 2011)Bromley-Martin (between 1937 and 1938 - 1966)Cecilia Judith (between 1937 and 1938 - 1966)Charles Henry (Sir) (between 1863 and 1864 - 1938)Ethel Ruth (1904 - circa 1985)John Brian Glanvill (1929 - 2011)John Collison (1903 - 1956)Marjorie Emma (1920 - )Marjorie Emma (1920 - )William Reeves (1886 - )