Rose Glanfield

Female, ID #4081, b. 16 February 1616
FatherRichard Glanfield (b 1572 - 1637)
MotherElizabeth Haiward (b 1581 - c 1625)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Starke.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 16 February 1616 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, father named Richard Glanfyld. Rose Glanfield was born before 16 February 1616 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.
     She married John Starke before 1636 at ENG.

Other information

     In December 1636 she was named daughter Rose wife of John Starke in the will of her father.


John Starke b. b 1617

Joseph Glanfield

Male, ID #4082, b. 6 July 1619, d. September 1680
FatherRichard Glanfield (b 1572 - 1637)
MotherElizabeth Haiward (b 1581 - c 1625)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 6 July 1619 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, father named Richard Glanfild. Joseph Glanfield was born before 6 July 1619 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.
     He died in September 1680 at Wimbish, ESS, ENG, (when age calculated as 61.)
     He was buried on 24 September 1680 at Wimbish, ESS, ENG, Joseph Glanville.

Rose Glanfield

Female, ID #4083, b. 13 July 1567
FatherGeorge Glanfield (b 1542 - 1609)
MotherElizabeth Briant (b 1542 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Hatch.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Rose Glanfield was born on 13 July 1567 at SFK, ENG.
     She married John Hatch in 1588 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, (when age calculated as 20 years.)


John Hatch b. b 1568

William Glanfield

Male, ID #4084, b. 15 December 1577, d. 1637
FatherGeorge Glanfield (b 1542 - 1609)
MotherElizabeth Briant (b 1542 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 15 December 1577 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, father named George Glanfield. William Glanfield was born before 15 December 1577 at SFK, ENG.
     He married Frances Branson on 29 January 1599 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, (when age calculated as 21 years, 1 month and 14 days) Willm Glanfild and Francis Branson.
     He died in 1637 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.


Frances Branson b. b 1579

Catherine Glanfield

Female, ID #4085, b. 1582
FatherGeorge Glanfield (b 1542 - 1609)
MotherElizabeth Briant (b 1542 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Church.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Catherine Glanfield was born in 1582 at SFK, ENG.
     She was baptized on 3 February 1582 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, parents names not recorded.
     She married William Church on 17 March 1603 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, (when age calculated as 21 years.)


William Church b. b 1583

Frances Branson

Female, ID #4086, b. before 1579

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanfield.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Frances Branson was born before 1579.
     She married William Glanfield, son of George Glanfield and Elizabeth Briant, on 29 January 1599 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, Willm Glanfild and Francis Branson.


William Glanfield b. 15 Dec 1577, d. 1637

Elizabeth Glanfield

Female, ID #4087, b. 2 November 1600
FatherWilliam Glanfield (1577 - 1637)
MotherFrances Branson (b 1579 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 2 November 1600 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG. Elizabeth Glanfield was born before 2 November 1600 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.

Elizabeth Glanville

Female, ID #4088, b. 23 October 1661
FatherJoseph Glanville (b 1639 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 23 October 1661 at St James, Bury St Edmunds, SFK, ENG, father named Joseph Glanvill. Elizabeth Glanville was born before 23 October 1661 at Bury St Edmunds, SFK, ENG.

Joseph Glanville

Male, ID #4089, b. before 1639

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Joseph Glanville was born before 1639.



Joseph Glanville

Male, ID #4090, b. 30 October 1660
FatherJoseph Glanville (b 1639 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 30 October 1660 at St James, Bury St Edmunds, SFK, ENG. Joseph Glanville was born before 30 October 1660 at Bury St Edmunds, SFK, ENG.

Anne Glanville

Female, ID #4091, b. 7 June 1659
FatherJoseph Glanville (b 1639 - )

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Ann Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 7 June 1659 at St James, Bury St Edmunds, SFK, ENG. Anne Glanville was born on 7 June 1659 at Bury St Edmunds, SFK, ENG.

Sarah Gideon

Female, ID #4092, b. before 1674, d. March 1734

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Giddion. Her married name was Glanville. She was also known as Giddion.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Sarah Gideon was born before 1674.
     She married Richard Glanville, son of Richard Glanville and Martha Sympson, on 21 July 1709 at St Botolph without Aldegate, London, LND, ENG, Richard Glanvill Widr and Sarah Giddion Stock Wid of Bishopsgate.
     She died in March 1734 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG.
     She was buried on 30 March 1734 at St Peter, Elmsett, SFK, ENG.

Other information

     As Sarah was a widow at marriage to Richard, she was not born Gideon.
     Sarah was married 2 times.
     Sarah Gideon left a will on 30 August 1726 I Sarah Gideon Glanvill
Widow of Richard Glanvile Esqr of the parish of Elmsett in the County of
Suffolk bring thanks be to God of sound mind and body do publish and
declare this my last will and testament in manner following Vizt
I give and bequeath all my personal estate goods chattells and my
ready money & unto my dearly beloved son Richard Gideon Glanvile
of Elmsett in the County of Suffolk Esqr to have and to hold for his
own proper use and out of the aforesaid personable estate goods and
chattells and ready money to pay all my just debts and the charges
of my buryal the fform and manner of which I leave to my
executor under named and I do hereby appoint my said dearly
beloved son Richard Gideon Glanvile whole and sole executor of
this my last will and testament in witnefs whereof I have sett
my hand this thirtyeth day of August in the year of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and twenty six - Sarah Gideon
Glanvile - witnefs John Mallory Senr Benjamn Goodin

This will was proved at London the eleventh day of May
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty
ffour before the Worshipful Edwwad Kinaston Doctor of Laws Surrogate
of the Right Worshipful John Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws
Master Keeper or Commifsary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury
lawfully constituted by Richard Gideon Glanvile the executors in
the said will named to whom administration was granted of all
and singular the goods chattells and credits of the said deceased
being first sworn duly to administer.


Richard Glanville b. bt 1662 - 1664, d. Feb 1726

Hal Lynn Glanville

Male, ID #4093, b. 6 January 1912, d. 9 June 1941
FatherMode Rupert Glanville (1890 - 1971)
MotherFlorence Agnes Smith (1890 - 1981)

Alternate Names

     He was also known as Han Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Hal Lynn Glanville was born on 6 January 1912 at UT, USA.
     He married Ruth Standish in 1930 at UT, USA, (when age calculated as 17 years.)
     He died on 9 June 1941 at UT, USA, (when age calculated as 29.)
     He was buried in 1941 at Heber City Cemetery, Heber City, Wasatch Co., UT, USA.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Hal Lynn Glanville appeared on the census of 1920 at Salt Lake Co., UT, USA; recorded age 7, living with his parents.
  • He appeared on the census of 1930 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA; recorded age 18, living with his parents.
  • Hal was a clerk at U.P.R.R. (Union Pacific Rail Road) in 1940.
  • He and Ruth Standish appeared on the census of 1940 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA; both with recorded age 28.


Ruth Standish b. 10 Mar 1912, d. 7 Apr 2006

Elizabeth Allison

Female, ID #4094, b. before 1693, d. 11 July 1759

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Allison was born before 1693.
     She married William Glanville Esq., son of William Glanville and Dorothy O, on 5 November 1713 at Grays Inn Chapel, London, LND, ENG, William of the parish of St Edmund the King, Lombard Street; Elizabeth of All Saints, Lombard Street.
     She died on 11 July 1759 at St Johns, Antigua; others sources quote this as a burial date.
     Her estate was probated on 5 December 1759 at London, MDX, ENG.

Other information

     Elizabeth Allison left a will on 12 February 1756 transcribed:
In the Name of God Amen
I Elizabeth Glanvile of the said Island widow and Relict of
William Glanvile late of the same place Esquire deceased
being of Sound and disposing mind memory and Understanding
Do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner
and form following that is to say I commend my Soul into the
hands of Almighty God and my Body I commit to the Earth to
be Interred near my said husband in a decent manner but
so that the Expence thereof shall not exceed ffifty pounds
Current Money of Antigua Item I Give and bequeath ten
pounds current Money of Antigua to be distributed by the
Reverend Mr ffrancis Byam among the poor Inhabitants in
the Town of Saint John Item I Give and bequeath to Mrs Margt
Webb my Silver Candle Cup alying on her preserving it in the
same fform in remembrance of the Giver Item I Give and
bequeath unto Harry Webb Esqr One hundred pounds lawfull
Money of Great Britain Item I Give and bequeath to Mrs
Emma Cullen my Sedan Chair my Silver Coffee pot and Ten
Guineas for a Ring Item I Give and bequeath to my neice
Elizabeth Maymott all my Wearing Apparel and Linnen and
I hereby Desire my Executors hereinafter named to send the
same to England and to pay all the Expenses thereof till they
shall be Delivered to her Item I Will and Direct that all the
rest of my ffurniture and other things be Immediately disposed
of the best Advantage Item all the Rest Residue and remainder
of my Estate both Real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever
I Give Devise and bequeath to my Dear Grandson William John
Glanvile his heirs Executors Administrators and Afsigns forever
But in Case he shall happen to die under the Age of Twenty
One yeares and without Ifsue Then I Give and bequeath to my
God Daughter Elizabeth Dunbar Daughter of William Dunbar
of Antigua Esqr One hundred pounds lawfull Money of Great
Britain And all the then Rest and Residue I Give Devise and
bequeath to the Children of my late Sister Dorothy Meymott
who shall be then living to be equally Divided among them
Share and Share alike Item I hereby Impower my Executors
resident in the Island to continue the Monies that I have lent out
on such Securities as I have taken if they shall think proper so
to do until they shall be desired by my Executors resident in England
to take the same Monies in and when the same shall be either
paid off or called in as aforesaid I hereby Desire and further impower
my Executors resident in this Island to remit the same in good Bills
of Exchange to my Executors resident in England And I hereby
Direct my Executors resident in England to place and vest all
Moneies that shall come to their hands in Government Securities
And I will that my said Executors shall not be answereable for any
lofs arising from continuing my Monies on such Securities as I
shall have taken or vesting the same in such Government
Securities or for any other Transaction Save for Wilfull and
Voluntary Waste or Default Nor shall other of them be answerable
for the act or Deed of the other of them Item I do hereby nominate
and appoint Nathaniel Gilbert Junior Esqr and Mr Robert
Cullen both of the said Island of Antigua and the Reverend
Mr Samuel Meymott of Great Britain and Harry Webb Esq
now resident in Antigua but Intending a voyage to England
Executors of this my last Will and Testament but this
Appointment shall not release any demand I may have against
either of my said Executors And I do hereby Give and bequeath
to each of my said Executors who shall take upon him the
Execution of this my Will but not otherwise the sum of
Twenty pounds lawfull Money of Great Britain And Lastly
I do hereby (as far as I have Authority so to do) Nominate and
Appoint the said Harry Webb Guardian of the Body and
Estate of my said Grandson until he shall attain his said
Age of Twenty one years And I do Earnestly recommend it
to his Mother to Join with the said Harry Webb in such
Application for his obtaining Letters of Guardianship of
my said Grandson both here and in Great Britain as
shall be thought advisable In Witnefs whereof I have to
this my last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal the
Twellfth day of ffebruary In the year of our Lord One thousand
Seven hundred and ffifty Six Eliz Glanvile Signed Sealed
Published Declared and Delivered by the said Elizabeth Glanvile
the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the
Presence of us who at her request and in her presence and in
the presence of each other have hereunto Subscribed our
Names and Witnefses these words my Sedan Chair being first
Interlined Emma Cullen - William Adam - Thos Gladman

Whereas I have by my Will Given
my Sedan Chair unto my Daughter Emma Cullen I do revoke
that Legacy and Order it to be Sold by my Executors and I do
Appoint Mr Robert Brown and Mr George Savage Executors
in the stead of Nathaniel Gilbert Junr who is Gone to England
and declare him to be no Executor and this a Codicil to my Will
Witnefs my hand and Seal the 30 Day of June 1758 Eliz Glanvile
Sealed and Delivered as a Codicil in the presence of Mr Conyers
William Adam

Before his Excellency George Thomas Esqr Captain
General and Governor in Chief and overall
his Majestys Leward Charribboo Islands in
America and Ordinary of the same
Personally appeared William Adam of the same
Island Merchant one of the Subscribing Witnefses to the
within written Will and being duly Sworn on the Holy Evangelist
of Almighty God maketh Oath that he was present and did see
the Testatrix Elizabeth Glanvile Sign Seal Publish and Declare
the said Instrument of Writing as and for her last Will and Testament
and also that Emma Cullen and Thomas Gladman the other two
Subscribing Witnefses to the said Will did also Subscribe their
names as Witnefses thereto in the presence of the said Testatrix
and this Deponent and this Deponent further said that he was
present and did see the said Testatrix above named Sign Seal
Publish and Declare the Instrument of Writing Indorsed on the
said Will as and for a Codicil thereto and this Deponent together
with John Conyers did Subscribe their Names as Witnefses
thereto in the presence of the said Testatrix and further saith
that the sate Testatrix both at the time of Executing the said
Will and Codicil was of Sound and Disposing Mind Memory and
understanding according to the best of this Deponents Judgement
and belief, William Adam
Sworn before me this 16 day of August One thousand Seven hundred
and fifty nine. Geo: Thomas Vera Copia Edwd Gamble
Depty Regr

30 Nov 1759
Appeared personally Richard Olver the younger of
Gould Square Crutched ffryers London Merchant and John Burton
of the Island of Antigua Mariner and being Sworn on the Holy
Evangelists made Oath each for himself as follows that they
very well know Edward Gamble Esq Deputy Register of the
Island of Antigua and are well acquainted with his manner and
Character of hand writing having ofen seen him write and
having now carefully Viewed the Name and words Edwd Gamble
Depty Regr wrote and subscribed at the ffoot of the paper writing
hereunto *** Purporting to be a Copy of the last Will and
Testament of Elizabeth Glanvile late of the said Island of
Antigua Widow deceased and of the Affadavit of William Adam one
of the Subscribed Witnefses to the said Will made by him before
this Excellency George Tohmas Esq Captain General and
Governor in Chief in and over all his Majestys Lewar Charibboo
Islands in America and Ordinary of the same as to the Execution
of the said Will they say that they so verily believe the same name
and Words to be of the proper hand writing of the said Edward
Gamble Esq whom they these Deponents know to be the Deputy
Register of the said Island of Antigua and whom they believe
to be now resident in the said Island. Richd Oliver Junr, Jno Burton
same day the said Richard Oliver the younger and John Burton
were duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit before me Wm
Wynne Surrogate present Hen Stevens Notary Publick

This Will with a Codicil was proved at London
before the Worshipfull William Wynne Doctor of Laws Surrogate
of the Right Worshipfull Edward Simpson also Doctor of Laws
Master Keeper or Commifsary of the prerogative Court of
Canterbury lawfully constituted on the fifth day of December In
the yeare of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ffifty nine
by the Oaths of the Reverend Samul Meymott Clerk and Harry
Webb Esquire two of the Executors named in the said Will to
whom Administration was Granted of all and singular the Good Chattel and Credits of the said deceased they having been first
sworn duly to administer Power reserved of making the like
Grant to Robert Cullen another of the Executors named in the
said Will and to Robert Brown and George Savage the Executors
named in the said Codicil when they are either of them shall
apply for the same.


William Glanville Esq. b. 1683, d. 22 Oct 1734

William Glanville

Male, ID #4095, b. 1713, d. 1733
FatherWilliam Glanville Esq. (1683 - 1734)
MotherElizabeth Allison (b 1693 - 1759)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born in 1713 at ENG.
     He died in 1733.

John Allison Glanville

Male, ID #4096, b. 17 January 1719, d. before 1756
FatherWilliam Glanville Esq. (1683 - 1734)
MotherElizabeth Allison (b 1693 - 1759)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Allison Glanville was born on 17 January 1719 at St Martins, London, MDX, ENG.
     He died before 1756; as only the mother of her grandson named in the Will of Elizabeth Glanville (John's mother.)



Elizabeth Glanville

Female, ID #4097, b. 22 October 1717
FatherWilliam Glanville Esq. (1683 - 1734)
MotherElizabeth Allison (b 1693 - 1759)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Glanville was born on 22 October 1717 at London, MDX, ENG.
     She was baptized on 5 November 1717 at St Martin, Pomeroy, London, LND, ENG, parents named William and Elizabeth Glanville.

Dorothy O

Female, ID #4098, b. before 1663

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Jenkins. Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Dorothy O was born before 1663.
     She married William Glanville, son of Richard Glanville, before 1683.
     She married Joshua Jenkins in 1714 at St Johns, Antigua, Dorothy named a widow.

Other information

     Dorothy was married 2 times.

Family 1

William Glanville b. c 1664, d. 1714

Family 2

Joshua Jenkins b. b 1694

Florence Ruth Glanville

Female, ID #4099, b. 31 December 1913, d. 21 May 2002
FatherMode Rupert Glanville (1890 - 1971)
MotherFlorence Agnes Smith (1890 - 1981)

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Ruth. Her married name was Homer. Her married name was Johnson.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Florence Ruth Glanville was born on 31 December 1913 at UT, USA.
     She married Barney S. Johnson between 1933 and 1935 at the USA.
     Florence Ruth Glanville and Barney S. Johnson were divorced after 1940.
     She married Paul Logan Homer after 1940 at the USA.
     She died on 21 May 2002 at UT, USA, (when age calculated as 88); with obituary:
Published: Friday, May 24 2002 10:27 a.m. MDT (Desert News)
Ruth Glanville Johnson Homer, a former Assistant Business Manager of the LDS Hospital, Supervisor of Medical Services for the Utah State Welfare Department, and an Officer of the Utah and the National Apartment Owners' Association, died on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 in Salt Lake City of pneumonia following surgery. She was 88.
Mrs. Homer was Valedictorian of her West High School Class of 1930. She studied business administration and Russian at the University of Utah. She was a member of the Salt Lake Council of the Business and Professional Women's Club, a member of the Women's Legislative Council, and a1960 member of the White House Commission on Aging. She set up Medicaid in the State of Utah and was its first Director.
Mrs. Homer served as PTA President at Douglas School, Roosevelt Junior High, and East High School. She was also Vice-President of the University of Utah Mothers' Association.
Interested in local and national politics, Mrs. Homer was a Contributing Member of the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, as well as Emily's List and the Anti-Defamation League. Mrs. Homer was a founding donor of the Broadcasters Club at KUED. She was an accomplished artist in watercolor and oil and an ardent traveler.
Mrs. Homer was born to Mode Rupert Glanville and Florence Agnes Smith Glanville Her first marriage to Barney S. Johnson ended in divorce. She later married Paul Logan Homer, a retired rancher, who died in 1995. She is survived by her brothers Gerald Glanville of Coos Bay, Oregon; Douglas Glanville of Holladay, Utah; and a sister Naomi Wilmeth of Carmichael, California.
She is also survived by a daughter, Janice Lyon Millar of Colorado Springs, Colorado; and a son, Thomas Glanville Johnson of Olympia, Washington; four grandchildren: Anne Lyon League of Colorado Springs; Cori Johnson Birnel, Lisa Johnson Brown of Federal Way, Washington; and Thomas Jeffrey Johnson of Lynnwood, Washington: eight great-grand- children and two great-great-grand-children.
Services will be held at Larkin Mortuary, 260 East South Temple, at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday May 25th, followed by a reception at a nearby private club. Interment, Park City, Utah.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to KUED Channel 7, 101 Wasatch Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 or the US fund for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) at 333 E. 38th Street, 6th floor, NY, NY 10016.
     She was buried in 2002 at Park City Cemetery, Park City, Summit Co., UT, USA.

Other information

     Florence was married 2 times.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Florence Ruth Glanville appeared on the census of 1920 at Salt Lake Co., UT, USA; recorded age 6, living with her parents.
  • She appeared on the census of 1930 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA; recorded age 16, living with her parents.
  • She and Barney S. Johnson appeared on the census of 1940 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA; his age recorded 29, hers 26. Children Janis 5yrs and Thomas 2yrs with them.

Family 1

Barney S. Johnson b. bt 1910 - 1911

Family 2

Paul Logan Homer d. 1995

Ronald Ernest Glanville

Male, ID #4100, b. 5 August 1921, d. 29 April 1986
FatherErnest John Glanville (1896 - c 1921)
MotherFlorence Amelia Haddon (b 1896 - 1965)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ronald Ernest Glanville was born on 5 August 1921 at Bridgwater, SOM, ENG.
     He married an unknown person in 1947 at IOM, ENG, (when age calculated as 25 years.)
     He died on 29 April 1986 at Bridgwater, SOM, ENG, (when age calculated as 64); registered Sedgemoor.

Leonard Glanville

Male, ID #4101, b. 3 January 1924, d. 24 August 1987
FatherErnest John Glanville (1896 - c 1921)
MotherFlorence Amelia Haddon (b 1896 - 1965)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Leonard Glanville was born on 3 January 1924 at Bridgwater, SOM, ENG; death registration quotes 4 Jan 1924.
     He married Phyllis Jean Hawkes circa August 1942 at Bridgwater registered, SOM, ENG.
     He died on 24 August 1987 at Bridgwater, SOM, ENG, (when age calculated as 63); registered Taunton Deane.


Phyllis Jean Hawkes b. 1 Feb 1923, d. 10 May 1991

Ann Glanville

Female, ID #4102, b. 27 March 1763
FatherWilliam Glanville (b 1743 - )
MotherMay (Surname Unknown) (b 1743 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 27 March 1763 at Boconnoc, CON, ENG. Ann Glanville was born before 27 March 1763 at Boconnoc, CON, ENG.

May (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #4103, b. before 1743

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     May (Surname Unknown) was born before 1743.
     She married William Glanville before 1763.


William Glanville b. b 1743

William Glanville

Male, ID #4104, b. before 1743

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born before 1743.
     He married May (Surname Unknown) before 1763.


May (Surname Unknown) b. b 1743

Ann Glanville

Female, ID #4105, b. 21 May 1809
FatherJohn Glanville (b 1789 - )
MotherJoan (Surname Unknown)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 21 May 1809 at Cubert, CON, ENG. Ann Glanville was born before 21 May 1809 at Cubert, CON, ENG.

Joan (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #4106

Alternate Names

     As of before 1809,her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She married John Glanville before 1809.


John Glanville b. b 1789

John Glanville

Male, ID #4107, b. before 1789

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born before 1789.
     He married Joan (Surname Unknown) before 1809.


Joan (Surname Unknown)

Charles Glanville

Male, ID #4108, b. 27 March 1664
FatherGabriell Glanville (b 1633 - )
MotherIsact (Surname Unknown) (b 1633 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 27 March 1664 at Falmouth, CON, ENG, father named Gabriell Glanvill. Charles Glanville was born before 27 March 1664 at Falmouth, CON, ENG.

Gabriell Glanville

Male, ID #4109, b. before 1633

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Gabriell Glanville was born before 1633.
     He married Isact (Surname Unknown) before 1653.


Isact (Surname Unknown) b. b 1633

Elizabeth Glanville

Female, ID #4110, b. 26 November 1749
FatherRichard Glanville (b 1729 - )
MotherMary (Surname Unknown) (b 1729 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 26 November 1749 at St Austell, CON, ENG. Elizabeth Glanville was born before 26 November 1749 at St Austell, CON, ENG.