This page contains a series of maps of Glanfield/Glanville events, giving a pictorial representation to assist understanding of the families.
The data used was that in my records as of 7 January 2021, although the website build date at the bottom of this page may be more recent.
I have earlier published further Analysis of Glanvilles Distribution at Glanville Surname Distribution

The surnames GLANFIELD (the most common variant being GLANDFIELD and spelling errors such as GLANFEILD) and GLANVILLE (the most common variant being GLANVILL, GLANVILE and phonetic spelling such as GLANFILL) both stem from the same origin, but in all the records I've researched since Parish Records began they have not been used interchangeably.
Therefore, I have treated them as two distinct branches with different characteristics.
The GLANVIL(L)(E) branch is about 7 times more numerous than the GLAN(D)FIELD branch, since parish records came into existence.

I have chosen to plot events in two different ways; Heads of Branches and Marriages...

Heads of Branches...

I have identified, within each family branch, the earliest known both dateable and locatable event - usually a birth/baptism, a marriage or a death/burial. If one of the latter two, clearly there was an earlier birth but unless it is both locatable and dateable, I have used the known event information.

Dividing these events into century ranges, 1500-1599, 1600-1699, 1700-1799 etc I have plotted their location, identifying the place by name on the map.
There are some locations which are the origin of more than one branch and some of those have those origin events in different centuries - in which case two symbols are overplotted at one place.

Care should be taken not to confuse these maps with the locations of families, these are only the locations of the Head of a Branch.
The branch itself may contain one, a few or a great many members, and those members may be located locally, within the UK or overseas.
The most common reason I have not been able to trace further back than each Head is not a shortage of records, but too many - for example : which William's birth was the correct one for the man whose marriage and children form the early part of his branch ? His age may well not be known, and his birth may not be local to where his marriage took place.


Glanfield Origins SW UK
  Glanfield Origins East Anglia
East Anglia
  Glanfield Origins All England

I have used multiple maps in order to have clarity within the two main regions, East Anglia and the West Country.

For the South West and East Anglia, the events are colour coded by date; for England all locations are shown without regard to date

It is clear that the earliest events in both East Anglia and the West Country are spacially diverse, showing there were multiple families living separately in the 1500 and 1600s - which is what would be expected for descendants of an individual arriving 500 years earlier.
As these are the earliest events of known branches, one would hope that over time further research will eliminate the later dated events as family branches are consolidated into fewer, larger branches with earlier origins.

What is more significant than the spread within the West Country and East Anglia, is the marked absence from virtually everywhere else - I believe this shows the families remained relatively local (i.e. within Counties) for many generations, with a single or small migration across the country well before parish records became established.


Glanville Origins SW UK
South West
      Glanville Origins All England

I have used multiple maps in order to have clarity within the main region - the South West.

For the South West only events pre-1600 are shown; whereas for England the locations of all dateable events pertaining to the earliest in each family branch are shown.

The Glanvilles are much more numerous than the Glanfields, but like the Glanfields, in early records they are only found in distinct regions - in fact there are only branches originating in London, Baldock Hertfordshire and Brighton Sussex prior to 1600, apart from those shown in the South West.

However, there are many branches found all over the UK, when all timeframes are considered.


As an alternative to plotting the heads of each family branch, I have also plotted each locatable and datable marriage. My coverage post about 1950 is less thorough than earlier records as these pertain to people potentially still living - nevertheless, as merely the marriage location does not identify individuals, where I have such records they are included.


Glanfield Marriages North UK
      Glanfield Marriages South UK

I have plotted all marriages (across all time) onto two maps - one each for the North and South of England & Wales.

Naturally, the marriage locations approximate to the locations of heads of branches, but whereas a whole branch only has a single head, larger branches will have multiple marriage events and these may have occurred in different locations, which would appear in the above maps.

However, if those multiple marriages took place at the same location, only a single marker is shown, or multiple overplotted markers if the marriages occured in different centurys.


Glanville Marriages 1500-1600
  Glanville Marriages 1601-1700
  Glanville Marriages 1601-1700
  Glanville Marriages 1601-1700
  Glanville Marriages 1601-1700
1901 onwards
  Glanville Marriages all dates
All Dates

Due to the large number of marriage locations, it is necessary to plot marriages by century on separate maps in order to see clearly.
As for Glanfields above, each location marker may be recording one, a few or a great many events at that location.

The final map contains a count by county of all marriages without regard to time.

Glanville marriage locations show how, over time the family branches grew out of principally the South West through the London and Oxfordshire areas, with some of the East Anglians changing their surname from Glanfield in the 1600s.
During the 1800s the dispersion of the branches grew (railways?), and in the 1900s the dispersion became even greater.

The plot across All Dates though, shows that although Glanville families were becoming dispersed across many marriage locations, in terms of numbers, the vast majority of marriages remain in the South West with significant presence in London/Middlesex.