John Taylor

Male, ID #4411, b. before 1796

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Taylor was born before 1796.
     He married Eleanor Glanville on 2 October 1816 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, Banns record both of this parish.


Eleanor Glanville b. b 1796

Eleanor Glanville

Female, ID #4412, b. before 1796

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Taylor.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Eleanor Glanville was born before 1796.
     She married John Taylor on 2 October 1816 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, Banns record both of this parish.


John Taylor b. b 1796

Elizabeth Glanfield

Female, ID #4413, b. 2 July 1727
FatherWilliam Glanfield (b 1700 - )
MotherMargaret (Surname Unknown) (b 1700 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 2 July 1727 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, Elis Dau: of Will: Glanfield and Margret. Elizabeth Glanfield was born before 2 July 1727 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.

George Haydon

Male, ID #4414, b. before 1703

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Haydon was born before 1703.
     He married Elizabeth Glanfield on 25 October 1723 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, George Haydon to Eliz: Glanfield.


Elizabeth Glanfield b. b 1703

Elizabeth Glanfield

Female, ID #4415, b. before 1703

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Haydon.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Glanfield was born before 1703.
     She married George Haydon on 25 October 1723 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, George Haydon to Eliz: Glanfield.


George Haydon b. b 1703

Eliza Glanville

Female, ID #4416, b. before 14 November 1838, d. February 1840
FatherWilliam Glanville (1798 - 1854)
MotherMary Labdon (bt 1799 - 1800 - )

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Glandvill recorded at death registration.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Eliza Glanville was born before 14 November 1838 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     She was baptized on 14 November 1838 at Crediton, DEV, ENG, parents named William and Mary Glanvill.
     She died in February 1840 at Crediton, DEV, ENG; registered Crediton, recorded age 1.
     She was buried on 9 February 1840 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, recorded age 1.

Elizabeth Glanfield

Female, ID #4417, b. 17 January 1695/96
FatherJohn Glanfield (b 1671 - )
MotherWilmot (Surname Unknown) (b 1671 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 17 January 1695/96 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, Elizabeth daughter of John Glanfield and Wilmut his wife. Elizabeth Glanfield was born before 17 January 1695/96 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.

Wilmot (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #4418, b. before 1671

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanfield.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Wilmot (Surname Unknown) was born before 1671.
     She married John Glanfield before 1691.


John Glanfield b. b 1671

John Glanfield

Male, ID #4419, b. before 1671

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanfield was born before 1671.
     He married Wilmot (Surname Unknown) before 1691.


Wilmot (Surname Unknown) b. b 1671

Elizabeth Glanville

Female, ID #4420, b. 18 September 1836
FatherSamuel Glanville (1777 - 1859)
MotherAnn Kerslake (bt 1790 - 1791 - c 1861)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 18 September 1836 at Broad Street Independent, Crediton, DEV, ENG. Elizabeth Glanville was born before 18 September 1836 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.

Ann Pollard

Female, ID #4421, b. between 1810 and 1811, d. circa August 1854

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ann Pollard was born between 1810 and 1811 at Crantock, CON, ENG.
     She married Samuel Glanville, son of Richard Glanville and Elizabeth Tom, on 29 January 1831 at Crantock, CON, ENG.
     She died circa August 1854 at St Columb Major registered, CON, ENG; recorded age 45.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Ann Pollard and Samuel Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Pentire, Crantock, CON, ENG; his age recorded 35, hers 30.
  • Ann Pollard and Samuel Glanville appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at Halwyn, Crantock, CON, ENG; his age recorded 50, hers 41.


Samuel Glanville b. 1801, d. Apr 1872

William Glanville

Male, ID #4422, b. before 1825, d. before 1866

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born before 1825.
     He died before 1866.



Elizabeth Glanville

Female, ID #4423, b. 30 August 1836
FatherJames Glanville (bt 1808 - 1809 - 1885)
MotherRebecca Pinson (bt 1809 - 1810 - c 1864)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Garrett.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Glanville was born on 30 August 1836 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     She was baptized on 25 December 1836 at Bowder Hill Presbyterian, Crediton, DEV, ENG, parents James and Rebecca Glanvill. Born 30 Aug 36.
     She married William Garrett on 29 April 1871 at Holy Trinity parish church, Brompton Road, Kensington, MDX, ENG, (when age calculated as 34 years, 7 months and 30 days) registered Kensington. After banns, Bachelor and Spinster. His age 25, hers 27. Fathers named John Garrett deceased Inn Keeper, James Glanville manufacturer. Witness William James Glanville.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Elizabeth Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Paradise, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 5, living with her parents.
  • She appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at Park Street, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 14, living with her parents.
  • As of 29 April 1871, Elizabeth Glanville lived at Brompton, Kensington, MDX, ENG.


William Garrett b. bt 1845 - 1846

Rebecca Pinson

Female, ID #4424, b. between 1809 and 1810, d. circa February 1864

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Rebecca Pinson was born between 1809 and 1810 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     She married James Glanville, son of William Glanville and Jane Hopper, on 25 December 1830 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, Banns record both of this parish.
     She died circa February 1864 at Crediton registered, DEV, ENG; recorded age 53.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Rebecca Pinson and James Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Paradise, Crediton, DEV, ENG; both with recorded age 30, living next door to William and Jane Glanville.
  • Rebecca Pinson and James Glanville appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at Park Street, Crediton, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 45, hers 41.
  • Rebecca was a boot and shoe binder on 30 March 1851.
  • She and James Glanville appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at Park Street, Crediton, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 52, hers 50.
  • Rebecca was a boot & shoe binder on 7 April 1861.


James Glanville b. bt 1808 - 1809, d. Jan 1885

Henry Hicks

Male, ID #4425, b. between 1864 and 1865

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Henry Hicks was born between 1864 and 1865.
     He married Eliza Glanville, daughter of Edwin Glanville and Ellen Marles, on 26 May 1890 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, Banns read Dorchester All Saints (parish of Henry) April 27, May 4 and 11. Eliza of parish of Crediton. His age recorded 25, hers 24. Fathers named Lewis Hicks carpenter, Edwin Glanvill shoemaker. Witnesses Edwin Glanville, Bessie Yeoman.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Henry was a carpenter on 26 May 1890.


Eliza Glanville b. c May 1866

Thomas Breen

Male, ID #4426, b. before 1888

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Breen was born before 1888.
     He married Gertrude Glanville, daughter of Julian Glanville and Fanny Clemens, circa August 1908 at Bodmin registered, CON, ENG, Banns having been read Charlecote, Warks Aug 23, 30 and 6 Sept when Thomas of that parish and Gertrude of Bodmin.


Gertrude Glanville b. c May 1868

Ellen Glanville

Female, ID #4427, b. 22 March 1836, d. circa May 1905
FatherGeorge Glanville (1803 - c 1870)
MotherElizabeth Cann (bt 1806 - 1807 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ellen Glanville was born on 22 March 1836 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     She was baptized on 10 April 1836 at Bowder Hill Presbyterian, Crediton, DEV, ENG, parents George and Elizabeth Glanvill. Born 22 Mar 36.
     She died circa May 1905 at Totnes registered, DEV, ENG; recorded age 68.

Other information

     Ellen (when aged 24) was present at the marriage of John Lake and Fanny Glanville on 15 January 1861 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG; registered Crediton. Both of full age, fathers named John Lake yeoman, George Glanvill draper. John Lake of Dawlish. Witnesses George Glanvill, Ellen Glanvill.
     Ellen (when aged 33) was present at the marriage of Elizabeth Bessie Glanville and Henry Garland on 31 January 1870 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG; registered Crediton. Both of full age, fathers named George Glanvill draper and John Garland machinist. Henry of St Sidwell's Exeter. Witnesses Edwin Glanvill, Ellen Glanvill.
     On 10 May 1878 The London Gazette carried:
The Bankruptcy Act, 1869.
In the County Court of Devonshire, holden at Exeter.
In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by Ellen Glanvill, of No. 3, Exeter-road, Crediton, in the county of. Devon, Draper.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at the Crown and Sceptre Hotel, North-street, Exeter, on the 23rd day of May, 1878, at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 7th day of May, 1878.
SMITH, SYMES, and SMITH, Solicitors for the said Ellen Glanvill.
     On 25 June 1878 The London Gazette carried
The Bankruptcy Act, 1869.
In the County Court of Devonshire, holden at Exeter.
In the Matter of a Special Resolution for. Liquidation by Arrangement of the affairs of Ellen Glanvill, of No. 3, Exeter-road, Credion, in the county of. Devon, Draper.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of the Creditors of the said Ellen Glanvill is hereby summoned to be held at the offices of Mr. Thomas Andrew, 18, Bedford-circus, Exeter, on Wednesday, the 3rd day of July, 1878, at twelve o'clock at noon precisely, to consider the propriety of accepting an offer of the debtor's friends to pay a composition of one shilling and sixpence in the pound, in satisfaction of the debts due to the creditors named in the said debtor's statement of affairs, and to all others claiming to be creditors of the said debtor, on the 15th day of August, 1878 ; -to grant the said debtor her discharge on and from the 1st day of September, 1878 ; to close the liquidation on and from the said 1st day of September, 1878; and to release the Trustee on and from such date.—Dated 20th day of June, 1878.
THOMAS ANDREW, Bedford-circus, Exeter, Trustee.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Ellen Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Exeter Road, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 5, living with her parents.
  • Ellen was a scholar on 30 March 1851.
  • She appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at White Hart Square, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 15, living with her parents.
  • She appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at Mill Street, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 25, living with her parents.
  • Ellen was a drapers assistant on 7 April 1861.
  • Ellen was a draper on 2 April 1871.
  • She appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at Exeter Road, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 34, brother Edwin living with her.
  • She and Edwin Glanville appeared on the census of 3 April 1881 at Exeter Road, Crediton, DEV, ENG; his age transcribed 36, hers 44. Living as head and brother.
  • Ellen was a shopkeeper on 3 April 1881.
  • She appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at 2 Croft Terrace, Paignton, DEV, ENG; her age recorded 53, living with her brother Edwin.
  • She appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 7 Seanay? Terrace, Paignton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 65.
  • Ellen was a plain needleworker on 31 March 1901.

Elizabeth Cann

Female, ID #4428, b. between 1806 and 1807

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Cann was born between 1806 and 1807 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     She married George Glanville, son of George Glanville and Prudence Berry, on 3 November 1827 at Crediton, DEV, ENG, banns record both of this parish.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 24 November 1827, Elizabeth Cann and George Glanville lived at Crediton, DEV, ENG, given at the baptism of their son.
  • Elizabeth Cann and George Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Exeter Road, Crediton, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 35, hers 30.
  • Elizabeth Cann and George Glanville appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at White Hart Square, Crediton, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 47, hers 44.
  • Elizabeth was a drapers wife on 30 March 1851.
  • She and George Glanville appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at Mill Street, Crediton, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 57, hers 53. John and Fanny Lake visiting.


George Glanville b. 1803, d. c Aug 1870

Thomas Doble Reed

Male, ID #4429, b. between 1872 and 1873

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Doble Reed was born between 1872 and 1873.
     He married Mabel Clemens Glanville, daughter of Julian Glanville and Fanny Clemens, on 19 July 1905 at Bodmin, CON, ENG, Banns read Shilton, Oxf (Thomas of this parish, Mabel of Bodmin) June 25 - July 9th
Registered Bodmin. His age recorded 32, hers 24. Fathers named Thomas Reed farmer, Julian Glanville farmer. Witnesses Julian Glanville, John James Reed.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Thomas was a farmer on 19 July 1905.
  • As of 19 July 1905, Thomas Doble Reed lived at Shilton, OXF, ENG.
  • As of 19 July 1905, Thomas Doble Reed lived at Shilton, OXF, ENG.
  • He and Mabel Clemens Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at Forceleap Farm, Hinton Brackley, NTH, ENG; his age recorded 38, hers 29.


Mabel Clemens Glanville b. c May 1881

Eleanor Glanville

Female, ID #4430, b. 18 July 1686
FatherPhilip Glanville (1651 - )
MotherMary Potter (b 1652 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 18 July 1686 at Crediton, DEV, ENG. Eleanor Glanville was born before 18 July 1686 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.

Emma Jane Glanville

Female, ID #4431, b. 25 December 1828
FatherGeorge Glanville (1803 - c 1870)
MotherElizabeth Cann (bt 1806 - 1807 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Turner.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Emma Jane Glanville was born on 25 December 1828 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     She was baptized on 11 January 1829 at Bowder Hill Presbyterian, Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     She married John Moyle Holderness Turner on 6 May 1863 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 34 years, 4 months and 11 days) registered Crediton. Both of full age, fathers named William Turner gentleman, George Glanvill draper. Witnesses George Glanvill, Befsie Glanvill.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Emma Jane Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Exeter Road, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 12, living with her parents.
  • Emma was a drapers assistant on 30 March 1851.
  • She appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at White Hart Square, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 22, living with her parents.
  • Emma was a drapers assistant on 7 April 1861.
  • She appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at Mill Street, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 32, living with her parents.
  • She and John Moyle Holderness Turner appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at 8 Polden Street, Bridgwater, SOM, ENG; both with recorded age 42.


John Moyle Holderness Turner b. bt 1828 - 1829

Fanny Glanville

Female, ID #4432, b. before 1697

Alternate Names

     As of 21 July 1717,her married name was Chillcott.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Fanny Glanville was born before 1697.
     She married Philip Chillcott on 21 July 1717 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.


Philip Chillcott b. b 1797

Philip Chillcott

Male, ID #4433, b. before 1797

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Philip Chillcott was born before 1797.
     He married Fanny Glanville on 21 July 1717 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.


Fanny Glanville b. b 1697

Fanny Glanville

Female, ID #4434, b. 31 August 1833
FatherGeorge Glanville (1803 - c 1870)
MotherElizabeth Cann (bt 1806 - 1807 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Lake.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Fanny Glanville was born on 31 August 1833 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     She was baptized on 19 September 1833 at Bowder Hill Presbyterian, Crediton, DEV, ENG, parents named George and Elizabeth Glanville.
     She was baptized on 21 September 1854 at St Stephen, Exeter, DEV, ENG, Fanny of George and Elizabeth Glanville, abode High Street. Born 31 Aug 1834.
     She married John Lake on 15 January 1861 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 27 years, 4 months and 15 days) registered Crediton. Both of full age, fathers named John Lake yeoman, George Glanvill draper. John Lake of Dawlish. Witnesses George Glanvill, Ellen Glanvill.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Fanny Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Exeter Road, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 9, living with her parents.
  • Fanny was a drapers assistant on 30 March 1851.
  • She appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at White Hart Square, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 17, living with her parents.
  • She and John Lake appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at Mill Street, Crediton, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 28, hers 27. Both visiting George and Elizabeth Glanville.


John Lake b. bt 1832 - 1833

Sussex Kitto

Male, ID #4435, b. between 1876 and 1877, d. circa May 1907

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Sussex Kitto was born between 1876 and 1877 at St Columb Minor, CON, ENG.
     He married Katie Glanville circa August 1905 at Bodmin registered, CON, ENG.
     He died circa May 1907 at Bodmin registered, CON, ENG; recorded age 30.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Sussex Kitto appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 87 Higher Bore Street, Bodmin, CON, ENG; recorded age 24, living with his parents William H and Jane Kitto.
  • Sussex was a general tailor on 31 March 1901.


Katie Glanville b. b 1885

Francis Henry Glanville

Male, ID #4436, b. 21 August 1831, d. before 1834
FatherJames Glanville (bt 1808 - 1809 - 1885)
MotherRebecca Pinson (bt 1809 - 1810 - c 1864)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 21 August 1831 at Bowder Hill Presbyterian, Crediton, DEV, ENG, parents named James and Rebecca Glanville. Francis Henry Glanville was born on 20 June 1831 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     He died before 1834; presumed, from baptism of same named sibling.

George Glanfield

Male, ID #4437, b. 27 January 1649, d. before 1651
FatherGeorge Glanfield (b 1627 - )
MotherJoan (Surname Unknown) (b 1627 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 27 January 1649 at Crediton, DEV, ENG. George Glanfield was born before 27 January 1649 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     He died before 1651; presumed, from baptism of same-named sibling.

Joan (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #4438, b. before 1627

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanfield.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Joan (Surname Unknown) was born before 1627.
     She married George Glanfield before 1647.


George Glanfield b. b 1627

George Glanfield

Male, ID #4439, b. before 1627

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Glanfield was born before 1627.
     He married Joan (Surname Unknown) before 1647.


Joan (Surname Unknown) b. b 1627

George Glanfield

Male, ID #4440, b. 30 March 1651, d. August 1669
FatherGeorge Glanfield (b 1627 - )
MotherJoan (Surname Unknown) (b 1627 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 30 March 1651 at Crediton, DEV, ENG. George Glanfield was born before 30 March 1651 at Crediton, DEV, ENG.
     He died in August 1669 at Crediton, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 18.)
     He was buried on 1 September 1669 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, September 1 George Glanvill Hanged Himfelfe.