Ellen Dwane

Female, ID #37631, b. 29 January 1895, d. 8 April 1957

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • Ellen Dwane was born on Tuesday, 29 January 1895 in Marylebone, MDX, ENG.
  • She married Frank Ernest Goff, son of Ernest Arthur Goff and Edith Elizabeth Forster, on Thursday, 7 April 1921 in Marylebone, MDX, ENG, (when age calculated as 26 years, 2 months and 9 days.)
  • She died on Monday, 8 April 1957 registered in Marylebone, MDX, ENG, (when age calculated as 62 years, 2 months and 10 days.)

Other Names Used

  • Her married name was Goff.

Census Appearance(s)

  • Ellen and Frank Ernest Goff appeared on the census of Sunday, 19 June 1921 in Hackney, MDX, ENG.

Children of Ellen Dwane and Frank Ernest Goff

John Leonard Sutlieff

Male, ID #37632, b. 24 January 1919, d. January 1984

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • John Leonard Sutlieff was born on Friday, 24 January 1919.
  • He married Josephine Mary Goff, daughter of Frank Ernest Goff and Ellen Dwane, circa October 1946 in St Marylebone, MDX, ENG.
  • He died in January 1984 registered in Wandsworth, SRY, ENG, (when age calculated as 64 years and 11 months.)

Family: John Leonard Sutlieff and Josephine Mary Goff


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