Kenneth Henry Philip Passmore
Male, ID #42241, b. 8 March 1914, d. 20 August 1987
Birth, Marriage and Death information
- Kenneth Henry Philip Passmore was born on Sunday, 8 March 1914 registered in Tiverton, DEV, ENG.
- He married Phyllis Dora Westcott, daughter of Spencer Alfred Westcott and Dora Emily Perkins, circa November 1939 registered in Tiverton, DEV, ENG.
- He died on Thursday, 20 August 1987 registered in Exeter, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 73 years, 5 months and 12 days.)
Family: Kenneth Henry Philip Passmore and Phyllis Dora Westcott
female Hockley
Female, ID #42255, b. before 1899
Birth, Marriage and Death information
- Female Hockley was born before 1899.
Children of female Hockley
- Robert A. S. Colvin (circa 1919 - )
- Frederick S. Colvin (circa 1921 - )
Marjorie Lilian Tugnutt
Female, ID #42264, b. 11 March 1911
Birth, Marriage and Death information
- Marjorie Lilian Tugnutt was born on Saturday, 11 March 1911 registered in East Preston, SSX, ENG.
- She married Arthur William Ronald Barrow, son of William Charles Barrow and Annie Puttick, circa February 1934 registered in East Preston, SSX, ENG.
- She married Edward J. Fuller circa August 1943 registered in Coventry, WAR, ENG.
Family: Marjorie Lilian Tugnutt and Arthur William Ronald Barrow
Family: Marjorie Lilian Tugnutt and Edward J. Fuller
Annie Christabel Norman
Female, ID #42265, b. 23 December 1898, d. after 1966
- Charts: Edward Ongley's Descendants
Birth, Marriage and Death information
- Annie Christabel Norman was born on Friday, 23 December 1898.
- She married Alroy Robert Alfred Hewett, son of Robert Amos Hewett and Sarah Lydia Hoare Loud, circa August 1929 registered in Swansea, GLA, WLS.
- She died after 1966.
Other Names Used
- Her married name was Hewett.
Family: Annie Christabel Norman and Alroy Robert Alfred Hewett
Denis H. Baker
Male, ID #42266, b. circa November 1928
- Father: Harold Baker (b 1905 - )
- Mother: Edith Merina Hewett (1901 - 1992)
- Relationship to Jay Glanville: 4th cousin 2 times removed.
- Charts: Edward Ongley's Descendants
Birth, Marriage and Death information
- Denis H. Baker was born circa November 1928 registered in West Ham, ESS, ENG.