- Styles (cont.)
Thomas (between 1832 and 1833 - after 1881)William Henry (circa 1866 - after 1891)
- Such
Edith B. (before 1905 - )
- Sufana
Miriam (1922 - 1977)Robert Lewis (1922 - 2015)Yvonne Nancy (1950 - 2004)
- Suggett
Eleanor Annie (circa 1890 - circa 1929)
- Suggitt
Dorothy Violet (1908 - )
- Sullivan
Christopher (1902 - )James A. (before 1921 - )James Edward (1889 - 1954)James Leonard (1895 - 1982)Jim (1889 - 1954)Julia (between 1848 and 1850 - circa 1923)Linda C. (circa 1958 - )Marcella Mary (1912 - 2008)Matthew (before 1828 - )Monica (1885 - 1942)Olive Frances (1901 - 1970)Susie Phyllis Sybil (1909 - circa 1961)Wanda Alecta (1910 - 1975)
- Summers
Alice (between 1867 and 1868 - circa 1931)George (before 1847 - before 1891)Harriet (between 1859 and 1860 - circa 1913)John (between 1843 and 1844 - )Mary Jane (1848 - circa 1933)Mary Jane (1867 - circa 1935)William (before 1869 - )
- Summersell
Doris Mary (1922 - )Edith Mary (1889 - 1989)John William (1891 - )Nora Ethel (1925 - )William John (1891 - )
- Sumner
Caroline Ann (between 1833 and 1834 - circa 1874)Caroline Harriet (circa 1856 - after 1881)Charles (1890 - 1970)Edward (between 1830 and 1831 - circa 1863)female (between 1903 and 1923 - )male (between 1903 and 1923 - )Maud Beatrice (1890 - 1972)
- Sumpter
Peggy Irene (circa 1920 - 2010)
- Sunderland
Frank (1909 - )Gwendoline (1916 - )Sarah E. (1913 - )
- Sundram
Herbert Edward (circa 1915 - 1994)Olive Muriel (1915 - 2004)
- Surridge
Robert Thomas (1928 - 2007)Shirley May (1925 - 2002)
- Sutcliffe
Mary Alma (1934 - 2006)
- Sutherland
Earl Lesley (1904 - 1995)George Finlay (1891 - 1965)Hazel Alma (1906 - )Janet Silvia (1888 - 1976)Mary I. (before 1920 - )Muriel A. (1902 - )
- Suthers
George (before 1919 - )Martin William O.B.E., M.A., D.L. (1940 - 2016)Susie Mary (1908 - 1984)
- Sutlieff
John Leonard (1919 - 1984)Josephine Mary (1922 - 2000)
- Sutton
Agnes Beatrice (1883 - circa 1976)Albert (circa 1918 - )Albert H. (before 1929 - )Albert James (before 1877 - )Annette Thelma (1894 - 1981)Annie Florence (circa 1893 - )Arthur Richard (1927 - )Barrie Nield (1930 - 1984)Beatrice Doris (1924 - 1999)Doris Beatrice (1924 - 1999)Dorothy Pauline (1932 - 2020)Eliza (between 1818 and 1819 - )Elizabeth Henrietta (between 1863 and 1864 - 1936)Ernest (1914 - 1984)Ernest Raymond (1927 - 2002)Florence Annie (circa 1893 - )Florence Bertha (1906 - )Florence Susan (circa 1872 - )Frederick (1911 - 1990)Horace W. (1898 - )
- Sutton (cont.)
Irene May (1915 - 2004)June M. (1936 - 2018)Leonard (1880 - )Leonard George (1905 - 1951)Louisa (between 1880 and 1881 - )Peggy Patricia Dorothy (1921 - )Richard (between 1858 and 1859 - )William (circa 1907 - )
- Swaden
Victoria Jane (1982 - 1992)
- Swan
Alan David (between 1912 and 1913 - )Jennie Florence Edith (between 1915 and 1916 - )Sarah (1879 - circa 1940)
- Swanberg
Harriet (between 1877 and 1878 - )
- Sweatfield
Audrey Louise (before 1952 - 1983)
- Sweeny
Alma Edith Jane (1906 - 1972)Margaret Rose (1913 - 1974)
- Sweet
Albert Charles Henry (1923 - )Charles Burgess (before 1887 - )Doreen Vivian (circa 1933 - circa 1933)Dorothy (1906 - 1991)Edith Annie Mary (1893 - )Edith Daisy (1909 - )Emily Agnes (between 1866 and 1867 - )Emily Lilian (1913 - circa 1977)Iris Lilian (circa 1926 - )Joseph Edward (1893 - circa 1969)Joseph Edward (1913 - 1996)Joyce E. (before 1928 - )Martha Sarah Goodwin (before 1887 - )Rosie Kathleen (1919 - )William Frank (before 1907 - )
- Swenson
Mary (before 1873 - )
- Swift
Alfred A. (before 1921 - )Alice Ellen Marie (1912 - )Arthur (1913 - 1998)Edith Kate (1907 - circa 1973)
- Swyer
Derek Charles Bernard (circa 1927 - )Elizabeth Daisy (1892 - 1969)Frederick Horace (circa 1891 - 1947)Pamela Leslie (1923 - 2002)Pauline Betty (1918 - 1993)
- Sykes
Edith Lydia May (1906 - 2000)Emily Jessie (circa 1874 - 1939)James Joseph (1873 - 1957)Maria Frances (between 1843 and 1844 - )Welcome Jessie (1902 - 1980)
- Sylvester
Ada (circa 1900 - circa 1901)Alfred Edward (1911 - 2011)Alice Louisa (circa 1857 - 1927)Arthur George William (1907 - 1993)Audrey Joy (circa 1925 - 2008)Betty (1912 - 1970)Betty Jean (1934 - 1999)Charles Alfred (1894 - 1918)Clara Florence (1897 - 1966)Dora Newman (1910 - 2005)Doris Florence (1918 - circa 1973)Edith Lillian (1895 - 1989)Edith May (1915 - )Elizabeth May (1903 - )Ellen (1865 - circa 1948)Emma (between 1834 and 1835 - )Florence Annie (1888 - )Florence Mary Ann (1868 - 1955)Frank (1903 - circa 1904)George (1869 - circa 1947)
- Sylvester (cont.)
George (1911 - 2004)George Harry (circa 1890 - 1918)Harry (between 1833 and 1834 - 1912)Herbert Arthur (1918 - circa 1978)Herbert William (1893 - circa 1979)James Richard (1864 - circa 1949)Janet Charlotte (1920 - 2004)Kenneth James (1917 - 2001)Lena Maggie (1908 - 2005)Lilian Mary Williams (1899 - circa 1946)Maria Matilda (circa 1861 - circa 1941)Mary Ann Amelia (circa 1863 - circa 1927)Mary Sarah (1859 - circa 1919)Peter George (circa 1934 - circa 1934)Phyllis Dorothy (1914 - 1994)Phyllis Eva (1882 - circa 1972)Renee Violet (1924 - 2006)Richard James (1864 - circa 1949)Richard James (1887 - 1967)Robert Cass (circa 1909 - 2007)
- Sylvester (cont.)
Robert James (1929 - 2015)Rose Emily (1906 - 1989)Sarah (1834 - 1869)Sydney (1902 - circa 1968)Violet Dorothy (1895 - circa 1976)Walter Thomas (1896 - 1973)William George (circa 1855 - 1856)William Harry (1861 - circa 1926)William Hoad (circa 1892 - circa 1892)Winifred Mary (1915 - 2004)
- Symes
Alfred (1911 - circa 1976)Alfred Samuel (1869 - 1947)Ann (between 1827 and 1828 - after 1881)Arthur (1898 - circa 1975)Ernest (1911 - circa 1981)Ethel (1892 - after 1939)Ethel Winifred (1890 - 1987)Harold (circa 1896 - after 1911)Isabella (1900 - 1985)Kate (1866 - 1942)Kate (1900 - circa 1981)Laura (1894 - circa 1974)Mabel Constance (1896 - )Phyllis Ada (1914 - circa 1974)Violet L. (1893 - )
- Symons
Louisa Florence (1898 - 1968)Olive M. (before 1894 - )
- Syms
Alice Lilian (1877 - 1964)
- Syrett
Ethel (1888 - 1951)
- Szwarc
Bronislaw (1922 - 1994)Monica Ruth (circa 1928 - 2003)
- Taggart
Alexander (between 1846 and 1847 - )Elizabeth (between 1845 and 1846 - )Florence Maud Mary (1888 - 1966)Kathleen Annie Early (1903 - )Margaret B. (before 1925 - )Sefton Campbell Inglefield (1904 - 1989)
- Taillon
Deborah Ann (1954 - 2004)
- Takle
Arthur James (1899 - )Arthur K. (circa 1928 - 2014)Bertha May (1899 - 2001)Ken (circa 1928 - 2014)Pamela Mary (circa 1929 - 2010)Ruth M. (before 1942 - 2013)William John (1926 - 2001)
- Talbot
Ann Fisher (1847 - circa 1918)Betty (circa 1915 - 1946)Cecil Edward (circa 1885 - 1973)Charles Ernest Toye (circa 1888 - circa 1915)Dora Ethel (1914 - 2008)Edward George (1908 - 1963)Eliza (between 1824 and 1825 - 1867)Elsie Winifred May (1892 - 1943)Emily Wilhelmina Toye (circa 1889 - circa 1889)Henry Francis (between 1883 and 1884 - circa 1902)Isabella Mary (circa 1852 - circa 1901)Ivy Avice (1910 - circa 1981)Janet Silvia (1888 - 1976)John (between 1824 and 1825 - 1901)John George (between 1911 and 1912 - 1943)John Turberfield (circa 1857 - 1952)John William (1882 - 1934)Maud Mary (1880 - )Na Thell (1912 - 1966)Richard Norman (1939 - 1969)
- Talbot (cont.)
Rose (1909 - circa 1975)
- Talbott
Edwin Arthur (1924 - circa 1974)Kathleen Olive (circa 1924 - 2013)
- Talley
Andrew Lee (1895 - 1955)June Ann (1902 - 1926)
- Talmey
Alice Ada (1905 - circa 1974)Arthur F. (1902 - )Lilian Alice (1889 - circa 1973)
- Taman
Ada Elizabeth (1883 - circa 1955)Edward Charles (1894 - circa 1977)Ellen (circa 1880 - circa 1907)Frederick Thomas (1891 - circa 1965)Georgina (circa 1887 - circa 1933)William Eli (1882 - circa 1957)
- Tambling
Lily Louisa Kate (1908 - 1998)
- Tamlyn
Kathleen Elizabeth (circa 1912 - )
- Tams
Caroline Emma (1895 - circa 1979)Edward J. (before 1900 - )
- Tanfield
Margaret (1922 - 2010)Robert (1931 - 1988)
- Tanman
Henley Bernard (1921 - before 2000)
- Tanner
Albert (between 1840 and 1841 - circa 1917)Albert (circa 1921 - circa 1921)Albert Leigh (1895 - circa 1970)Ann (circa 1840 - circa 1915)Arthur Edward (1886 - 1953)Beatrice Maud (circa 1889 - circa 1922)Bessie (between 1873 and 1874 - 1931)Catherine Rose (circa 1900 - circa 1916)Charles (circa 1879 - 1933)Charles Leslie Roberts (circa 1900 - circa 1950)Clara Evelyn (1907 - circa 1980)Doris (1907 - circa 1976)Dorothy May (1906 - 1986)Douglas Thomas (1919 - 1988)Edith (circa 1912 - )Eliza (1868 - )Elsie (1917 - )Emily (1855 - 1940)Emily (before 1915 - )Emily Jane (1867 - 1947)
- Tanner (cont.)
Esther (1877 - 1946)Ethel (1881 - )Ethel (circa 1884 - circa 1916)Ethel (circa 1909 - )Ethel Flora (1902 - )Ethel Lovey Louise Clemmons (circa 1899 - circa 1900)Evelyn (1881 - 1915)Frederick John (circa 1928 - )Gladys Dorothy Betty (1928 - circa 1941)Gladys L. (1897 - )Gwendoline M. (1909 - )Harold Douglas (1922 - )Herbert Frank (1905 - 1985)Hilda Emily Jane Williams (1899 - 1987)James (circa 1877 - circa 1878)Kate Amelia (circa 1893 - circa 1893)Kathleen (circa 1900 - circa 1916)Kathleen Florence (1886 - 1954)Lucinda Ann (1894 - 1985)Marjorie J. (1913 - 1997)
- Tanner (cont.)
Marquis De Lafayette (1840 - 1916)Matilda (circa 1869 - 1919)Matilda Emily (1902 - )Nettie Viola (1901 - 1984)Olive May (1910 - )Oscar Herbert (1878 - 1968)Richard (circa 1871 - 1928)Richard John Bargery (1896 - circa 1953)