Sarah Glanville

Female, ID #7951, b. between 1828 and 1829
FatherJohn Glanville (b 1808 - b 1849)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Chinnery.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Sarah Glanville was born between 1828 and 1829 at Plymouth, DEV, ENG.
     She married Samuel Chinnery on 4 November 1849 at St Pancras parish church, St Pancras, MDX, ENG, registered St Pancras. By licence, both of full age, both of St Pancras. Fathers both named John, his a merchant, hers deceased.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Sarah Glanville and Samuel Chinnery appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at 8 Medina Villas, Hackney, MDX, ENG; his age recorded 33, hers 32.


Samuel Chinnery b. bt 1827 - 1828

Thomas Bastin Lark

Male, ID #7952, b. before 1843

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Bastin Lark was born before 1843.
     He married Sophia Elizabeth Glanville, daughter of Edward James Glanville and Sophia Wright, on 3 September 1864 at St Pancras parish church, Old Church, St Pancras, MDX, ENG, registered Pancras. After banns, both of full age. Bachelor and spinster. Fathers name John Lark deceased, Edward James Glanville deceased. Witness Sarah Ellen Glanville.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 3 September 1864, Thomas Bastin Lark and Sophia Elizabeth Glanville lived at Toliner? Square, St Pancras, MDX, ENG.
  • Thomas was a boot maker on 3 September 1864.
  • He and Sophia Elizabeth Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at 1 Percy Terrace, Kensington, MDX, ENG; both with recorded age 33. Sister Sarah H Glanville was living with them.
  • Thomas was a clicker on 2 April 1871.


Sophia Elizabeth Glanville b. 2 Jul 1837

Julianna Byrde

Female, ID #7953, b. before 1533

Alternate Names

     As of 2 January 1553,her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Julianna Byrde was born before 1533.
     She married Thomas Glanville on 2 January 1553 at St Margaret, Westminster, MDX, ENG.


Thomas Glanville b. b 1533

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #7954, b. before 1533

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born before 1533.
     He married Julianna Byrde on 2 January 1553 at St Margaret, Westminster, MDX, ENG.


Julianna Byrde b. b 1533

Thomasin Burd

Female, ID #7955, b. before 1544

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomasin Burd was born before 1544.
     She married Thomas Glanville on 24 October 1564 at St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, SRY, ENG.

Other information

     She was made a joint executor of her husband's will in 1567, which she proved in 1568.


Thomas Glanville b. b 1527

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #7956, b. before 1527

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born before 1527 in ENG.
     He married Thomasin Burd on 24 October 1564 at St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, SRY, ENG.
     His estate was probated on 4 May 1568 granted at London to Thomasine relect and executor named in the will.

Other information

     Thomas must have had a first marriage in order to have two daughters old enough to be joint executors of his 1567 will.
     Thomas Glanville left a will on 14 November 1567 In the name of God amen the fourtenith daye of November in the yeare of our Lorde god one
thousand fyve hundredth three score and seven I Thomas Glanvile sycke in bodie Nevertheless of good and perfect remembrance
ande prayse be unto almyghtie god therefore ordeine and make this my present testament conteynynge therein my last will
in manner and forme folowinge / I commende my soule unto almyghtie god my creator and maker and to Jesus Christ
my redemer and savyour by whose Death and preciouse blood sheddinge I truste to h*ne* remy shone and forgeavenes of my
synes my bodye to be buried where it shall please god / Item I give and bequeath to my wife and chyldren all and singular
my goodes debts and cattelles both moveable and ummoveableto be divided amongest them according to the lawes
of this realme. Item I constitute and make my wife Tomazyn and my daughter Kateryn and Anne my true and leefull
executrixes to performe and fullfill this my last will and testament / It I desier the Right honourable Jamys
Blunt Lord Memyie(?) and John Spyller gentleman to be overseers of this my will and Testament / Thers beinge
Witnesses Richard Spencer John Welshye Roger Williams Mathew Morttim Jamys Brownsworthe Richard
Lapsone Thomas Stophart William Drabeseide and others.

Family 1


Family 2

Thomasin Burd b. b 1544

Mary Spong

Female, ID #7957, b. before 1733, d. between 1809 and 1810

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Spong was born before 1733.
     She married Thomas Glanville, son of male Glanville, on 8 July 1753 at St George's Chapel, Hyde Park Corner, Mayfair, Westminster, MDX, ENG, Thomas Glanville and Mary Spong of St Leonard's Shoreditch.
     She died between 1809 and 1810 in ENG.
     Her estate was probated on 6 June 1810 Proved at London the 6th of June 1810 before the
worshipful John Danberry Dr of Laws and Surrg by the oaths
of William Bignall and Charles Bignall the nephews and
executors having been first sworn duly to admin.

Other information

     The marriage record of Mary and the baptismal record of her brother Benjamin is recorded SPONG, athough other records in parish records are transcribed SPONY which is the consistent spelling in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury transcription of Mary's original will.
The way the letters Y and G were written by quill pen mean that both interpretation are possible, but there are many more Spong records than Spony ones, so it presumed Spong is correct.

     Mary Spong left a will on 13 November 1809 In the Name of God Amen
I Mary Glanville of Kingsland in the parish of Saint
John at Hackney in the County of Middlesex widow
being of sound and disposing mind and understanding do make
and publish my last will and testament in manner and
form following that is to say first I will and direct that
all my just debts funderal and testamentary expenses be fully
paid and satisfied and I give and bequeath unto my niece
Elizabeth Carter the eldest daughter of my late brother Benjamin
Spony of the parish of Saint Leonard Shoreditch the sum of
nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and to my nephew Wm Spony
eldest surviving son of my deceased brother William
Spony of Shoreditch aforesaid the sum of one shilling and to my
niece Mary Sanders sista to the above mentioned Wm Spony
the sum of ten pounds and to my niece Ann Loif widow another
sister of the said William Spony the like sum of ten pounds and
to my nephew John Bignall oldest son of my late sister Anne
Bignall widow of John Bignall of the parish of Saint
Leonard Shoreditchy the sum of one hundred pounds and ten
pounds for mourning and to my niece Elizabeth Bignall the
second daughter of my last sister Anne Bignall the sum of one
hundred pounds and to my great niece Helena Anne Bignall
eldest daughter of my nephew William Bignall of Tothill Street
Westminster each master one of my executors herein after named
the sum of fifty pounds four percent Consolidated Bank
Annuities and the like sum of fifty pounds in the three per
cent annuities and to my great niece Mary Rose Bignall
youngest daughter of my said nephew William Bignall
the like sum of fifty pounds in the four per cent annuities
and the like sum of fifty pounds in the three per cent
annuities and to my great niece Charlotte Bignall oldest
daughter of my nephew Charles Bignall of Half Moon St
in the parish of Saint Botolph Bishopsgate coal dealer my
other executor hereinafter named the like sum of fifty pounds
three per cent Consolidated Bank Annuities and to my great
niece Ceila Bignall second daughter of my said nephew Charles
Bignall the like sum of fifty pounds in the same annuities
and to my great niece Mary Anne Bignall third daughter of my
said nephew Charles Bignall the like sum of fifty pounds
the said annuities and to my great niece Ann Maria
Bignall third daughter of my said nephew Charles Bignall
the like sum of fifty pounds in the same annuities and to my
great niece Anne Maria Bignall fourth daughter of my said
nephew Charles Bignall the like sum of fifty pounds same
annuities but in case of the death of either of them the said
four daughters of my said nephew Charles Bignall before they
shall attain the age of twenty one years and unmarried then the
share of them so dying shall go and be divided amongst
the survivors or survivor or them in equal shares and
proportions and I give and bequeath unto my said nephew
William Bignall and Charles Bignall and the survivor
of them his executors and admons all those my five several
annuity bonds of five pounds each granted by five of the
trustees appointed to put in execution an act of Parliament made
and passed in the thirtieth year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the
Third intitled an Act for taking down the Church and Tower
belonging to the parish of Saint John Hackney in the County
of Middx and building another Church and Tower for the use of
the parish and for making an additional Cemitry of Church
Yard and also an act of Parliament made and paassed in the
thirty fifth year of the reign of his said Majesty intitled An Act
for amending the said Act of the 30th for the remainder of the
term of eighty years to come thereinupon trust to pay
and apply the monies arising therefrom as they shall
become due and payable for and towards the maintenance
and education of my great nephew Charles Bignall son of
my said nephew Charles Bignall during his minority and
who I desire may be in the mean time placed out at a proper
school till the age of fourteen years or till such time as my
executors may find an eligible opportunity of putting him
out apprentice and I give and bequeath to my niece Sarah
Bignall wife of my nephew William Bignall the sum of
one hundred pounds four per cent annuities and to my niece
Charlotte Bignall the wife of my nephew Charles Bignall
the sum of one hundred pounds like annuities and to my said
great nephew Charles Bignall over and above what is hereinbefore
given to and provided for him the like sum of one hundred
pounds four per cent annuities and I give and bequeath
unto my nephew William Bignall and Charles Bignall
the sum of five hundred pounds apiece for pounds per
cent Consolidated Bank Annuities also I give to the said
William Bignall and Charles Bignall the sum of one
hundred pounds upon trust to apply the same to and for the
benefit of my two nieces Ann Basset and Mary Marshall
as they my said executors shall think fit and I give and
bequeath unto Miss Dorothy Routagne the sum of twenty
pounds for mourning and all my French books thereof of my
books I give to my nephew William Bignall and I give
and bequeath unto Frederick Glanville great nephew of my
late husband Thomas Glanville the sum of ten pounds fore
mourning and a mourning ring and to Mr Caleb Glanville
nephew of my said late husband and to his wife Mary Glanville
each a mourning ring and to Mr Joseph Savage of Kingsland
aforesaid apothecary and his wife each a mourning ring And also
Mr Willis of Hoxton Square in the County of Middlesex gentleman
and to Mrs Willis his wife each a mourning ring and my
will and desire is to be buried in Bunshill Fields Burying Ground
in the same grave with my late husband and my will and
desire also is that the lease of my dwelling house at Kingsland
aforesaid together with the small tenement at the end of my
garden the ground rent of which is eight pounds per annum
should be valued by some indifferent person and that my nephew
William Bignall shall have the Liberty of purchasing the
same at such valuation and in case of his refusal that
then my nephew Charles Bignall shall have the like
Liberty and in the event of his refusal to sell and dispose of the
same either by public sale or private *** as to them shall
seem best and my will and desire is that the furniture in my
said dwelling house may be disposed of in any way my executors may think best
but not by public sale and lastly as to all the rest and residue of my
estate and effects whatsoever and wheresover and of what nature kind
or sort soever I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto
my said nephews William Bignall and Charles Bignall equally
between them share and share alike as tenants in common
and I appoint them the said Wm Bignall and Charles Bignall
executors of this my will hereby revoking disannulling and make
void all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore
made this only so I establish and confirm as and for my last
will and testament In witness whereof I have to this my
will written and contained in three sheets of paper set my
hand the two first sheets and my hand and seal to the third
and last sheet thereof this thirteenth day of November one
thousand eight hundred and nine - Mary Glanville - LJ -
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Mary Glanvill
the testatrix as and for her last will and testament in the presence
of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of
each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
John Pomeroy - Sanl Fryott Millank St Westm.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 8 July 1753, Mary Spong lived at St Leonard's parish, Shoreditch, MDX, ENG.
  • As of 13 November 1809, Mary Spong lived at Kingsland, Hackney, MDX, ENG.


Thomas Glanville b. bt 1723 - 1724, d. Nov 1800

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #7958, b. between 1723 and 1724, d. November 1800
Fathermale Glanville (b 1703 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born between 1723 and 1724.
     He married Mary Spong on 8 July 1753 at St George's Chapel, Hyde Park Corner, Mayfair, Westminster, MDX, ENG, Thomas Glanville and Mary Spong of St Leonard's Shoreditch.
     He died in November 1800 at London, MDX, ENG.
     His estate was probated on 28 November 1800 This will was proved at London the twenty
eighth day of November in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred before the worshipful Charles
Coote Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful
Sir William Dupont Doctor of Laws Master Keeper
or Commifsary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
constitued by the Oath of Mary Glanville widow the relict
of the deceased and Robert Douglas the Executor named in
the said will to whom Administration was granted of
all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the
said deceased having been first sworn duly to administer.
     He was buried on 4 December 1800 at Bunhill Fields Burial Ground, City Road, London, LND, ENG, a dissenter, recorded age 76, abode Kingsland.

Other information

     Thomas Glanville left a will on 19 July 1799 In the Name of God Amen
I Thomas Glanville of Kingsland in the parish
of Saint John Hackney in the County of Middlesex
Gentleman being of sound mind memory and
understanding do make publish and declare this
as and for my last will and testment in
manner and form following (that is to say)
ffirst I direct that all my just debts and ffuneral
expenses be paid and satisfied as soon after my
decease as conveniently may be whereas on the
eighth day of July one thousand seven hundred
and fifty three I was married to Mary my
present wife then Mary Spong Spinster the daughter
of Mr William Spong of Shoreditch in the County
of Middlesex shoemaker at Mr Reith's New Chapel Mayffair in
the parish of Saint George Hanover Square and I
do hereby acknowledge the said Mary as my true
and lawful wife and after payment of my just
debts and ffuneral expenses I give devise and bequeath
all that my leasehold mefsuage or dwelling house
situate at Kingsland aforesaid in which I now
reside and also all that other house situate in
Kingland aforesaid inthe occupation of ........
Sourdin (?) together with the gardens buildings premises
and appurtenances thereto belonging and all my
esate right title and interest therein unto my
said dear wife Mary Glanville to hold the same
premifses unto her the said Mary Glanville her
executors administrators and afsigns for and during
all the residue and remainder or such term or
terms of afcars (?) and interest as I shall have therein
at the time of my decease subject neverthelefs
to the payment of such rents and performance
fof such covenants conditions and agreements as I
shall then hold the same subject unto and I
give and bequeath unto my great nephew ffrederick
Glanville his executors administrators and afsigns
son of my nephew ffrederick Glanville such bond
or obligation granted me by the trustrees for rebuilding
the parish church of Saint John Hackney in the
said County of Middlesex for securing the sum of one
hundred pounds and interest at five per cent per
annum and I give and bequeath unto my great
niece Mary Glanville daughter of my said nephew
ffrederick Glanville three hundred pounds three per cent
Consolidated bank annuities now standing in my
name in the proper books kept for that purpose at
the Bank of England which I hereby order and
direct to be paid and transferred to her with all
interest and dividends then due and *** thereon
on her attaining the age of twenty one years or
day of marriage which shall first happen the
interest and dividends thereof in the meantime to
be paid and applied by my Executrix and Executor
hereinafter named for and towards her maintenance
and education and I hereby authorize and empower
my said Executive and Executor to apply to each
of the said sum of three hundred pounds three
per cent Consolidated bank Annuites or of teh
interest and divident thereof as they shall think
fit not exceeding the sum of thirty pounds
sterling for the binding or putting out of my said
Grand Niece an apprentice to a boarding school
and I give and bequeath unto Miss Montage of
Kingsland aforesaid the sum of four guineas for a
mourning ring and also unto my ffriends Joseph
Savage and Robert Douglas of Kingsland aforesaid a mourning ring each and I likewise give and bequeath unto the said Robert Douglas the sum of twenty pounds
as some compensation for the trouble he may have
in executing this my will all the rest residue and
remainder of my estate and effects of what ***
or find soever and wheresoever not having before disposed
of I hereby give devise and bequeath unto my said
dear wife Mary Glanville her afsigns executors adminstrators
and afsigns to and for her and their own absolute
use and benefit and I do hereby desire that I may
be buried in the same grave *** bury *****
in Bunhill ffields Burying Ground and that my
esteemed ffriend Mr Savage and Mr Douglas will attend
my ffuneral **** I hereby nominate constitute
and appoint my said wife Mary Glanville and my
ffriend Robert Douglas jointly Executrix and Executor of this
my will hereby revoking and making void all former
and other wills by me at any time hertofore made
and declaring this only to be and contain my
last will and testament in Witnefs whereof I have
to this my last will and testament contained in
two sheets of paper to the first sheet hereof subscribed
my name and to the second sheet set and subscribed
my name and seal the nineenth day of July
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and ninety nine - Thos Glanville LJ Signed sealed
published and declared by the said testator Thomas
Glanville in the presence of us at whose request
in whose presence and in the presence of each
other of us we have subscribed our names as witnefses
hereto the words in the forth and *** line
from the top of the first sheet Vizt (the ffleet in
the City of London being drawn through and the
words Mr Leiths New Chapel Mayffair in the
parish of Saint George Hanover Square being introduced
in the sheet previous to the Execution hereof as
also the fifth line and the two first words of
the sixth of this sheet being struck through and
the words To a boarding school interlined in their
stead before the execution hereof Robert *** - Wm
Arnold, off to Mr Smtih , Barbers *** London.


Mary Spong b. b 1733, d. bt 1809 - 1810

Mary Lee

Female, ID #7959, b. before 1751

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Lee was born before 1751.
     She married Thomas Glanville on 15 October 1771 at St James the Less, Thorndike Street, Westminster, MDX, ENG, Thomas Glanvill and Mary Lee both of this parish, by licence from the Bishop of London. Both signed the register, Witnesses Sam. White, W Davison.
Recorded at St Michael, Burleigh Street.

Other information

     On 21 December 1779 she was named Mary Glanvill, sister of a testator whose will is recorded in the names William Lee otherwise Summerfield otherwise Glanvill, which made her testatrix.
William Summerfield's will named him a seaman in the Royal Charlotte Joseph Cotton esquire commander.
On 14 Nov1784 she proved the will, being named Mary Glanvill otherwise Glanvil wife of Thomas Glanvill the sister of the deceased and sole executrix.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 21 December 1779, Mary Lee lived at Marylebone, MDX, ENG.
  • Mary was a coal dealer on 21 December 1779.


Thomas Glanville b. b 1751

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #7960, b. before 1751

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born before 1751.
     He married Mary Lee on 15 October 1771 at St James the Less, Thorndike Street, Westminster, MDX, ENG, Thomas Glanvill and Mary Lee both of this parish, by licence from the Bishop of London. Both signed the register, Witnesses Sam. White, W Davison.
Recorded at St Michael, Burleigh Street.


Mary Lee b. b 1751

Cybela Luffman

Female, ID #7961, b. between 1802 and 1803, d. September 1872

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Cybelle recorded in 1861 census. She was also known as Cybele recorded in 1851 census. Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Cybela Luffman was born between 1802 and 1803 at St Luke, MDX, ENG.
     She married Thomas Glanville, son of Robert Glanville and Elizabeth Endean, on 25 December 1846 at St Andrew by the Wardrobe, London City, LND, ENG, registered London. After banns, both of full age. Widower and spinster. Fathers named Robert Glanville farmer, John Luffman engraver.
     She died in September 1872 at St Saviour Southwark registered, SRY, ENG; with a recorded age of 69.
     She was buried on 28 September 1872 at City of London & Tower Hamlets Cemetery, London, LND, ENG, recorded age 69.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Cybela Luffman and Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at 12 Bells Buildings, London St Bride, MDX, ENG; his recorded age 52, hers 48. Virgilia Luffman their unmarried sister in law aged 37 living with them.
  • Cybela Luffman and Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at 12 Bells Building, St Bride, London, LND, ENG; his age recorded 62, hers 58.
  • Cybela Luffman and Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at London Christchurch, SRY, ENG; his age recorded 72, hers 68. 61yr old unmarried Cornelia Laffman was there as sister in law.
  • As of September 1872, Cybela Luffman lived at Bennett Street, Blackfriars, SRY, ENG.


Thomas Glanville b. 1798, d. 7 Feb 1873

Susannah Wade

Female, ID #7963, b. between 1735 and 1740

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Susannah Wade was born between 1735 and 1740.
     She married William Glanville on 8 August 1756 at St George's parish church, St George Hanover Square, MDX, ENG, William Glanvill bachelor and Susannah Wade spinster a minor, both of this parish. By licence of the Archbishop of Canterbury and with the consent of Burtt Wade the lawful father of the said Minor. Both signed the register. Witnesses Burtt Wade, Jphn Majorses?


William Glanville b. b 1736

William Glanville

Male, ID #7964, b. before 1736

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born before 1736.
     He married Susannah Wade on 8 August 1756 at St George's parish church, St George Hanover Square, MDX, ENG, William Glanvill bachelor and Susannah Wade spinster a minor, both of this parish. By licence of the Archbishop of Canterbury and with the consent of Burtt Wade the lawful father of the said Minor. Both signed the register. Witnesses Burtt Wade, Jphn Majorses?


Susannah Wade b. bt 1735 - 1740

Emma Dubourdieu

Female, ID #7965, b. before 1728

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Emma Dubourdieu was born before 1728.
     She married William Glanville Esquire on 30 November 1748 at St Olave, Old Jewry, London, LND, ENG, William Glanvile Esquire of the Parish of St Andrew Holborn London Batchelor and Emma Dubourdieu of the Parish of St Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex Spinster were married the 30th day of November 1748 by Mr John Morgan.
Reported in the Ipswich Journal 3 Dec 1748:
On Wednesday last William Glanville, Esq; an eminent Barrister at Law, was married to Miss Dubourdieu of Pall-Mall, a beautiful young Lady of 2000 l. Fortune.


William Glanville Esquire b. b 1728

William Glanville Esquire

Male, ID #7966, b. before 1728

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville Esquire was born before 1728.
     He married Emma Dubourdieu on 30 November 1748 at St Olave, Old Jewry, London, LND, ENG, William Glanvile Esquire of the Parish of St Andrew Holborn London Batchelor and Emma Dubourdieu of the Parish of St Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex Spinster were married the 30th day of November 1748 by Mr John Morgan.
Reported in the Ipswich Journal 3 Dec 1748:
On Wednesday last William Glanville, Esq; an eminent Barrister at Law, was married to Miss Dubourdieu of Pall-Mall, a beautiful young Lady of 2000 l. Fortune.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • William was a barrister at law on 30 November 1784.


Emma Dubourdieu b. b 1728

Elizabeth Wackley

Female, ID #7967, b. before 1801

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Wackley was born before 1801.
     She married William Glanville on 16 December 1821 at St Giles, Cripplegate, London, LND, ENG, after banns, both of this parish. Batchelor and spinster.


William Glanville b. b 1801

William Glanville

Male, ID #7968, b. before 1801

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born before 1801.
     He married Elizabeth Wackley on 16 December 1821 at St Giles, Cripplegate, London, LND, ENG, after banns, both of this parish. Batchelor and spinster.


Elizabeth Wackley b. b 1801

Jane Scammell

Female, ID #7969, b. before 1803

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Jane Scammell was born before 1803.
     She married William Glanville on 1 May 1823 at St Leonard's parish church, Shoreditch, MDX, ENG, by licence, both of this parish. he widower, her spinster.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 27 November 1825, Jane Scammell and William Glanville lived at Torquay, DEV, ENG, at baptism of son Charles.


William Glanville b. b 1800

William Glanville

Male, ID #7970, b. before 1800

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born before 1800.
     He married female (Surname Unknown) before 1822.
     He married Jane Scammell on 1 May 1823 at St Leonard's parish church, Shoreditch, MDX, ENG, by licence, both of this parish. he widower, her spinster.

Other information

     William was married 2 times.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 21 May 1824, William Glanville lived at 3 Worcester Terrace, Bath Walcot, SOM, ENG.
  • William was a Gentleman, at baptism of son William on 21 May 1824.
  • William was a Gentleman, at baptism of son Charles on 27 November 1825.
  • As of 27 November 1825, William Glanville and Jane Scammell lived at Torquay, DEV, ENG, at baptism of son Charles.

Family 1

female (Surname Unknown) b. b 1800, d. b 1823

Family 2

Jane Scammell b. b 1803

Phyllis Martin

Female, ID #7971, b. between 1811 and 1812, d. March 1872

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Philla recorded in 1851 census. She was also known as Phillis recorded in 1861 & 71 censuses & marriage register. Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Phyllis Martin was born between 1811 and 1812 at Goudhurst, KEN, ENG.
     She married William Glanville on 6 November 1832 at Christ Church, Spitalfields, Stepney, MDX, ENG, after banns, both of this parish. Bachelor and Spinster.
     She died in March 1872 at Holborn registered, MDX, ENG; recorded age 59, registered q2 1872.
     She was buried on 1 April 1872 at City of London & Tower Hamlets Cemetery, London, LND, ENG, recorded age 59.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Phyllis Martin and William Glanville appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at 3 Weevers Court, North Row, St George Hanover Square, MDX, ENG; his age recorded 44, hers 39.
  • Phyllis Martin and William Glanville appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at 2 New Street, Old Street, St Luke, MDX, ENG; his age recorded 53, hers 49. William F Marten, 10yr old nephew living with them.
  • Phyllis Martin appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at 14 Baldwin Street, St Luke, MDX, ENG; recorded age 59, widowed.
  • Phyllis was a laundress on 2 April 1871.
  • As of March 1872, Phyllis Martin lived at 14 Baldwin Street, St Luke, MDX, ENG.


William Glanville b. bt 1807 - 1808, d. Sep 1870

William Glanville

Male, ID #7972, b. between 1807 and 1808, d. September 1870

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born between 1807 and 1808 at DEV, ENG.
     He married Phyllis Martin on 6 November 1832 at Christ Church, Spitalfields, Stepney, MDX, ENG, after banns, both of this parish. Bachelor and Spinster.
     He died in September 1870 at Holborn registered, MDX, ENG; recorded age 62, registered q4 1870.
     He was buried on 30 September 1870 at City of London & Tower Hamlets Cemetery, London, LND, ENG, recorded age 62.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • William was a general labourer on 30 March 1851.
  • He and Phyllis Martin appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at 3 Weevers Court, North Row, St George Hanover Square, MDX, ENG; his age recorded 44, hers 39.
  • William Glanville and Phyllis Martin appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at 2 New Street, Old Street, St Luke, MDX, ENG; his age recorded 53, hers 49. William F Marten, 10yr old nephew living with them.
  • William was a brewers labourer on 7 April 1861.
  • As of September 1870, William Glanville lived at Baldwin Street, St Luke, MDX, ENG.


Phyllis Martin b. bt 1811 - 1812, d. Mar 1872

Ann Clark

Female, ID #7973, b. between 1819 and 1820

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ann Clark was born between 1819 and 1820 at East Bergholt, SFK, ENG.
     She married William Glanville, son of Frederick Glanville and Elizabeth Crosby, on 28 October 1843 at St Leonard's parish church, Shoreditch, MDX, ENG, registered Shoreditch. After Banns, both of full age. Bachelor and spinster. Fathers named Frederick Glanville tailor and Samuel Clark coachman. Witnesses Henry and Agnes Glanville.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 28 October 1843, Ann Clark and William Glanville lived at Union Street, Hackney Road, MDX, ENG.
  • Ann was a footman's wife on 30 March 1851.
  • She appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at Birch, ESS, ENG; her recorded age 30. Married but husband not present.
  • She appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at Cottage, Birch, ESS, ENG; recorded age 41, married but husband not present.
  • She appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at White Horse, Birch, ESS, ENG; recorded age 50, widowed. Widowed daughter in law Susanna Glanville, aged 25, was there.
  • Ann was an unemployed laundress on 2 April 1871.
  • She appeared on the census of 3 April 1881 at Westbourn Lodge, Otley, YKS, ENG; widowed, recorded age 60, living as mother in law to Robert and Mary Harris.


William Glanville b. bt 1817 - 1818, d. 7 Feb 1868

William Glanville

Male, ID #7974, b. between 1817 and 1818, d. 7 February 1868
FatherFrederick Glanville (bt 1782 - 1784 - 1853)
MotherElizabeth Crosby (bt 1789 - 1790 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born between 1817 and 1818 at Stoke Newington, MDX, ENG.
     He was baptized on 18 January 1818 at St John at Hackney Parish Church, Hackney, MDX, ENG.
     He married Ann Clark on 28 October 1843 at St Leonard's parish church, Shoreditch, MDX, ENG, registered Shoreditch. After Banns, both of full age. Bachelor and spinster. Fathers named Frederick Glanville tailor and Samuel Clark coachman. Witnesses Henry and Agnes Glanville.
     He died on 7 February 1868 at Lexden registered, ESS, ENG; with a recorded age of 50.
     He was buried on 14 February 1868 at Birch, ESS, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • William was a footman on 28 October 1843.
  • As of 28 October 1843, William Glanville and Ann Clark lived at Union Street, Hackney Road, MDX, ENG.
  • William was a footman (as enumerated at Birch Hall census record) on 30 March 1851.
  • He appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at Birch Hall, ESS, ENG; recorded age 33, servant in the household of Charles Gray Round.
  • William was a footman (as enumerated by his wife, although he was absent) on 30 March 1851.
  • William was a footman on 7 April 1861.
  • He appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at Birch Hall, ESS, ENG; servant in the household of Charles Gray Round, recorded age 43.
  • William was a butler at marriage of son William on 19 December 1870.
  • William was a servant, at marriage of son Henry/Harry on 27 October 1872.
  • William was a butler, recorded at marriage of daughter Agnes Adelaide on 18 October 1888.


Ann Clark b. bt 1819 - 1820

Richard Shears

Male, ID #7975, b. before 1717

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Richard Shears was born before 1717.
     He married Martha Glanville on 5 March 1737 at St Giles, Cripplegate, London, LND, ENG, after Banns.


Martha Glanville b. b 1717

Martha Glanville

Female, ID #7976, b. before 1717

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Shears.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Martha Glanville was born before 1717.
     She married Richard Shears on 5 March 1737 at St Giles, Cripplegate, London, LND, ENG, after Banns.


Richard Shears b. b 1717

John Preston

Male, ID #7977, b. before 1763

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Preston was born before 1763.
     He married Sarah Glanville on 6 May 1783 at St Olave, Southwark, SRY, ENG.


Sarah Glanville b. b 1763

Sarah Glanville

Female, ID #7978, b. before 1763

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Preston.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Sarah Glanville was born before 1763.
     She married John Preston on 6 May 1783 at St Olave, Southwark, SRY, ENG.


John Preston b. b 1763

Mary Glanville

Female, ID #7979, b. 8 February 1692
FatherSamuel Glanville (bt 1660 - 1661 - b 1720)
MotherElizabeth Seavern (bt 1672 - 1673 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 8 February 1692 at St Dunstan & All Saints parish church, Stepney, MDX, ENG, Mary daur of Samuel Glanvile of Wapping Gentleman & of Elizabeth uxor. age 26 days. Mary Glanville was born in January 1692 at London, MDX, ENG.

John Baker

Male, ID #7980, b. before 1622

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Baker was born before 1622.
     He married Agneta Glanville, daughter of Nicholas Glanville and Mildred Blackall, on 29 May 1642 at Ugborough, DEV, ENG.


Agneta Glanville b. 3 Oct 1610