- Masters (cont.)
Matilda Jane (1889 - 1961)Minnie Alberta (1875 - circa 1942)Minnie Alexandra (circa 1902 - )Noela Ethel (1943 - 2009)Ruth (before 1920 - )Stanley William (circa 1911 - circa 1925)Tilly (1889 - 1961)Victor Gordon (1914 - 2004)William (circa 1882 - )Winifred (1908 - )
- Mather
Mary Christina (1885 - 1981)
- Matherell
Sylvia M. (before 1929 - )
- Matheson
Vevay (1901 - 1985)
- Mathew
Millicent Mably (between 1857 and 1858 - before 1911)
- Mathews
Albert Edward (1869 - 1955)Annie (1872 - 1931)Lilian Alice (1905 - 1985)
- Mathie
Margaret Amelia (circa 1909 - 1992)Rita (circa 1909 - 1992)
- Matkin
Blanche (1884 - 1957)
- Matraves
Ethel (1896 - circa 1966)
- Matthew
Ann (before 1718 - )Ann (1750 - )Charles (before 1727 - 1776)Charles (1748 - )Charles (1762 - 1822)Elizabeth (1725 - )Elizabeth (before 1737 - )Elizabeth (1759 - )Elizabeth (1764 - )Henry (before 1721 - )Henry (1770 - )James (before 1594 - )James (before 1626 - )James (before 1654 - before 1658)James (before 1682 - 1754)James (before 1711 - 1754)James (1739 - )James (before 1744 - 1809)James (1772 - )James (1776 - )
- Matthew (cont.)
Jane (before 1657 - )Jane (before 1732 - )Jane (before 1736 - 1786)Jane (1761 - 1761)John (before 1724/25 - 1782)John (1746 - )John (1762 - )John (1765 - )John (1772 - )Lucy (1780 - )Martha (1762 - 1764)Mary (before 1604 - )Mary (before 1630 - )Mary (before 1687 - )Mary (1723 - circa 1816)Mary (before 1724 - )Mary (1741 - )Mary (1757 - )Mary (1775 - )Nicholas (before 1732 - )
- Matthew (cont.)
Richard (1773 - 1773)Sarah (before 1709/10 - )Sarah (1761 - )Sarah (1765 - )Sarah (1768 - )Susanna (1761 - 1761)Thomas (before 1715 - )Thomas (1743 - )William (1763 - 1763)
- Matthews
Alfred Ernest (circa 1901 - )Alice Edith (1910 - 1997)Beatrice Vera (1885 - 1973)Benjamin (between 1845 and 1846 - 1897)Bessie F. (circa 1889 - circa 1926)Billy Hiawatha (1914 - 1997)Charles (between 1888 and 1889 - )Charles William (1910 - )Charlotte Elizabeth (1889 - 1925)Clement (before 1903 - )Doris (circa 1920 - )Doris Ida (circa 1903 - )Edward G. (circa 1917 - )Edward J. (before 1895 - )Eliza Florence (1883 - )Elizabeth (between 1778 and 1779 - after 1851)Elizabeth (circa 1840 - 1911)Ellen M. (before 1919 - )Elsie Maud (circa 1888 - after 1901)Emily (1907 - 1989)
- Matthews (cont.)
Ernest (between 1880 and 1881 - )Ethel M. (before 1923 - )female (1921 - )Florence Ethel Sale (1893 - )Francis Wride (1835 - 1910)George (before 1810 - )Hilda Winifred (circa 1884 - 1961)Ivy M. (between 1908 and 1909 - circa 1938)James (circa 1658/59 - 1728)James (before 1682 - 1754)James (before 1790 - before 1851)James (between 1847 and 1848 - )Joan (before 1657 - 1737)John (between 1808 and 1809 - )Katheryn Cooper (1906 - 2004)Kathleen Annie (1910 - 1987)Lillie Blanche (1879 - circa 1947)Louisa (1810 - 1894)Marjorie Joyce (1914 - 2003)Mary (before 1784 - 1840)
- Matthews (cont.)
Mary (between 1811 and 1812 - )Mary (1820 - )Mary Ann (circa 1849 - after 1911)Mary Fowler (1841 - 1882)Mary Irene (1912 - 1993)Mary Lake (1841 - circa 1923)Matthew (between 1840 and 1841 - )Sarah (before 1680/81 - )Sarah Annie (between 1876 and 1877 - after 1891)Sheila M. (1918 - )Stella Agnes (1901 - 1986)Vera Beatrice (1885 - 1973)William G. (1902 - )Winifred May (1914 - 1993)
- Mattingley
Doris (1921 - 1988)
- Mattock
Emily (1841 - circa 1905)James (between 1839 and 1840 - )
- Matty
Ann (after 1813 - before 1835)Elizabeth (between 1805 and 1806 - )
- Mauer
Christine H. (before 1920 - )
- Maughan
Edna (1896 - circa 1969)Edna (1896 - circa 1969)Frank Calvin (1924 - 2007)Geraldine Ruth (1926 - 2009)
- Maull
John Cornelius (1922 - 2016)Margaret Adelaide (1924 - 2011)
- Maunder
Charles Henry (1896 - 1967)Ethel M. (before 1896 - before 1939)Evelyn Winifred (1904 - 1995)
- Maundrell
Anna Frances (1909 - 1984)Anna Maria (circa 1882 - circa 1934)Annie Maria (circa 1882 - circa 1934)Catherine Sarah Rose (1912 - 1969)Charles Godwin (1881 - circa 1955)David John (1914 - 1956)Emma (1882 - circa 1955)Olive Mary (1919 - )
- Mavin
Harold J. (1904 - )Katherine Grace (1905 - circa 1983)
- Mawditt
Donald Stephen (1924 - 2006)Margaret Helen (1923 - 1994)
- Maxfield
Ruth Chilson (1884 - 1972)
- Maxon
George B. (circa 1918 - 1922)Maud Beatrice (1890 - 1972)Percy Burden (1887 - 1941)
- Maxwell
Bertram Jesse (circa 1878 - )Ethel May (1901 - 1978)Louisa (between 1861 and 1862 - )
- May
Alf (before 1926 - )Ann (before 1785 - )Ann (between 1834 and 1835 - circa 1901)Charlotte (before 1787 - after 1825)Charlotte Galt (1828 - circa 1877)Dennis (before 1926 - )Eleanor Kate (between 1878 and 1879 - 1945)Elizabeth (1782 - 1843)Evelyn (1922 - 1988)Fanny (between 1822 and 1824 - circa 1886)Frances (between 1784 and 1790 - )Georgiana Franklin (1792 - 1832)Georgiana Sarah (1818 - )Henry James (1826 - circa 1861)John Franklin Tunnard (1821 - circa 1869)Joseph (between 1791 and 1792 - circa 1853)Joseph Young (1825 - before 1853)Louisa Jane (1816 - 1833)Olive Gertrude (1926 - 1987)Olive Victoria (1905 - circa 1981)
- May (cont.)
Robert (before 1761 - after 1792)Sarah Sophia (between 1826 and 1827 - 1887)Susanna (before 1761 - )Susanna Strange (between 1833 and 1834 - circa 1871)William (between 1770 and 1790 - )William (before 1784 - 1785)William (before 1786 - 1787)
- Maybank
Amelia (circa 1866 - circa 1878)Edith Madeline (1880 - 1956)Emily Jane (1868 - 1963)George Henry (1882 - after 1911)James (between 1797 and 1817 - )Kate (circa 1873 - 1949)Laura Kate (circa 1873 - 1949)Marie (circa 1875 - 1933)Mary (between 1797 and 1817 - )Mary (1841 - circa 1905)Mary Vye (circa 1875 - 1933)Robert (between 1837 and 1838 - 1913)Robert Charles (1879 - circa 1927)Rosina Ellen (circa 1877 - after 1913)Royston Sydney (circa 1913 - circa 1935)
- Mayhew
Eunice Ethel (1916 - 2012)John H. (1908 - )
- Maynard
Edith Emily Clara (1875 - circa 1947)Eliza Mary (1866 - )Elizabeth Mary (1927 - )Ellen (1898 - 1998)Francis Herbert (1867 - )Frank (1867 - )Hannah R. (1891 - )John Eppes (circa 1925 - )John Greville (1900 - circa 1972)Kathleen (1898 - 1985)Nora (1894 - 1965)Phyllis M. (1913 - )Stella (1887 - 1894)William (before 1855 - )
- Mayo
Maggie (1868 - 1942)Minna (circa 1860 - circa 1929)
- Mays
Jemima (1853 - circa 1953)
- Mayston
Robert William (1887 - 1980)Stanley Robert (circa 1920 - 1941)Vera Emma (1915 - after 1946)Violet Jessamine (1895 - 1991)
- Maze
Ellen Florence (circa 1927 - )Leonard J. (before 1927 - )
- Mazza
Andrew Antonio (1898 - 1971)Arthur Andrew (1940 - 2006)Brian (1961 - 2007)David Victor (1947 - )George Louis (1934 - 2014)Hazel Marie (1932 - 2012)Kenneth Joseph (1945 - 1963)Lawrence Olimpio (1935 - 2006)Lillian Margaret (1914 - 1996)Paula Mae (1965 - 2013)Paulette (1945 - 2001)Yolanda Rosa (1937 - 2016)
- McAfee
Dellve Ann (1956 - 2018)
- McAliece
Maureen Rae (1937 - 2009)Richard Gladston (1932 - 2015)
- McAlister
Mary G. (1895 - 1978)Vandiver Calloway (between 1892 and 1893 - 1967)Vandiver Calloway Jnr (1927 - 1991)
- McAllery
Ella (circa 1908 - )
- McAllister
Ellen Ada (circa 1894 - circa 1929)
- McArthur
Mary Ann (between 1830 and 1831 - )
- McBee
Annabelle (1912 - 2004)
- McBreatley
Bernard James (1902 - )Gertrude Alice (1907 - 1981)
- McBride
Alice (between 1897 and 1898 - )Doris (1919 - 2006)Geraldine (1929 - before 2021)Jeri (1929 - before 2021)Walter James (1921 - 2018)
- McCabe
Catherine (1897 - circa 1981)Catherine Kate (1940 - 2012)Ellen Gladys (1899 - 1990)James William (1928 - 2003)John Alphonso Divers (1940 - 2013)Penelope (1945 - 1999)Veronica Margaret Mary (1931 - 2004)William Joseph Andrew (1892 - 1965)
- McCarthy
Alfred J. (before 1934 - )Aubrey Edgar (1924 - circa 1956)Audrey J. (circa 1922 - 2016)Belinda May (1922 - 2016)Clarice (1898 - )Donald Wilfred (1922 - 1992)Doris May (1908 - circa 1978)Edith (before 1919 - )Edith May (1899 - circa 1991)Eileen Sybil (circa 1910 - )Emily (1869 - 1911)Ethel M. (1885 - )Florence (1904 - circa 1995)Frances Ann (1898 - 1977)Frank F. (before 1926 - )George Henry (1867 - circa 1952)Gertrude (circa 1908 - circa 1911)Horace (1898 - 1980)John Henry (1927 - 2004)Joseph P. (1908 - circa 1981)
- McCarthy (cont.)
Leslie (circa 1931 - 2010)Lilian (1901 - 1998)Mabel (1922 - )Margaret Mochrie (1882 - circa 1976)Mavis D. (1923 - circa 1969)Rosemary (1929 - circa 1945)Shelia Therese (1923 - 2006)Sylvia J. (circa 1924 - before 2012)Wilfred (1896 - 1973)Yvonne Rose (1932 - 1991)