- McCauley
Phyllis Virginia (circa 1926 - )Thomas Edward (before 1923 - )
- McCavish
Lilian (1922 - 1991)
- McClelland
Catherine Marion (1894 - 1917)Cecilia Sarah (1866 - 1944)Eleanor Cordelia (1913 - 1981)Emma Jean (1893 - 1980)Emma Jean (1919 - 2001)Grace Marion (1915 - 1997)Hiram Gordon (1890 - 1907)John (1894 - 1968)John Samuel (1931 - 1932)Kathleen Mary (1905 - circa 1974)Samuel (1851 - 1910)Samuel (1888 - 1907)Sarah (circa 1887 - before 1901)Vivian Mae (circa 1921 - 2008)
- McClymont
Helen Mavis (1938 - 2015)John Ronald (1929 - 1975)
- McColl
Jessie Alexira (circa 1917 - 1978)
- McCondra
Ann (1863 - 1942)
- McConnell
Alice (1892 - 1982)Betty Jane (circa 1919 - 2004)Britton Drew (1927 - 2005)Douglas Drew (1892 - 1992)Douglas Drew (circa 1918 - 2006)Francis Britton (1895 - 1989)Gladys Minerva (1893 - 1955)Ivor Robertson (circa 1918 - )Malcolm Leckie (1930 - 2006)Margaret Drew (1902 - 1984)Margaret Louise (1872 - 1913)Marjorie (between 1921 and 1922 - )Ruth (1922 - )Vevay (1901 - 1985)Willard (between 1893 and 1894 - 1986)William Leckie (1869 - 1924)
- McCord
Travis Ezekiel (1920 - 1999)Winifred (1924 - 2018)Zeke (1920 - 1999)
- McCormack
Barbara Joyce (1934 - 1997)Emma Jane (1910 - 1997)Gladys Emily (1929 - 1997)Grace Eleanor (1932 - 1964)Harold Garfield (1901 - 1969)Sheila Doreen (1931 - 1976)
- McCouge
Annie (between 1902 and 1903 - )
- McCourt
Eliza M. (before 1914 - )
- McCray
Ida Virginia (1924 - 1990)
- McCready
Eva Florence Lucy (1903 - 1986)Thomas R. (before 1928 - )
- McCreight
Charles (1910 - 1992)Melvin (1910 - 1992)Vernita Mae (1947 - 1986)
- McCulloch
Roxanne (1984 - )
- McCullock
Grace Brown (circa 1900 - )
- McCullough
Colleen Kaye (1928 - 2015)Don (1926 - 2000)
- McCurdy
male (1927 - 1927)Myrtle Rea (1894 - 1994)Oliver W. (1894 - 1986)
- McDermott
Kathleen L. (before 1920 - )
- McDicken
Margaret Rose (1936 - 2012)
- McDonald
Amanda M. (1983 - 2014)Audrey Louise (before 1952 - 1983)Deborah Ann (1952 - 2007)Donald Jnr (1918 - 1992)Duncan Clark (1879 - 1966)Edith Maud (1894 - )Emily (1890 - 1950)Harry Joseph (1946 - 1993)Lillian Ruth (1904 - )Lionel (circa 1892 - )Nancy E. (before 1924 - )Rebecca (1921 - 1971)
- McDouall
Crichton Willoughby (1881 - 1966)Jessie Kentish (1900 - 1979)
- McDowall
Alice Marguerite (1899 - 1990)
- McEachran
Mary E. (before 1927 - )
- McEwan
Florence May Ann (1913 - 1995)Ronald G. (before 1920 - )
- McEwen
Frances Doreen (1914 - 1985)Joan Natalie (1940 - 2002)male (before 1890 - 1911)Nellie Ethel (between 1882 and 1883 - )Thomas Earp (1911 - 1972)
- McFadden
Alice K. (1894 - 1977)Charity (1832 - 1895)
- McFarlane
Jean Alberta (1930 - 2015)
- McGarth
Gloria Theresa (1919 - 2008)
- McGarvey
Gertrude (1897 - )Nellie May (1916 - 1998)
- McGaw
Helena Kate (1914 - 1998)
- McGibbon
Margaret Sarah (1878 - 1958)Mary (1894 - )Norma (1909 - 1970)
- McGoldrick
Edward Francis (1941 - 1991)
- McGonegal
Christina May (1916 - 2003)William Edwin (1915 - 1986)
- McGregor
Alan (circa 1924 - circa 1925)Arthur Hathaway (1912 - )Edith Mary (circa 1914 - circa 1915)Edward Hayward (1917 - )Elizabeth Alice (circa 1907 - )Harry (1919 - )James (between 1877 and 1878 - circa 1931)Jane (circa 1922 - circa 1922)John James (circa 1902 - )Margaret (1904 - )Martha (1882 - circa 1960)Ronald (1921 - )
- McGrew
Arlene Treasure (1917 - 1996)Barbara Joan (1937 - 2006)Carol Jean (1941 - 1977)Dale Lester (1950 - 2018)Darrel Ray (1950 - 2015)Dorothy Irene (1914 - 1990)Edith Alma (1882 - 1950)Elbert Lester (1909 - 1983)Elgin Vernon (1916 - 1991)Gary Wayne (1948 - 1996)Janet (1943 - 2009)Keith Eugene (1946 - 1946)Marjorie Mae (1938 - 2019)Martha Elizabeth (1906 - 1944)Myron Francis (1914 - 1996)Oscar Albert (1878 - 1949)Roger Burnell (1941 - 2013)Sherry Ann (1966 - 1999)Taressa Joan (1960 - 1984)Wilma Lorene (1918 - 2001)
- McHargue
Gordon Roy (1947 - 2022)
- McHugh
Doris (circa 1928 - )Harold (1923 - 1993)John (1899 - )John (1924 - 1997)Mary I. (circa 1926 - )Mary Jane (1899 - 1994)
- McIlquham
David (1930 - 2003)Donald Bracewell (1918 - 1998)Frederick Henry (1888 - 1946)Frederick James (1912 - 1986)Harry Charters (1916 - 1979)Hilda Lilian (circa 1891 - 1971)Molly Grace (1914 - 1993)
- McInally
Annie Marcelene (1919 - 1969)
- McIntosh
Ann (between 1826 and 1827 - )Bonnie (1948 - 2000)Martha Moore (between 1903 and 1904 - 1984)Nancy Eugenia (1931 - 2003)Peter (between 1822 and 1823 - )Robert (1949 - 2013)Robert Charles (1929 - 2011)Robert Garnet (1903 - 1982)
- McIntyre
Alexander Smith (1925 - 1999)
- McKay
John (1905 - 1955)John Darragh (1922 - )Mary Ann Lavinia (1875 - circa 1942)Mary Jane (1905 - 1995)
- McKeag
Florence Mary (1892 - 1991)Philip Wolfe M.B., B.Ch.1914, M.D.1920, U. Dubl.; M.1934, F.1939, R.C.P. Edin. (1892 - circa 1973)
- McKee
Ivy Frances (1915 - 2022)Louisa Ann (1893 - 1963)Maude Eveline (1908 - 1985)Nanthaniel (1910 - 1991)
- McKenzie
Barry Ross (after 1935 - 2019)Doris Elsie (1904 - 1988)Doris Fay (1940 - 2021)Ernest William (1908 - 1953)Fay (1940 - 2021)Isabella Maude Jane (1884 - 1979)Maude Isabella Jane (1884 - 1979)Raymond John (before 1943 - 1967)
- McKeowen
Catherine (circa 1853 - 1925)Catherine (1890 - 1918)Michael (circa 1852 - 1927)
- McKeown
Charles Reginald (before 1916 - )Maude Lilian (1906 - 1993)
- McKinley
Darlene Lynne (after 1964 - before 2022)Dianne Kay (after 1942 - 2016)Roy Thomas (1943 - 1997)
- McKinnell
Marilyn (1930 - 2008)William Parks Jnr (1924 - 2011)
- McKinnon
Charles (1902 - 1974)Edna Beryl (1907 - 1998)Thelma (1908 - 2003)
- McKinstry
Arthur Raymond (Rt. Rev.) (1894 - 1991)Barbara Louise (1925 - )Isabelle (1922 - )Isabelle J. (1899 - 1971)James (1927 - )Margaret Adelaide (1924 - 2011)Margery ( - 1988)
- McLachlan
Martha Anderson (1893 - 1977)
- McLaren
Ellen A. (before 1924 - )Hector H. (before 1935 - )Ida Mary (1900 - 1966)Iris Mary (1915 - )James (1877 - 1958)
- McLarty
Margaret Jack (1888 - 1979)
- McLauchlan
Elizabeth Jean (before 1915 - 1979)
- McLauchlin
Margaret Jane Emaline (1903 - 1996)
- McLaughlin
Anna T. (before 1873 - )Meria Margaret (1940 - 2008)William L. (1929 - 2009)
- McLean
Agnes (1836 - 1904)
- McLellan
Alice (before 1909 - )Daisy Eliza (1920 - 1991)Daisy Rebecca (between 1897 and 1898 - 1920)Edward (circa 1905 - circa 1905)Eliza (1875 - 1911)Frances (1924 - 1991)Frederick Arthur (circa 1900 - circa 1937)Henry (circa 1903 - circa 1903)Henry Arthur (circa 1904 - circa 1904)Herbert Thomas (1902 - )Jenny Eliza (1895 - )John Andrew (1876 - 1932)John Richard (1897 - circa 1945)Lilian Jane (1907 - )Louisa (1877 - 1944)Maud (1900 - 1947)Ronald Charles (circa 1924 - )
- McLeod
Barbara Jean (1933 - 1999)Donald Hugh (1920 - 1975)Douglas J. (1926 - 1973)Edith Virginia (1923 - 2005)Elizabeth Lorraine (1923 - 1973)Ella (1891 - 1972)Eunice Claire (1909 - )Geneva (circa 1919 - 1965)Gladys C. (1917 - 1992)Helen (1927 - 1927)Hugh (circa 1882 - 1963)
- McMann
Fern Muriel (1928 - 2012)Roy Leslie (1924 - 1979)
- McMartin
Duncan (1857 - 1941)Elizabeth Jane (1855 - 1941)Mary Alice (1884 - 1973)
- McMorrin
John Douglas (1917 - 1992)Winifred L. A. (circa 1920 - )
- McMullen
Amanda Lille (circa 1880 - )
- McMurtry
Annie (1927 - 1992)Charles Leslie (1924 - 1991)Florence Mary (1895 - 1987)William (between 1890 and 1891 - circa 1927)
- McNabb
Fred Leslie (1927 - 2010)Gaildawn Lori (1961 - 2021)Gordon Herbert (1931 - 2004)Hazel (1930 - before 2004)Hugh Thomas (1924 - 2007)Irene Aurania (1927 - 1987)Jean Elizabeth (1929 - 2019)Jerry (1958 - 1984)Kenneth Jerry (1932 - 1932)Mabel Carol (1898 - 1957)Mary (1935 - 2020)Mickey (1957 - 1969)Mildred Marie (1923 - 2011)Robert Donald (1926 - 2007)Thomas Earl (1899 - 1971)
- McNalty
Deborah Ann (1954 - 2004)Gloria Mae (1945 - 2008)Mollean Mary Evelyn (1944 - 2016)Rita Evelyn (1923 - 1982)Wilfred James Daniel (1921 - 1979)
- McNancy
Margaret Mary (between 1870 and 1871 - )
- McNeil
Alice Mary (1885 - 1906)Alice Mary (1915 - 1919)Arthur Patrick (1888 - 1938)Arthur Patrick (1922 - 1988)Caroline Elizabeth (1883 - 1974)Edward Dennis (1928 - 1952)Edward John Youngs (1886 - 1887)Ethel Irene (1891 - circa 1891)Grace Julia (1889 - circa 1963)Hetty (1898 - 1996)Leonard Henry (1925 - 1985)Lucy Ann (circa 1858 - 1920)Lucy Mabel (1884 - circa 1952)Patricia Grace (1919 - 1985)Patrick Dennis (1863 - 1902)Peggy Emily (1927 - 1983)Rosetta (1925 - 2015)Rosina Kathleen (1918 - 2000)Terence Leonard (1947 - 1977)William Yale (1892 - 1893)