- Gibbard
Alice (1879 - 1962)Amy Alice (1879 - 1962)
- Gibbens
Dudley Herbert Alexander (1907 - 1992)Edith Florence (1877 - circa 1952)Elsie A. (before 1921 - )Frederick John (circa 1920 - 2013)Frederick William (1863 - )Gladys Rosaline Jeane (1902 - circa 1944)Ronald George Frederick (1904 - circa 1971)Theodosia Bertha Eliza Sophia (circa 1923 - )Vera (1915 - 2005)
- Gibbes
Mary Eleanor (1924 - )
- Gibbins
Elsie Mabel (1912 - 2000)Thomas (before 1920 - )
- Gibbon
Donald Roy (between 1934 and 1935 - 2016)
- Gibbons
Albert (between 1888 and 1889 - )Albert Edward (circa 1859 - 1933)Bessie (between 1893 and 1894 - )Charles (1884 - 1917)Edith Emily (1882 - 1970)Edith Mary (1889 - 1947)Eliza (1822 - 1883)Elizabeth Frances (between 1850 and 1851 - )Emily (1862 - circa 1932)George Ronald D. (1896 - 1986)Gertrude Harriet (1891 - after 1911)Gwendoline Winifred Mary (1904 - 1994)Harry (between 1891 and 1892 - )Lucy (between 1861 and 1862 - )Lucy Jane (1887 - 1963)Margaret Helen (1895 - 1985)Mary Jane (1858 - 1948)Nellie (circa 1881 - 1942)Sarah Ann (between 1856 and 1857 - )Sidney (between 1851 and 1852 - )
- Gibbons (cont.)
Thomas Edmund (between 1852 and 1853 - 1924)William Holland (between 1820 and 1821 - circa 1895)William R. (between 1897 and 1898 - )William Thomas (between 1854 and 1855 - )
- Gibbs
Alice Maud (circa 1901 - circa 1901)Ann (1755 - )Annie Elizabeth Franes Joan (1886 - circa 1966)Arthur W. (before 1920 - )Bessie Lucille (1928 - 2010)Charles James Henry (1900 - circa 1975)Doreen Lilian (1914 - 1992)Dorothy M. (1896 - )Edith Edwina (1892 - 1965)Eleanor Blundell (circa 1860 - 1934)Eleanor Rebecca (circa 1860 - 1934)Elizabeth (1763 - )Florence Ada (1914 - )Florence May (1902 - )Florence Nellie (circa 1901 - circa 1901)George (before 1710 - )George Joseph (1871 - 1949)Geraldine Emily Louisa (1907 - 1995)Gertrude Annie (1905 - 1982)Gertrude Maud (1905 - 1982)
- Gibbs (cont.)
Grace (between 1730 and 1734 - 1799)Grace (1766 - 1768)Grace (1769 - 1769)Grace (1770 - 1847)Gwendoline Helena (1918 - 2011)Helen (1911 - 1975)Henrietta (1777 - 1818)James (1730 - 1804)James (1764 - )John (between 1835 and 1836 - )Joseph George (1871 - 1949)Lucy Eliza (1866 - circa 1943)Margaret (between 1837 and 1838 - )Margaret W. (1935 - 1972)Martha (1734 - circa 1734)Martha (1760 - )Nellie (1911 - 1975)Sarah (before 1710 - )Sarah (1735 - 1735)Sarah (1736 - )
- Gibbs (cont.)
Sarah (1758 - )Stanley George (circa 1898 - circa 1899)Thomas (1889 - 1951)William (1768 - )William (1808 - 1812)William Reginald James (1881 - circa 1969)William Samuel (between 1835 and 1836 - )Winifred Mary (1897 - 1980)
- Gibson
Charlotte Matilda (circa 1905 - 1984)Florence May (1912 - 1954)May Grace (1924 - 1986)Sarah (before 1784 - 1829)Vera (before 1913 - )
- Giddens
Annabell (1937 - 2005)Charles Fredrick (1936 - 2000)Clyde A. (1904 - 1983)Isabell (1910 - 1966)
- Giddings
Phyllis Irene (circa 1912 - )
- Gifford
Emma (before 1811 - )Thelma Mary (1930 - 1988)
- Gikas
Anna Evangeline (1935 - 2019)
- Gikas-Callahan
Anna Evangeline (1935 - 2019)
- Gilbart
Kathleen Merl (circa 1921 - 2010)William Ross (1919 - 1992)
- Gilbert
Albert (circa 1900 - circa 1900)Alonzo Jesse (1888 - 1967)Bessie Edith (1934 - 1985)Caroline (between 1807 and 1827 - )Charles (between 1855 and 1856 - )Clifford (between 1919 and 1920 - )Dorothy May (circa 1906 - )Edith K. (1905 - )Elsie (between 1923 and 1924 - )Emily (1871 - circa 1949)Emily Anne (circa 1899 - )Emily E. (1897 - )Ernest Albert (before 1901 - )Eva Mae (1898 - 1990)Fanny Harriet (circa 1848 - circa 1915)Florence Maud (1885 - circa 1980)Geoffrey (1933 - 1984)Henry (between 1807 and 1827 - )Henry George (circa 1911 - )Herbert Wallace (1889 - 1966)
- Gilbert (cont.)
Howard (between 1921 and 1922 - )Irene May (1912 - 1991)Jade (before 1987 - 1987)Jennie Mary (1886 - 1945)Jesse Layton (1912 - 1994)John Bernard (1926 - 1994)John David (1879 - 1944)John David Charles (1898 - 1990)Kate (circa 1902 - )Kathleen E. (1927 - )Leonard (1899 - 1990)Lillian May (before 1901 - )Lucy May (1897 - 1985)Margarethe S. (1923 - 2007)Maria (circa 1845 - circa 1921)Milton Layton (1915 - 2002)Rosetta (1925 - 2015)Ruth Rose (circa 1904 - circa 1906)Sarah (circa 1846 - circa 1903)Thelma (1919 - 1919)
- Gilbert (cont.)
Tyra (1914 - 2000)Virginia (1915 - 1952)
- Gilbertson
Henry (between 1851 and 1852 - )Nanny (between 1845 and 1846 - circa 1923)
- Gilder
Bertie (1904 - circa 1974)Emmeline Nellie (1896 - 1969)
- Giles
Constance Vermelles (1915 - circa 1974)Doris Lillian (1927 - after 2010)Dorothy M. (1903 - )Edith Annie (between 1863 and 1864 - )Edith Mae (1926 - before 2010)Elizabeth (between 1845 and 1846 - )Elizabeth (between 1854 and 1855 - )Elsie May (1908 - 1995)Florence Jean (1933 - 2002)Frederick James (1892 - 1981)George W. (before 1923 - )Norah (1906 - 1972)Robert (1928 - 1990)Ruth Melvina (1895 - 1961)Samuel Morris (1889 - 1946)Walter J. (before 1913 - )
- Gilkes
Winifred (1905 - )
- Gill
Beatrice Sarah (1891 - 1979)Emma (1892 - )Florence Rosina (1926 - 2015)Frederick George Beresfor (circa 1880 - 1954)Mabel Gertrude (between 1886 and 1887 - )Margaret Alice (1885 - )Marjorie E. (before 1922 - )Mary Ann Amy (1885 - 1941)Ruth Morrell Mackenzie (1888 - 1966)
- Gillam
Ada Elizabeth (circa 1877 - circa 1905)Ada M. (between 1886 and 1887 - circa 1914)Albert Henry (1905 - 1941)Alexa Joan (1918 - circa 1981)Ann (between 1824 and 1825 - circa 1884)Ann (circa 1859 - after 1871)Benjamin (circa 1887 - 1947)Charlotte (1890 - 1967)Clara (1868 - circa 1955)Cyril John Sinden (1918 - 1996)Daisy Agnes (1918 - 1998)Dorothy Grace (circa 1900 - after 1927)Ebenezer (between 1836 and 1838 - circa 1909)Edith Caroline May (1886 - circa 1976)Edna (1920 - 2005)Elizabeth (1799 - 1858)Elizabeth Ann (circa 1850 - circa 1904)Ellen Ann (circa 1886 - after 1911)Emma Ann (circa 1886 - after 1911)Eunice (between 1831 and 1833 - circa 1858)
- Gillam (cont.)
Grace (between 1849 and 1850 - after 1861)Grace Mary (1893 - 1972)Grace Rebecca (circa 1877 - circa 1911)Hazel Editha Sinden (1926 - circa 1980)Jabez (between 1830 and 1831 - circa 1914)Jabez (circa 1888 - circa 1964)Jack (circa 1888 - circa 1964)Jack R. (circa 1920 - )Jesse (between 1833 and 1835 - circa 1901)John (between 1798 and 1799 - 1863)John (circa 1855 - after 1861)John Henry (1879 - 1945)Joseph (between 1822 and 1823 - after 1891)Margaret Lily (1903 - )Mary A. (between 1819 and 1820 - between 1871 and 1891)Mary Ann (circa 1857 - )May Edith Sarah (1901 - 1969)Minnie Eliza (1886 - 1961)Ralph H. (circa 1922 - )Rebecca (circa 1840 - circa 1924)
- Gillam (cont.)
Rhoda Elizabeth (1889 - circa 1976)Rosa (circa 1870 - after 1911)Samuel Royston (1920 - 1996)Sarah (between 1821 and 1822 - circa 1892)Sarah (between 1828 and 1829 - after 1861)Susan (between 1828 and 1829 - after 1861)Thomas Ebenezer (1877 - circa 1957)William (circa 1856 - circa 1905)William John (circa 1889 - circa 1930)
- Gillard
Emma Louise (1917 - 1998)
- Gillett
Dora May (1903 - )Edith Grace (1898 - 1989)Mary Jane (between 1870 and 1871 - 1948)Rhoda Evelyn (1921 - 1992)William (1900 - circa 1974)
- Gillham
Lilian Beatrice (1899 - 1986)Pamela Margaret (circa 1928 - )Sarah (between 1816 and 1821 - circa 1850)William Henry James (1901 - 1987)
- Gilliam
Dorothy (1882 - 1963)Vincent Paul (1882 - 1961)
- Gillies
Margaret (before 1910 - )
- Gilligan
Barbara Helen (1913 - 1995)Beatrice (1872 - 1957)Bridget Aline (circa 1910 - 1987)Geoffrey Goyer (Lieut.-Colonel) (circa 1876 - 1933)George J.P. (between 1848 and 1849 - 1921)Helen Early (circa 1848 - 1919)John Vanner (circa 1878 - 1933)Kathleen (circa 1874 - 1937)Lucy Rowena (1882 - 1963)Margaret Aline (1883 - 1972)Patricia Margaret (circa 1922 - )
- Gilliland
Ada Mildred (1918 - 2013)Alan David (1922 - circa 1978)Arthur John (circa 1920 - circa 1921)Colin Greer (circa 1926 - circa 1926)Gwyneth Elizabeth (circa 1928 - 1994)Jeffrey Richard (1929 - circa 1943)John Richard (1891 - circa 1967)Mary Olive (1919 - 2006)Olive (1895 - 1974)Raymond Thomas (1909 - 1968)
- Gilling
Betsy (between 1829 and 1830 - )
- Gillings
Annie Maria Nicholls (between 1862 and 1863 - circa 1916)
- Gillman
Alfred V. (before 1924 - )Emily Victoria (1900 - 1994)Kathleen Alice A. (1924 - 1997)
- Gillmore
Muriel G. (before 1911 - )
- Gilmor
Charles Harrison (1907 - 1986)Virginia May (1915 - 1996)
- Girdler
Una (1906 - 1990)
- Girdwood
Arthur Inglis (1884 - 1970)Barbara Mary (1925 - 2005)Donald Hampden (1917 - 2001)Joyce Penberthy (1918 - 1990)Kathleen Elizabeth (1922 - 2009)Kathleen Sarah (1894 - 1975)Michael Inglis (1921 - 2012)
- Girt
Ada Elizabeth (before 1900 - )Charles Francis (before 1900 - )George (1920 - 1978)Joan Violet Ann (1923 - 1999)John Charles Henry (1920 - 1978)