Albert William Brookes

Male, ID #70261, b. 16 May 1909, d. 7 June 1997

Birth, Marriage and Death information

Family: Albert William Brookes and Maisie Beatrice Chapman

Rose Ann Thomas

Female, ID #70265, b. 13 July 1921, d. November 2000

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • Rose Ann Thomas was born on Wednesday, 13 July 1921 registered in Willesden, MDX, ENG.
  • She married Frank Hector Chapman, son of Charles Henry Gregory Chapman and Agnes Gertrude Allen Harris, on Saturday, 10 July 1948 registered in Willesden, MDX, ENG, (when age calculated as 26 years, 11 months and 27 days.)
  • She died in November 2000 registered in Cambridge, CAM, ENG, (when age calculated as 79 years and 3 months.)

Other Names Used

  • Her married name was Chapman.

Family: Rose Ann Thomas and Frank Hector Chapman

Richard Early

Male, ID #70270, b. 23 March 1628, d. January 1692
  • Relationship to Jay Glanville: 8th great-grandfather.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • He was baptised on Thursday, 23 March 1628 in Witney, OXF, ENG.
  • Richard Early was born before 23 March 1628 in Witney, OXF, ENG.
  • He married Elizabeth Sanders on Tuesday, 18 July 1651 in Witney, OXF, ENG, (when age calculated as 23 years, 3 months and 25 days.)
  • He died in January 1692 in Witney, OXF, ENG, (when age calculated as 63 years and 9 months.)
  • He was buried on Sunday, 27 January 1692 in Witney, OXF, ENG.

Children of Richard Early and Elizabeth Sanders

Elizabeth Sanders

Female, ID #70271, b. 6 October 1636, d. July 1707
  • Relationship to Jay Glanville: 8th great-grandmother.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • She was baptised on Monday, 6 October 1636 in Witney, OXF, ENG.
  • Elizabeth Sanders was born before 6 October 1636 in Witney, OXF, ENG.
  • She married Richard Early, son of Thomas Early, on Tuesday, 18 July 1651 in Witney, OXF, ENG, (when age calculated as 14 years, 9 months and 12 days.)
  • She died in July 1707 in Witney, OXF, ENG, (when age calculated as 70 years and 8 months.)
  • She was buried on Friday, 29 July 1707 in Witney, OXF, ENG.

Other Names Used

  • Her married name was Early.

Children of Elizabeth Sanders and Richard Early

Ann Early

Female, ID #70272, b. before 15 March 1653
  • Relationship to Jay Glanville: 8th great-aunt.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • Ann Early was born before 15 March 1653 in Witney, OXF, ENG.
  • She was baptised on Saturday, 15 March 1653 in Witney, OXF, ENG.

Richard Early

Male, ID #70273, b. before 6 October 1665
  • Relationship to Jay Glanville: 8th great-uncle.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • Richard Early was born before 6 October 1665 in Witney, OXF, ENG.
  • He was baptised on Tuesday, 6 October 1665 in Witney, OXF, ENG.

Elizabeth Early

Female, ID #70274, b. before 8 August 1669
  • Relationship to Jay Glanville: 8th great-aunt.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • Elizabeth Early was born before 8 August 1669 in Witney, OXF, ENG.
  • She was baptised on Thursday, 8 August 1669 in Witney, OXF, ENG.

Thomas Early

Male, ID #70275, b. before 1608
  • Relationship to Jay Glanville: 9th great-grandfather.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • Thomas Early was born before 1608.

Child of Thomas Early

Wilfred Thomas Key

Male, ID #70276, b. 9 January 1912, d. circa February 1958

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • Wilfred Thomas Key was born on Tuesday, 9 January 1912 in Tewkesbury, GLS, ENG.
  • He married Kathleen May Panter circa May 1944 registered in Cheltenham, GLS, ENG.
  • He died circa February 1958 in Beckford, WOR, ENG.

Census Appearance(s)

  • Wilfred appeared on the census of Sunday, 19 June 1921 in Tewkesbury, GLS, ENG.

Family: Wilfred Thomas Key and Kathleen May Panter

Lilian Margaret Gray

Female, ID #70277, b. 6 April 1912, d. July 1987

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • Lilian Margaret Gray was born on Saturday, 6 April 1912.
  • She married Arthur Richard Gallagher, son of Elijah Gallagher and Mary Moulding, circa May 1933 registered in Kingston upon Thames, SRY, ENG.
  • She married Ronald Stanley Gallagher, son of Elijah Gallagher and Mary Moulding, circa May 1961 registered in Chippenham, WIL, ENG.
  • She died in July 1987 registered in Bath, SOM, ENG, (when age calculated as 75 years and 2 months.)

Other Names Used

  • Her married name was Gallagher.

Family: Lilian Margaret Gray and Arthur Richard Gallagher

Family: Lilian Margaret Gray and Ronald Stanley Gallagher

Gladys Irene Wathen

Female, ID #70278, b. 13 January 1914

Birth, Marriage and Death information

Other Names Used

  • Her married name was Newman.
  • Her married name was Key.

Family: Gladys Irene Wathen and Frederick Leonard Key

Family: Gladys Irene Wathen and Sydney Newman

Sydney Newman

Male, ID #70281

Birth, Marriage and Death information

Family: Sydney Newman and Gladys Irene Wathen

Kathleen May Panter

Female, ID #70282, b. before 1924

Birth, Marriage and Death information

Other Names Used

  • Her married name was Key.

Family: Kathleen May Panter and Wilfred Thomas Key

Ivan Lawrence Key

Male, ID #70285, b. 12 May 1919, d. 24 December 1993

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • Ivan Lawrence Key was born illegitimately on Monday, 12 May 1919 registered in Kings Norton, WOR, ENG.
  • He married Dorothy Rose Percival circa February 1946 registered in Cheltenham, GLS, ENG.
  • He died on Friday, 24 December 1993 in Cheltenham, GLS, ENG, (when age calculated as 74 years, 7 months and 12 days.)

Census Appearance(s)

  • Ivan appeared on the census of Sunday, 19 June 1921 in Tewkesbury, GLS, ENG.

Family: Ivan Lawrence Key and Dorothy Rose Percival

Dorothy Rose Percival

Female, ID #70286, b. 27 September 1922, d. 9 January 2017

Birth, Marriage and Death information

  • Dorothy Rose Percival was born on Wednesday, 27 September 1922 in Tewkesbury, GLS, ENG.
  • She married Ivan Lawrence Key, son of Elsie Emily Annie Key, circa February 1946 registered in Cheltenham, GLS, ENG.
  • She died on Monday, 9 January 2017 in Ashchurch, GLS, ENG, (when age calculated as 94 years, 3 months and 13 days.)

Other Names Used

  • Her married name was Key.

Family: Dorothy Rose Percival and Ivan Lawrence Key

George J. Benson

Male, ID #70290, b. 8 October 1872

Birth, Marriage and Death information

Census Appearance(s)

  • George and Arabella Ball appeared on the census of Sunday, 2 April 1911 in Barry, GLA, WLS.
  • George and Arabella Ball appeared on the census of Sunday, 19 June 1921 in Barry, GLA, WLS.

Family: George J. Benson and Arabella Ball


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