Richard Parsons

Male, ID #10021, b. before 1642

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Richard Parsons was born before 1642.
     He married Mary Glanfield in 1662 at Monks Eleigh, SFK, ENG, Richard Parsons and Mary Glanvil.


Mary Glanfield b. b 1642

Mary Glanfield

Female, ID #10022, b. before 1642

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Parsons.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Glanfield was born before 1642.
     She married Richard Parsons in 1662 at Monks Eleigh, SFK, ENG, Richard Parsons and Mary Glanvil.


Richard Parsons b. b 1642

Mary Glanville

Female, ID #10023, b. 28 October 1672
FatherThomas Glanville (b 1652 - )
MotherMary (Surname Unknown) (b 1652 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 28 October 1672 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG. Mary Glanville was born before 28 October 1672 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.

Mary Glanville

Female, ID #10024, b. 28 September 1698
FatherWilliam Glanville (b 1677 - )
MotherSusan Dawson (b 1677 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 28 September 1698 at Shotley, SFK, ENG. Mary Glanville was born before 28 September 1698 at Shotley, SFK, ENG.

Susan Dawson

Female, ID #10025, b. before 1677

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Susan Dawson was born before 1677.
     She married William Glanville in 1697 at Harkstead, SFK, ENG.


William Glanville b. b 1677

William Glanville

Male, ID #10026, b. before 1677

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born before 1677.
     He married Susan Dawson in 1697 at Harkstead, SFK, ENG.


Susan Dawson b. b 1677

William Glanville

Male, ID #10027, b. 23 January 1702, d. between 1702 and 1704
FatherWilliam Glanville (b 1677 - )
MotherSusan Dawson (b 1677 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 23 January 1702 at Shotley, SFK, ENG. William Glanville was born before 23 January 1702 at Shotley, SFK, ENG.
     He died between 1702 and 1704; presumed, from christening of same-named sibling.

William Glanville

Male, ID #10028, b. 15 June 1704
FatherWilliam Glanville (b 1677 - )
MotherSusan Dawson (b 1677 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 15 June 1704 at Shotley, SFK, ENG, parents named William and Susan Glanvill. William Glanville was born before 15 June 1704 at Shotley, SFK, ENG.

Ann Crafeild

Female, ID #10029, b. before 1697

Alternate Names

     As of 3 October 1717,her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ann Crafeild was born before 1697.
     She married Percival Glanville on 3 October 1717 at St Mary, Woodbridge, SFK, ENG, Persivail Glanvile and Ann Crafeild.


Percival Glanville b. b 1697

Percival Glanville

Male, ID #10030, b. before 1697

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Percival Glanville was born before 1697.
     He married Ann Crafeild on 3 October 1717 at St Mary, Woodbridge, SFK, ENG, Persivail Glanvile and Ann Crafeild.


Ann Crafeild b. b 1697

Richard Glanville

Male, ID #10031, b. 20 February 1655
FatherRichard Glanville (b 1635 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 20 February 1655 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, father named Richard Glanvile. Richard Glanville was born before 20 February 1655 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.

Richard Glanville

Male, ID #10032, b. before 1635

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Richard Glanville was born before 1635.



Richard Glanfield

Male, ID #10033, b. 10 September 1655, d. November 1679
FatherJohn Glanfield (b 1631 - 1679)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 10 September 1655 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, father named John Glanvil. Richard Glanfield was born before 10 September 1655 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.
     He died in November 1679 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, (when age calculated as 24.)
     He was buried on 28 November 1679 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, named Mr.

William Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #10034, b. 19 December 1882, d. 23 April 1960
FatherWilliam Thorne (bt 1857 - 1858 - )
MotherMary Hocking Glanville (1855 - 1899)

Alternate Names

     He was also known as William Thomas Thorn registered at birth. He was also known as William Thorne recorded in 1920 census.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Thomas Glanville was born on 19 December 1882 at 12 Ropery Row, Monkwearmouth, DUR, ENG; father born England, mother Wales recorded in USA census.
Registered Sunderland q1 1883.
     He married Lillian Hettie Oliver on 21 May 1908 at Bokoshe, Le Flore Co., OK, USA, (when age calculated as 25 years, 5 months and 2 days.)
     He died on 23 April 1960 at Salinas, Monterey, CA, USA, (when age calculated as 77.)

Other information

     It is unclear why, when he was born legitimately as William Thomas THORN he used the named GLANVILLE (his mother's maiden name) throughout his life in the USA. The two most likely explanations would be either he was in trouble in England and changed his surname to evade being identified, or that he fell out with his father and wished to dissociate himself completely.
     William Thomas Glanville immigrated in 1905 to the USA.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • William Thomas Glanville and Lillian Hettie Oliver appeared on the census of 1910 at Le Flore Co., OK, USA; his age recorded 27, hers 21.
  • William Thomas Glanville and Lillian Hettie Oliver appeared on the census of 1920 at Louisville, Boulder Co., CO, USA; his age recorded 36, hers 30.
  • William Thomas Glanville and Lillian Hettie Oliver appeared on the census of 1930 at Lionkol, Sweetwater Co., WY, USA; his age recorded 44, hers 41.
  • William Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 1940 at Lowell Boulevard, Denver, Denver Co., CO, USA; his age recorded 53, hers 51.
  • William was a labourer for W.P.A. Building Const. in 1940.


Lillian Hettie Oliver b. bt 1888 - 1889

Martha Sympson

Female, ID #10035, b. before 1642, d. before 1734

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Simpson. She was also known as Simson. Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Martha Sympson was born before 1642.
     She married Richard Glanville, son of Rev Richard Glanfield and Margaret Doyle, on 3 July 1662 at Higham by Nayland, SFK, ENG.
     She died before 1734; presumably by 1663 when it appears her husband married Alice.


Richard Glanville b. b 1642, d. Oct 1690

Mary Pryer

Female, ID #10036, b. before 1696, d. May 1739

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Pryer was born before 1696.
     She married Benjamin Glanville, son of Benjamin Glanville, on 30 October 1716 at St Leonard's parish church, Shoreditch, MDX, ENG.
     She died in May 1739 at London, MDX, ENG.
     Her estate was probated on 14 May 1739 This will was proved at London before the
Worshipfull Robert Chapman Doctor of Laws Surrogate of
the Right Worshipful John Bettesworth also Doctor of Laws
Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court of
Canterbury lawfully constituted the fourteenth day of
May in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundered thirty nine by the oaths of Edward Short
esquire and Hezekiah Walker the executors in the said will
named to whom administration was granted of all and
singular the goods chattles and credits of the said deceased
being first sworn duly to administer the same.
     She was buried on 7 May 1739 at St Gregory by St Pauls, London, MDX, ENG, Mary Glanfield, date recorded 7 May 1738.

Other information

     Mary Pryer left a will on 31 October 1738 In the Name of God Amen
I Mary Glanvill of the Tower of London widow being of sound
mind memory and understanding to make this my last will
and testament in manner and form following that is to say As for
my interment I desire it may be with decency and that thereb e
a hearse and two coaches to attend my funeral and as for my
real and personal estate I dispose thereof as followeth that is
to say I give devise and bequeath all that my freehold
messuage or tenement situate and being in great Queen Street
in the parish of Saint Giles in the Feilds in the County of Middx
now in the tennure of Mrs Ann Arne together with all
buildings yards gardens ground and appurtenances whatsoever
to the said messuage or tenement belonging unto Edward Short
of the Tower of London esquire and Hezekiah Walker citizen
and plumber of London their heirs and assigns to hold to them their heirs and assigns upon trust
that they the said Edward Short and Hezekiah Walter and the
survivor of them and the heirs and assigns of such survivor
shall and do out of the rents and profits thereof pay unto
my son Matthias Glanvill and to my daughter Frances Glanvill
ten pounds apeice yearly free of all taxes and outgoings whatsoever
at four equal quarterly payments that is to say Christmas Day
Lady Day Midsummer Day and Michaelmas Day the first payment
to commence at the first of the said days of payment which shall
happen next after my decease for and during and until my just debts
be fully paid and satisfied and as to the residue of the rents
and profits which shall arise from time to time by and out of the said
messuage and premisses upon trust that my said trustees and the
survivor or them and the heirs and assigns of such survivor
shall apply the same in satisfaction and payment of all my just
debts and after payment and satisfaction thereof then I will and
direct that the said annuities or yearly sums of ten pounds apiece
hereinbefore for the said Matthias and Frances
Glanvill shall cease and from and after payment and satisfaction
of all my just debts as aforesaid then I give and devise one third
part of the said messuage or tenement with the appurtenances
unto my son Benjamin Glanvill for and during the term of his
natural life and after his decease I give and devise the said
third part of the said messuage or tenement and premises
unto all and every the children of my said son Benjamin
Glanvill and their heirs to hold as tenants in common and
not as joint tenants and I give and devise one other third part
of the said messuage or tenement with the appurtenances
unto my said son Matthias Glanvill for and during the term
of his natural life and after his decease I give and devise the
said third part of the said premises unto all and every the
children of my said son Matthias Glanvill and their heirs to
hold as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and I
give and devise the other third part of the said messuage or
tenement with the appurtenances unto my daughter Frances
Glanvill for and during the term of her natural life and after
her decease I give and devise the said third part of the said
premises unto all and every the children of my said daughter
and thir heirs to hold as tenants in common and not as
joint tenants and in case any of my said sons and daughter
shall happen to dye without any issue of his her or their
body or bodys then I give and devise the part of him her
or them so dying without issue unto the survivors or
survivor of them for the lives of life of such survivors or
survivor and after the decease of such survivors or survivor
to and amongst all and every the children of such survivors
or survivor and their heirs to hold as tenants in common
and not as joint tenants Item I give to my said daughter
Frances Glanvill the red curtains red chairs the red great
chair the red window seat and all my wearing apparell
and my rings and other ornaments of my person Item I give
to my said daughter Frances Glanville and my said son Matthias
Glanvill my plate and the remainder of my household goods
and furniture to be equally divided between them share and
share alike Item I release and discharge my said son Matthias
Glanvill and my said daughter Frances Glanvill from all
demands now I have or shall have upon them or which shall be
due to my estate from them respectively at the time of my death
Item all the rest residue and remainder of my estate both real
and personal I give devise and bequeath to my said sons Benj
and Matthias and my said daughter Frances and to their heirs
executors and administrators to be equally divided between them
share and share alike save and except the legacy or sum
hereinafter mentioned (that is to say) Item I give to the said
Edward Short and Hezekiah Walter the sum of four guineas
apeice and do will and direct that they shall deduct and retain
to themselves all reasonable charges and expenses out of my
estate in and about the execution of the trust hereby reposed in
them and that my said trustees their heirs executors and
administrators shall be accountable only for their own acts
and not for the acts of the other of them and I do appoint
the said Edward Short and Hezekiah Walker executors of this
my last will and testatement hereby revoking all former wills
by me made In witness whereof I the said Mary Glanvill
have put my hand to the first sheet and my hand and seal
to the second sheet of this my will being contained in two
sheets of paper this thirty first day of October in the year of
our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty eight - Mary
Glanvill - Signed sealed published and declared by the said
Mary Glanvill as and for her last will and testament in the
presence of us who at her request and in her presence
subscribed our names as witnessed fo the due execution of
the same - John Mingham Abigall Collins Sarah Lloyd Francis

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 31 October 1738, Mary Pryer lived at Tower of London, London, MDX, ENG.


Benjamin Glanville b. 7 Nov 1675, d. b 1738

Lillian Hettie Oliver

Female, ID #10037, b. between 1888 and 1889

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Lillian Hettie Oliver was born between 1888 and 1889 at AR, USA.
     She married William Thomas Glanville, son of William Thorne and Mary Hocking Glanville, on 21 May 1908 at Bokoshe, Le Flore Co., OK, USA.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Lillian Hettie Oliver and William Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 1910 at Le Flore Co., OK, USA; his age recorded 27, hers 21.
  • Lillian Hettie Oliver and William Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 1920 at Louisville, Boulder Co., CO, USA; his age recorded 36, hers 30.
  • Lillian Hettie Oliver and William Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 1930 at Lionkol, Sweetwater Co., WY, USA; his age recorded 44, hers 41.


William Thomas Glanville b. 19 Dec 1882, d. 23 Apr 1960

Guy Warren Glanville

Male, ID #10038, b. 22 September 1920, d. 27 February 1999
FatherWilliam Thomas Glanville (1882 - 1960)
MotherLillian Hettie Oliver (bt 1888 - 1889 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Guy Warren Glanville was born on 22 September 1920 at Louisville, Boulder Co., CO, USA.
     He married Paulette (Surname Unknown) after 1941 in the USA.
     He died on 27 February 1999 at Salinas, CA, USA, (when age calculated as 78.)

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Guy Warren Glanville appeared on the census of 1930 at Lionkol, Sweetwater Co., WY, USA; recorded age 9, living with his parents.
  • Guy was a new worker in 1940.
  • He appeared on the census of 1940 at Denver, Denver Co., CO, USA; recorded age 19, living with his parents.
  • Guy was a radio station custodian carpenter and telephone linesman in 1950.
  • He and Paulette (Surname Unknown) appeared on the census of 1950 at Alisal Salinas, Monterey Co., CA, USA; both with recorded age 29.


Paulette (Surname Unknown) b. 1921, d. 1996

Lillian Inez Glanville

Female, ID #10039, b. 16 December 1921, d. 26 October 2017
FatherWilliam Thomas Glanville (1882 - 1960)
MotherLillian Hettie Oliver (bt 1888 - 1889 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Heinicke. She was also known as Inez.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Lillian Inez Glanville was born on 16 December 1921 at Coalmont, Jackson Co., CO, USA.
     She married James LaVerne Heinicke on 19 May 1942 at Denver, CO, USA, (when age calculated as 20 years, 5 months and 3 days.)
     She died on 26 October 2017 at Littleton, Arapahoe Co., CO, USA, (when age calculated as 95.)

Other information

     Lillian Inez Glanville was living in 2010; at death of brother Theodore.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Lillian Inez Glanville appeared on the census of 1930 at Lionkol, Sweetwater Co., WY, USA; recorded age 8, living with her parents.
  • She appeared on the census of 1940 at Denver, Denver Co., CO, USA; recorded age 18, living with her parents.


James LaVerne Heinicke b. 1919, d. 1980

Martha Butler

Female, ID #10040, b. before 1789

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Martha Butler was born before 1789.
     She married Samuel Glanville on 3 October 1809 at St Mary, Woodbridge, SFK, ENG, Samuel Glanvill of the Surrey Millitia and Martha Butler.


Samuel Glanville b. b 1789

Samuel Glanville

Male, ID #10041, b. before 1789

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Samuel Glanville was born before 1789.
     He married Martha Butler on 3 October 1809 at St Mary, Woodbridge, SFK, ENG, Samuel Glanvill of the Surrey Millitia and Martha Butler.


Martha Butler b. b 1789

Elizabeth Glanville

Female, ID #10042, b. 19 October 1720, d. April 1721
FatherLionel Glanville (b 1700 - 1723)
MotherAnne (Surname Unknown) (b 1700 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 19 October 1720 at St Mary, Woodbridge, SFK, ENG. Elizabeth Glanville was born in 1720 at Woodbridge, SFK, ENG.
     She died in April 1721 at Woodbridge, SFK, ENG.
     She was buried on 15 April 1721 at St Mary, Woodbridge, SFK, ENG, named an Infant.

William Toler

Male, ID #10043, b. before 1652

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Toler was born before 1652.
     He married Sarah Glanville on 10 October 1672 at Higham by Nayland, SFK, ENG.


Sarah Glanville b. b 1652

Sarah Glanville

Female, ID #10044, b. before 1652

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Toler.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Sarah Glanville was born before 1652.
     She married William Toler on 10 October 1672 at Higham by Nayland, SFK, ENG.


William Toler b. b 1652

Sarah Glanfield

Female, ID #10045, b. 28 March 1686
FatherEdward Glanfield (b 1662 - )
MotherAnn (Surname Unknown) (b 1662 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 28 March 1686 at Raydon, SFK, ENG. Sarah Glanfield was born before 28 March 1686 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.

Ann (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #10046, b. before 1662

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanfield.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ann (Surname Unknown) was born before 1662.
     She married Edward Glanfield before 1682 at SFK, ENG.


Edward Glanfield b. b 1662

Edward Glanfield

Male, ID #10047, b. before 1662

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Edward Glanfield was born before 1662.
     He married Ann (Surname Unknown) before 1682 at SFK, ENG.


Ann (Surname Unknown) b. b 1662

Susan Glanville

Female, ID #10048, b. 11 September 1653
FatherRichard Glanville (b 1633 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 11 September 1653 at Brantham, SFK, ENG, father named Richard Glanvile. Susan Glanville was born before 11 September 1653 at Brantham, SFK, ENG.

Richard Glanville

Male, ID #10049, b. before 1633

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Richard Glanville was born before 1633.



Susanna Glanfield

Female, ID #10050, b. 11 March 1682
FatherEdward Glanfield (b 1662 - )
MotherAnn (Surname Unknown) (b 1662 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 11 March 1682 at Raydon, SFK, ENG, parents named Edward and Ann Glanvill. Susanna Glanfield was born before 11 March 1682 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.