Thomas Glanfield

Male, ID #10051, b. 2 January 1693
FatherEdward Glanfield (b 1662 - )
MotherAnn (Surname Unknown) (b 1662 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 2 January 1693 at Raydon, SFK, ENG, parents named Edvadi and Annae Glanfield. Thomas Glanfield was born before 2 January 1693 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.

Thomas Glanfield

Male, ID #10052, b. 22 August 1693, d. after 1725
FatherThomas Glanfield (b 1669 - b 1716)
MotherMary Bennett (b 1673 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 22 August 1693 at Raydon, SFK, ENG. Thomas Glanfield was born before 22 August 1693 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.
     He died after 1725; probably Suffolk, his probate record shows his mother outlived him.
     His estate was probated on 24 December 1762 On the twenty fourth day of December in the year of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and sixty two administration with
the will annexed of the goods chattels and credits of Thomas
Glanfild otherwise Glanfield late of Heigham in the county of
Suffolk deceased was granted to the Reverend John Clubb clerk
the administrator with the Will annexed of the Goods unadministered
of Robert Martin deceased whilst living a creditor by
Bond of the said deceased having been first sworn by
commission duly to administer Mary Glanfield widow the
mother of the said deceased on of the executors and residual
legacees for life and the Reverend Thomas Bradshaigh clerk
the other executor named in the said will dying before they or
either of them had taken upon themselves the execution thereof
and Richard Brunning John Brunning James Brunning
Elizabeth Bonnet or Bunnett (wife of Jacob Bonnett or
Bunnett) Susan Brunning spinster Sarah Stanton (wife of
Thomas Stanton) and Mary Brunning spinster the natural and
lawful children and only next of kin of Richard Brunning the
only surviving substituted residuary legacee named in the said
will at the time of the death of the said Mary Glanfield having
been first legally cited intimated and in nowise appearing.

Other information

     On 8 May 1716 at Wickham Bishop, ESS, ENG, he was apprentice to Henry Parsons miller, named son of Thomas Glanville miller deceased.
     Thomas Glanfield left a will on 21 March 1725 In the Name of God Amen
I Thomas Glanfield of Heigham in the county of
Suffolk maltser being in perfect health and of sound mind
memory and understanding do make and ordain this my last
will and testament in manner and form following that
is to say first and principally I recommend my soul into
the hands of almighty God its creator and my body to the
earth to be buried in such decent and christian like manner
as to my executor and executrix hereinafter named shall
be thought meet and as for and concerning the worldly estate
wihch I shall die seized possessed or or interested in I dispose
thereof as followeth (Vizt) Imprimis I give and devise
unto my honoured mother Mary Glanfield widow all my
estate lying in Polstead in the said county of Suffolk now
in the occupation of Nicholas Last and George Taylor
to hold to her the said Mary Glanfield my mother her
heirs and assigns for ever Item all the rest residue and
remainder of my estate as well real as personal whatsoever
or wheresoever situate lying or being I do give and bequeath
unto my said honoured mother Mary Glanfield and her
assigns my tenement in Heigham in the occupation of
Timothy Grigg and the legacy or legacies devised to me
by one John Tafsell deceased hereinafter mentioned only
excepted to hold to her the said Mary Glanfield for and
during the term of her natural life she paying the rent
all such debts as as I shall justly owe at the time of my decease
my funeral charges and the charges of the probate of this
my will and after the decease of my said mother my mind
and will is that my said real and personal estate so given
and bequeathed to her and her assigns during the term of
her natural life as aforesaid shall be sold by my executors
hereinafter named (in case he shall happen to survive my
said mother) and the executors or administrators of my said
mother as soon after her decease as conveniently may be
for and towards payment of the several and respective
legacies by me hereby given unto the several and respective
persons herein after named (that is to say) unto the Reverend
Mr Thomas Bradshaigh now Minister of Stratford in the
said county of Suffolk the sum of fifty pounds unto Plampin
Braybrooke the son of Plampin Braybrooke the sum of
forty pounds unto Ambroze Death and Edward Death the sons
of George Death of Heigham aforesaid yeoman the sum of
thirty pounds apeice and unto my cousin Henry Bray the son
of John Bray the like sum of thirty pounds (in case they
shall be then living) and after payment made of the said
several legacies within one year after the decease of my
said mother then I give the surplus of the moneys arising
by such said to be equally divided to and amongst Edward
Glandfield of Reydon in the said county of Suffolk maltster
John Brunning and Richard Brunning both of the same town
yeomen John Glanfield of Capell in the same county yeoman
James Brunning of Pelden in the county of Essex yeoman
Susan the wife of Thomas Glanfield of Stratford aforesaid
yeoman Sarah the wife of William Townes of (blank space in transcript)
yeom and Thomas Whitler of Manningtree in the said
county of Essex barber and peruke maker or such of them
as shall be then living share and share alike and as for and
concerning the legacy or legacies lately devised to me in or
by the last will and testament of John Tafsell late of
Pedham in the county of Essex dyer deceased for and
concerning which a suit in law has been sometime since
commenced that in case the same shall be recovered by
my executors after my decease the whole thereof made after
payment of the charges of such suit in law shall immediately
be equally divided between my said mother Mary Glanfield
and the aforenamed Edward Glanfield James Brunning Susan
Glanfield Sarah Torones and Thomas Whitler or such of them as shall
be then living as aforesaid share and share alike and as for
and concerning the tenement in Heigham aforesaid in the
occupaton of the aforenamed Timothy Griss my mind
and will is and I do hereby give and devise the said
tenement with the yards and appurtenances threunto
belonging unto the minsters and churchwardens of the
parishes of Heigham and Pleydon aforesaid and to their
successors ministers and churchwardens of the said
parishes of Heigham and Pleydon for ever to the intent
and purpose that they the said ministers and churchwardens
of Heigham and Pleydon aforesaid for the time being shall
jointly receive the rents and profits of the said messuage
or tenement with the appurtenances by an equal dividend
to each parish and thereout in the first place pay all such
sum or sums of money as shall from time to time be necessarily
laid out in keeping the said premises in good and tenantable
repair by an equal proportion and after the charges of such
reparations are duly paid and satisfied my mind and will
is that they the said ministers and churchwardens of the
said parishes of Heigham and Pleydon aforesaid for the time
being shall distribute and dispose of the overplus money
arising by the profits of the said messuage or tenement to
and amongst such poor objects of charity belonging to th e
said parishes of Heigham and Pleydon as the ministers and
churchwardens of the said parishes for the time being shall
separately think most proper to receive the same and Lastly I
do nominate and appoint my said mother Mary Glanfield
and the aforementioned Reverend Mr Thomas Bradshaigh the
executor and executrix of this my will and do hereby revoke
and disannull all former and other wills by me heretofore
made publishing and declaring this to be my last will and
testment In witness whereof to this my said last will and
testament contained in one sheet of paper I the said Thomas
Glanfield have set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty
first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seventy
hundred and twenty five. Tho. Glanfild. Signed sealed
published and declared by the said testator Thomas Glanfeild
to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who
have set our hands as witnesses thereunto in his pressence
Robert Martin Nicho: Last Adm Buddle.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Thomas was a maltster on 1 March 1725.
  • As of 1 March 1725, Thomas Glanfield lived at Heigham, SFK, ENG.

Mary Bennett

Female, ID #10053, b. before 1673

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Bennett was born before 1673.
     She married Thomas Glanfield in 1689 at Harkstead, SFK, ENG.

Other information

     In 1725 she was named executor in the will of her son Thomas, and his probate record shows she outlived him.


Thomas Glanfield b. b 1669, d. b 1716

Thomas Glanfield

Male, ID #10054, b. before 1669, d. before 1716

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanfield was born before 1669.
     He married Mary Bennett in 1689 at Harkstead, SFK, ENG.
     He died before 1716; as his son Thomas's will names his mother a widow in 1725, and his son Thomas's apprentice record of 1716 names him deceased.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Thomas was a miller, named in son Thomas's apprentice records before 1716.


Mary Bennett b. b 1673

Thomas Glanfield

Male, ID #10055, b. 8 September 1717
FatherThomas Glanfield (b 1695 - )
MotherSusanna Brunning (b 1695 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 8 September 1717 at Raydon, SFK, ENG, parents named Thomae and Susannae Glanfield. Thomas Glanfield was born before 8 September 1717 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.

Susanna Brunning

Female, ID #10056, b. before 1695

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanfield.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Susanna Brunning was born before 1695.
     She married Thomas Glanfield on 2 February 1715 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.


Thomas Glanfield b. b 1695

Thomas Glanfield

Male, ID #10057, b. before 1695

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanfield was born before 1695; almost certainly one of the two Raydon baptised Thomases of 1693.
     He married Susanna Brunning on 2 February 1715 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.


Susanna Brunning b. b 1695

Elizabeth Chapman

Female, ID #10058, b. before 1725

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Chapman was born before 1725.
     She married Thomas Glanville on 21 October 1745 at Campsea Ash, SFK, ENG, also recorded as 21 Oct 1746 Thomas Glanvil and Eliz Chapman.


Thomas Glanville b. b 1725

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #10059, b. before 1725

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born before 1725.
     He married Elizabeth Chapman on 21 October 1745 at Campsea Ash, SFK, ENG, also recorded as 21 Oct 1746 Thomas Glanvil and Eliz Chapman.


Elizabeth Chapman b. b 1725

John Hyett

Male, ID #10060, b. 23 April 1794, d. 6 December 1848

Alternate Names

     He was also known as John Hyatt.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 23 April 1794 at Warborough, OXF, ENG. John Hyett was born before 23 April 1794 at Warborough, OXF, ENG.
     He married Eliza Ann Glanville, daughter of William Glanville and Martha Lane, on 1 October 1821 at St Matthew, Ipswich, SFK, ENG, (when age calculated as 27 years, 5 months and 8 days) John Hyett and Ann Glanville.
     He married Eliza Ann Glanville, daughter of William Glanville and Martha Lane, on 18 February 1822 at St Aldate, Oxford, OXF, ENG, (when age calculated as 27 years, 9 months and 26 days) both of this parish. Witnesses John Thorn Glanville, Mary Newman.
     He died on 6 December 1848 at Warborough, OXF, ENG, (when age calculated as 54.)
     He was buried on 11 December 1848 at Warborough, OXF, ENG.


Eliza Ann Glanville b. 1801, d. Sep 1880

Ann Glanfield

Female, ID #10062, b. 16 October 1687, d. before 1692
FatherEdward Glanfield (b 1662 - )
MotherAnn (Surname Unknown) (b 1662 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 16 October 1687 at Raydon, SFK, ENG, Anna Glemfield of Edvardi and Annae. Ann Glanfield was born before 16 October 1687 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.
     She died before 1692; presumed, from baptism of same named sibling.

Ann Glanfield

Female, ID #10063, b. 25 March 1692
FatherEdward Glanfield (b 1662 - )
MotherAnn (Surname Unknown) (b 1662 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 25 March 1692 at Raydon, SFK, ENG, Anna Glanfild of Edwardi and Annae. Ann Glanfield was born before 25 March 1692 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.

John Glanfield

Male, ID #10064, b. 5 March 1689
FatherEdward Glanfield (b 1662 - )
MotherAnn (Surname Unknown) (b 1662 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 5 March 1689 at Raydon, SFK, ENG. John Glanfield was born before 5 March 1689 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.

Nathaniel Glanfield

Male, ID #10065, b. 14 February 1695
FatherEdward Glanfield (b 1662 - )
MotherAnn (Surname Unknown) (b 1662 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 14 February 1695 at Raydon, SFK, ENG, parents named Edvardi and Annae Glandfield. Nathaniel Glanfield was born before 14 February 1695 at Raydon, SFK, ENG.

George Druery

Male, ID #10066, b. before 1793

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Druery was born before 1793.
     He married Susannah Glanville, daughter of Thomas Glanville and Agnes Ross, on 4 May 1813 at St Paul, Jarrow, DUR, ENG.

Other information

     George and Susannah Glanville had John Drury (1815-1870) immigrated to Australia
Agnes Druery 1817-1881)
George (1819- lost at sea?)
Thomas Glanville Druery (1821-1871) a master mariner in 1871 census
Robert Drury (1823-1903) immigrated to Australia
Sarah Drury (1828-. )

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • George was A Ship Master receiving Relief from Trinity & Merchant Seaman's Fund on 7 April 1861.


Susannah Glanville b. 5 Oct 1788, d. c Aug 1860

Susannah Glanville

Female, ID #10067, b. 5 October 1788, d. circa August 1860
FatherThomas Glanville (b 1767 - b 1841)
MotherAgnes Ross (c 1762 - c 1846)

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Susanna. Her married name was Druery.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 5 October 1788 at Christchurch, Tynemouth, NBL, ENG, parents named Thomas and Agnes Glanvill. Susannah Glanville was born before 5 October 1788 at Tynemouth, NBL, ENG.
     She married George Druery on 4 May 1813 at St Paul, Jarrow, DUR, ENG, (when age calculated as 24 years, 6 months and 29 days.)
     She died circa August 1860 at Easington registered, DUR, ENG; recorded age 73.

Other information

     Susannah and George Druery had John Drury (1815-1870) immigrated to Australia
Agnes Druery 1817-1881)
George (1819- lost at sea?)
Thomas Glanville Druery (1821-1871) a master mariner in 1871 census
Robert Drury (1823-1903) immigrated to Australia
Sarah Drury (1828-. )

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Susannah Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Henry Street, Dawdon, Seaham Harbour, DUR, ENG; recorded age 50, living with her mother Agnes and with her 20 year old son George a mariner. No husband present with Susannah.


George Druery b. b 1793

Lavinia Holmes

Female, ID #10068, b. 18 January 1889, d. circa May 1970

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Lavinia Holmes was born on 18 January 1889; 3 Jan 1899 recorded at death.
     She married James Edward Glanville, son of Oliver Glanville and Elizabeth Hunter, on 11 October 1913 at St Mark, Jarrow, DUR, ENG, (when age calculated as 24 years, 8 months and 23 days) Registered South Shields. Marriage of James Edward to Lavinia HOLMES:
11 Oct 1913 Marriage solemized at St Mark's Church, in the Parish of St.
Mark, Jarrow, in the County of Durham.
James Edward GLANVILLE, 22, Bachelor, Miner, 18 Sycamore Terrace - Amfield
Plain, Oliver GLANVILLE, Miner
Lavinia HOLMES, 24, Spinster, 49 Ba(u)ddle Street, Charles HOLMES (deceased),
Shoe Maker.
Witnesses: John Thomas THOMPSON and Charlotte STEPHENSON.
     She died circa May 1970 at Durham North Western registered, DUR, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 29 September 1939, Lavinia Holmes and James Edward Glanville lived at 22 Gray Terrace, Oxhill, DUR, ENG.


James Edward Glanville b. 27 Jan 1891, d. 18 Sep 1958

James Edward Glanville

Male, ID #10069, b. 27 January 1891, d. 18 September 1958
FatherOliver Glanville (c 1866 - c 1927)
MotherElizabeth Hunter (1868 - c 1950)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     James Edward Glanville was born on 27 January 1891 at Annfield Plain, DUR, ENG; Birth of son, James Edward GLANVILLE:
1891 Birth at Lanchester, County of Durham
27 Jan 1891, 90 South Pontop, Greencroft, R.S.D., James Edward, Son, Oliver GLANVILLE, Elizabeth GLANVILLE formerly HUNTER, Coal Miner, registered by E. GLANVILLE, Mother 90 South Pontop, Greencroft, registered 18 Mar 1891.

     He married Lavinia Holmes on 11 October 1913 at St Mark, Jarrow, DUR, ENG, (when age calculated as 22 years, 8 months and 14 days) Registered South Shields. Marriage of James Edward to Lavinia HOLMES:
11 Oct 1913 Marriage solemized at St Mark's Church, in the Parish of St.
Mark, Jarrow, in the County of Durham.
James Edward GLANVILLE, 22, Bachelor, Miner, 18 Sycamore Terrace - Amfield
Plain, Oliver GLANVILLE, Miner
Lavinia HOLMES, 24, Spinster, 49 Ba(u)ddle Street, Charles HOLMES (deceased),
Shoe Maker.
Witnesses: John Thomas THOMPSON and Charlotte STEPHENSON.
     He died on 18 September 1958 at at home, Oxhill, DUR, ENG, (when age calculated as 67); announced in The Times 20 Sep p8 naming him Labour Member of Parliament for Consett division of Durham 1943-55. It said he went to work underground at age 12, first week's work of 52hours for 7s 6d, he completed nearly 40yrs as a miner working underground. Registered Durham North Western, recorded age 67.

Other information

     Later in life James Edward GLANVILLE, MP, went to the House of Commons, as Consett's new miner-Member. At that time he was living in Grey Terrace, Oxhill.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • James Edward Glanville appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at Greencroft, DUR, ENG; recorded age 2, living with his parents.
  • He appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at South Pentop, Greencroft Within, DUR, ENG; recorded age 7, living with his parents.
  • He appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 18 Sycamore Terrace, Annfield Plain, DUR, ENG; recorded age 20, living with his parents.
  • James was a colliery railway man (below ground) on 2 April 1911.
  • James was a coal miner, below ground on 29 September 1939.
  • As of 29 September 1939, James Edward Glanville and Lavinia Holmes lived at 22 Gray Terrace, Oxhill, DUR, ENG.


Lavinia Holmes b. 18 Jan 1889, d. c May 1970

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #10070, b. between 1790 and 1791, d. May 1821

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born between 1790 and 1791; possibly the Thomas baptised South Shields Oct 1790 of Thomas and Agnes.
     He died in May 1821 at Barnard Castle, DUR, ENG.
     He was buried on 1 June 1821 at Barnard Castle, DUR, ENG, recorded age 30.

Eliza Goss

Female, ID #10071, b. between 1843 and 1844

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Sarah transcribed in 1881 census. Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Eliza Goss was born between 1843 and 1844 at Plymouth, DEV, ENG.
     She married Adolphus Glanville, son of Robert Glanville and Anne Bone, in 1864 although no formal marriage may have taken place.

Other information

     The various names found for Adolphus Glanville / Granville's partner (named wife) have all been attributed to a single woman, although there may have been more than one.
Eliza Granville nee Goss was named at the birth of son Frederick Granville; Jane Glanville was named wife in the 1871 census and Sarah Granville in the 1881 census. Her baptism name was Jane recorded in 1871 census.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Eliza Goss and Adolphus Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at 1 Densham Terrace, North Road, Plymouth St Andrew, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 28, hers 27.
  • Eliza Goss and Adolphus Glanville appeared on the census of 3 April 1881 at 18 Frances Street, Plymouth St Andrew, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 30, hers 25.


Adolphus Glanville b. 23 Oct 1843, d. 24 Nov 1915

Frederick Adolphus Glanville

Male, ID #10072, b. 3 April 1865, d. 24 September 1911
FatherAdolphus Glanville (1843 - 1915)
MotherEliza Goss (bt 1843 - 1844 - )

Alternate Names

     He was also known as Granville recorded in 1871 census, 1901 census etc.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Frederick Adolphus Glanville was born on 3 April 1865 at Devizes, WIL, ENG.
     He married Elizabeth Sage on 26 March 1889 at St Philips, Mile End, Stepney, MDX, ENG, (when age calculated as 23 years, 11 months and 23 days.)
     He died on 24 September 1911 at Plumstead, Woolwich, KEN, ENG, (when age calculated as 46.)

Other information

     From whom Malcolm Granville ( is descended.
     Was brought up by a family named Slocombe in Devizes.
     Frederick and Elizabeth Sage had 7 children by the 1911 census, 1 deceased by that date.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Frederick Adolphus Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at Dunkirk Hill, Rowde, WIL, ENG; recorded age 5, living as nephew to John and Elizabeth Sloacombe.
  • Frederick was a metal turner on 5 April 1891.
  • He and Elizabeth Sage appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at 8 Manthorp Road, Plumstead, KEN, ENG; his age recorded 26, hers 20.
  • Frederick was a metal turner on 31 March 1901.
  • He and Elizabeth Sage appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 33 Sladedale Road, Plumstead, KEN, ENG; his recorded age 35, hers 30.
  • Frederick was a metal turner, R.E.D. on 2 April 1911.
  • He and Elizabeth Sage appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 33 Sladedale Road, Plumstead, KEN, ENG; his age recorded 46, hers 40.


Elizabeth Sage b. 18 Mar 1871, d. 30 Nov 1955

Walter Grey

Male, ID #10073, b. 1792, d. 1863

Alternate Names

     He was also known as Gray.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Walter Grey was born in 1792 at ENG; son of Walter Grey (1752-1823) and Barbara Northmore (b. 1761 Sheepstor, DEV), who married 1780.
     He married Margaret Glanville on 27 October 1815 at Bickleigh near Plymouth, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 23 years.)
     He died in 1863 in ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Walter Grey and Margaret Glanville appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at Cottage, Bickleigh, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 60, hers 57. Names transcribed as Gray.


Margaret Glanville b. bt 1793 - 1794

Margaret Glanville

Female, ID #10074, b. between 1793 and 1794

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Grey.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Margaret Glanville was born between 1793 and 1794.
     She married Walter Grey on 27 October 1815 at Bickleigh near Plymouth, DEV, ENG.

Other information

     Purported to be the daughter of Thomas Glanville and Betty Hicks, but the 1851 census age is wrong for this person.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Margaret Glanville and Walter Grey appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at Cottage, Bickleigh, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 60, hers 57. Names transcribed as Gray.


Walter Grey b. 1792, d. 1863

Elizabeth Wotton

Female, ID #10075, b. circa 1875

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Beth Wotton. Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Wotton was born circa 1875; daughter of William Isaac Wotton and Mary Ann nee Underhill.
     She married male Glanville circa 1895.


male Glanville b. b 1875

male Glanville

Male, ID #10076, b. before 1875

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Male Glanville was born before 1875.
     He married Elizabeth Wotton circa 1895.


Elizabeth Wotton b. c 1875

Susanna Northcott

Female, ID #10078, b. between 1800 and 1801, d. 24 January 1881

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Susanna Northcott was born between 1800 and 1801 at Bridestowe, DEV, ENG.
     She married Joseph Glanville, son of Joseph Glanville and Joan (Surname Unknown), on 26 September 1819 at Bridestowe, DEV, ENG, by Banns, Joseph Glanville and Susanna Northcott of this parish were married by Banns.
Witnesses George Northcott, Wm Tapson.
     She died on 24 January 1881 at North Brentor, DEV, ENG; recorded age 79, registered Tavistock.
     Her estate was probated on 9 May 1881 indexed as:
1881 GLANVILL Susanna late of Lamerton, Devon, widow who died on 24 January 1881 at North Brentor in Lamerton. Will proved at Exeter on 9 May by Thomas Glanvill, yeoman, the son and Susanna Glanvill (wife of said Thomas Glanvill) both of Brentor, Devon, the executors, under £500.
     She was buried in January 1881 at St Michael de Rupe Churchyard, Brentor, DEV, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Susanna Northcott and Joseph Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Bowdenhill, Brent Tor, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 45, hers 40.
  • Susanna Northcott and Joseph Glanville appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at Broadpark, Brentor, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 55, hers 50.
  • Susanna was a Farmerist 57 Acres  on 7 April 1861.
  • She appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at Broad Gate, Brentor, DEV, ENG; recorded age 61, a widow.
  • Susanna was a retired farmer on 2 April 1871.
  • She appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at North Brentor, Lamerton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 69, widow.


Joseph Glanville b. b 21 Feb 1796, d. c Aug 1856

John Glanville

Male, ID #10079, b. between 1852 and 1853

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born between 1852 and 1853 at DEV, ENG.

Other information

     John Glanville emigrated on 10 April 1874 from Plymouth, DEV, ENG; on the ship Stonehouse, arriving Canterbury NZ 29/6/1874.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • John was a shoemaker in 1874.

female Glanville

Female, ID #10080, b. before 1919

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Female Glanville was born before 1919.