Evelyn M. Glanville

Female, ID #11731, b. before 1909

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Hallett.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Evelyn M. Glanville was born before 1909.
     She married Charlie Hallett circa August 1929 at Exeter, St Thomas registered, DEV, ENG.


Charlie Hallett b. b 1909

Harold Glanville

Male, ID #11732, b. circa May 1883, d. 23 October 1913
FatherEdwin Glanville (c 1840 - c 1922)
MotherEllen Marles (bt 1839 - 1840 - 1912)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Harold Glanville was born circa May 1883 at Crediton, DEV, ENG; registered Crediton.
     He died on 23 October 1913 at Exeter registered, DEV, ENG; recorded age 30. Reported in The Western Times, October 29, 1913
Glanvill Quietly Buried in the Local Cemetery
     The funeral took place at Crediton yesterday morning of Harold Glanvill, a victim of the terrible revolver tragedy that occurred on Thursday evening last in a printing office in that town. The place of burial was the Parish Churchyard, in the mortuary attached to which the coffin containing the remains had been resting. The churchyard was closed to the public, and only immediate mourners were admitted besides Mr. A.E. Barnes, the deceased’s employer, and representatives of the Press. A couple of police offcers, P.C.’s Harding and Tuplin, kept guard, and to one of these was handed the keys of the gates. As the family approached one of the entrances, the coffin was brought out into the footpath, and headed by the Vicar, the cortege proceeded to the church, the gates, which had been opened to admit the mourners, being immediately closed directly they had passed inside.
     The coffin was not Carried into the church, being deposited in the porch while the brief preliminary service was conducted within by the Vicar. On the breastplate of the coffin was the inscription:-
"Harold Glanvill,
"Died October 23rd, 1913,
"Aged 30 years
     The immediate mourners were Mr. Edwin Glanvill (father), Mrs. Oldry (sister), Exeter; Mr. H. Glanvill (brother), Crediton; Mr. and Mrs W. Hicks (brother-in-law and sister), and Mr. H. Hicks (nephew), of Dorchester; Mr. and Mrs. E. Parker and Mr. and Mrs. B. Parker (brothers-in-law and sisters), Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. G. Glanvill (brother and sister-in-law), Exeter; Miss Ethel Oldrey (niece), Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. B. Elston and Mr. and Mrs. E. Roach (uncles and aunts), Crediton. Wreaths were sent "With deepest sympathy, from his loving father”; "With loving sympathy, from Aunt Ann, Aunt Eliza, and Cousin Arthur”; “ From all dear Harold's brothers and sisters”; and “ With deepest Sympathy, from H. M. Phillips.”
     Last evening the condition of the apprentice Luxton at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital was reported to be unchanged.

also reported same paper 30 Oct, 1913
Tha Inquest on Glanville Adjourned
     Another stage in connection with the Crediton tragedy took place on Saturday, when the Exetcr Coroner (Mr. N. Linford Brown) held an inquest relative to the death of Harold Glanville, the foreman printer, of Park Street, Crediton, who succumbed at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital shortly after admission on Thursday night to the effects of a bullet wound in the head, supposed to have been self-inflicted with a revolver in the printing office at Creditor, after he had fired, it is believed, two shots at an apprentice named William Luxton, who is still alive at the hospital suffering from serious wounds.
     The inquiry was held at the hospital, and Mr. G. Frampton was chosen foreman of the ]ury.
     Harry Glanville, mason, identifed the body as that of his brother, who was aged 30, and a printer in the employment of Mr. Barnes, High-street, Crediton. Witness last saw him alive on Wednesday last, at breakfast time, and also in the evening. He had been rather depressed for the last few weeks. He had been troubling a good deal about his mother, in whom he used to confide everything, and who died about 16 months ago. He felt her lose severely, and said he did not know what he should do without her. He lost his hair in infancy. Witness knew the lad Luxton by sight.
     Do you know (asked the Coroner) whether your brother was thinking of going away ? - He told mother and sister that he was going away.
     Do you know whether your brother and Luxton were on friendly terms or not ? - I do not know.
     Did you search your brothers coat on Thursday ? - Yes
     What did you find? - The only thing I found was a license for a revolver.
     Was he insured ? - Yes, he had insured, but as he had made up his mind to go abroad he sold his policy, which was for £100
     Have you ever heard him threaten to take his life? - No.
     Have you heard him threaten anybody else? - Never, sir.
     Have any of your relatives committed suicide ? - I have heard father say that my grandfather and uncle committed suicide.
     You do not know anything about the shooting afair ? No sir; I don't.
     The Coroner: We shall not he able to finish this inquest to-day because the young man Luxton, who was shot, is not fit to attend.
We hape he will recover, but at present he is not fit, and I don't think we can finish the inquest without having him here, provided
he recovers. The doctor is here, and as he will not be available afterwards, I will ask him to give his evidence now.
     Mr. John Frederick Henry Morgan, M.R.C.S, L.R.C.P., assistant house surgeon at the Hospital said he saw deceased when he came in on Thursday evening, about 6.45. He was suffering from a shot from a pistol, and had a wound just behind the frontal bone, two inches above the ear. There was a bad fracture on the left side of the head. Witness had made a post-mortem examination. There was a small wound where the shot went in on the right side. The bullet went right through the brain. On the left side there was a bad fracture where the shot lodged, extending down to the base of the skull. The cause of death was hemorrhage and shock. due to revolver shot wounds. Deceased was absolutely unconscious, and only lived about 20 minutes after he was brought in. Witness could not say whether the wound was self-in?icted or not, but it was consistent with being self-inflicted, and could easily have been caused. The bullet was found just, beneath the skin on the opposite side of the head to where it entered.
     The inquest was adjourned to the Police Station at 6pm.m, on November 27th.

     He was buried on 28 October 1913 at Holy Cross parish church, Crediton, DEV, ENG, recorded age 30, abode Park Street.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Harold Glanville appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at Park Street, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 8, living with his parents.
  • He appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 49 Park Street, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 17, living with his parents.
  • Harold was a printer and compositor on 31 March 1901.
  • He appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 49 Park Street, Crediton, DEV, ENG; recorded age 28, living with his parents.
  • Harold was a printer on 2 April 1911.

Susan Glanville

Female, ID #11733, b. circa May 1883, d. 1949
FatherSamuel Glanville (1832 - c 1916)
MotherMary Jane House (bt 1847 - 1848 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Batten.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Susan Glanville was born circa May 1883 at Perranzabuloe, CON, ENG; registered Truro.
     She was baptized on 21 April 1884 at Cubert, CON, ENG, parents named Samuel and Mary Glanvill.
     She married William J. Batten circa November 1910 at Truro registered, CON, ENG.
     She died in 1949.

Other information

     Susan was present at the marriage of Philippa Ann Glanville and Jonathan Littlejohns on 30 June 1903 at Newlyn East, CON, ENG; registered St Columb. Her age recorded 28, his 27. Fathers named Samuel Glanville labourer, William Henry Littlejohns labourer. Witnesses William Henry Littlejohns, Susan Glanville.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Susan Glanville appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at 18 Bozance, Perranzabuloe, CON, ENG; living with her parents, with a recorded age of 7.
  • Susan was a scholar on 5 April 1891.
  • Susan was a home domestic on 31 March 1901.
  • She appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at Perranwell, Perranzabuloe, CON, ENG; recorded age 18, living with her parents.


William J. Batten b. 1887

Archibald James Glanville

Male, ID #11734, b. circa May 1883, d. circa February 1969
FatherArthur Robert Glanville (c 1848 - 1922)
MotherHarriet Miriam Taylor (bt 1846 - 1847 - 1923)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Archibald James Glanville was born circa May 1883 at Fulham, MDX, ENG; registered Fulham.
     He married Lily Eugenie Anspach on 18 October 1914 at St Barnabas, Walthamstow, ESS, ENG, registered West Ham.
     He died circa February 1969 at Waltham Forest registered, ESS, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Archibald James Glanville appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at 61 Church Road, Acton, MDX, ENG; recorded age 8, living with his parents.
  • Archibald was a scholar on 5 April 1891.
  • He appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 67 Handsworth Road, Tottenham, MDX, ENG; recorded age 18, living with his parents.
  • Archibald was a glass blower on 31 March 1901.
  • Archibald was a glass bottle blower on 2 April 1911.
  • He appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 100 Belgrave Road, Walthamstow, ESS, ENG; recorded age 28, living with his parents.


Lily Eugenie Anspach b. 16 Apr 1888, d. c Nov 1978

Bertie Sydney Glanville

Male, ID #11735, b. 5 May 1883, d. 19 June 1966
FatherWilliam James Glanville (c 1842 - c 1905)
MotherRebecca Ann Smallwood (bt 1842 - 1844 - 1913)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Bertie Sydney Glanville was born on 5 May 1883 at Greenwich, KEN, ENG; registered Greenwich.
     He was baptized on 21 May 1899 at St Alphege parish church, Greenwich, KEN, ENG, baptism recorded "Adult."
     He married Natalie Irene Leedham on 6 June 1915 at St Alphege parish church, Greenwich, KEN, ENG, (when age calculated as 32 years, 1 month and 1 day) registered Greenwich. After banns, his age 26, hers 20. Bachelor and Spinster. Fathers named William James Glanville deceased dockyard overseer, Thomas Leedham gentleman. Witness Daisy Glanville.
     He died on 19 June 1966 at Greenwich registered, KEN, ENG, (when age calculated as 83); recorded age 83.
     He was buried on 27 June 1966 at Greenwich, KEN, ENG, this was a Cremation.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Bertie Sydney Glanville appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at 24 Cressingham Road, Lewisham, KEN, ENG; recorded age 7, living with his parents.
  • Bertie was a scholar on 5 April 1891.
  • He appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 2 Bussey Street, Greenwich, KEN, ENG; recorded age 17, living with his mother.
  • Bertie was an ironmongers apprentice on 31 March 1901.
  • Bertie was a shop assistant in an ironmongers on 2 April 1911.
  • He appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 71 Maidenstone Hill, Greenwich, KEN, ENG; recorded age 27, living with his widowed mother.
  • As of 6 June 1915, Bertie Sydney Glanville lived at 71 Maidenstone Hill, Greenwich, KEN, ENG.
  • Bertie was a salesman on 6 June 1915.
  • As of 1922, Bertie Sydney Glanville and Natalie Irene Leedham lived at 454 New Cross Road, Deptford St Paul, KEN, ENG.
  • As of 1930, Bertie Sydney Glanville and Natalie Irene Leedham lived at 454 New Cross Road, Deptford St Paul, KEN, ENG.
  • As of 29 September 1939, Bertie Sydney Glanville lived at St Johns Hospital, Belmont Hill, Lewisham, KEN, ENG, married, wife not present. This his second appearance in the 1939 Register.
  • Bertie was a hospital porter, recorded in Greenwich on 29 September 1939.
  • Bertie was a night porter, recorded in Lewisham on 29 September 1939.
  • As of 29 September 1939, Bertie Sydney Glanville and Natalie Irene Leedham lived at 1 Kashmir Road, Greenwich, KEN, ENG.
  • As of 1945, Bertie Sydney Glanville and Natalie Irene Leedham lived at 26 Kenya Road, Greenwich, KEN, ENG.
  • As of 1955, Bertie Sydney Glanville and Natalie Irene Leedham lived at 26 Kenya Road, Greenwich, KEN, ENG.


Natalie Irene Leedham b. 17 Dec 1894, d. 10 Feb 1970

Charles Percy Glanville

Male, ID #11736, b. 11 May 1883, d. 6 October 1940
FatherCharles Glanville (c 1851 - 1928)
MotherMary Poole (bt 1850 - 1851 - 1929)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Charles Percy Glanville was born on 11 May 1883 at Kensington, MDX, ENG; registered Kensington.
     He married Rose May Loader circa August 1904 at Kensington registered, MDX, ENG, Note that St John the Baptist parish church, Pinner recorded a marriage 11 Oct 1903 of the same people with a note "this entry was filled in partly in anticipation of a marriage that never took place."
     He married Alice Chaplin circa February 1930 at Fulham registered, MDX, ENG.
     He died on 6 October 1940 at West London Hospital, Hammersmith, MDX, ENG, (when age calculated as 57); recorded age 58, registered Hammersmith.
     His estate was probated on 26 August 1948 indexed as:
1948 GLANVILLE Charles Percy of 34 Wilsons Road, Hammersmith, London W6 who died on 6 October 1940 at West London Hospital, Hammersmith. Administration at London on 26 August to George Frederick Glanville, courier, effects £200.
     He was buried on 11 October 1940 at Old Brompton Cemetery, Earls Court, MDX, ENG, recorded age 58.

Other information

     Charles was married 2 times.
     Charles and Alice Chaplin had no children with births registered England/Wales.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Charles was a scholar on 5 April 1891.
  • He appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at 11 Church Walk, Kensington, MDX, ENG; recorded age 8, living with his parents.
  • Charles was a painter on 31 March 1901.
  • He appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 11 Church Walk, Kensington, MDX, ENG; recorded age 17, living with his parents.
  • As of 1927, Charles Percy Glanville lived at 6 Melton Street, Fulham, MDX, ENG.
  • As of 1935, Charles Percy Glanville lived at 34 Wilson's Road, Hammersmith, MDX, ENG.
  • As of 1939, Charles Percy Glanville lived at 34 Wilson's Road, Hammersmith, MDX, ENG.
  • As of 29 September 1939, Charles Percy Glanville lived at 34 Wilson's Road, Hammersmith, MDX, ENG, married, wife not present.
  • Charles was a newsagent on 29 September 1939.

Family 1

Rose May Loader b. b 1884

Family 2

Alice Chaplin b. bt 1859 - 1860, d. 12 Jun 1930

William Henry Webber

Male, ID #11737, b. between 1887 and 1888

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Henry Webber was born between 1887 and 1888 at Stogumber, SOM, ENG.
     He married Dora Glanville, daughter of Oliver Glanville and Hannah Wilson, circa May 1908 at Newcastle upon Tyne registered, NBL, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • William Henry Webber and Dora Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 114 Shipley Street, Byker, NBL, ENG; his age recorded 23, hers 28.
  • William was a tram car cleaner for the corporation on 2 April 1911.


Dora Glanville b. c May 1883

Harold Charles Philip Glanville

Male, ID #11738, b. 16 March 1883, d. 20 February 1966
FatherEdward George Glanville (1850 - 1888)
MotherCharlotte Smith (bt 1851 - 1852 - )

Alternate Names

     He was also known as Sims as recorded in 1901 census.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Harold Charles Philip Glanville was born on 16 March 1883 at 61 Wellington Street, Woolwich Arsenal, Woolwich, KEN, ENG; registered Woolwich in q2 1883. 18th March recorded at baptism. Reading Berks recorded in 1911 census.
     He was baptized on 8 April 1883 at St Johns's parish church, Woolwich, KEN, ENG, parents named Edward George Glanville and Charlotte.
     He married Ellen Elizabeth Anderson on 10 November 1908 at St Anne's church, Wandsworth, SRY, ENG, (when age calculated as 25 years, 7 months and 25 days) registered Wandsworth, After banns, his age 25, hers 19. Bachelor and spinster. Fathers named Edward George Glanville deceased hairdresser, James Anderson deceased dunator?. Witness P W Glanville.
     He married Winifred Jane Mills circa November 1942 at Surrey N.E. registered, SRY, ENG.
     He died on 20 February 1966 at Ashford Hospital, Stanwell, MDX, ENG, (when age calculated as 82); recorded age 83. Registered Surrey North.
     His estate was probated on 14 June 1966 indexed:
GLANVILLE Harold Charles Philip otherwise Harold Charles Phillip of Glanshack The Creek Sunbury-on-Thames Middlesex died 20 February 1966 at Ashford Hospital Stanwell Middlesex Probate London 14 June to Donald Brian Morris electrical contractor. £4056.
     He was buried on 26 February 1966 at St Mary, Sunbury on Thames, SRY, ENG.

Other information

     Harold was married 2 times.
     Harold and Ellen Elizabeth Anderson had 1 child by the 1911 census, still living at that date.
     Military records show he was in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve and earned the Victory Medal as a Chief Motor Mechanic.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Harold was a scholar on 5 April 1891.
  • He appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at 68 Queens Road, Camberwell, SRY, ENG; recorded age 7, living as stepson to Edward and Charlotte Sims.
  • He appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 1 Atalanta Street, Fulham, MDX, ENG; recorded age 18, living as son to Edward and Charlotte Sims.
  • Harold was a stamping actn Somerset House on 31 March 1901.
  • Harold was a motor mechanic on 10 November 1908.
  • As of 10 November 1908, Harold Charles Philip Glanville lived at 3 Knoll Road, Wandsworth, SRY, ENG.
  • Harold was a foreman motor mechanic on 2 April 1911.
  • He and Ellen Elizabeth Anderson appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 85 Kings Road, Chelsea, MDX, ENG; his age recorded 28, hers 21.
  • As of 1927, Harold Charles Philip Glanville and Ellen Elizabeth Anderson lived at Glanshack, The Creek, Watersplash Road, Sunbury, SRY, ENG.
  • As of 1936, Harold Charles Philip Glanville and Ellen Elizabeth Anderson lived at Glanshack, The Creek, Watersplash Road, Sunbury, SRY, ENG.

Family 1

Ellen Elizabeth Anderson b. bt 1888 - 1889

Family 2

Winifred Jane Mills b. 16 Aug 1916, d. Jul 2004

Cecil Leonard John Glanville

Male, ID #11739, b. 31 August 1910, d. 11 October 1983
FatherLeonard John Glanville (1881 - 1958)
MotherMary Ann Mewes (bt 1884 - 1885 - c 1911)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Cecil Leonard John Glanville was born on 31 August 1910 at Portsmouth, HAM, ENG; registered Portsmouth q4 1910.
     He was baptized on 16 October 1910 at St Jude, Southsea, HAM, ENG, parents Leonard John and Mary Amelia Glanville. Born 31 Aug 1910.
     He married Ada Grace Widdon on 1 August 1934 at QLD, AUS, (when age calculated as 23 years, 11 months and 1 day.)
     He died on 11 October 1983 at QLD, AUS, (when age calculated as 73.)
     He was buried at Pinnaroo Lawn Cemetery and Crematorium, Bridgeman Downs, QLD, AUS, with Monumental Inscription:
QX21648 Private
C.L.J. Glanville
2/25 Inf Battalion
11-10-1983 Age 73.

Other information

     Cecil Leonard John Glanville immigrated before 1934 to AUS.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Cecil Leonard John Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 53 Exmouth Road, Portsmouth, HAM, ENG; recorded age 7mths, living with his parents.


Ada Grace Widdon b. b 1914

George Glanville

Male, ID #11740, b. between 1869 and 1870, d. circa November 1944

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Glanville was born between 1869 and 1870.
     He died circa November 1944 at Wigan registered, LAN, ENG; recorded age 74.

Leslie Allan Glanville

Male, ID #11741, b. 9 June 1905, d. circa 1978
FatherLeslie Glanville (c 1879 - 1965)
MotherElizabeth Coulter (b 1885 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Leslie Allan Glanville was born on 9 June 1905 at Christchurch, CBY, NZ.
     He married Bertha Enid Tiplady in 1930 at NZ (when age calculated as 24 years.)
     He died circa 1978.


Bertha Enid Tiplady b. b 1910

Bessie Glanville

Female, ID #11742, b. circa May 1882, d. July 1883
FatherWilliam Glanville (bt 1844 - 1845 - 1933)
MotherElizabeth Webber (1852 - 1923)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Bessie Glanville was born circa May 1882 at Honiton registered, DEV, ENG.
     She was baptized on 28 May 1882 at the Parish Church, Plymtree, DEV, ENG.
     She died in July 1883 at Honiton registered, DEV, ENG; recorded age 1.
     She was buried on 12 July 1883 at Plymtree, DEV, ENG, recorded age 18mths.

William Glanville

Male, ID #11743, b. between 1839 and 1840, d. circa August 1883

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born between 1839 and 1840.
     He died circa August 1883 at Barnsley registered, YKS, ENG; with a recorded age of 43.

Edgar Glanvill

Male, ID #11744, b. circa February 1890, d. circa August 1891
FatherHenry Standage Glanville (c 1845 - c 1899)
MotherHenrietta Plenty Slade (c 1853 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Edgar Glanvill was born circa February 1890 at Bristol, GLS, ENG; registered Bristol, twin to Ernest.
     He was baptized on 4 May 1890 at St Michael the Archangel on the Mount, Bristol, GLS, ENG, parents named Henry Standige Glanville and Henrietta.
     He died circa August 1891 at Bristol registered, GLS, ENG; with a recorded age of 1.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Edgar Glanvill appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at 4 Salmon Street, St Michaels, Bristol, GLS, ENG; recorded age 1, living with his parents.

John Glanville

Male, ID #11746, b. between 1890 and 1891, d. circa August 1891

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born between 1890 and 1891.
     He died circa August 1891 at Tavistock registered, DEV, ENG; recorded age 0.

Forest Ashfield Glanvile

Male, ID #11748, b. 15 February 1893, d. 12 July 1943
FatherForest Ashfield Glanvile (1855 - 1898)
MotherAnnie Dowling (bt 1864 - 1865 - 1933)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Forest Ashfield Glanvile was born on 15 February 1893 at Taunton, SOM, ENG; registered Taunton.
     He was baptized on 10 August 1893 at St Andrew, Taunton, SOM, ENG, parents Forest Ashfield Glanville and Annie.
     He married Elsie May Sullivan circa May 1915 at Plymouth registered, DEV, ENG.
     He died on 12 July 1943 at 184 Central Road, Worcester Park, SRY, ENG, (when age calculated as 50); recorded age 50, registered Surrey Mid E.
     His estate was probated on 18 October 1943 indexed as:
1943 GLANVILE Forest Ashfield of 7 Avon Close, Worcester Park, Surrey who died on 12 July 1943 at 184 Central Road, Worcester Park. Probate at Llandudno on 18 October to Elsie May Glanvile, widow, effects £579-1-11.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Forest Ashfield Glanvile appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at Rose Cottage, Dunball, Puriton, SOM, ENG; recorded age 8, living with his widowed mother.
  • He appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at Richmond House, Berrow Road, Burnham, SOM, ENG; recorded age 18, living with his widowed mother.
  • Forest was a bank clerk on 2 April 1911.
  • Forest was a bank clerk in 1933.
  • Forest was a bank manager on 29 September 1939.
  • As of 29 September 1939, Forest Ashfield Glanvile and Elsie May Sullivan lived at 10 Effingham Crescent, Plymouth, DEV, ENG.


Elsie May Sullivan b. 4 Feb 1891, d. 10 Feb 1963

Phyllis Miranda Glanville

Female, ID #11749, b. circa August 1913, d. before 2006
FatherDr William Morris Gladstone Glanville BM, BCh (Oxon) (1873 - 1945)
MotherMuriel Mary Gertrude Bell (1884 - 1956)

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Miranda.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Phyllis Miranda Glanville was born circa August 1913 at Blackburn registered, LAN, ENG.
     She died before 2006; unmarried.

Charles Wilmot Jemmett

Male, ID #11750, b. between 1855 and 1856

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Charles Wilmot Jemmett was born between 1855 and 1856.
     He married Florence Harriett Alice Glanville, daughter of John Glanville and Eliza Pover, on 9 August 1882 at Holy Trinity, Ramsgate, KEN, ENG, registered Thanet. His age recorded 26, hers 24. Fathers named Charles Jemmett licensed victualler, John Glanville officer in coastguard. Witness John Glanville.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Charles was a tutor on 9 August 1882.


Florence Harriett Alice Glanville b. c Aug 1857

Annie May Glanville

Female, ID #11751, b. circa February 1893
FatherHenry Benjamin Glanville (1861 - 1933)
MotherAda Laura Willison (bt 1866 - 1868 - c 1898)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Annie May Glanville was born circa February 1893 at Theresa Road, Sparkbrook, WAR, ENG; registered Aston.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Annie May Glanville appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 38 Beech Road, Kings Norton, WOR, ENG; living with her father and stepmother.
  • Annie was a mender in a hosiery warehouse on 2 April 1911.
  • She appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 107 Ratcliffe Road, Loughborough, LEI, ENG; recorded age 18, living with her father and stepmother.

Celia Eustice Beatrice Glanville

Female, ID #11752, b. 19 December 1892
FatherJames Henry Glanville (1847 - c 1905)
MotherEllen Eliza Pascoe (1848 - c 1945)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Martin.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Celia Eustice Beatrice Glanville was born on 19 December 1892 at Plymouth, DEV, ENG; registered Plymouth q1 1893.
     She was baptized on 27 January 1893 at Holy Trinity, Plymouth, DEV, ENG, Clelia Eustice Beatrice of James Henry and Ellen Eliza Glanville, abode 4 Looe Lane, born Dec 19 1892.
     She married Frederick Martin circa August 1916 at Plymouth registered, DEV, ENG, Banns read Jun 4 - 18, Frederick Martin of HMS Gladiator and Celia Beatrice of this parish (St Andrew.)

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Celia Eustice Beatrice Glanville appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 4 Higher Street, Plymouth, DEV, ENG; recorded age 8, living with her parents.
  • Celia was at home on 31 March 1901.
  • Celia was a tailoress on 2 April 1911.
  • She appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 29 Exeter Street, Plymouth, DEV, ENG; recorded age 13, living with her widowed mother.


Frederick Martin b. b 1896

Charles Henry Glanville

Male, ID #11753, b. circa February 1893, d. circa November 1917
FatherWilliam Glanville (c 1860 - c 1947)
MotherMary Mawbey (bt 1866 - 1867 - c 1905)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Charles Henry Glanville was born circa February 1893 at Derby, DBY, ENG; registered Derby.
     He died circa November 1917 at Derby registered, DBY, ENG; recorded age 24.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Charles Henry Glanville appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 32 Normanton Road, Derby, DBY, ENG; recorded age 8, living with his parents.
  • He appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 20 Malthouse Row, Babinton Lane, Derby, DBY, ENG; recorded age 18, living with his widowed father.
  • Charles was a lace hand machinist on 2 April 1911.

Nellie Glanville

Female, ID #11754, b. 28 September 1893
FatherGeorge Glanville (c 1851 - c 1926)
MotherAlice Jane Kendrick (bt 1860 - 1861 - c 1905)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Nellie Glanville was born on 28 September 1893.
     She was baptized on 17 June 1894 at St George's church, Tufnell Park, Islington, MDX, ENG.

Helen Edith Glanville

Female, ID #11755, b. circa February 1893, d. circa May 1939
FatherHenry Standage Glanville (c 1845 - c 1899)
MotherHenrietta Plenty Slade (c 1853 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Helen Edith Glanville was born circa February 1893 at Bristol, GLS, ENG; registered Bristol.
     She was baptized on 19 December 1900 at St Andrew, Montpelier, Bristol, GLS, ENG, parnts named Henry and Henrietta Glanville.
     She died circa May 1939 at Bristol registered, GLS, ENG; recorded age 46.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Helen Edith Glanville appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 9 Cobourg Road, Bristol, GLS, ENG; recorded age 8, living with her widowed mother.

Kate Verney Glanville

Female, ID #11756, b. 16 January 1893, d. 24 March 1953
FatherJames Glanville (bt 1841 - 1845 - c 1917)
MotherElizabeth Jones (bt 1849 - 1850 - c 1917)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Kate Verney Glanville was born on 16 January 1893 at Wycombe registered, BKM, ENG.
     She died on 24 March 1953 at Glade road, Marlow, BKM, ENG, (when age calculated as 60); recorded age 60, registered Wycombe.
     Her estate was probated on 14 May 1953 indexed:
GLANVILLE Kate Verney otherwise Kate of 8 Chapel-street Marlow Buckinghamshire spinster died 24 March 1953 at Glade-road Marlow Administration Oxford 14 May to Frances Elizabeth Rose Taylor married woman. Effects £228 9s 10d.

Other information

     In 1946 a spinster, listed in probate of sister Sarah.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Kate Verney Glanville appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at 10 Hayes Place, Marlow Urban, BKM, ENG; recorded age 8, living with her parents.
  • She appeared on the census of 2 April 1911; she was listed by her parents, but did not sleep in their house on the night of the census.
  • She appeared on the census of 19 June 1921 at Marlow Urban, BKM, ENG.
  • As of 29 September 1939, Kate Verney Glanville lived at 8 Station Rise, Marlow, BKM, ENG.
  • Kate was a domestic servant on 29 September 1939.

Reginald Ernest Glanville

Male, ID #11757, b. circa February 1893, d. circa November 1893
FatherFrederick George Glanville (1856 - c 1935)
MotherLouisa Avent (bt 1850 - 1851 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Reginald Ernest Glanville was born circa February 1893 at Plympton registered, DEV, ENG.
     He died circa November 1893 at Plympton registered, DEV, ENG; recorded age 0.

Thomas Arthur Glanville

Male, ID #11758, b. circa February 1893
MotherCatherine Jago Glanville (c 1868 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Arthur Glanville was born circa February 1893 at St Blazey, CON, ENG; registered St Austell.
     He was baptized on 2 July 1893 at St Blazey, CON, ENG, mother Kate Glanville, recorded age 5 months.

Tom Glanville

Male, ID #11759, b. 17 January 1893, d. circa August 1893
FatherHarry Glanville (1853 - 1941)
MotherMartha Ann Dow (bt 1852 - 1853 - c 1897)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Tom Glanville was born on 17 January 1893 at Colchester registered, ESS, ENG.
     He was baptized on 19 August 1893 at St Botolph, Colchester, ESS, ENG, parents named Harry and Martha.
     He died circa August 1893 at Colchester registered, ESS, ENG; aged 0.

John Glanville

Male, ID #11760, b. circa May 1895, d. 1 December 1918
FatherAlbert Glanville (c 1866 - 1919)
MotherSarah Green (bt 1866 - 1867 - 1925)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born circa May 1895 at Wooky Hole, SOM, ENG; registered Wells.
     He died on 1 December 1918 in France; commemorated as:
Initials: J
Nationality: United Kingdom
Rank: Gunner
Regiment: Royal Field Artillery
Unit Text: "B" Bty. 62nd Bde.
Age: 23
Date of Death: 01/12/1918
Service No: 176378
Additional information: Son of Albert and Sarah Glanvile, of Westbury, Wells, Somerset.
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
Grave/Memorial Reference: C. 27.

His soldier's effects were settled with his father Albert and mother Sarah.

     His estate was probated on 20 November 1919 indexed as:
1919 GLANVILE John of Westbury Wells, gunner R.F.A. who died on 1 December 1918 in France. Administration at Wells on 20 November to Sarah Glanvile, widow, effects £85-9.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • John Glanville appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at Court Farm, Westbury, SOM, ENG; recorded age 6, living with his parents.
  • He appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at Court Farm, Westbury, SOM, ENG; recorded age 16, living with his parents.
  • John was a farmer's son assisting on 2 April 1911.