Caroline Glanville

Female, ID #18481, b. August 1765, d. October 1786
FatherThomas Glanville (bt 1734 - 1735 - c 1811)
MotherSarah Burgess (bt 1732 - 1733 - 1812)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Caroline Glanville was born in August 1765 at Rotherhithe, SRY, ENG.
     She was baptized on 27 September 1765 at St Mary, Rotherhithe, SRY, ENG, Caroline of Thomas and Sarah Glanville. Aged 28 days.
     She died in October 1786 at London, MDX, ENG, (when age calculated as 21.)
     She was buried on 20 October 1768 at St Leonard's parish church, Shoreditch, MDX, ENG, Caroline Glanvill. Aged 3 years.

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #18482, b. between 1772 and 1776, d. May 1843
FatherThomas Glanville (bt 1734 - 1735 - c 1811)
MotherSarah Burgess (bt 1732 - 1733 - 1812)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born between 1772 and 1776 at Not SRY, ENG.
     He died in May 1843 at Lambeth registered, SRY, ENG; recorded age 71.
     He was buried on 29 May 1843 at West Norwood Cemetery, Norwood, SRY, ENG, recorded age 71.
     His estate was probated on 22 August 1843 Proved at London with three Codicils 22d August 1843 before
the worshipful Augustus ffrederick Baurford Doctor of Laws and surrogate
by the oath of Burgefs Glanvill the brother the sole executor to whom
admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.

Other information

     In 1808 he was named in his father's will.
     Thomas Glanville left a will on 5 February 1823 In the Name of God Amen
I Thomas Glanville of Pedlars Acre in the parish of Saint Mary Lambeth
in the County of Surrey Gentleman being of sound and disposing mind and
memory and understanding do make and declare this to by my
last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say ) I declare
that all my just and funeral and testamentary expenses be in the first place
duly paid and satisfied and I give and bequeath to Thomas Spairer of Davis
Street Berkley Square in the County of Middlesex builder John Walmsley
of Narrow Wall Lambeth in the County of Surry slater George Lever Junior
of Camden Town in the said County of Middlesex builder Burgefs Glanvill
of Pedlars Acre Lambeth aforesaid gentleman and William
Edwards of the Bridge Road Lambeth in the said County of Surrey musical
instrument maker the sum of two thousand pounds three per cent reduced
bank annuities part of the life annuities standing in my name in the
books of the governor and company of the Bank of England the sum
of two thousand pounds old four per cent bank annuities part of the life
annuities standing in my name in the said books of the governor and
company of the Bank of England and the sum of one thousand one hundred
pounds new four per cent bank annuities part of the like annuities
standing in my name in the said books of the governor and company
of the bank of England upon the several trusts and to and for the several
ends intents and purposes hereinafter by me exprefsed and concerning
the same that is to say as to for and concerning one equal moiety of half
part of the said dividends interest and proceeds arising from the said
bank annuities or funds of two thousand pounds reduced three per cents
two thousand pounds old four per cents and one thousand one hunddred
pounds new four per cents upon trust that they the said Thomas Spairer John
Warmsley George Lever Burgefs Glanvill and William Edwards or the
survivors or survivor of them and the executors admons or afsigns of
such survivor shall and do from time to time as and when the said
dividents interest and proceeds shall become due and payable and be
received by them pay the same unto my brother Burgefs Glanvill or his
afsigns for and during the term of his natural life or until a commifsion
of bankrupt shall be awarded and ifsued against the said Burgefs Glanvill and
he shall be found and declared a bankrupt thereon in case any such
commifsion shall be ifsued and from and immediately after his decease
or bankruptcy as aforesaid upon trust as to one equal fourth part of
the said several stocks ffunds or bank annuities to pay and apply the
dividends interest and annual proceeds thereof as the same shall become
due and payable for and towards the maintenance education and support
of my nephew Alfred Charles Glanvill son of the said Burgefs Glanvill until
he shall attain the age of twenty one years and upon his attaining that
age upon further trust to pay such last mentioned interest dividends and
proceeds as the same shall become due and payable and be received by
them unto the said Alfred Charles Glanvill or his afsigns until he shall
attain the age of twenty four
year and upon his attaining the said age of twenty four years then upon
further trust to pay transfer and afsign the said
fourth part of the said stocks funds of bank annuities and all interest dividends
and proceeds then due thereon unto the said Alfred Charles Glanvill
his executors admons or afsigns absolutely and as to for and concerning one
other equal fourth part or share of the said stocks funds or bank annuities
after the decease of bankruptcy of my said brother Burgefs Glanvill
upon trust that they my said trustees or the survivors or survivor of
them and the executors administrators or afsigns of such survivor shall
and do from time to as and when the same shall become due and
payable and be received by them pay apply and dispose of the dividends
interest and annual proceeds of the said last mentioned fourth part of the
said bank annuities for and towards the maintenance education
and support of my niece Caroline Elizabeth Creed Glanvill the daughter
of the said Burgefs Glanvill until she shall attain the age of twenty
one years or be married whichever shall first happen and upon her
attaining the said age of twenty one years or day of marriage then
upon further trust to pay and apply the said dividends interest and
annual proceeds of the said last mentioned fourth part of share of the
said bank annuities as the same shall become due and payable and
by received by them unto such person or persons and for such interests and
purposes and in such manner and form as the said Caroline Elizaebth
Creed Glanvill shall by any note or writing under her hand order direct or
appoint (so as the same be not by way of anticipation of the said dividends
interest and proceeds or any part thereof but be restricted to the
dividends interest and proceeds then actually due and payable) and in
default of such order direction or appointment upon trust to pay the said
last mentioned interest dividends and annual proceeds unto and into the
proper hands of the said Caroline Elizabeth Creed Glanvill to and for
her own sole and separate use and benefit free from the debts controal
or engagements of any husband with whom she may intermarry for
and during the term of her natural life and I hereby will and declare
that the receipts of my said niece from time to time (so as the same be
not by way of anticipation as aforesaid) notwithstanding her coverture
shall be good and sufficient discharges to my said trustees or the survivors
or survivor of them and the executors admons or afsigns or such survivovr
for the same and from and after the decease of the said Caroline Elizabeth
Creed Glanvill upon further trust to pay afsign and transfer the said last
mentioned fourth part or share of the said stocks funds or bank annuities
unto between and among all and every the children of my said
niece Caroline Elizabeth Creed Glanvill (if more than one) equally share
and share alike and if there shall be but one such child then upon a
trust to pay afsign and transfer the same unto such only child the
share or shares of such child or children to be and become a vested
interest and vested interests in such child or children at the age of
twenty one years and the dividends interest and proceeds of such last
mentioned fourth part or share of the said bank annuities in the
mean time to be paid and applied towards the maintenance education
and support of such child or children with benefit of survivorship among
all and every such children in case of the death of any or either of them
under the said age of twenty one years unmarried and without ifsue
and in case the said Alfred Charles Glanvill shall happen to depart this
life in my life time or in the lifetime of my said brother Burgefs
Glanvill or under the age of twenty one years without leaving lawful
ifsue him surviving or in case the said Caroline Elizabeth Creed Glanvill
shall happen to depart this life in my lifetime or in the lifetime of my
said brother or after my decease or the decease of my said brother without
leaving any child or children her surviving or having had a child
or children such child or children shall depart this life unmarried and
without ifsue or without having gained a vested interest or vested interests
in the provision hereinbefore made for them I hereby will and direct that
my said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them his executors administrator
or afsigns shall stand pofsefsed of the share or proportion of
the said Alfred Charles Glanvill or Caroline Elizabeth Creed Glanvill so
dying as aforesaid of and in the said stocks ffunds or bank annuities
upon trust for the survivor of them the said Alfred Charles Glanvill or
Caroline Elizabeth Creed Glanvill to and for the same intents and purposes
and in the same manner and form in all respects as are hereinbefore
declared or and concerning his or her original share and in case
both of them the said Alfred Charles Glanvill and Caroline Elizabeth
Creed Glanvill shall happen to depart this life in manner aforesaid
then I hereby direct my said trustees or the survivors or survivor of
them and the executors administrators or afsigns of such survivor to pay
transfer and afsign one moiety of equal half part of the whole of the
said stock funds or bank annuities unto my said brother Burgefs Glanvill
in case he shall be living at the time of my decease but in case he
shall die in my lifetime without leaving ifsue him surviving I hereby
direct that they my said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them and
the executors administrators or afsigns of such survivor shall stand
possessed of the said moiety of the said stocks funds or bank annuities
upon the same trust and to and for the same ends intents and purposes
as are hereinafter exprefsed and declared by me of and concerning the
remaining moiety of the said stocks funds or bank annuities and the
interest dividends and annual proceeds thereof that is to say as to for and
concerning the remaining moiety or half part of the dividends interest and
annual proceeds arising from the said stocks funds or bank annuities of
two thousand pounds reduced three per cents two thousand pounds old for per
cents and one thousand one hundred pounds new four per cents upon trust
that they the said Thomsa Speirer John Walmsley George Lever Burgefs
Glanville and William Edwards and the survivors or survivor or them and
the executors administrators or afsigns of such survivor shall and do pay
the said last mentioned moiety of the said dividends interest and annual
proceeds as the same shall from time to time become due and payable and
be received by them unto such person or persons for such intents and
purposed and in such manner and form as my sister Maria Jemima
Creed the wife of Charles Creed late of William Street Kensington in the
County of Surrey Gentleman shall by any note or notes in writing under
the hand from time to time order direct or appoint (so as the same be not
by way of anticipation of the said dividends interest and proceeeds or any
part thereof but be restricted to the interest dividends and proceeds then due
and payable) and in default of such order direction or appointment upon
trust to pay the same unto and into the proper hands of my said sister
Maria Jemima Creed for and during the natural life to and for her own
sole and sepraate use and benefit and to be free from the debts controul or
engagements of her present or any future husband and I hereby will and
declare that the reciepts of my said sister alone nothwithstanding her coverture
(so as the same be not by way of anticipatoin as aforesaid) shall be good
and sufficient discharge and discharges to my said trustees and the survivors
and survivor of them and the executors admons and afsigns of such
survivor from time to time for the said dividends interest and proceeds
or for so much thereof as shall therein be exprefsed to be received and
from and after her decease then as to for and concerning one other
equal fourth part or share of such stocks funds or bank annuities of two
thousand pounds reduced three per cents two thousand pounds old for per
cents and one thousand one hundred pounds new four per cents upon
trust that they my said trustees of the survivors or survivor of them
and the executors administrators or afsigns of such survivor shall and
do pay and apply the dividends interest and annual proceeds thereof
as the same shall from time to time become due and payable and be
received for and towards the maintenance education and support of my
niece Sarah Maria Creed daughter of the said Maria Jemima Creed until
she shall attain the age of twenty one years or be married whichever
shall first happen and upon her attaining the said age of twenty one
years or day or marriage upon further trust to pay the said last mentioned
dividends interest and proceeds unto such person or persons for such intents
and purposes and in such manner and form as the said Sarah Maria
Creed shall from time to time by any note or writing under her hand
order direct or appoint (so as the same be not by way of anticipation
of the said interest dividends interest and proceeds or any part thereof but
be restricted to the dividends interest and proceeds their actually due and payable)
and in default of such order direction or appointment upon trust to
pay the said last mentioned dividends interest and proceeds unto and into
the proper hands of the said Sarah Maria Creed for and during the term
of her natural life to and for her own sole and separate use and benefit
to be free from the debts controul or engagements of any husband with
whom she may intermarry her receipts alone from time to time notwithstanding
her coverture to be good and sufficient discharges to my said trustrees
for the dividends interest and proceeds or so much thereof as shall therein
be exprefsed to be received so as the same be not by anticipatoin as
aforesaid and from and after her decease upon further trust to pay transfer
and afsign the said last mentioned fourth part of the said stocks funds
or bank annuities of two thousand pounds reduced three per cents two
thousand pounds old four per cents and one thousand one hundred pounds new four per cents
unto between and among all and every
the children of the said Sarah Maria Creed equally share and share alike
if more than one and if there shall be but one such child then to such
only child the said child or children to gain a vested interest in such last
mentioned fourth part of the said stocks ffunds or bank annuities at the
age of twenty one years and the dividends and interest in the mean time
to be applied for and towards their maintenance education and support with
benefit of survivorship between and among all and every such children in
case of the death of any or either of them before they attain the age of
twenty one years unmarried and without ifsue and in case the said
Sarah Maria Creed shall happen to depart this life either in my life
time or in the life time of my said brother Burgefs Glanvill or after my
decease or the decease of my said brother without having had any child or
children or having had such they should all die before the age of twenty
one year unmarried and without ifsue then I hereby direct that they my
said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them and the executors admons
or afsigns of such survivor shall stand pofsefsed of the said last mentioned
fourth part of the said stocks funds or bank annuities upon the same
trusts and to and for the same ends intents and purposes as are hereinbefore
by me exprefsed and declared of and concerning the moiety of the
said stocks funds or bank annuities bequeathed to them in trust from my
said brother Burgefs Glanvill and his children or such of them as may
be then subsisting or capable of taking effect and as to for and concerning
the remaining fourth part or share of the said stocks funds or bank
annuities upon trust that they the said trustees or the survivors or survivor
of them and the executors admons or afsigns of such survivor shall
and do from and after the decease of my said sister as aforesaid pay
the dividends interest and annual proceeeds thereof from time to time as
the same shall become due and payable and be received by them unto
Charles Creed the husband of my said sister Maria Jemima Creed or his
afsigns for and during the term of his natural life and from and after his
decease then I direct that my said trustrees and the survivors and survivor
of them his executors admons or afsigned shall stand pofsefsed of such
remaining fourth part of the said stocks funds or bank annuities upon
such and the same trusts and to and for the same ends interests and
purposes in all respect as are hereinbefore by me exprefsed and declared
of and concerning the said last before mentioned fourth part of share
of the said stocks funds or bank annuities given and bequeathed to them
in trust for the said Sarah Maria Creed and her child or children or
such of them as may be then subsisting or capable of taking effect I give
and bequeath to Jane Ann Jenkins formerly a servant of my late ffather
and now a servant of my said sister Maria Jemima Creed the sum of
twenty pounds sterling I also direct that the annual sum of one guinea
may be paid and payable as a subscription to the Charity School of Saint
Mary le Strand in the County of Middlesex on condition that my personal representative
for the time being shall be allowed the privilege of a subscriber in
presenting children to the said school and as to all the rest residue and
remainder of my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of
what nature kind or quality soever that I may die pofsefsed of interested
in or be in any way entitled to either in pofsefsion reversion remainder
or expectancy I give devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof
unto my brother Burgefs Glanville his heirs executors admons and afsigns
subject neverthelefs to the payment of the said legacy of twenty pounds to
Jane Ann Jenkins and the said sum of one guinea per annum to the said
school of Saint Mary le Strand and I do hereby nominate and appoint my said
brother Burgefs Glanvill sole executor of this my last will and testament
and whereas the several bequests and dispositions made by this my will in trust
as hereinbefore mentioned and exprefsed are so made upon the supposition that
at the time of my decease I shall have sufficient stock of the different denominations
specified and mentioned in such bequests and dispositions in trust
as aforesaid to answer and satisfy the same now therefore I do hereby
declare my mind and will to be that if in consequence of any variation
alteration or transposition of my stocks funds and securities which shall
or may take place during my life time it shall so happen that at the
time of my decease I shall not have or be entitled unto sufficient stock of
the different denominations specified and mentioned in such bequests and dispositions
as aforesaid to answer and satisfy the same that then and in such
case the deficiency shall be made good by the executor of this my will by
with and out of my personal estate and effects and such sum or sums of money
as shall or may be requisite for that purpose shall with all convenient speed
after my decease be raised and applied accordingly and I declare it shall and
may be lawful for my said executor to pay adjust settle and compound
all debts claimed from me and any demands made upon me upon such
evidence or terms as he shall think proper to admit or allow provided always
and I do hereby declare my will and mind to be the receipt or
receipts in writing of the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my
will for all and every or any of the trusts intents and purposes herein
before exprefsed declared and contained for any sum or sums of money whatsoever
payable to them respectively by virtue of this my will shall effectually
discharge the persons to who the same shall be given from seeing to the
application or being answerable for the misapplication of the money therein
mentioned to be received provided also and I do hereby further declare my
will and mind to be that if any of the trustees hereby appointed or to be
appointed as hereinafter mentioned shall depart this life or become incapable
or decline to act in the trust of this my will then and so often
as it shall happen it shall and may be lawful for the surviving or
continuing trustees to trustee for the time being to appoint one or more person
or persons to be a trustee or trustees in the room of the trustee so dying
or becoming incapable to act or declining or refusing to act and thereupon
the said several and respective trusts ffunds securities and premises shall in
such manner as occasion shall require be transferred to and vested in the new
trustee or trustees solely or jointly with the surviving or continuing trustee or
trustees as occasion shall require and every such new trustee shall have
such and the same powers authorities and discretions as the
trustee or trustees in whose room he shall or may be so substituted as aforesaid
and shall and may act in tthe execution of the trusts in the same
manner as the trustee in whose room he shall be so susbstituted as
aforesaid might have done if he had continued to act therein and I do
hereby will and direct that they my said trustees or either of
them their or either of their executors administrators or afsigns shall not
be answerable or accountable the one for the other of them or for the
acts deeds defaults receipts *** or disbursements of the other of them or
for involuntary lofses and that is shall and may be lawful to and for
them my said trustees their executors administrators or afsigns out of
the said trust monies to deduct retain and reimburse himself themselves
and each other all such lofs costs charges and expenditures which he or they may
be put to or sustain in the execution of the trusts hereby reposed in them
and hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time hertofore made
do declare this only to be my last will and testament in witnefs whereof I have to this my last will and testament
contained in this and
the preceding seven sheets of paper set my hand and seal that is to say my
hand to such seven preceding sheets and my hand and seal to this eighth
and last sheet the fifth day of ffebruary in the year one thousand eight
hundred and twenty three - Thos Glanvill -LJ - signed
sealed published and declared by the said testator Thomas Glanvill as
and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his
presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto
subscribed our names as witnefses - Thos Pinkett No. 3 Efsex Court Temple
Edward Pinkett 3 Moor Place Lambeth

This is a codicil to the last will and testament
of me Thomas Glanvill of Pedlars Acre in the parish of Saint Mary
Lambeth in the County of Surry Gentleman Whereas in and by my last will
and testament bearing date the fifth day of ffebruary one thousand eight
hundred and twenty three I have given the sum of two thousand pounds
therein called old four per cents bank annuities and being part of the life
annuities then standing in my name in the books of the governor and
company of the bank of england to my trustees in my said will
named upon certain trusts therein particularly set forth and whereas since the
date and execution of my said will the rate of interest upon the said
stock called old four per cent bank annuities has been reduce to three
and an half per cent Now I the said Thomas Glanvill do hereby direct
that the sum of two thousand three hundred pounds reduced three and
a half per cent bank annuities shall be substituted in the room and stead
of the said sum of two thousand pounds old four per cent bank annuities
and that the said sum of two thousand three hundred pounds reduced three
and a half per cent bank annuities shall be subject to all and every the
same trusts as are mentioned and contained in my said will respecting the
said sum of two thousand pounds therein called old ffour per cent bank
annuities and whereas I have in and by my said will directed that
the annual sum of one guinea might be paid and payable as a
subscription to the Charity School of Saint Mary le Strand in the County
of Middlesex on a certain condition in my said will named Now I do
hereby revoke the same and do ratify and continue all and every other
part of my said will save as is by this Codicil altered or revoked and I
do direct that the same shall be annexed and taken as part thereof
in Witnefs whereof I the said Thomas Glanvill have to the Codicil to my Will
set my hand and seal this nineenth day of July in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven - Thos Glanvill -
LJ - Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator Thomas
Glanvill as and for a codicil to his last will and testament in
the presence of us - Thos Pinkett - Thos Pinkett Junr 3 Efsex Court

This is a further Codicil to the last will
and testament of me Thomas Glanvill of Pedlars Acre in the
parish of Saint Mary Lambeth in the County of Surry Gentleman Whereas
in and by my last will and testament bearing date the fifth day of
ffebruary one thousand eight hundred and twenty three I have given and
bequeathed to Thomas Speirer of Davies Street Berkley Square in the County
of Middlesex builder John Walmsley of Narrow Wall Lambeth in the
County of Surry slater George Lever Junior of Camden Town in the said
County of Middlesex builder Burgefs Glanvill of Pedlars Acre Lambeth
aforesaid Gentleman and William Edwards of the Bridge Road Lambeth
in the said County of Surrey musical instrument maker the sum of two
thousand pounds three per cent reduced bank annuities the sum of
two thousand pounds old four per cent bank annuities and one thousand one
hundred pounds new four per cent bank annuities upon certain trusts therein
particularly mentioned and whereas the said William Edwards hath
since departed this life and I am desirous of appointing Alfred Charles Glanvill
of Pedlars Acre aforesaid gentleman son of the said Burgefs Glanvill to
be a trustee in the room and place of the said William Edwards and I am
also desirous that the name of the said Thomas Speirer shall be withdrawn
from my said will as a trustee now I the said Thomas Glanvill do hereby
revoke such bequests to them the said Thomas Speirer John Walmlsey
George Lever Junior Burgefs Glanvill and William Edwards and in lieu
and stead thereof do give and bequeath the aforesaid stocks funds and
securities unto the said John Walmsley George Lever Junior Burgefs Glanvill
and Alfred Charles Glanvill their executors and administrators to or
and upon the several trusts ends intents and purposes and under and
subject to the several powers provisions and declarations in and by my said
will exprefsed and declared concerning the same and I do so declare this present
writing to be a further codicil to my said will and that the same
shall be annexed and taken as part thereof In witnefs whereof I the said
Thomas Glanvill have to this further codicil to my will set and subscribed
my hand and seal this fourteenth day of October in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hunded and twenty nine - Thos Glanvill -
LJ - Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator Thomas
Glanvill as and for a further codicil to his last will and testament in the
presence of us - Thos Pinkett Junr - Fredk Davies No. 3 Efsex Court

This is a further Codicil to the last
will and testament of me Thomas Glanvill of Pedlars Acre in the
parish of Saint Mary Lambeth in the County of Surry Gentleman Whereas
in and by my last will and testament bearing date the fifth day of
ffebruary one thousand eight hundred and twenty three and by the alterations
and regulations made by me by certain codicils to my said will
bearing date respectively the ninteenth day of July one thousand eight
hundred and twenty seven and the fourteeth day of october one thousand
eight hundred and twenty nine I have ultimately given and
bequeathed unto John Walmsley George Lever Burgefs Glanvill and Alfred
Charles Glanvill the following sums of stock namely two thousand
pounds three pounds per centeum reduced bank annuities two thousand
three hundred pounds three pounds ten shillings per centeum reduced annuities
and one thousand one hundred pounds new four pounds per centeum annuities
upon and for the trusts particularly mentioned and set forth in my
said will and whereas since the making of my said codicil of the nineteenth
day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven the stocks funds of
then called new four pounds per centeum annuities have been reduced
and the authority of an act of parliament made and pafsed in the
eleventh year of the reign of his late majesty King George the fourth
to three pounds ten shillings annuities and are now called new three
pounds ten shillings per centeum annuities and whereof the said John
Walmsley hath departed this life and I do not think it necefsary or expedient
to appoint any trustee in his place Now therefore I the said Thomas
Glanvill in order to prevent any misunderstanding as to my wish and
intention do by this my further codicil hereby direct that the sum of one
thousand four hundred pounds new three pounds ten shillings per centeum
annuities be substituted in the stead of the one thousand one hundred
pounds new four pounds per centeum annuities given an bequeathed by
my said will and I do hereby give and bequeath the same unto the said
George Lever Burgefs Glanvill and Alfred Charles Glanvill and I direct that
the said George Lever Burgefs Glanvill and Alfred Charles Glanvill do
and shall stand pofsefsed of the sum of one thousand four hundred pounds
new three pounds ten shillings per cent annuities together with the several
sums of two thousannd pounds three pounds per cent reduced annuities
and two thousand three hundred pound three pounds ten shillings per
cent reduced annuities mentioned in my said Will and Codicil to and for
the several trusts intents and purposes and under and subject to the
several powers provisions and declarations in and by my said Will exprefsed
and declared of and concerning the stocks therein mentioned and inasmuch
as I am satisfied that my brother in law Charles Creed hath departed
this life I declare that this my declaration shall be taken and considered
by my executors and trustees as sufficient evidence of the fact of
his death and do hereby authorise and empower my said executors
and trustees to act in every respect in my will in the same manner as
if the death of the said Charles Creed were verified to them by the
usual evidence in such cases and continuing all other parts of my
will and two former codicils not hereby altered or affected I do declare
this present writing to be a further codicil to my said will and taht the
same shall be annexed and taken as part thereof In Witnefs whereof
I the said Thomas Glanvill have to further codicil to my will set
and subscribed my hand and seal this fifth day of March in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two - Thos Glanvill -
LJ - Signed sealed published and declared by the above named testator
Thomas Glanvill as and for a codicil to his last will and testament
in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and inthe
presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnefses hereto -
John Havers 13 York Road - Jas Harris 97 Hercules Buildings.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Belvedere Road, Lambeth, SRY, ENG; recorded age 65, living with Burgess Glanville.
  • Thomas was independent on 6 June 1841.
  • As of May 1843, Thomas Glanville lived at Pedlars Acre, Lambeth, SRY, ENG.

George Glanville

Male, ID #18483, b. between 1800 and 1801

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Glanville was born between 1800 and 1801 at Not YKS, ENG.

Other information

     On 4 March 1845 The London Gazette listed:
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, George Glanvile and George Plummer, trading under the firm of George Plummer and Company, as Linen Drapers, at Leeds, in the county of York, is this day dissolved by mutual consent; and that all debts due and owing to and from the said copartnership are to be received and paid by the said George Glanvile: As witness the hands of the said parties this 1st day of March 1845.
George Glanvile
George Plummer.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • George Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Briggate, Leeds, YKS, ENG; recorded age 40.
  • George was a linen draper on 6 June 1841.



George Glanville

Male, ID #18484, b. between 1831 and 1832
FatherGeorge Glanville (bt 1800 - 1801 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Glanville was born between 1831 and 1832 at Not YKS, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • George Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Briggate, Leeds, YKS, ENG; recorded age 9, living with his father.

Maria Glanville

Female, ID #18485, b. between 1831 and 1832
FatherGeorge Glanville (bt 1800 - 1801 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Maria Glanville was born between 1831 and 1832 at Not YKS, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Maria Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Briggate, Leeds, YKS, ENG; recorded age 15, living with her father.

Florence Nelly Comber

Female, ID #18486, b. before 1894

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Florence Nelly Comber was born before 1894.
     She married Alfred Charlie Glanville, son of Charles George Glanville and Amy Kennedy, between 1903 and 1914 in CAN.


Alfred Charlie Glanville b. c Aug 1883

Alfred Kennedy Glanville

Male, ID #18487, b. 5 April 1914, d. 15 June 2006
FatherAlfred Charlie Glanville (c 1883 - )
MotherFlorence Nelly Comber (b 1894 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Alfred Kennedy Glanville was born on 5 April 1914 at Moose Jaw, SAS, CAN.
     He married Gertrude Irene Wright after 1934 in CAN.
     He died on 15 June 2006 at Extendicare Nursing Home, Moose Jaw, SAS, CAN, (when age calculated as 92); cause of death: heart failure.


Gertrude Irene Wright b. 19 Dec 1913, d. 17 Jan 2000

Gertrude Irene Wright

Female, ID #18488, b. 19 December 1913, d. 17 January 2000

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Gertrude Irene Wright was born on 19 December 1913 at Edmonton, ALB, CAN.
     She married Alfred Kennedy Glanville, son of Alfred Charlie Glanville and Florence Nelly Comber, after 1934 in CAN.
     She died on 17 January 2000 at Moose Jaw, SAS, CAN, (when age calculated as 86.)


Alfred Kennedy Glanville b. 5 Apr 1914, d. 15 Jun 2006

Maria Samson Glanville

Female, ID #18490, b. 7 April 1822
FatherBenjamin Glanville (b 1798 - 1838)
MotherMaria Samson (c 1801 - a 1880)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Hughes.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Maria Samson Glanville was born on 7 April 1822 at MDX, ENG; Not Kent, recorded in 1841 census.
     She was baptized on 2 January 1825 at St George in the East church, London, MDX, ENG, parents named Benjamin and Maria Glanville, abode Grove Street, engineer.
     She married John Hughes on 6 July 1845 at Minster, Sheppey, KEN, ENG, (when age calculated as 23 years, 2 months and 29 days) Both of full age, fathers named William Hughes mariner, Benjamin Glanville (occupation omitted.)

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Maria Samson Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at High Street, Minster, KEN, ENG; recorded age 15, living with her mother.
  • As of 6 July 1845, Maria Samson Glanville and John Hughes lived at Chapel Street, Bluetown, Minster in Sheppey, KEN, ENG.
  • Maria was a seaman's wife (RN) on 30 March 1851.
  • She appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at Seymours Court, Minster, Sheerness, KEN, ENG; recorded age 25, with sons Benjamin 3 and George 1. Married but husband not present. Son Benjamin's birth registered q1 1849 as Benjamin Glanville Hughes with mother maiden named Glanville, registered Sheppey - he married in Liverpool in 1876.


John Hughes b. b 1824

Henry Glanville

Male, ID #18491, b. between 1810 and 1811

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Henry Glanville was born between 1810 and 1811 at Not HAM, ENG.
     He married Jane (Surname Unknown) before 1841 the marriage is presumed from their appearance in the 1841 census at the same location.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Henry was a male servant on 6 June 1841.
  • He and Jane (Surname Unknown) appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Cliff Cottage, Northwood, IOW, ENG; his age recorded 30, hers 20.


Jane (Surname Unknown) b. bt 1820 - 1821

Jane (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #18492, b. between 1820 and 1821

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Jane (Surname Unknown) was born between 1820 and 1821.
     She married Henry Glanville before 1841 the marriage is presumed from their appearance in the 1841 census at the same location.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Jane was a female servant on 6 June 1841.
  • She and Henry Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Cliff Cottage, Northwood, IOW, ENG; his age recorded 30, hers 20.


Henry Glanville b. bt 1810 - 1811

James Glanville

Male, ID #18493, b. between 1815 and 1816

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     James Glanville was born between 1815 and 1816 at MDX, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • James Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at 6 Fountain Court, St Clement Danes, Westminster, MDX, ENG; recorded age 25.
  • James was a bookseller on 6 June 1841.

Worthy Cradock

Male, ID #18494, b. between 1825 and 1826, d. circa May 1847

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Worthy Cradock was born between 1825 and 1826.
     He married Catherine Glanville, daughter of John Glanville and Elizabeth Willats, circa August 1844 at Westminster registered, MDX, ENG.
     He died circa May 1847 at Westminster registered, MDX, ENG; recorded age 21.


Catherine Glanville b. bt 1820 - 1821

Johanna Glanville

Female, ID #18495, b. between 1825 and 1826

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Johanna Glanville was born between 1825 and 1826 in SCT.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Johanna was a female servant on 6 June 1841.
  • She appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at 13 Elizabeth Street South, St George Hanover Square, MDX, ENG; recorded age 15, in the household of John and Mary Maclean, a Scottish baker.

William Glanville

Male, ID #18496, b. between 1820 and 1821

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born between 1820 and 1821 at MDX, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • William Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Hanover Square, St George Hanover Square, MDX, ENG; recorded age 20.
  • William was a male servant on 6 June 1841.

Ann Glanville

Female, ID #18497, b. between 1805 and 1806

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ann Glanville was born between 1805 and 1806 at MDX, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Ann was a domestic servant on 6 June 1841.
  • She appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Upper Elery? Street, South South, St George Hanover Square, MDX, ENG; recorded age 36, in the houshold of Wm Wheildon, coachmaker. Unclear whether she was married or single.

Mary Glanville

Female, ID #18498, b. between 1825 and 1826

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Glanville was born between 1825 and 1826 at MDX, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Mary was a female servant on 6 June 1841.
  • She appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Park Street, St George Hanover Square, MDX, ENG; recorded age 15, in the household of John Glover, butcher.

male Glanville

Male, ID #18499, b. before 1790

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Male Glanville was born before 1790.



Mary Glanville

Female, ID #18500, b. between 1810 and 1811
Fathermale Glanville (b 1790 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Glanville was born between 1810 and 1811 at MDX, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Mary Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Grove Place, St George in the East, MDX, ENG; recorded age 30. Presumed sibling to John and Henry. All in the household of Isaac and Ann Jeffreys weaver, and hence presumed to be weavers too.

John Glanville

Male, ID #18501, b. between 1810 and 1811
Fathermale Glanville (b 1790 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born between 1810 and 1811 at MDX, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • John Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Grove Place, St George in the East, MDX, ENG; recorded age 30. Presumed sibling to Mary and Henry. All in the household of Isaac and Ann Jeffreys weaver, and hence presumed to be weavers too.

Henry Glanville

Male, ID #18502, b. between 1810 and 1811
Fathermale Glanville (b 1790 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Henry Glanville was born between 1810 and 1811 at MDX, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Henry Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Grove Place, St George in the East, MDX, ENG; recorded age 30. Presumed sibling to Mary and John. All in the household of Isaac and Ann Jeffreys weaver, and hence presumed to be weavers too.

Ruth Glanville

Female, ID #18503, b. between 1770 and 1771

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ruth Glanville was born between 1770 and 1771 at MDX, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Ruth Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Edmond Place, St George Hanover Square, MDX, ENG; recorded age 70, in the household of Sarah Coombs, silk ribbon weaver. Marital status not given; unclear whether she was born a Glanville or married one.

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #18504, b. between 1800 and 1801

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born between 1800 and 1801 at MDX, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Piccadilly, St George Hanover Square, MDX, ENG; recorded age 40.
  • Thomas was independent on 6 June 1841.

John Glanville

Male, ID #18505, b. between 1810 and 1811

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born between 1810 and 1811 at Not MDX, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • John Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Cleveland Street, All Souls and Trinity, Marylebone, MDX, ENG; recorded age 30.
  • John was a decorator on 6 June 1841.

Henry Glanville

Male, ID #18506, b. between 1810 and 1811

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Henry Glanville was born between 1810 and 1811 at Not SRY, ENG.
     He married Ann (Surname Unknown) between 1830 and 1841.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Henry was a carpenter on 6 June 1841.
  • He and Ann (Surname Unknown) appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Two Bunery, Stoney Lane, St Olave, SRY, ENG; both with recorded age 30.
    There were in the household of Algernon Cook and his wife Jane (nee Glanville.)


Ann (Surname Unknown) b. bt 1810 - 1811

Ann (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #18507, b. between 1810 and 1811

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ann (Surname Unknown) was born between 1810 and 1811 at Not SRY, ENG.
     She married Henry Glanville between 1830 and 1841.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Ann (Surname Unknown) and Henry Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Two Bunery, Stoney Lane, St Olave, SRY, ENG; both with recorded age 30.
    There were in the household of Algernon Cook and his wife Jane (nee Glanville.)


Henry Glanville b. bt 1810 - 1811

Jane Margaret Glanville

Female, ID #18508, b. 31 January 1829, d. 26 January 1912
FatherThomas Glanville (bt 1795 - 1796 - 1865)
MotherMary Warren (bt 1794 - 1795 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Luke.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Jane Margaret Glanville was born on 31 January 1829 at St Peter Port, GSY.
     She was baptized on 15 February 1829 at The Town Church, St Peter Port, GSY, godparents Thomas Glanville, Jane Margaret Godel and Ruth Warren.
     She married John Hughes Luke on 16 December 1861 at Christchurch, CBY, NZ, (when age calculated as 32 years, 10 months and 16 days.)
     She died on 26 January 1912 at Christchurch, CBY, NZ, (when age calculated as 82.)

Other information

     Jane Margaret Glanville immigrated on 11 October 1859 to vessel "Cashmere", Canterbury, NZ, recorded age 31.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Jane Margaret Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Ramer, St Peter Port, GSY; recorded age 12, living with her parents.


John Hughes Luke b. b 1841, d. 1900

Emma Glanville

Female, ID #18509, b. between 1825 and 1826

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Emma Glanville was born between 1825 and 1826 at GSY.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Emma Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Conterre, St Peter Port, GSY; recorded age 15, in the household of Abraham and Mary Ann Roberts, farmer.
  • Emma was a servant on 6 June 1841.

Harriet Glanville

Female, ID #18510, b. between 1825 and 1826
FatherJames Glanville (bt 1775 - 1776 - 1867)
MotherMary Ann (Surname Unknown) (bt 1790 - 1791 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Collins. Her married name was Kidney.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Harriet Glanville was born between 1825 and 1826 at GLS, ENG; note that as her siblings birth-countries were wrongly attributed in the 1841 census, Harriet may not have been Gloucestershire born.
     She married George Kidney on 28 November 1848 at St James, Bristol, GLS, ENG, registered Bristol. Widower and spinster. Her age recorded 23 father James Glanville gardener, his age recorded 37 father John Kidney gardner.
     She married Jeremiah John Collins on 9 December 1872 at Brighton, SSX, ENG, registered Brighton. Harriet marrying as Kidney, her age recorded 42, his 38. Her father named James Glanville, his Cornelius Collins.

Other information

     Harriet was married 2 times.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Harriet Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Phoenix Street, Bristol St Philip & St Jacob, GLS, ENG; recorded age 15, living with her parents.
  • Harriet was a sempstress on 28 November 1848.
  • As of 28 November 1848, Harriet Glanville and George Kidney lived at Earl Street, Bristol, GLS, ENG.

Family 1

George Kidney b. bt 1810 - 1811

Family 2

Jeremiah John Collins b. c 1834