Agnes Glanville

Female, ID #2581, b. 3 June 1620
FatherWilliam Glanville (1590 - bt 1647 - 1648)
MotherAnastacia (Surname Unknown) (b 1598 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Corode.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 3 June 1620 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG. Agnes Glanville was born before 3 June 1620 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.
     She married Edward Corode before 1647 in ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 1647, Agnes Glanville and Edward Corode lived at London, MDX, ENG, when named in the will of her father William.


Edward Corode b. b 1627

William Glanville

Male, ID #2582, b. 21 November 1590, d. between 1647 and 1648
FatherGeorge Glanville (b 1555 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 21 November 1590 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG. William Glanville was born before 21 November 1590 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG; from his will of 1647 it may be that his mother ended her life named Jane Minifore, implying remarriage after the death of his father.
     He married Anastacia (Surname Unknown) before 1618 in ENG.
     He died between 1647 and 1648 in ENG.
     His estate was probated on 20 May 1648 by his wife.

Other information

     William Glanville left a will on 10 April 1647 In the name of God Amen the tenth day of
April in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred forty and seven I William
Glanville of heavitree in the County of Devon merchant concerning the *** of
mans life do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following
first I commend my soul into the hands of God my Maker hoping assuredly through the only
merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour to be a partaker of everlasting life and I commend my body
to the earth whereof it ** **ing *** at *** day of the general resurrection
when shall appear before the judgment seat of Christ I shall by the mighty ***
God receive the same again not a corruptible weak and mortal body as it is now but
an incorruptible immortal and perfect body Item I give unto the poor of Heavitree aforesaid
twenty shillings and to the poor of Kenton twenty shillings and to the poor of
St Sidwells and St David to each parish twenty shillings to be distributed to the neediest
and poorest of them by my executrix hereafter named within three months next after my
decease by and at the discretion of my executrix Item I give and bequeath unto William
Glanvill my son one piece of plate called a *utt bole which was my fathers Item I do
devise and bequeath give grant and confirm onto my said son William Glanvill and to the
issues male of his body lawfully to be begotten all that my messuage and lands called South Moulish
and all rents issues profits and hereditaments thereof with all and singular appurtenances lying
and being in Kenton aforesaid in the County of Devon to have and to hold to the said William Glanvill
with the said messuage land tenements rents *** issues profits and hereditaments and to
the issues male of his body lawfully begotten and to be begotten for ever and for default of such
issue to Roger Glanvill my son and to the like issue male of this body And for default of such
issue to the right heirs of me William William Glanville the testator for ever more Item I do
devise give grant confirm unto the said Roger Glanvill my son and to the issue male of his
body all that my parcel or lease of lands with all and singular the appurtenances the one of lying
and being in Pinhoo at Pinhow in the County aforesaid *** parcel or parts of the
tenement which Thomas Conse of Pinhoo aforesaid not deceased *** and which I purchased
of the said Thomas Conse and Ralph Haydon and John Haydon upon which xoor of
land or grounds together with one other xoore of ground called Godins hill lying in Heavitree
I have granted and charged an annuity or yearly rent of six pounds for forty years if Alice
Hayne the wife of Thomas Hayne of *** in the Coundy of Devon shall see *** *** ***
*** thereof *** to have and to hold to the said Roger Glanvill and to the issue amle
of his body lawfully begotten the said chase and parcel of land with all and singular the
appurtenances rents issues profits and hereditaments charges as aforesaid for ever and for
default of such issue to William Glanvill my said son and to the issues male of his body
lawfully begotten and for default of such issue to the right heirs of me William Glanvill
testator for ever move from wheras I am seized in fee simple of and in one part and
purparty that is to say one seventh part of a messuage or tenement in Sorton in the
County of Devon in the *** or occupation of Anges Lee widow or her assigns of ***
she condition and consideration hereafter declare and devise bequeath and hereby give grant
and assign all that my part purpartie and portion of the lands messuage and tenements with all
and singular the appurtenances rent rendsions the *** *** and hereditaments *** at
soever unto the said Roger Glanville to have and to hold and and singular the premisses
which happen to *** unto the said Roger Glanville his executors commissioners and
assigns for and during the term of five hundred years fully to be complete and ended
without impeachment of waste under the yearly rent of one penny yearly payable
(as it be lawfully demanded) unto my heirs the said term of five hundred years to
commence and begin at and immediately from the death of Nicholas Lee and Roger Lee
sons of the said Agnes Lee provided nevertherless I do say give devise grant and assign
the said foworth part and purparty of the said messuage unto the said Roger Glanvill upon this condition
namely that is the said Roger Glanville or his assigns shall will and *** pay or cause to be paid
unto Jane Glanvill my daughter or her assigns the sum of one hundred pounds lawful money within
*** months next after the death of them the said Nicholas and Roger Lee but if the said Roger Glanvill
or his assigns shall not pay or cause to be paid unto her the said Jane Glanvill at or *** moneys
next after the death of them the said Nicholas Lee and Roger Lee then my mind and meaning is and
I do hereby devise ordain give and assign the said seventh part and purpart of the said messuage
and appurtenance unto my executrix Anstace my wife to have and to hold unto her and
her assigns for and during the term of five hundred years without impeachment of waste under
the yearly rent of one penny payable unto my heires yearly (if it be lawfully demanded) to and
for the *ing and making up of one hundred pounds lawfull money for Jane Glanvill
my daughter to be added to her portion and legacy hereafter in this my last will and testament
declared and after that my executrix shall have *** and made up out of the premises one
hundred pounds lawful money to and for the said use and intent my mind and meaning
is and I do hereby ordain that if my personal and chatells estate prove to be sufficient
and able to pay and discharge my debts and legacies that then the remainder and residue
of the said term of five hundred years shall remain and be and be assigned by my executors unto
my said son Roger Glanvill Item whereas by the devise and grant of Richard Durk and Margaret
his wife by deed indented bearing date the five and twentieth day of September in the second year of
the reign of our sovereign lord King Charles &c to have an estate and sum of years of and in
favour *** *** of the one nuage or tenement with the appurtenances called Windon Hill in Heavitree
wherein is now inhabite for the term of ninety nine years commencing at the death of Jane Minifore
my mother have if William Glanvill George Glanvill and Agnes Glanville my sons and daughter or
either of them shall so longer live as by the said deed appearethy and wherea also by the devise and
grant of the said Richard Durk of Foe in the county of Devon gent dated the eighteenth day of June
in the sixth year of the reign of our said sovereign lord King Charles &c if have an estate and form
without impeachment of waste of and in the said fourth year of the message or tenement
called Windon Hill with the appurtenances for and during the term of one thousand years to commence
and begin immediately from and after the death of the said Jane Minifee William Glanvill
George Glanvill and Agnes Glanville as by the last mentioned deed appeareth *** more if do hereby devise
give demise and assign all that my part purparty and portion that is to say the fourth part of
the said messuage or tenement called Windon Hill unto my son Roger Glanvill to have and to
hold the said fourth purpart and portion of the said messuage or tenement with all and
singular the appurtenances unto thee said Roger Glanvill his executors commissioners and assigns for
and during the term of five hundred years fully be completed and ended under the severall and
respective rents and convenants in the *** last writed or mentioned deeds of *** contained the
said term of five hundred years hereby devised to commence and begin immediately from
and after the death of An-stace my wife and executrix of this my last will and testament and
not before Item I give and bequeath unto Jane Glanvill my daughter seven hundred pounds of
lawfull money of England to be paid unto her by my executrix when she the said Jane shall accomplish
the age of one and twenty years or be married with and by the consent and approbation of my
executrix her mother and if it happen that the said Jane Glanvill die unmarried before she shall
accomplish the age of one and twenty years then my mind and will is and I do hereby devise
and ordain that three hundred pounds of the foresaid seven hundred pounds shall come unto
and be equally shared and divided by and between William Glanville and Roger Glanvill
my said sons and Agnes Corode wife of Edward Corode of London merchant my daughter
And also that the term of five hundred years conditionally devised and demised unto my said
son Roger Glanvill afore is declared shall remain and be wholly *** and absolutely
unto and for him the said Roger Glanvill his executors and assigns Item I give and bequeath
unto Agnes Corode my said daughter ten pounds lawfull money in remembrance of the
continuance of my love and affection towards her and her husband Edmond Cowds aforesaid
Item I give unto Elizabeth Searle daughter of Edward Searle of the City of Exeter
five pounds to be paid her within one year after my decease Item I give unto Mary Searle and
Robert Searle daughter and son of the said Edward to each of them twenty shillings
apiece to be paid unto them when they shall respectively accomplish the age of one and
twenty years Item I give unto Robert Hayne and Roger Hayne sons of Thomas Hayne
of Foe to each of them twenty shillings to be paid them within six months next after my
decease Item I give unto each and every one of my servants that shall have served me by covenant
one whole year *** before my death five shillings Item I give unto my two sisters namely
Elizabeth Plymo widow of Heavitree and Margaret the wife of Richard Durk aforesaid
to each of them twenty shillings a year the rest of my goods and chattels not given and
bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Anestah Glanvill my wife And I doe make her
the said Anestars Glanvill my whole and sole executrix of this my last will and testament
written with my own hand and furthermoe I doe hereby ordain order and appoint her my
said executrix to entertain and to maintain Roger Glanville and Jane Glanvill my said
son and daughter and *** them to be educated in the best manner she may or otherwise to allow
*** each of them ten pounds by the year in lieu there if they continue dutiful and
obedient unto her that is to say to Jane Glanvill until she be capable of her legacy
of four hundred pounds afore mentioned and to Roger Glanvill during the life of his mother
my said executrix to each of them ten pounds by the year and to *** of them not having
*** *** and apparel and lodging of her person her said mother I do make
Richard Durk aforesaid and George Glanvill my cousin the overseers of this my last will
and testament intreating them to be helpful unto my executrix and I do give unto each of
them twenty shillings in witness where I have hereunto set my *** last will and testament
subscribed my name and set my seal the days and years first above written
Will: Glanvill Signed sealed and published and declared for his last will and testament by
the foresaid William Glanville the five and twentieth day of April 1647 in the evening
before his intended journey to London the next morning in the presence of Thos Pain
George Glanvill Nathaniel Pymo Rich Pyne Thomas Samson.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 10 April 1647, William Glanville lived at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.
  • William was a merchant on 10 April 1647.


Anastacia (Surname Unknown) b. b 1598

Agnes Glanville

Female, ID #2583, b. 23 September 1623
FatherJohn Glanville (b 1603 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 23 September 1623 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG. Agnes Glanville was born before 23 September 1623 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.

John Glanville

Male, ID #2584, b. before 1603

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born before 1603.



Andrew Glanvill

Male, ID #2585, b. 12 October 1712, d. circa 13 October 1712
FatherGeorge Glanville (b 1689 - 1770)
MotherElizabeth Knight (b 1689 - 1762)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 12 October 1712 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG, Andrew ye Son of Mr Georg Glanvill. Andrew Glanvill was born before 12 October 1712 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.
     He died circa 13 October 1712 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.
     He was buried on 14 October 1712 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.

George Glanville

Male, ID #2586, b. before 1689, d. July 1770
Fathermale Glanville (b 1674 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Glanville was born before 1689.
     He married Elizabeth Knight on 22 December 1709 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.
     He died in July 1770 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.
     He was buried on 19 July 1770 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.

Other information

     In December 1711 Named Mr George Glanvill at baptism of son, unlike other fathers on the same page of the baptism register.
     George Glanville left a will on 26 January 1764 In the Name of God Amen
I George Glanvill of Polsloe in the parish of Heavitree in
the County of Devon Gentleman being of sound and
disposing mind and memory do make and ordain this my
last will and testament in manner following that is to
say ffirst and principally I commend by soul into the
hands of almighty God my creator trusting in the alone
merits and satisfaction of Jesus Christ my saviour for
the pardon and forgivnefs of all my sins my body I
commit to the earth to be decently buried in the churchyard
of the parish church of Heavitree in the County
aforesaid under the same tomb where my deceased wife
lieth and as concerning the disposition of such wordly
estate as I may die seized or pofsefsed of I give and
dispose thereof in manner following ffirst I give to my
sister Jane Philip a specifick legacy of two hundred
pounds and also one annuity of rent charge of ten
pounds per annum payable quarterly during the term of
her natural life to Mrs frrances Rison widow who now
liveth with me the sum of ten pounds for mourning and
also one annuity or rent charge of ten pounds per
annum payable quarterly she continuing to live with my
said sister Philip in the meanwhile and until the
affair of her suit in chancery with her late husbands
creditors be settled and adjusted to my niece Ann Soarles
I give the sum of twenty pounds to be paid witin
one year next after my decease and my little silver
tankard marked with the letters A K and likewise the
sum of ten pounds for mourning all the rest and residue
of my real and personal estate goods and chattels rights
and credits my debts legacys and ffuneral charges being
first paid and satisfied I give devise and bequeath to my
said sister Jane Philip her heirs executors administrators
and afsigns and make her whole and sole executrix
and devise thereof with full power and authority for her
to call in to her afsistence such person or persons
as to her shall seem moot for the better execution of this
my will and it is my will that after the payment and
discharge of my said debts and legacys my executrix
all be empowered and I hereby authorize and
empower her to pay over the clear income of my said
estates by quarterly payments unto Mary the wife of
my son George Glanvill for the term of her natural
life for her separate use and benefit in case my said
son should refuse or neglect to provide for his said
wife in such manner as my said executrix shall
think proper and convenient and after the decease of my
daughter in law it is my will that the said clear
yearly income of my said estates be paid over to my said
son by quarterly payments for and during the
term of his natural life and I hereby authorize and
impower my said executrix to sell and dispose of all or
any of my said estates for the best price she can get for
the same the better to answer the purpose of this my
will in case she shall think proper so to do and that she
be fully indemnified in the same from all costs and
damages whatsoever and I hereby exprefsly will order and
direct that in case my said son shall obstruct or endeavour
to frustrate or defeat any of the legacies or bequests herein
before mentioned or the trusts hereby treated that then he
be wholly debarred from any benefit he may claim under
this my will and shall be wholly excluded from the
receipt of any of the income or produce of my said
estate and from and after the decease of my said son to
give and devise all and singular my said real and
personal estates to my said sister Jane Philip her heirs
executors and administrators and I revoke all former
wills or testaments by me heretofore made and published and
declare this to be my last will and testament In witnefs
whereof I the said testator have to this my last will and
testament contained in one sheet of paper set my hand
and seal this twenty sixth day of January in the year of
our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty four.
Geo. Glanvill Signed sealed publish and declared
by the testator in the presence of us who have subscribed our
names as witnefses thereto in the presence and at his request
and in the presence of each other. Robt Gould - The Mark
of Robt Gadd - the Mark of Eliz Pond - servant to ye

On the twentieth day of March in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven
Administration with the will annexed of all and singular the goods chattels
and credits of George Glanvill late of the parish of
Heavitree in the County of Devon was granted
to Giles Risdon the nephew and administrator with the
will annexed of the goods of ffrances Risdon widow deceased
whilst living a legacee named in the said will he having
been first sworn by Commifsion duly to administer Jane
Philip widow the sister of the said deceased and sole
executrix and residuary legacee in trust named in the
said will surviving him the said testator but dying without
taking upon her the execution of the said will at least
in the prerogative Court of Canterbury and Mary Glanvill
wife of John Glanvill the residuary legacee for life
named in the said Will and the said John Glanvill the
son of the said deceased and residuary legacee for life
substituted in the said will dying in the lifetime of
the said Jane Philip and ffrance Bennett wife of John
Bennett the niece and only next of kin of the said
Jane Philip deceased having been duly cited to accept
or refuse the letters of administration (withthe said will
annexed of the goods of the said George Glanvill deceased
with the usual justination but in no wise appearing.

On the 8th day of May 1795 Admon with
the will annexed of the goods chattels &
credits of George Glanvill late of the
parish of Heavitree in the County
of Devon deceased left unadministered by Giles
Risdon the nephew and admon with
the will annexed of the good of
ffrances Risdon widow deceased whilst
living a legacee named in the will of
the said George Glanvill deceased now also
deceased was granted to Richard Johnson
the admon with the will annexed
of the goods unadministered of the said ffrances
Risdon deceased having been first sworn
duly to administer Jane Philip widow
the sister of the said deceased and sole
executrix & residuary legacee in trust
named in the said will surviving the
said testator but dying interstate
without having taken upon her
the execution thereof at least in the
prerogative Court of Canterbury and
Mary Glanvill wife of John
Glanvill the residuary legacee
for life named in said will and
the said John Glanvill the son
of the said deceased and residuary
legacee for life substituted in
the said will dying in the lifetime
of the said Jane Philip and Frances
Bennett (wife of John Bennett the
niece and only next of kin of the
said Jane Philip deceased who was
formerly cited but in nowise appeared
having now first renounced the letters
of admon (with the said will annexed
of the good of the said George
Glanvill left unadministered as aforesaid.


Elizabeth Knight b. b 1689, d. Apr 1762

Anne Glanville

Female, ID #2587, b. 27 February 1641
FatherGeorge Glanville (b 1621 - )
MotherAnne (Surname Unknown) (b 1615 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 27 February 1641 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG. Anne Glanville was born before 27 February 1641 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.

George Glanville

Male, ID #2588, b. before 1621

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Glanville was born before 1621.
     He married Anne (Surname Unknown) before 1635.


Anne (Surname Unknown) b. b 1615

George Glanville

Male, ID #2589, b. 1659
FatherGeorge Glanville (b 1630 - )
MotherMary (Surname Unknown) (b 1630 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized in 1659 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG. George Glanville was born before 1659 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.

George Glanville

Male, ID #2590, b. before 1630

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Glanville was born before 1630.
     He married Mary (Surname Unknown) before 1650.


Mary (Surname Unknown) b. b 1630

Mary (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #2591, b. before 1630

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary (Surname Unknown) was born before 1630.
     She married George Glanville before 1650.


George Glanville b. b 1630

Charity Glanville

Female, ID #2592, b. before 1644

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Charrothye. Her married name was Short.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Charity Glanville was born before 1644.
     She married Epphrem Short on 9 May 1664 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.


Epphrem Short b. b 1644

Epphrem Short

Male, ID #2593, b. before 1644

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Epphrem Short was born before 1644.
     He married Charity Glanville on 9 May 1664 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.


Charity Glanville b. b 1644

Diana White Glanville

Female, ID #2594, b. 7 September 1806
MotherMary Glanville (b 1786 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 7 September 1806 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG, Diana White, Daughter of Mary Glanville was born August 27 and baptized September 7th (Bastard.) Diana White Glanville was born illegitimate on 27 August 1806 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.

Mary Glanville

Female, ID #2595, b. before 1786

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Glanville was born before 1786.



Frances Glanville

Male, ID #2596, b. 29 July 1635
FatherJohn Glanville (b 1614 - )
MotherJoane Searlle (b 1614 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 29 July 1635 at Honiton on Otter, DEV, ENG. Frances Glanville was born before 29 July 1635 at Honiton on Otter, DEV, ENG.

George Glanville

Male, ID #2597, b. 16 May 1622, d. before 1647
FatherWilliam Glanville (1590 - bt 1647 - 1648)
MotherAnastacia (Surname Unknown) (b 1598 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 16 May 1622 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG, George son of William Glanvill. George Glanville was born before 16 May 1622 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.
     He died before 1647; presumed, from absence of mention in his father's will.

George Glanville

Male, ID #2598, b. 14 December 1710
FatherGeorge Glanville (b 1689 - 1770)
MotherElizabeth Knight (b 1689 - 1762)

Alternate Names

     He was also known as John.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 14 December 1710 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG, father named George Glanvill. George Glanville was born before 14 December 1710 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.
     He married Mary Payne on 17 May 1736 at St Leonard, Exeter, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 25 years, 5 months and 3 days.)

Other information

     In 1764 he was named George in the will of his father, but John in the subsequent probate matters.
     The probate record of 1795 indicates that he died within the lifetime of his father's sister Jane Philip.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 17 May 1736, George Glanville lived at Lyons Inn, London, MDX, ENG.


Mary Payne b. b 1716

Elizabeth Knight

Female, ID #2599, b. before 1689, d. April 1762

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Knight was born before 1689.
     She married George Glanville, son of male Glanville, on 22 December 1709 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.
     She died in April 1762 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.
     She was buried on 29 April 1762 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG, named Mrs Frances Glanvil.


George Glanville b. b 1689, d. Jul 1770

Grace Glanville

Female, ID #2600, b. 22 November 1646
FatherGeorge Glanville (b 1621 - )
MotherAnne (Surname Unknown) (b 1615 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 22 November 1646 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG. Grace Glanville was born before 22 November 1646 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.

Jane Glanville

Female, ID #2601, b. 2 December 1630
FatherWilliam Glanville (1590 - bt 1647 - 1648)
MotherAnastacia (Surname Unknown) (b 1598 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 2 December 1630 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG, Jane da. of William Glanvill. Jane Glanville was born before 2 December 1630 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.

Other information

     In 1647 she was named in the will of her father.

Jane Glanville

Female, ID #2602, b. 29 September 1687
FatherThomas Glanville (1652 - )
MotherFrances Good (b 1658 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 29 September 1687 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG. Jane Glanville was born before 29 September 1687 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.

John Glanville

Male, ID #2603, b. 2 November 1712
FatherRoger Glanville (b 1689 - )
MotherMargaret (Surname Unknown) (b 1689 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 2 November 1712 at Honiton on Otter, DEV, ENG. John Glanville was born before 2 November 1712 at Honiton on Otter, DEV, ENG.

Roger Glanville

Male, ID #2604, b. before 1689

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Roger Glanville was born before 1689.
     He married Margaret (Surname Unknown) before 1709.

Other information

     Is this the same Roger and Margaret who had children in St Dunstans, London 1721-27 ?


Margaret (Surname Unknown) b. b 1689

Margaret (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #2605, b. before 1689

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Margaret (Surname Unknown) was born before 1689.
     She married Roger Glanville before 1709.


Roger Glanville b. b 1689

Joan Glanville

Female, ID #2606, b. 15 February 1679
FatherFrancis Glanville (1636 - )
MotherJoan Bampheld (b 1644 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 15 February 1679 at Honiton on Otter, DEV, ENG. Joan Glanville was born before 15 February 1679 at Honiton on Otter, DEV, ENG.

Joan Glanville

Female, ID #2607, b. 22 August 1709
FatherRoger Glanville (b 1689 - )
MotherMargaret (Surname Unknown) (b 1689 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 22 August 1709 at Honiton on Otter, DEV, ENG. Joan Glanville was born before 22 August 1709 at Honiton on Otter, DEV, ENG.

Joan Glanville

Female, ID #2608, b. 10 January 1665
FatherFrancis Glanville (1636 - )
MotherJoan Bampheld (b 1644 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 10 January 1665 at Honiton on Otter, DEV, ENG. Joan Glanville was born before 10 January 1665 at Honiton on Otter, DEV, ENG.

John Glanville

Male, ID #2609, b. 14 March 1639
FatherGeorge Glanville (b 1621 - )
MotherAnne (Surname Unknown) (b 1615 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 14 March 1639 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG. John Glanville was born before 14 March 1639 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.

John Glanville

Male, ID #2610, b. 27 June 1790
FatherPeter Glanville (b 1769 - b 1841)
MotherSusanna Burgess (bt 1755 - 1756 - 1844)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 27 June 1790 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG, John Son of Peter and Susanna Glanville. John Glanville was born before 27 June 1790 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG.