female (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #33361, d. before 1839

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She married George Glanville, son of Nicholas Glanville and Mary Staddon, after 1816.
     She died before 1839.


George Glanville b. 1796, d. Oct 1850

female Glanville

Female, ID #33362, b. circa 1705
FatherGeorge Glanville (b 1686 - 1740)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Tomlinson.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Female Glanville was born circa 1705; if similar age to her siblings.
     She married William Tomlinson before 1739 in ENG.


William Tomlinson b. b 1719

William Tomlinson

Male, ID #33363, b. before 1719

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Tomlinson was born before 1719.
     He married female Glanville, daughter of George Glanville, before 1739 in ENG.

Other information

     In 1739 he was named son in law and executor in the will of his father in law George Glanvill.


female Glanville b. c 1705

Sylvia Glanville

Female, ID #33364, b. between 1799 and 1800, d. July 1829

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Sylvia Glanville was born between 1799 and 1800.
     She died in July 1829 at Greek Street, Soho Square, London, MDX, ENG.
     She was buried on 17 July 1829 at St Anne's parish church, Soho, Westminster, MDX, ENG, recorded age 29.

Other information

     It is unclear whether Sylvia was born a Glanville or married one.

John Glanville

Male, ID #33365, b. between 1800 and 1840
FatherJohn Glanville (bt 1778 - 1779 - c 1853)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born between 1800 and 1840.

Other information

     In August 1855 he was named in the will of his aunt Elizabeth Glanvill.

Mary Ann Glanville

Female, ID #33366, b. between 1800 and 1840
FatherJohn Glanville (bt 1778 - 1779 - c 1853)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Ann Glanville was born between 1800 and 1840.

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #33367, b. between 1800 and 1840
FatherJohn Glanville (bt 1778 - 1779 - c 1853)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born between 1800 and 1840.

Mary (Surname Unknown)

Female, ID #33368, b. before 1774, d. between 1836 and 1840

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary (Surname Unknown) was born before 1774.
     She married male Glanville before 1794 in ENG.
     She died between 1836 and 1840 at MDX, ENG.
     Her estate was probated on 27 May 1840 Proved at London 27th May 1840 before the worshipful Herbert James
Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of William Lightfoot one of the exors
to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly to administer
power reserved of making the like grant to John Hersey Esqr the other exor
when he shall apply for the same.

Other information

     Mary (Surname Unknown) left a will on 7 October 1836 In the Name of God Amen
I Mary Glanvill of Milton Street Euston Square late of Upper Ogle
Street in the parish of Saint Marylebone in the County of Middlesex
widow do make this to by my last will and testament as follows that is to
say I direct that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses be
paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently may be after my decease & desire
that my body may be decently interred in the Burial Ground of Saint Marylebone
as near to the body of my late dear husband as can be I give devise &
bequeath to my executors hereinafter named all that my ffreehold cottage
or tenement and premises with the appurtenances thereto belonging situate in
Stakes Lane in the parish of Harpenden in the County of Hertford and all
my property in the ffunds household goods & ffurniture and all other my estate
and effects whatsoever and wheresoever which I shall die possessed of to hold
to them their heirs executors and admons upon trust to sell and dispose of
such parts thereof as shall not consist of money (except the said cottage
the sale whereof is to be postponed until the youngest of my grandchildren
hereinafter named shall attain the age of twenty one years) and layout &
invest the produce thereof after payment of my debts funeral & testamentary
expenses as before directed in the purchase of Government funds and
securities and pay and apply the rent dividends interest income and annual
produce thereof in to and for the maintenance education and bringing up
of my grandchildren John William Ursell Thomas Richard Ursell Maria
Ann Ursell Amelia Priscilla Ursell and Ann Eliza Ursell in equal shares
until they shall attain their ages of twenty one yers and when & so soon
as the youngest of my said grandchildren shall attain the said age of
twenty one years then I diect my executors hereinafter named to sell and
dispose of my said ffrehold cottage and premises with the appurtenances in
such manner as they in their discretion shall see fit upon trust to pay afsign
and transfer the produce arising from the sale of the said cottage and
premises and the said principal monies stocks funds and securities and all other
my property and effects unto between and amongst them my said grand
children or such of them as shall be then living in equal shares & proportions
as tenants in common and if but one then to such surviving only and I direct and
declare that from and after my said grandchildren shall attain his her or
their age or ages of twenty one years he she or they shall cease to have any
interest in the rent dividends interest income and annual produce of my
property and affects but the same shall be applied exclusively for the maintenance
education and bringing up of such of them as shall not have attained
that age and I hereby nominate constitute and appoint John Horsey of
Grafton Street ffitzroy Square in the County of Middlesex gentleman & William
Lightfoot of No. 18 Adam Street Adelphi in the City of Westminster and County of
Middlesex executors of this my will and hereby revoke and make void all
former will and wills by me at any time heretofore made and I direct that they
my said executors and each of them shall be at liberty out of the aforesaid trust
monies to retain and reimburse themselves their respective costs charges & expenses
in executing the trusts hereby in them resposed and that they or either of them
shall not be liable for anything except their own wilful neglect or default &
that their receipts shall be good and effectual discharges to any purchaser
or purchasers of all or any part of my estate and effects and that they shall
not be obliged to see to the application of such purchase money In witness
where I the said Mary Glanvill the testatrix have to two parts of this my
last will and testament set my hand and seal this seventh day of October in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six - The mark X
of Mary Glanvill (LJ) - Signed sealed published and declared by the said
Mary Glanvill as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us
who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have
hereto subscribed our names as witnesses - F Elliot 23 Grafton Street Fitzroy
Square - John Main No.24 Grafton St Fitzroy Square - John Potter Halts
Clerk to Mr Hersey Grafton Street.


male Glanville b. b 1774, d. b 1836

male Glanville

Male, ID #33369, b. before 1774, d. before 1836

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Male Glanville was born before 1774.
     He married Mary (Surname Unknown) before 1794 in ENG.
     He died before 1836 at London, MDX, ENG.
     He was buried before 1836 at parish church, Marylebone, MDX, ENG.


Mary (Surname Unknown) b. b 1774, d. bt 1836 - 1840

Maria Ann Glanville

Female, ID #33370, b. before 1794
Fathermale Glanville (b 1774 - b 1836)
MotherMary (Surname Unknown) (b 1774 - bt 1836 - 1840)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Ursell.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Maria Ann Glanville was born before 1794.
     She married Thomas Ursell before 1814 at ENG there appears to be a marriage of a Thomas Ursell 23 Jun 1811 at Marylebone to a Maria Ann Hand - might Maria have been previously married, or the daughter of Mary prior to Mary's marriage to a Glanville ?


Thomas Ursell b. b 1794

Thomas Ursell

Male, ID #33371, b. before 1794

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Ursell was born before 1794.
     He married Maria Ann Glanville, daughter of male Glanville and Mary (Surname Unknown), before 1814 at ENG there appears to be a marriage of a Thomas Ursell 23 Jun 1811 at Marylebone to a Maria Ann Hand - might Maria have been previously married, or the daughter of Mary prior to Mary's marriage to a Glanville ?


Maria Ann Glanville b. b 1794

John William Ursell

Male, ID #33372, b. before 10 July 1814
FatherThomas Ursell (b 1794 - )
MotherMaria Ann Glanville (b 1794 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John William Ursell was born before 10 July 1814 at Marylebone, MDX, ENG.
     He was baptized on 10 July 1814 at Marylebone, MDX, ENG, parents named Thomas and Maria Ursell.

Thomas Richard Ursell

Male, ID #33373, b. before 29 June 1817
FatherThomas Ursell (b 1794 - )
MotherMaria Ann Glanville (b 1794 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Richard Ursell was born before 29 June 1817 at Marylebone, MDX, ENG; parents named Thomas and Maria Ann Ursell.
     He was baptized on 29 June 1817 at Marylebone, MDX, ENG.

Maria Ann Ursell

Male, ID #33374, b. before 31 October 1819
FatherThomas Ursell (b 1794 - )
MotherMaria Ann Glanville (b 1794 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Maria Ann Ursell was born before 31 October 1819 at Marylebone, MDX, ENG.
     He was baptized on 31 October 1819 at Marylebone, MDX, ENG, parents named Thomas and Maria Ann Ursell.

Amelia Priscilla Ursell

Female, ID #33375, b. before 30 December 1821
FatherThomas Ursell (b 1794 - )
MotherMaria Ann Glanville (b 1794 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Amelia Priscilla Ursell was born before 30 December 1821 at Marylebone, MDX, ENG.
     She was baptized on 30 December 1821 at Marylebone, MDX, ENG, parents named Thomas and Maria Ann Ursell.

Ann Eliza Ursell

Female, ID #33376, b. before 3 July 1825
FatherThomas Ursell (b 1794 - )
MotherMaria Ann Glanville (b 1794 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ann Eliza Ursell was born before 3 July 1825 at Marylebone, MDX, ENG.
     She was baptized on 3 July 1825 at Marylebone, MDX, ENG, parents named Thomas and Maria Ann Ursell.

Francis Youlden

Male, ID #33377, b. before 1781

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Francis Youlden was born before 1781; possibly the Okehampton baptised Francis Youlden of 1747.
     He married Martha Glanville, daughter of Henry Glanville and Mary (Surname Unknown), on 1 April 1801 at Hatherleigh, DEV, ENG, Martha marrying in surname Tinney/Finney.


Martha Glanville b. 1766, d. Nov 1828

male Blackistone

Male, ID #33378, d. before 1816

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He married Rebecca Glanville, daughter of Henry Glanville and Mary (Surname Unknown), between 1770 and 1816 a presumed marriage, based on the will of Susanna Glanvill in 1816 naming her sister Rebecca Blackistone living at Sunderland.
     He died before 1816.


Rebecca Glanville b. b 20 Aug 1762

Thomas Cawood

Male, ID #33379, b. before 1730

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Cawood was born before 1730.
     He married Mary Glanville, daughter of Richard Glanville and Mary (Surname Unknown), on 3 October 1750 this being the date of the marriage licence.


Mary Glanville b. 3 Aug 1725

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #33380, b. before 1678, d. before 1712

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born before 1678.
     He married Susanna (Surname Unknown) before 1698.
     He died before 1712; as named deceased in the apprentice records of sons Richard Samuel and his wife Susanna was named a widow in her will of 1730.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Thomas was a surgeon, when named in the apprentice record of son Richard.


Susanna (Surname Unknown) b. b 1678, d. c 1739

Susannah Hawkins

Female, ID #33381, b. before 1676

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Susannah Hawkins was born before 1676.
     She married John Glanfield on 9 July 1696 at St Mary Magdalene, Taunton, SOM, ENG.


John Glanfield b. b 1676

Richard Glanville

Male, ID #33382, b. between 1721 and 1730
FatherSamuel Glanville (b 1701 - b 1730)
MotherHelena Wright (b 1701 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Richard Glanville was born between 1721 and 1730 at ENG; or prior to the death of his father which took place before 1730 as he was named deceased son in the will of Susanna Glanvil.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 1765, Richard Glanville lived at Bell Alley, Coleman Street, London, MDX, ENG, when named nephew of Richard Glanvill surgeon in his will.
  • Richard was a goldsmith, when named nephew of Richard Glanvill surgeon in his will in 1765.

William Glanville

Male, ID #33383, b. after 1760, d. circa January 1766
FatherJohn Glanville (b 1740 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born after 1760 in ENG.
     He died circa January 1766 at Great Marlow, BKM, ENG.
     He was buried on 6 January 1766 at Great Marlow, BKM, ENG, named William Glanvil son of John Glanvil.

William Glanville

Male, ID #33384, b. before 1746, d. April 1766

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born before 1746 at ENG; a presumed date, as the burial register did neither record an age nor a father's name - hence presumed to be an adult.
     He died in April 1766 at Great Marlow, BKM, ENG.
     He was buried on 17 April 1766 at Great Marlow, BKM, ENG.

George Glanville

Male, ID #33385, b. before 1799
FatherGeorge Glanville (b 1773 - c 1822)
MotherHester (Surname Unknown) (b 1773 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Glanville was born before 1799.

John Glanville

Male, ID #33386, b. before 1740

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born before 1740 in ENG.



Benjamin Glanville

Male, ID #33387, b. 9 August 1743
FatherThomas Glanville (b 1722 - )
MotherAnne Mortshad (b 1722 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 9 August 1743 at Eton, BKM, ENG, Bengamin Glanvil father Thomas. Benjamin Glanville was born before 9 August 1743 at Eton, BKM, ENG.

Edward Glanville

Male, ID #33388, b. 1 October 1744, d. August 1748
FatherThomas Glanville (b 1722 - )
MotherAnne Mortshad (b 1722 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 1 October 1744 at Eton, BKM, ENG, Edward Glanvil father Thomas. Edward Glanville was born before 1 October 1744 at Eton, BKM, ENG.
     He died in August 1748 at Eton, BKM, ENG, (when age calculated as 3.)
     He was buried on 16 August 1748 at Eton, BKM, ENG, recorded Infant.

Child Glanville

? (Unkown gender), ID #33389, b. July 1743, d. July 1743
FatherThomas Glanville (b 1722 - )
MotherAnne Mortshad (b 1722 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Child Glanville was born in July 1743 at Eton, BKM, ENG; presumed to be a twin of Benjamin who died before he could be baptised.
     He/she died in July 1743 at Eton, BKM, ENG.
     He/she was buried on 31 July 1743 at Eton, BKM, ENG, named Child of Thos Glanvil.

Hugh Hamilton Barr

Male, ID #33390, b. 12 September 1873, d. 15 September 1952

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Hugh Hamilton Barr was born on 12 September 1873 at Braidwood, Will Co., IL, USA.
     He married Charlotte Glanville, daughter of Amos Edward Glanville and Mary Ann Cook, on 27 June 1897 at the USA (when age calculated as 23 years, 9 months and 15 days.)
     He married Mary S. Williamson in June 1919 at the USA (when age calculated as 45 years and 8 months.)
     He died on 15 September 1952 at Cherokee, Crawford Co., KS, USA, (when age calculated as 79.)

Other information

     Hugh was married 2 times.

Family 1

Charlotte Glanville b. 31 Mar 1876, d. 19 Jan 1912

Family 2

Mary S. Williamson b. 1876, d. 1953