picture of Jay Glanville Glanville Coat of Arms

Glanville Surname Analysis

Sunday, January 12, 2025  


Email Jay Glanville 


With the growing volume of information on the surname Glanville and it's common spelling variants & transcription synonyms (e.g. Glenville, Glanvill, Glamwell) I have divided the analysis according to Type.

Analysis of the occurance of the Distribution of the People across the UK is found at Glanville Distribution

Commonality of the Christian Names of Glanvilles (regardless as to their Religious Faiths ! ) is located at What's-In-A-Name Glanvilles.

The ageing of the Glanvilles (and no-one has yet been found who has avoided this) is analysed at Ageing Glanvilles.

Using the General Register Office records, I have looked at male and female Births, Marriages and Deaths across 1838 to 1920 inclusive.


Various sources are used to provide an analysis at different points in time. Some sources are more accurate and more complete than others so care should be taken when comparing information from different sources.

I include typical surname variations found in the records. It is believed but not proven that these do not represent separate branches of the family as even in the late 20th century the surname is frequently mispelled. Therefore these variants are believed to be genuine mis-spellings or transcription errors arising from peoples lack of familiarity with the surname.

Personally I place most trust in my 1891 analysis as I have viewed every census page to correct the inevitable transcription errors on age, name etc. Of course, I don't know what I don't know - so I may have missed some perfectly good Glanvilles out there; but I'm sure I've not included non-Glanvilles amongst these.
I cannot vouch for downright lying Glanvilles, nor enumerators errors.