picture of Jay Glanville Glanville Coat of Arms

What's In A Name Glanville


Email Jay Glanville 

Christian Name Commonality, 1851 Names, 1848-1853 Names, 1861 Names, 1871 Names, 1881 Names, 1891 Names, 1901 Names, 1898-1903 Names, 1911 Names, 1908-13 Names, 1918-23 Names, 1950-55 Names, 1999-2005 Names, 1999 Names, 1999 All Names

Christian Name Commonality

By standardising the spelling and abbreviations, it is possible to determine the number of instances of occurence of christian names - taking the only the first name when an individual has multiple christian names.

Dividing by the number of individuals of the same gender allows a separate comparison of the commonality of male and female names.

Types of analysis conducted:

  1. Census records
    These give the total Glanville population, containing all males named in say, the previous 80 or so years, plus wifes whose names were given at their own birth by non-Glanville parents.
    Thus this answers the question "What names did living Glanvilles have at that time?"
  2. Birth records
    These give only the names given by Glanville parents within the timeframe of the analysis
    Thus this answers the question "What names were given to Glanville children at that time?"
  3. Electoral Roll & Telephone Directory
    As this excludes young people it only partially answers the question "What names did living Glanvilles have at that time?".
    Being conducted in recent years it is assumed spelling is deliberate and names frequencies are "watered down" by virtue of deliberate spelling variants such as William, Will, Billy, Willie, Bill


For Glanvil(le) names in the 1851 census (England, Wales, Channel Islands, Isle of Man), this yields the following:-

Top 10 male names found in the 1851 census Top 10 female names found in the 1851 census

74 different male names were found, with 104 different female names in use.
Some single instance male names were Forest, David, Burgess and Adolphus; whilst some of the single instance female names were Annette, Cybele, Ginefor (Jennifer) and Lusia.

36 of the mens names were found only once - 49% of their names
48 of the womans names were found only once - 45% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names registered at birth 1848-1853 inclusive (England, Wales), the following is recorded:-

Top 10 male names found registered 1848-1853 Top 10 female names found registered 1848-1853

35 different male names were registered, with 42 different female names.

19 of the mens names were registered only once - 54% of their names
22 of the womans names were registered only once - 52% of their names


The Glanvil(le) names in the 1861 census (England, Wales, Channel Islands, Isle of Man), yields the following:-

Top 10 male names found in the 1861 census Top 10 female names found in the 1861 census

61 different male names were found, with 89 different female names in use.
Some single instance male names were Usher, Vivian, and Walter; whilst some of the single instance female names were Clementine, Rosetta and Nance.

30 of the mens names were found only once - 49% of their names
36 of the womans names were found only once - 40% of their names


The Glanvil(le) names in the 1871 census (England, Wales, Channel Islands, Isle of Man), yields the following:-

Top 10 male names found in the 1871 census Top 10 female names found in the 1871 census

73 different male names were found, with 100 different female names in use.
Some single instance male names were Alfonse, Owen and Wilfred; whilst some of the single instance female names were Rosa, Phillis, and Naomi.

31 of the mens names were found only once - 42% of their names
47 of the womans names were found only once - 47% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names in the 1881 census (England, Wales and Scotland), this yields the following:-

Top 10 male names found in the 1881 census Top 10 female names found in the 1881 census

82 different male names were found, with 122 different female names in use.
Amongst the single instances of male names were Lorenzo, Silvanus, Fletcher and Deeble; whilst amongst the women were Temperance, Selina, Floreska and Aletha.

38 of the mens names were found only once - 46% of their names
48 of the womans names were found only once - 39% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names in the 1891 census (England, Wales and Scotland), this yields the following:-

Top 10 male names found in the 1891 census Top 10 female names found in the 1891 census

94 different male names were found, with 141 different female names in use.

38 of the mens names were found only once - 40% of their names
58 of the womans names were found only once - 41% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names in the 1901 census (England, Wales), this yields the following:-

Top 10 male names found in the 1901 census Top 10 female names found in the 1901 census

112 different male names were found, with 191 different female names in use.

59 of the mens names were found only once - 52% of their names
97 of the womans names were found only once - 51% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names registered at birth 1898-1903 inclusive (England, Wales), the following is recorded:-

Top 10 male names registered 1898-1903 Top 10 female names registered 1898-1903

52 different male names were found, with 72 different female names.

26 of the mens names were registered only once - 50% of their names
38 of the womans names were registered only once - 53% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names in the 1911 census (England, Wales), this yields the following:-

Top 10 male names found in the 1911 census Top 10 female names found in the 1911 census

86 different male names were found, with 130 different female names in use.

41 of the mens names were found only once - 48% of their names
55 of the womans names were found only once - 42% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names registered at birth 1908-13 inclusive (England, Wales), the following is recorded:-

Top 10 male names registered 1908-13 Top 10 female names registered 1908-13

59 different male names were found, with 60 different female names.

35 of the mens names were registered only once - 59% of their names
27 of the womans names were registered only once - 45% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names registered at birth 1918-23 inclusive (England, Wales), the following is recorded:-

Top 10 male names registered 1918-23 Top female names registered 1918-23

67 different male names were found, with 79 different female names.

39 of the mens names were registered only once - 66% of their names
42 of the womans names were registered only once - 53% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names registered at birth 1950-55 inclusive (England, Wales), the following is recorded:-

Top 10 male names found registered 1950-55 Top 10 female names found registered 1950-55

48 different male names were found, with 55 different female names.

21 of the mens names were registered only once - 44% of their names
31 of the womans names were registered only once - 56% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names registered at birth 1999-2005 inclusive (England, Wales), the following is recorded:-

Top 10 male names found registered 1999-2005 Top 10 female names found registered 1999-2005

81 different male names were registered, with 115 different female names.

49 of the mens names were registered only once - 60% of their names
84 of the womans names were registered only once - 73% of their names


For Glanvil(le) names (all people living) by 1999 (excluding individuals aged under 16), the following was found:-

Top 10 male names found in 1999 Top 10 female names found in 1999

184 different male names were found, with 312 female names. These numbers are less certain than earlier as unisex names are starting to appear (e.g. Terry, Jay, Dee, Toni), immigrant names of uncertain gender, as well as deliberate (assumed deliberate from the fact that literacy is higher than in the 1800s) spelling variations that ought not to be normalised (e.g. Brigit, Brigitte, Bridget). Additionally the source for this was not a census but a combination of Electorall Roll and Telephone Directory - and as such people had a different approach to the formality on how they wish to appear (e.g. Natasha, Tasha, Tash; Reginald, Reg, Reggie).

73 of the mens names were found only once - 40% of their names
154 of the womans names were found only once - 49% of their names

1 Given the elimination of girls under 16, and Glanville-born women married to other men, you're left mostly with woman married to Glanville men - and thus one might use this table to support a hypothesis that prior to 1999 Glanville men had a genetic predisposition to marry woman named Margaret ! ! !

1999 All Surnames

This table shows names registered by the whole (National) population, not just those by Glanville parents.
This information is published by the Office of National Statistics

Top National First Names by Year, for England/Wales
1904 1934 1964 1994 1999
  Males 1st William John David Thomas Jack
2nd John Peter Paul James Thomas
3rd George William Andrew Jack James
4th Thomas Brian Mark Daniel Daniel
5th Arthur David John Matthew Joshua
  Females 1st Mary Margaret Susan Rebecca Chloe
2nd Florence Jean Julie Lauren Emily
3rd Doris Mary Karen Jessica Megan
4th Edith Joan Jacqueline Charlotte Jessica
5th Dorothy Patricia Deborah Hannah Sophie
Note the distinction between the earlier analyses which were on everyone alive in those years, and the ONS figures which show the commonality of new names being registered to infants in that year only (and hence cannot be compared directly).