Winifred Bouchier

Female, ID #2131, b. before 1595, d. April 1676

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Winifred Bouchier was born before 1595; daughter of William Bourchier of Barnsley, Gloucestershire.
     She married Sir John Glanville, son of Sir John Glanville M.P. and Alice Skerrett, circa 1615 in ENG.
     She died in April 1676 at Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG.
     She was buried on 8 April 1676 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, Lady Winifred Glanville was buried April ye 8th.

Other information

     Winifred Bouchier left a will on 20 September 1662 naming son John and his daughter Winifred, son Julia, daughter in law Francis wife of William her son, states 3 daughters married and 2 others, sister in law Mary Bouchier, grandchildren Winifred Glanville, Katherine Edgcumbe and Winifred Baskerville. States her husband was deceased.
Proven 22 Apr 1676.


Sir John Glanville b. c 1589, d. 2 Oct 1661

William Glanville

Male, ID #2132, b. between 1615 and 1632, d. 11 October 1680
FatherSir John Glanville (c 1589 - 1661)
MotherWinifred Bouchier (b 1595 - 1676)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Glanville was born between 1615 and 1632 in ENG.
     He married Frances Gibbs circa 1653 at WIL, ENG.
     He died on 11 October 1680 at WIL, ENG; the burial register entry in Lation implying he drowned.
     He was buried on 13 October 1680 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, William Glanvill Esq was buried October ye 13th
Pia memoria
"He was the son of Sir John Glanvill, Knight Serjeant at Law, & Speaker to the House of Commons in ye year 1640, in ye days of that blessed Martyr King Charles ye first, that glorious defender of ye Church of England against Presbytery."
Gulielmus Glanville Armiger
Joannis Equitis aurati filius primogenitus
Vir, si quis alius
Ad antiqua probitatis fidei et pistatis norman factus
Negotits gerendis par
Ted eorum, ambitu major
Innocentiam honoribus pratulit
Et no alio quam, Eirenarcha munere perfunctus
Publica pacis juxta et privata custos fiedlipimus
Bene latuit, quo melius viveret
Quietem, quam in vita resquebatur
Mors aqua attulit
Die XI Octobris. Ann. M.D.C.L.X.X.X.
Et sexaginta quinque annos natum
Celo maturam eidem reddidit
Uxor unanimus Francisca
Clara Gibbesiorum sanguine orta
Post viginti sex annos in conjugio sine querla actos
Et duplicem interea parium
Francisci filii qui in bimatu obitt
Et Vinifreda filia
Luce Carlefonon Stone Ar.
In matrimonio juncta
Titulum hunc
     His estate was probated on 20 November 1680 adminstration granted to Frances Glanvill the relict.

Other information

     In 1677 the Broad Hinton parish records record:
Given by the Worll & Religious William Glanvill Esq. to the parish Church of broade Hinton in the year 1677 two Large Flaggons & Challice with a Cover, a pattern, & a bason, all of Silver each weighing

Gave the Cases also.

Mem that the former small Silver Challice & the cover were added to the utinsels for the Comumon Table

In Witness wrof, I have here-unto sett my hand the 14th day of Ocober in ye abovesd year 1677, being the day & year of Consecraton of them to the Holy Comumion.
Henry Dudley Vicar of Brode Hinton abovesd.
     William Glanville left a will on 28 September 1680 In the name of God Amen
The eight and twentieth of September in the two and thirtenth year
of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the second by the grace of
God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the
Faith &C Anno Dm 1680 I William Glanvill of Broadhinton in
the County of Wilts Esquire being in good and perfect health and memory
(thank be to God for the same) do make my last will and testament in manner
and form following I bequeath my soul to God hoping for forgiveness of my
sins and justification by the merits of my only Saviour and Mediator Jesus Christ
by faith in his bloodshed for me And my body to the earth from where it was
taken I revoke all former wills and testaments by me made and as touching
that worldly state that it hath pleased God of this great goodness to bestow on me
I give and dispose the same in manner and form following Imprimis I give and
devise unto my executrix hereinafter named and her heirs and assigns for ever all
that my Rectory or Parsonage Impropriate of Lamerton with the appurtenances
in the County of Devon and all glebe lands tythes and tenths of corn and
common and all other titles and hereditaments with the appurtenances whatsoever
parcel of my said rectory and parsonage or enjoyed with the same And also the
advowson donation and presentation and right of patronage of Lamerton aforesaid
And all my messuages lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever with their
and being of their appurtenances which I have lying and being in the Counties of
Devon and Cornwall or either of them Item I give and bequeath unto my dear
daughter Winifred the sum of one hundred pounds of lawful money of England
to be paid to her within one year next after my decease All the rest and
residue of my goods and chattels rings jewells plate money household stuff and
personal estate whatsoever I given and bequeath unto my dear wife Frances
whom I do make sole executrix of this my last will and testament In witnes
where I the said William Glanvill have hereunto put my hand and seal the day
and year above written W: Glanville. Signed sealed declared and published
to be the last will and testament of the above named William Glanvill in the presence of
Wm Jonas Carl: Stone Simon Baskervill Tim: Richards Henty Witt.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • William was he was M.P. for Camelford.


Frances Gibbs b. b 1633, d. c Mar 1714/15

Lieut.-Colonel Francis Glanville

Male, ID #2133, b. 1617, d. 20 July 1645
FatherSir John Glanville (c 1589 - 1661)
MotherWinifred Bouchier (b 1595 - 1676)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Lieut.-Colonel Francis Glanville was born in 1617 at Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG.
     He was baptized on 29 December 1618 at St Andrew, Holborn, MDX, ENG.
     He died on 20 July 1645 at Bridgwater, SOM, ENG; killed whilst a Royalist solider in the Civil War, when a Parliamentarian force besieged Bridgwater.

John Glanville

Male, ID #2134, b. between 1615 and 1632, d. March 1688
FatherSir John Glanville (c 1589 - 1661)
MotherWinifred Bouchier (b 1595 - 1676)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born between 1615 and 1632.
     He married Catherine Fortescue on 2 February 1652 in ENG.
     He died in March 1688 at WIL, ENG.
     He was buried on 13 March 1687/88 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, John Glanvill Esq was buried March the 13th 1688.

Other information

     The Records of the Anglo Norman House of Glanville claim a son Edward of John and Catherine, born 1660 who married Charity Tinkham. This is a fiction by the author, and DNA testing has established the correct parentage of Charity's husband.


Catherine Fortescue b. b 1632, d. 1684

Margaret Glanville

Female, ID #2135, b. between 1615 and 1617, d. 26 March 1696
FatherSir John Glanville (c 1589 - 1661)
MotherWinifred Bouchier (b 1595 - 1676)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Baskerville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Margaret Glanville was born between 1615 and 1617.
     She was baptized on 4 December 1617 at St Andrew, Holborn, MDX, ENG.
     She married Francis Baskerville on 2 April 1635 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, Mr ffrancis Baskaveile and Miss (or Mrs - other entries did not have a Salutation for the woman marrying)
Margaret Glanvile were Married the 2d of Aprill
Note : Francis being brother to Ann Baskerville who married John Powhele, born 1606, son of Dionysia Glanville.
     She died on 26 March 1696; The Monumental Inscriptions for Winterborn Bassett show Francis Baskerville + Margaret, who died on 28 Mar 1696 aged 79.


Francis Baskerville b. 1615

Mary Glanville

Female, ID #2136, b. 1616
FatherSir John Glanville (c 1589 - 1661)
MotherWinifred Bouchier (b 1595 - 1676)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Edgecumbe.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Glanville was born in 1616 at Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG.
     She was baptized on 21 July 1616 at St Andrew, Holborn, MDX, ENG.
     She married Piers Edgecumbe Esq in 1636 at St Dunstan & All Saints parish church, Stepney, MDX, ENG, (when age calculated as 20 years.)


Piers Edgecumbe Esq b. b 1616, d. 1660

Elizabeth Glanville

Female, ID #2137, b. after 1632, d. August 1707
FatherSir John Glanville (c 1589 - 1661)
MotherWinifred Bouchier (b 1595 - 1676)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Glanville was born after 1632 in ENG.
     She died in August 1707 at Broadhinton, WIL, ENG.
     She was buried on 27 August 1707 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, Elizabeth Glanvill buridd Aug 27
Winnifed Glanvill buried Aug 27.
     Her estate was probated in October 1707.

Other information

     On 25 October 1703 she was named Aunt Elizabeth in the will of Winifred Glanvill.
     Elizabeth Glanville left a will on 15 May 1707 In the Name of God Amen
I Elizabeth Glanvill of the parish of Broadhinton in the
County of Wilts being mindfull of my mortal condition but of
perfect disposing understanding and memory do make this
my last will and testament in manner and form following
ffirst and principally I commend my soul into the hands of
Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer and Sanctifier and
bequeath my body to the earth in hope of a joyfull resurrection
to external life through our Lord Jesus Christ Item I give and
bequeath to my brother Julius Glanvill my silver basin
Item I give and bequeath to my goddaughter Mrs Elizabeth
Chisenhall ffive pounds to be paid with twelve months after
my decease Item I give and devise my mannor and lands
at and of Cleveancy with the appurtances in the County of
Wilts charging the aforesaid mannor and lands with all my
just and proper debts and legacies which I have bequeathed
to my niece Winifred Glanvill the daughter of my brother
Julius Glanvill and to the heires of her body and for want
of such ifsue to her and to her heires and if my above
mentioned niece Winifred Glanvill shall happen to dye
before me then I do hereby substitute her brother John
Glanvill of Lincoln Inn Esq in her room And all that I
have give to her my said niece Winifred Glanville I do give
and bequeath to him in like manner and with the like limitations
of estate or estates in case my above mentioned neice shall
dye before me I appoint him sole executor I do hereby make
constitute and appoint the said Winifred Glanvill daughter
of my said brother Julius Glanvill sole executrix of this my
last will and testament In Witnefs where I have hereunto
sett my hand and seal on the ffifteenth day of May in the year
of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seven
Elizabeth Glanvill. Signed sealed and declared to be the last
will and testament of the testatrix in the presence of us
who have subscribed our names in the presence of the said
testartrix Thomas Pope Blunt Margtt Exiffcock Anne
Gunn Richard Honord.

Frances Gibbs

Female, ID #2138, b. before 1633, d. circa March 1714/15

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Stone. Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Frances Gibbs was born before 1633.
     She married William Glanville, son of Sir John Glanville and Winifred Bouchier, circa 1653 at WIL, ENG.
     She married John Stone in 1681 marriage licence Canterbury dated 17 Oct 1681, her age recorded 40, his 50.
     She died circa March 1714/15 in ENG.
     She was buried on 6 March 1714/15 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, Stone, Frances, (89) Mrs. w John Esq. of Brightwell, Oxon. dau. of Sir Heny
Gibbs, Middx. Wid of William Glanvill.

Other information

     Frances was married 2 times.

Family 1

William Glanville b. bt 1615 - 1632, d. 11 Oct 1680

Family 2

John Stone b. b 1636

John Stone

Male, ID #2139, b. before 1636

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Stone was born before 1636.
     He married Catherine Carleton this being John Stone's first marriage.
     He married Frances Gibbs in 1681 marriage licence Canterbury dated 17 Oct 1681, her age recorded 40, his 50.

Other information

     John was married 2 times.

Family 1

Catherine Carleton b. b 1636

Family 2

Frances Gibbs b. b 1633, d. c Mar 1714/15

Winifred Glanville

Female, ID #2140, b. 21 October 1654
FatherWilliam Glanville (bt 1615 - 1632 - 1680)
MotherFrances Gibbs (b 1633 - c 1714/15)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Bayley. Her married name was Stone.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Winifred Glanville was born on 21 October 1654 at Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG; also reportedly at Brightwell Baldwin, Oxfordshire.
     She was baptized on 26 October 1654 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, Winifrid Glanvill daughter of William Glanvill Efq & ffrances his wife was borne Octbr 21st baptised 26th 1654.
     She married Carleton Stone, son of John Stone and Catherine Carleton, on 12 October 1676 at Brightwell Baldwin, OXF, ENG, (when age calculated as 21 years, 11 months and 21 days) Carlton Stone Armigr hujs paroch & Winifred Glanvile filia Guilielmi Glanvile de Broad Hinon Arm ffomot de Wilts matrimonis Conject Octob 12 1676.
     She married George Bayley on 13 October 1709 (when age calculated as 54 years, 11 months and 22 days.)

Other information

     Winifred was married 3 times.

Family 1

Carleton Stone b. b 1656, d. 1708

Family 2

George Bayley b. b 1689

Francis Glanville

Male, ID #2141, b. 5 December 1655, d. 28 September 1656
FatherWilliam Glanville (bt 1615 - 1632 - 1680)
MotherFrances Gibbs (b 1633 - c 1714/15)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Francis Glanville was born on 5 December 1655 at Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG.
     He was baptized on 27 December 1655 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, ffrancis Glanvill, sonne of William Glanvill Efq & of ffrances his wife was borne the 5th & baptized ye Deceber 27th 1655.
     He died on 28 September 1656 at Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG.
     He was buried on 29 September 1656 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, ffrancis Glanvill, Sonn of Will Glanvill Efqr departed this life ye 28th & was buried 29th.

Catherine Carleton

Female, ID #2142, b. before 1636

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Stone.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Catherine Carleton was born before 1636.
     She married John Stone this being John Stone's first marriage.


John Stone b. b 1636

Carleton Stone

Male, ID #2143, b. before 1656, d. 1708
FatherJohn Stone (b 1636 - )
MotherCatherine Carleton (b 1636 - )

Alternate Names

     He was also known as Carlton.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Carleton Stone was born before 1656.
     He married Winifred Glanville, daughter of William Glanville and Frances Gibbs, on 12 October 1676 at Brightwell Baldwin, OXF, ENG, Carlton Stone Armigr hujs paroch & Winifred Glanvile filia Guilielmi Glanvile de Broad Hinon Arm ffomot de Wilts matrimonis Conject Octob 12 1676.
     He died in 1708.
     He was buried on 23 August 1708 at Baldwin Brightwell, OXF, ENG.


Winifred Glanville b. 21 Oct 1654

George Bayley

Male, ID #2144, b. before 1689

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Bayley was born before 1689.
     He married Winifred Glanville, daughter of William Glanville and Frances Gibbs, on 13 October 1709.


Winifred Glanville b. 21 Oct 1654

Catherine Fortescue

Female, ID #2145, b. before 1632, d. 1684

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Katherine (Surname Unknown). Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Catherine Fortescue was born before 1632; daughter of Sir Edmund Fortescue of Fallipitt Baronet, and Jane Southcote.
     She married John Glanville, son of Sir John Glanville and Winifred Bouchier, on 2 February 1652 in ENG.
     She died in 1684.

Other information

     The Records of the Anglo Norman House of Glanville claim a son Edward of John and Catherine, born 1660 who married Charity Tinkham. This is a fiction by the author, and DNA testing has established the correct parentage of Charity's husband.


John Glanville b. bt 1615 - 1632, d. Mar 1688

John Glanville

Male, ID #2146, b. 1 September 1658, d. 24 August 1715
FatherJohn Glanville (bt 1615 - 1632 - 1688)
MotherCatherine Fortescue (b 1632 - 1684)

Alternate Names

     He was also known as Glunvell recorded at baptism.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born on 1 September 1658 at London, MDX, ENG; other sources located the birth at Broad Hinton.
     He was baptized on 12 September 1658 at St Clement Danes parish church, Westminster, MDX, ENG, John Glunvill son of John Glunvill Esq and Mrs Katherine Glunvill his wife borne on the first day of september baptized september the twellfth
Other sources had wrongly identified the baptism as St Margarets Westminster.
     He married Anne Eyre on 20 July 1698 at St Paul's Cathedral, London, LND, ENG, (when age calculated as 39 years, 10 months and 19 days) Marriage Licence.
Glanville, John of St Margaret Westminster, esq., bachelor 40, and Anne Eyre, of same, spinster, 27, at her own disposal - at St Margaret, Westminster, or ... 20 July 1698.
John Glanville Gent and Anne Eyre both of ye parish of St Margaret Westminster were married ye twentieth day of July 1698.
     He died on 24 August 1715 at Putney, SRY, ENG, (when age calculated as 56.)
     He was buried on 29 August 1715 at St Mary's parish church, Putney, SRY, ENG, John Glanvil Esq Buried from Mr Tumbells.
     His estate was probated on 3 September 1715 Probatum ..... (Latin text granting probate 3 Sep 1715 to his wife Anne.)

Other information

     In 1709 the will of Bridget Turberville named " the use of my Kinsman and near relation John Glanvill of Broad Hinton in the County of Wilts Esq. and his heirs upon the special trusts and to the uses intents and purposes hereinafter expressed...", later the will states that should her Kinsman John Glanvill Esquire die before his legacy, it should be split between her cousin the mother of the said Kinsman and her cousin the wife of the said Kinsman. It further names the Kinsman John Glanvill as her executor.
The will dated 21 Sept Eighth year of Queen Anne (1709) was probated 10 Nov 1709.
     John Glanville left a will on 5 January 1715 In the Name of God Amen
I John Glanville of the parish of Saint Andrews Holbourn
in the County of Middlesex Esq being in good state of health
do make and publish this my last will and testatment in
manner for forme following whereas Bridget Turberville
deceased last will of ffortescue Turberville Esq by her last
Will and Testament bearing date the one and twentieth day
of September in the eighth years of the reigned of her Late
Majesty Queen Anne and in the years of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and nine pursuant to a power to her for that
purpose given did give and devise the Inheritance of the one
full Moyety or halfendeale and one full sixteenth part of
and in all that capitall mefsuage Barton and demensues
called or knowne by the name of Wootton situate lying and
being with the parish of Landrake alias Lavrock in the
County of Cornwall and also one full Moyety or halffondale
and one full sixteenth part of and in all the lands and
tenements commonly called or known by the name or names
of the Bridge Tenements alias the Bridge Lands in Landrake
aforesaid and all other her estate of whatname or kind soever
both real and personall unto and to the use of me the said John
Glanville and my heires upon the trusts and to the uses susintents
purposes in the said Will particularly mentioned
and exprefsed and her further will and meaning was and she
did hereby direct that after her debts and ffunderall expenses
and legacys paid the said estate above devised or any other
estate that she was then vested in or had a power to dispose
of should be to the use of her daughter and the heirs of her
body to be equally divided amongst them. But her intention
was that her said daughter should not be intitled to any part
of her said estate till after her age of one and twenty yeares
but for her education and meaintenance as the income of the
estate will allow with the direction of her executor and her
further will and meaning was that in case her said daughter
dyed befor eher age of one and twenty yeares leaving no
child nor children or in case any child or children so by her
left shoudl dye before their respective ages of one and twenty
yeares then and in such case she gave and devised all her
said estate both real and personall unto and to the use of me
the said John Glnville and my heires for ever and she did
hereby make constitute and appoint me the said John Glanville
executor of her said last will and testament as in and by the
said will relation going thereunto had may more at large
appeared Now I the said John Glanville do hereby give and
devise all and singular the above mentioned premifses and
all my estate right title and interest therein and there together
with the care and tuition of the daughter of the said Bridget
Turberville until my wife Anne Glanville and her heires
for ever in as large and ample manner and forme to all
intents and purposes as the same or any part of partoff
thereof are given or devised to me the said John Glanville
in or by the said last will and testament of the said Bridget
Turberville or otherwise howeover Item I give and bequeath
unto my said Wife Anne Glanville all the securitys that
I have upon the Government and all Mortgages and Bonds
that I have for my security ipon lands andn all other Bonds
and other debts due and owing to me whatsoever at the time
of me decease and also all my estate right title and interest
to the same or any part thereof to the use and behoofe of
her the said Anne Glanville her executors or administrators
to dispose of the same as she or they shall think fitt and I also
give and devise unto the said Anne Glanville all my ready (?)
money plate jewells gold watches and also all my household
goods whatsoever to her the said Anne Glanville to dispose of
the same as she shall think fitt and I do hereby make ordain
constitute and appoint the said Anne Glanville my wife
whole and sole executrix of this my last will and
testament desiring that she will take care to see me decently
interred and lastly I give andn bequeath unto my two servants
(videlirot) John Green and Elizabeth Allen to each of them
in money the sume of ten pounds and I do hereby revoake
annull and make void all former wills by me at any time
heretofore made In witnefs whereof I have to this my last
will and testament containing two sheets of paper set my
hand and seale and published the same as my last will
and testament this fifth day of January in the first yeare
of the Reigne of our Sovereign Lord George by the grace
of God of Great Brittaine ffrance and Ireland King
Defender of the faith &c anno domini 1714 / Jo:
Glanville / Signed sealed published and declared by the
within named John Glanville to be his last will and
testament in the presence of us who have hereunto putt
our names as witnefses in the presence of the said testator
Richard Holberley Jane Bevy John Mevy.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 1709, John Glanville lived at Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG.


Anne Eyre b. bt 1670 - 1671, d. 1724

Anne Eyre

Female, ID #2147, b. between 1670 and 1671, d. 1724

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Anne Eyre was born between 1670 and 1671.
     She married John Glanville, son of John Glanville and Catherine Fortescue, on 20 July 1698 at St Paul's Cathedral, London, LND, ENG, Marriage Licence.
Glanville, John of St Margaret Westminster, esq., bachelor 40, and Anne Eyre, of same, spinster, 27, at her own disposal - at St Margaret, Westminster, or ... 20 July 1698.
John Glanville Gent and Anne Eyre both of ye parish of St Margaret Westminster were married ye twentieth day of July 1698.
     She died in 1724 at London, MDX, ENG.
     Her estate was probated on 2 April 1724 Probatum ....... (latin text granting probate 2 Apr 1724 to Edward ffisher, named executor.)

Other information

     Anne Eyre left a will on 2 March 1723 In the name of God Amen
I Anna Glanville of Devonshire Street in the parish of Saint
Andrew Holbourn in Middlesex widow do make this my last will
Vizt) I give and devise all my estate both real and personal of
what kind or nature soever the same to unto my very good friend
Mr Edward Fisher a Mercer in round Court Strand and to his
heirs executors and administrator to the end he may with all
convienent speed get in and convert the same into ready money
and thereout pay and retain to himself all such costs charged and
expenses as he shall in any way be put unto or suffer for or by reason
of this my will or the trust hereby lodged in him and then to pay
himself and all other my honest creditors their just debts and after
payment of my debts I give to my two servants Elizabeth Abetheref and
Elizabeth Watson ten pounds apiece to the said Mr Fisher and his
daughter Barbara twenty pounds apiece to my nephew William
Merry twenty pounds to my niece Anna Maria Merry thirty pounds
to my niece Alice Merry ten pounds to my sister Eliza: Lane thirty pounds
to Mrs Ann Swallow twenty pounds to Daniel Eyre to his wife Mary and
her sister Eliz: twenty pounds apiece and I will that my executor burys
me in a private manner where my husband lyes at Putney all the rest
and residue of my estate and effects after payment of my debts legacies
and diffnneralls (?) I give to the said Mr Fisher and I make him sole executor
of this my will and I hereby revoke all former and other wills by me
at any time made and I declare this to be my last will in testimoney
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of
March anno domini 1723 Ann Glanville Signed sealed published
and declared by the testatrix in our presence and then witnessed in
her presence by us Sarah Tranter
Anne Johnson Thos: Dangham.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 2 March 1723, Anne Eyre lived at Devonshire Street, Holborn, MDX, ENG.


John Glanville b. 1 Sep 1658, d. 24 Aug 1715

Edward Glanville

Male, ID #2148, b. before 1660

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Edward Glanville was born before 1660.
     He married Katherine Eastlake on 4 August 1680 at St Andrew, Plymouth, DEV, ENG, Edward Glanvill and Katherin Eastlake.

Other information

     In 1712 Edward was involved in a lawsuit, described as a husbandman, but indications are he was a carrier.


Katherine Eastlake b. b 1660

Charity Tinkham

Female, ID #2149, b. before 1683, d. circa September 1745

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Charity Tinkham was born before 1683; The Records of the Anglo-Norman House of Glanville.... claim Charity was the child of J. Tinkham and Katherine Ilbert, but as Katherine was not born until 1675 that is incorrect.
A Charity Tinkham was baptised in Ashburton in 1682, daughter of Richard and is a more plausible candidate.

     She married Edward Glanville, son of Nicholas Glanville and Suzannah Burgyn, on 24 August 1703 at St Andrews Parish Church, Ashburton, DEV, ENG, August
Edward Glanvill and Charity Tinkham were married ye 24.
The month names preceed the marriage records, but "October" written immediately adjacent to their marriage has mislead other transcribers to believe it was an October marriage.
     She died circa September 1745 at Ashburton, DEV, ENG.
     She was buried on 5 September 1745 at St Andrews Parish Church, Ashburton, DEV, ENG, Charity Glanvill Buried y 5th.


Edward Glanville b. b 6 Jul 1668, d. Jul 1726

Richard Glanville

Male, ID #2150, b. 10 January 1704
FatherEdward Glanville (b 1668 - 1726)
MotherCharity Tinkham (b 1683 - c 1745)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 10 January 1704 at St Andrews Parish Church, Ashburton, DEV, ENG, January 1703/4
Richard the Son of Edward Glanvill Bapt: 10
Some sources record 1 Jan 1703 but the registers do not contain such an entry. Richard Glanville was born before 10 January 1704 at Ashburton, DEV, ENG; other sources quote 10 Jun 1704.
     He married Elizabeth St. Hill on 31 August 1722 at St Andrews Parish Church, Ashburton, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 18 years, 7 months and 21 days) Richart Glanvill and Elizabeth Sainthill were Married 31.


Elizabeth St. Hill b. b 1702

Joan Glanville

Female, ID #2151, b. 8 March 1707
FatherEdward Glanville (b 1668 - 1726)
MotherCharity Tinkham (b 1683 - c 1745)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 8 March 1707 at St Andrews Parish Church, Ashburton, DEV, ENG, Joan the daughter of Edward Glanvill Baptiz : 8. Joan Glanville was born before 8 March 1707 at Ashburton, DEV, ENG.



John Glanville

Male, ID #2152, b. 17 December 1710, d. January 1712
FatherEdward Glanville (b 1668 - 1726)
MotherCharity Tinkham (b 1683 - c 1745)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 17 December 1710 at St Andrews Parish Church, Ashburton, DEV, ENG, John the son of Edward Glanvill Baptiz 17. John Glanville was born before 17 December 1710 at Ashburton, DEV, ENG.
     He died in January 1712 at Ashburton, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 1.)
     He was buried on 13 January 1712 at St Andrews Parish Church, Ashburton, DEV, ENG, John son of Edward Glanvill buried Affid: made ye 14th by Mary Tinkham.

Elizabeth Glanville

Female, ID #2153, b. 9 May 1714
FatherEdward Glanville (b 1668 - 1726)
MotherCharity Tinkham (b 1683 - c 1745)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 9 May 1714 at St Andrews Parish Church, Ashburton, DEV, ENG, Elizabeth the daughter of Edward Glanvill Baptiz: 9. Elizabeth Glanville was born before 9 May 1714 at Ashburton, DEV, ENG.

Winifred Glanville

Female, ID #2154, b. 14 November 1654
FatherJohn Glanville (bt 1615 - 1632 - 1688)
MotherCatherine Fortescue (b 1632 - 1684)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Lowe.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Winifred Glanville was born on 14 November 1654 at Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG; other sources quote 21 October.
     She was baptized on 5 December 1654 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, Winifred Glanvill daughter of John Glanvill Efq & Kathorin his wife was borne ye 14th day of November Baptized the 5th of December.
     She married John Lowe on 25 April 1677 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, (when age calculated as 22 years, 5 months and 11 days) Mr John Low & Mrs Winifred Glanville were married April 25. Winifred Glanville and John Lowe obtained a marriage license on 12 April 1677 at London, MDX, ENG; John of Grays Inn, Winifride of Broad Hinton.
Kent: Canterbury - Marriage Licence allegations, Dean of Westminster, 1558-1699 and Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660 to 1679
Marriage Allegations in the Registry of the Vicar=General of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
County: Kent
12 Apr 1677 John Lowe, of Gray's Inn, Gent., Bachr, abt 26, & Winnifride Glanvile, of Broad Hinton, Wilts, Spr, abt 22; her father's consent; at Broad Hinton afsd.

Other information

     At All Saints, Segenhoe, BDF, ENG, found on a gravestone:-
Hic facet
in fparem beata refurection
Winifreda Lowe
Johannis Glanville d
filia unixa
johannis lowe d grays inn com middx

qua filum primo suxa pua pe...,

xvi de May
anno bumanit sahitis richaurd


John Lowe b. bt 1650 - 1651

John Lowe

Male, ID #2155, b. between 1650 and 1651

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Lowe was born between 1650 and 1651.
     He married Winifred Glanville, daughter of John Glanville and Catherine Fortescue, on 25 April 1677 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, Mr John Low & Mrs Winifred Glanville were married April 25. John Lowe and Winifred Glanville obtained a marriage license on 12 April 1677 at London, MDX, ENG; John of Grays Inn, Winifride of Broad Hinton.
Kent: Canterbury - Marriage Licence allegations, Dean of Westminster, 1558-1699 and Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660 to 1679
Marriage Allegations in the Registry of the Vicar=General of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
County: Kent
12 Apr 1677 John Lowe, of Gray's Inn, Gent., Bachr, abt 26, & Winnifride Glanvile, of Broad Hinton, Wilts, Spr, abt 22; her father's consent; at Broad Hinton afsd.

Other information

     At All Saints, Segenhoe, BDF, ENG, found on a gravestone:-
Hic facet
in fparem beata refurection
Winifreda Lowe
Johannis Glanville d
filia unixa
johannis lowe d grays inn com middx

qua filum primo suxa pua pe...,

xvi de May
anno bumanit sahitis richaurd


Winifred Glanville b. 14 Nov 1654

Francis Baskerville

Male, ID #2156, b. 1615

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Francis Baskerville was born in 1615.
     He married Margaret Glanville, daughter of Sir John Glanville and Winifred Bouchier, on 2 April 1635 at the Parish Church, Broad Hinton, WIL, ENG, (when age calculated as 20 years) Mr ffrancis Baskaveile and Miss (or Mrs - other entries did not have a Salutation for the woman marrying)
Margaret Glanvile were Married the 2d of Aprill
Note : Francis being brother to Ann Baskerville who married John Powhele, born 1606, son of Dionysia Glanville.


Margaret Glanville b. bt 1615 - 1617, d. 26 Mar 1696

Piers Edgecumbe Esq

Male, ID #2157, b. before 1616, d. 1660

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Piers Edgecumbe Esq was born before 1616.
     He married Mary Glanville, daughter of Sir John Glanville and Winifred Bouchier, in 1636 at St Dunstan & All Saints parish church, Stepney, MDX, ENG.
     He died in 1660; also reported 6 Jan 1666.
     He was buried on 17 January 1666 at Calstock, CON, ENG.


Mary Glanville b. 1616

Sir Richard Edgecumbe

Male, ID #2158, b. 1639, d. 1688
FatherPiers Edgecumbe Esq (b 1616 - 1660)
MotherMary Glanville (1616 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Sir Richard Edgecumbe was born in 1639.
     He was baptized on 13 February 1640.
     He married Lady Ann Montague on 5 January 1670 at Huntingdon, HUN, ENG, (when age calculated as 31 years) parents named Piers Edgcumbe and Mary Glanville, Edward Montagu and Jemina Crew.
     He died in 1688.
     He was buried on 3 April 1688 at Maker, CON, ENG.

Lady Ann Montague

Female, ID #2159

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Edgecumbe.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She married Sir Richard Edgecumbe, son of Piers Edgecumbe Esq and Mary Glanville, on 5 January 1670 at Huntingdon, HUN, ENG, parents named Piers Edgcumbe and Mary Glanville, Edward Montagu and Jemina Crew.


Sir Richard Edgecumbe b. 1639, d. 1688

Francis Edgecumbe

Male, ID #2160, b. after 1636, d. 1668
FatherPiers Edgecumbe Esq (b 1616 - 1660)
MotherMary Glanville (1616 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Francis Edgecumbe was born after 1636.
     He died in 1668; childless, killed in a duel.

Other information

     In 1654 he was named in the will of his uncle Richard Edgcumbe.