Ann Husbands

Female, ID #4051, b. 1697, d. May 1767

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ann Husbands was born in 1697 at Little Horkesley, ESS, ENG.
     She married Richard Gideon Glanville, son of Richard Glanville and Sarah Gideon, in 1730 at St Margaret, Ipswich, SFK, ENG, (when age calculated as 33 years) transcribed Anne Husbands and Richard Glanvile.
     She died in May 1767 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG.
     She was buried on 28 May 1767 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG, named wife of Richard Gideon, Esquire.


Richard Gideon Glanville b. 1694, d. c Aug 1767

Richard Gideon Glanville

Male, ID #4052, b. 1694, d. circa August 1767
FatherRichard Glanville (bt 1662 - 1664 - 1726)
MotherSarah Gideon (b 1674 - 1734)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Richard Gideon Glanville was born illegitimate in 1694 in ENG.
     He married Ann Husbands in 1730 at St Margaret, Ipswich, SFK, ENG, (when age calculated as 36 years) transcribed Anne Husbands and Richard Glanvile.
     He died circa August 1767 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG.
     He was buried on 4 August 1767 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG, named Esquire.
     His estate was probated on 16 March 1768 This will was proved at London the sixteenth
day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and sixty eight before the Worshipful George
Harris Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful
George Pay Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or commifsary
of the prerogative court of Canterbury lawfully constituted
by the oath of Sarah Alderson formerly Glanvill (wife
of John Alderson Esq) the Daughter of the deceased and
surviving executrix named in the said Will Corioham (?)
Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods
Chattels and credits of the said deceased having been
first sworn duly to administer.

Other information

     Before 1758 He was named in the Will of James Husbands, transcribed:
I James Husbands of Little Horkesley in the County of Essex, Doctor of Laws being of sound mind, memory and understanding do make this my Last Will & Testament in manner and form following: that is to say ffirst and principally I commend my soul into the hands of AG my creator hoping for salvation through the xxxx merits of JC our beloved sav. & redeemer.
And my body I desire may be interred in the Parish Church of Little Horkesley aforesaid in a decent but private manner and with as little expense as may be
And as to my Worldly Estates, I dispose of thereof as followeth: to wit, I give bequeath & devise unto my beloved wife Mary Husbands for her life one annuity or yearly rent of one hundred pounds of LMOGB chargeable upon and to be yearly issuing or going out of all and singular my manors, messuages, lands, tenements, heredits and Real Estate in LH aforesaid Witham, Wickham Bishops and Great Horkesley in the said County of Essex to be paid and payable unto her my said wife Mary and her assigns yearly and every year during her natural life by four equal quarterly payments (that is to say) Christmas Day, Lady Day, Midsummer’s Day and Michaelmas Day in every Year, by even and equal portions the first payment thereof to begin and be made on the first of those days which shall next happen after my decease and all the said payments to be made without any deduction or abatement for xx in respect of any Taxes Assessments Payments or other Charges whatsoever one or payable for or charged or imposed upon the said Manors, Mess. Lands, Tene and heredits for any of them or any part thereof or for or upon the said Annuity Rent Charge or yearly sum of one thousand pounds or any part thereof by act of Parliament or otherwise however.
And my mind and will is and I do hereby order authorize and appoint that whensoever and so often as the said Annuity or Yearly rent or Sum of One hundred pounds or any part thereof shall happen to be behind, unpaid or in arrears by the space of forty days next after any of the said ffeasts or days of payment on which the same ought to be paid as aforesaid, that she my said wife Mary or her assigns shall and may from thenceforth and so often as the same shall happen from time to time and at all times thereafter , enter into or upon the said manors, mess., lands, tenem, heredits and premises every or any part or parcel thereof and distrew for the same
And the distress or distresses then and there found - to lead, drive chase or carry away and impound to detain or keep or to sell and dispose of the same until such time or times as she or they be fully paid and satisfied the said Annuity or Yearly Rent Charge of one hundred pounds with the arrearages thereof together with all costs and charges sustained by any such default of payment.
Also I give & bequeath all that my manor or lordship of Little Horkesley in the said County of Essex with all the rights, members and appurts thereof together with the Rectory or Parsonage of the Parish of Little Horkesley aforesaid and all that the advowson donation presentation and free disposition of the Rectory or Parsonage of the said Parish and all and singular the tithes and appurts to the said Rectory belonging or in any wise appertaining And also all that my messuages or tenements with the lands and appurts thereto belonging situate and being in Witham and Wickham Bishops in the said County of Essex as the same now is in the tenure or occupation of William Ardleigh his assignee or assigns
And also all other my Manors, Messuages, Lands, tenements, heredits and Real Estate whatsoever in Little Horkesley, Witham and Wickham Bishops aforesaid and Great Horkesley in the said County of Essex and in any other parish or parishes thereunto near or adjoining by what name or names soever the same is called or known subject to and chargeable with the said Annuity
And also as hereafter mentioned unto Richard Gideon Glanville of Elmsett in the C of Suffolk, Gentleman and Azariah Savil of Colchester in the said County of Essex, Merchant (my executors hereinafter named) and to the survivor of them and the heirs of such survivor until my nephew James Glanville, Son of the said Richard Gideon Glanville shall either attain his age of twenty one years or depart this l.ife which shall first and next happen after my decease, upon this Special Trust and xxxxxx nevertheless that they, the said Richard Gideon Glanville and Azariah Savil or the survivor etc….. shall receive, expend, employ and pay the clear yearly and other rents, issues and profits thereof (after a deduction thereout of the annuity aforesaid and their reasonable charges and expenses for repairs, xxxm xxx and other outgoings chargeable out the same by this Will) in and towards the maintenance and education and for the use and benefit of him the said James Glanville during the time aforesaid and as soon as my nephew James Glanville shall have accomplished his age of twenty one years then I give and devise all and singular the same manors, mess., rectorys, advowsons, tithes , lands, tenen. Heredits and estates chargeable as aforesaid and as herein after as mentioned, unto my said nephew James Glanville and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life (he or they keeping the said premises in good and tenantable repair) and immediately from and after the determination of that estate I give and devise the same manors, mess., rectorys, advowsons, tythes, lands tenements, heredits and estate unto the said Richard Gideon Glanville and Azariah Savil and their heirs for and during the life of the said James Glanville. in trust only to preserve the contingent remainder hereinafter limited from being defeated or destroyed but to permit and suffer the said James Glanville to receive the rents and profits of the same premises to his own use during his natural life
And from and after the decease of the said James Glanville, I give and devise the same premises to the first son of the body of the said James Glanville lawfully to be begotten and to the heirs male of such first son etc etc
then at end of that page….,unto Ann Gideon Glanvil the daughter of my sister Ann Glanvill and her assigns for and during the term of her Natural life (she or they keeping the said premises in good and tenantable repair) and from and after the determination of that estate I give and devise the ……RGG and AZ etc etc
Then Sarah Gideon Glanville ……………same circcs
Then Ann Savil the eldest daughter of my sister Sarah Savil…etc……………same circs
during the life of the said Ann Savil, in trust only to preserve the cont[ingent remainders etc etc ..after decease of Ann Savil then to first son of the body of Azariah Savil etc etc.
then unto Sarah Savil another of the daughters of my said sister Sarah Savil …..her sons 1 – 6 etc
and in default of such issue [from Sarah] I give and devise the same premises unto my outright? Heirs forever upon condition that the said James Glanville and the respective person or persons to whom the said premises shall descend and come to and shall pay and discharge the Annuity aforesaid and other outgoings chargeable on the same according to the true intent and meaning of this my Will.
I also give and devise and bequeath unto my niece the aforesaid Ann Gideon Glanville all and singular my freehold and leasehold customary and copyhold messuages, lands, tenements and heredits. with the appurts thereto belonging situate and lying and being in Brirott [<=hard to decipher] and Offton in the county of Suffolk or in any other parish or parishes thereunto near or adjoining as the same now are in the tenure or occupation of William Underwood his undertenants or assigns to hold all the same with the appurts unto the said Ann Gideon Glanville her heirs and assigns forever.
Also I give and bequeath unto my said beloved wife Mary the sum of ffive hundred pounds of LM OGB to be paid her within six months next after my decease
And also half a year’s rent or income of my whole real estate after a deduction thereout for taxes and other incident charges to be paid her within six months next after my death
And I do also give her the sue of all and singular my gods, household ffurniture, plate, household linen, woollens, and implements of household and also of all my coaches, horses and other my goods and chattel (my books and manuscripts excepted) belonging to or used at in or upon my dwelling house called Little Horkesley Hall and the yards, gardens, stables and outhouses thereto belonging or which shall belong thereto or be in use there at the time of my decease for and during the space of six calendar months next after my decease.
And after the expiration of such six calendar months I give & bequeath all the same goods, ffurniture, plate, linen, coaches, horses, goods and chattels to my nephew James Glanville.
Also I give and bequeath unto my said nephew James Glanville all my books and manuscripts at Little Horkesley afsaid except such books as are (or shall be) usually kept in the bookshelves standing in the vestry of the Parish Church of Little Horkesley aforesaid which I desire may always be kept and remain there for the use of the Curate of the said Parish for the time being
And I do hereby Will, order and direct that my said wife Mary may and shall (if she thinks proper) have the liberty of using for her residence and habitation all that my mansion house called LHH afsaid with the yards, gardens, coachhouses, stables and outhouses thereto belonging during the space of six calendar months from the time of my decease without making any allowance for the same anything before in this my Will to the contrary notwithstanding, provided always and I do hereby Will , order, direct and appoint that such person and persons unto whom such part of my said estate herein before devised as is situate, lying and being in Little Horkesley afsaid shall hereafter come
And descend under or by virtue of this my Will shall from time to time and at all times forever hereafter provide an able and sufficient Curate to supply the Cure of the Church of LH afsaid and shall pay and allow such Curate for the time being not less than the yearly sum of fforty pounds as a stipend for officiating and performing the dutys of his ffunction as a Curate afsaid, which said stipend of fforty pounds a year I Will shall be issuing and payable out of the Tithes arising within the said Parish of LH (being parcel of the premises as hereinbefore devised) and I do hereby expressly charge such tithes and the issues and profits thereof with the one payment of the same
And I give and bequeath Unto the daughter of the late Mrs Andrews of London three shillings a week, to be paid weekly and every week, clear of all deductions whatsoever during her natural life out of my messuages, lands, tenements and heredits lying and being in Witham and Wickham Bishops afsaid which I do hereby charge with the payment of the same – the first payment whereof I direct shall be made a t the end of the first week next after my decease
I also give and bequeath unto my said nieces Ann Savil and Sarah Savil, ffive hundred pounds apiece of LMOGB to be paid them at their respective attainments of the age of twenty one years with what Interest can be made of the same
Also I give and bequeath unto my said niece Sarah Gideon Glanville daughter of my sister Glanville the sum of seven hundred pounds of LMOGB to be paid he with what Interest can be made of the same at her attainment of the age of twenty one years
Also I give unto my brother in law Samuel Savil of Colchester Esquire twenty pounds; to my cousin Thomas Savil of London twenty pounds and to the afsaid Azariah Savil ffifty pounds of LMOGB which said legacies so given to the said Samuel Savil, Thomas Savil and Azariah Savil I direct to be paid to them six months after my decease
Also I Give & Bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds to the Masters and Ffellows of Gonville and Caius colleges in Cambridge to be paid within two years next after my decease and it be applied for the use and benefit of the said college as the Masters and Ffellows of the said College for the time being shall direct or appoint
Also I Give & Bequeath to each of my servants who shall be living with me at the time of my death three guineas apiece to be paid them within twenty eight days after my decease
Also I Give & Bequeath to the poor people of the said parish of Little Horkesley the sum of five pounds
And to the poor people of the parish of Ffordham the like sum of five pounds to be distributed amongst such of them and I such proportions as my exes shall think proper so soon after my decease as conveniently may be
And as to all the rest residue and remainder of my mess, lands and tenem, goods, and chattels and of all other my Real and Personal estate (not hereinbefore otherwise disposed of) after my debts, legacies, ffuneral expenses, charge of the Probate of this my Will and other incident charges are paid and satisfied, I give, devise and bequeath the same unto my nephew the afsaid James Glanville his heirs execs, admons and assigns
And I do hereby make, nominate, constitute and appoint the afsaid Richard Gideon Glanville and Azariah Savil execs of this my Last Will & Testament and hereby revoking all former and other Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore made I publish and declare this to be my Last Will & Testament, in witness whereof I have to this my Last Will & Testament contained in six sheets of paper set my hands and seal to each sheet and my seal to the label by which they are affixed together this nineteenth day of July in the twenty second year of the reign of our Sov Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith and in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and forty eight.
JH etc…standard attestation clause …..Witnesses William Tatham H Brunwin Sam Alston Jnr.
Proved 20th March 1749 by Richard Gideon Glanville

And on top margin of the last page is: On the fourth day of July 1777 Admon with the Will annexed of the goods, chattels and credits of James Husbands late of Little Horkesley in the County of Essex, Doctor of Laws deceased left unadm. by Richard Gideon Glanville deceased whilst living, the surviving executors named in the Will now also deceased, was granted to Sarah Alderson formerly Glanville, (wife of John Alderson Esq) the daughter and surviving executrix of the Will of the said Richard Gideon Glanville deceased, having been first sworn by xxxxx duly to administer – Azariah Savil the other executor named in the said Will dying before he had taken upon him the Execution thereof
And down the side margin: On the second day of May 1778 Admon with the Will annexed of the goods, chattels and credits of James Husbands late of Little Horkesley in the County of Essex, Doctor of Laws deceased left unadministered by Richard Gideon Glanville deceased whilst living, the surviving executor of the said Will as by Sarah Alderson formerly Glanville, (wife of John Alderson Esq) deceased, whilst living the daughter and surviving executrix of the Will of the said Richard Gideon Glanville now also respectively deceased, was granted to the said John Alderson, the sole executor of the Will of the said Sarah Alderson formerly Glanville deceased, having been first sworn duly to administer; Azariah Savil the other Executor dying before he had taken upon him the execution thereof.

     Richard Gideon Glanville left a will on 5 October 1765 In the Name of God Amen
I Richard Gideon Glanvill of Elmsett in the County of
Suffolk being of sound mind memory and a
understanding thanks be to almighty God do make
this my last will and testament first and principally I
commend my Soul to ye Mercies of almighty God my
Creator hoping for Salvation through the atonements
of Jesus Christ our blefsed Saviour and Redeemer
and my body when and wheresoever it shall please
God it shall die there to be interred and with the least
trouble charge or expense that may be so it being such
my most earnest request and desire and for which and
I do hereby order and direct to have duly a common
plain woollen shroud and single coffin of wood without
any ornaments of covering or vimion brafses or the
like except four or six plain handles for convenience
of carriage and putting me in my grave the place
where such grave may be is intirely indifferent to
me to which place I desire to be carried being
carry by six or eight poor men (without the ceremony
of poll or upper bearers) being provinated and
approved off by my most truly affectionout and justly
beloved dear wife Ann Glanvill or my mt sincere affectionate
and respectful Daughter Sarah Glanvill I give to each
of the abovesaid who carried me to my
grave a hatband of black crape and pair of black
glove to the Minister or curate who read the burial
service a hatband of black silk and pair of black
gloves to the carpenter who makes the coffin a
hatband of black crape and pair of black gloves to
the clerk or sexton where I am buried a hatband
of black crape and pair of balck glove and whereas
my dear Daughter Ann Gideon Blair (late ann
Gideon Glanvill) is so plentifully provided for the
will of her mt affectionate uncle the Revd James
jo*sbounds of S L D late of Little Soerksley in Efsex
deceased ye she my said Daughter Ann Gideon does
not stand in any need of addition to her ffortune out
of my Substance she the said Ann Gideon (my Daughter)
having been long before her marriage to William
Blair M.D. in pofsefsion of an Real Esate in ffree
and directed by her husbands uncle's will and aslo in
pofsefsion of many other very considerable estate
as in and by the said Will and directed (on the death
of my son qvxt James Glanvill one of the provisions in
the said Will and Brother to the said Ann Giddeon
my Daughter all which does sufficiently justify me
in doing all in my power to Ann Glanvill my dear
deserving and most affectionate wife and Sarah
Glanville my respectful Daughter therefore I do
humbly *** give and direct to my dear wife
Ann Glanvill all that my advowfon donation and
free disposition with my full might of patronage
of the Rectory and parish church of Somersham in
Suffolk together with all and singular the several
Right and properties thereof or thereto belongeth
and also I give and devise to Ann my dear Wife
all my several Manors or Lorships of Elmsett
often otherise ofton castle and Somersham in the
said County together with their server Rights of
courts leets and court Barons of what kind or Nature
several together with their ffines and quilt Rents
which now are or may become one and also I
Give to my said dear wife all that my Mefsusage
land malting office with all and singular the
appurtenances thereto belongeth lying and being
in Somersham in the said county and also I give
to my said dear wife all that my Mefsuage or
ffarm lying and being in Elmsett in the said county
Ruvion (?) by the name of pattens part in my own
occupation and part by Joseph Balls the elder with
the appurtenances containing twenty acres more
or less and I also give to Ann My dear wife all
other my real and personal Estate of what kind
and nature soever or wheresoever which I hold
livere (?) or may hereafter have any Right property
claim or demand in common land or equity all which
said Real and personal estate I give and grant to
Ann my sincere and most affectionate wife for the
term of her life in full trust and in conjunction with
Sarah Glanvill my respectul Daughter for the full
performance of this my Will first I do order and direct
that they pay all my just debts out of my aforesaid
Real and personal estates which may or shall be
due and owing from me at the time of my decease
I also give and devise to Ann my dear wife all
and every part remaining over and above paying
my just debts for her full use and benefit out of my
real and personal estates aforesaid (over and
above what she is entitled to by a marriage settlement
I made to her before marriage) and forever
performance of which I do oder and direct that Ann
my dear wife and Sarah my respectful Daughter
shall in confirmation with each other and performance
of my full reposed in them sell or otherwise
dispose of so much of any or all my personal or real
estates not only for their further support and maintenance
of Ann my dear wife but also for their and each of
their defence in common land or equities against
every encroachment that may happen on their just
Rights as they may or shall be directe by counsell
learned in the Law under his or their hands for their
safe support and defence I do hereby give in full
trust and confidence to my said Daughter Sarah
all the remains of my said Real and personal estate
whatsoever and wheresoever undispofed off for
the discharge of such just debts as may happen to
be contrracted by ann my dear wife in her life and
Also for discharging all the surident (?) charges that
may attend the most decent ffuneral charges of Ann
my dear wife and immediately from and after the
decease of my sincere and affectionate dear wife
and to enable my said respectful Daughter Sarah
to fulfill my desire in the said Trust I do hereby give
and devise to my said Daughter Sarah all and every
part of my said Real and personal estates whatsoever
or wheresover undisposed of my said Ann wife to
Sarah my respectfull daughter and to her heirs and
afsigns for ever and Lastly I do hereby constitute
nominate and appoint my dear wife Ann Glanvill and
Sarah Glanvill my Daughter my Executrixes to this
my last will and testament all written ***
hand contaiing three sheets of papoer so to each I
have hereunto set my hand and seal and do hereby
revoke and disai all former and other wills by me
at any time hereuntofore made in Witnefs hereof I
do hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty fifth
day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and sixty five. Rich. G. Glanvill signed sealed
published and declared by the said Testator Richard
Gideon Glanvill to be his last will and Testastment in
the presence of us who in his presence and at his
request do subscribe our hands as witnefses to the same
Joseph Balls . Joseph Green. John Crooks.


Ann Husbands b. 1697, d. May 1767

Edward Husband Glanville

Male, ID #4053, b. April 1733, d. October 1733
FatherRichard Gideon Glanville (1694 - c 1767)
MotherAnn Husbands (1697 - 1767)

Alternate Names

     He was also known as Edmund Husband named at burial.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Edward Husband Glanville was born in April 1733 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG.
     He was baptized on 1 May 1733 at St Peter, Elmsett, SFK, ENG, parents named Richd G Glanvill and Ann.
     He died in October 1733 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG.
     He was buried on 25 October 1733 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG, recorded age 0.

Mary Glanville

Female, ID #4054, b. before 10 March 1734, d. before 1765
FatherRichard Gideon Glanville (1694 - c 1767)
MotherAnn Husbands (1697 - 1767)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Glanville was born before 10 March 1734 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG.
     She was baptized on 10 March 1734 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG, parents named Richd G Glanvill and Ann.
     She died before 1765; presumed, from absence of mention in her father's will.

Sarah Glanville

Female, ID #4055, b. February 1735, d. between 1777 and 1778
FatherRichard Gideon Glanville (1694 - c 1767)
MotherAnn Husbands (1697 - 1767)

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Sarah Gideon. Her married name was Alderson.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Sarah Glanville was born in February 1735 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG.
     She was baptized on 28 February 1735 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG, recorded as 29 Feb 1735, parents named Richard and Ann Glanvill.
     She married John Alderson on 13 February 1766 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG, (when age calculated as 31 years) John Alderson widowe of St Andrews Cambridge, Sarah Glanvill.
     She died between 1777 and 1778; see Will of James Husbands, transcribed naming Richard Gideon Glanville.


John Alderson b. b 1740

James Glanville

Male, ID #4056, b. 18 August 1737, d. circa April 1762
FatherRichard Gideon Glanville (1694 - c 1767)
MotherAnn Husbands (1697 - 1767)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     James Glanville was born on 18 August 1737 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG; also given as date and place of christening.
     He was baptized on 18 August 1737 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG, parents named Richard G Glanvill and Ann.
     He died circa April 1762 at Little Horkesley, ESS, ENG.
     He was buried on 5 April 1762 at Little Horkesley, ESS, ENG, named son of Richard G Glanville and Ann.

John Alderson

Male, ID #4057, b. before 1740

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Alderson was born before 1740.
     He married Sarah Glanville, daughter of Richard Gideon Glanville and Ann Husbands, on 13 February 1766 at Elmsett, SFK, ENG, John Alderson widowe of St Andrews Cambridge, Sarah Glanvill.


Sarah Glanville b. Feb 1735, d. bt 1777 - 1778

John Holms

Male, ID #4058, b. before 1746

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Holms was born before 1746.
     He married Martha Glanville on 1 January 1766 at Owston, LIN, ENG.


Martha Glanville b. b 1746

Martha Glanville

Female, ID #4059, b. before 1746

Alternate Names

     As of 1 January 1766,her married name was Holms.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Martha Glanville was born before 1746.
     She married John Holms on 1 January 1766 at Owston, LIN, ENG.


John Holms b. b 1746

Sara E. Glanville

Female, ID #4060, b. 1862, d. 6 July 1935
FatherOliver Glanville (1832 - 1898)
MotherElizabeth Curry Ralph (1838 - 1911)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Sara E. Glanville was born in 1862 at MI, USA.
     She died on 6 July 1935.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Sara E. Glanville appeared on the census of 1880 at Jefferson, Morris Co., MI, USA; recorded age 18, living with her parents.

Sarah Jane Austin

Female, ID #4061, b. between 1874 and 1875, d. 1919

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Sarah Jane Austin was born between 1874 and 1875.
     She married William Tremaine Glanville, son of William Tremaine Glanville and Sarah Old, on 3 June 1903 at Chase Co., KS, USA.
     She died in 1919 in the USA.
     She was buried in 1919 at Prairie Grove Cemetery, Chase Co., KS, USA.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Sarah Jane Austin and William Tremaine Glanville appeared on the census of 1910 at Falls, Chase Co., KS, USA; his age recorded 43, hers 35.


William Tremaine Glanville b. 27 Dec 1866, d. 1947

Florence L. Roberts

Female, ID #4062, b. 27 April 1879, d. 14 June 1932

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Florence L. Roberts was born on 27 April 1879 at Tressara, CON, ENG.
     She died on 14 June 1932 at Marion, KS, USA, (when age calculated as 53.)
     She was buried in 1932 at Prairie Grove Cemetery, Cottonwood Falls, Chase Co., TX, USA.


John Bennett Glanville b. 24 May 1879, d. 1969

Zoe A. Channel

Female, ID #4063, b. 24 August 1882, d. May 1970

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Zoe A. Channel was born on 24 August 1882 at KS, USA.
     She married John Bennett Glanville, son of William Tremaine Glanville and Sarah Old, on 29 March 1939 at the USA (when age calculated as 56 years, 7 months and 5 days.)
     She died in May 1970 at Cottonwood Falls, KS, USA, (when age calculated as 87.)

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Zoe A. Channel and John Bennett Glanville appeared on the census of 1940 at Toledo Township, Chase Co., KS, USA; his age recorded 60, hers 58.
  • Zoe A. Channel and John Bennett Glanville appeared on the census of 1950 at Toledo, Chase Co., KS, USA; his age recorded 70, hers 67.


John Bennett Glanville b. 24 May 1879, d. 1969

Louisa Glanville

Female, ID #4064, b. 23 July 1837, d. 16 March 1922
FatherThomas Glanville (bt 1795 - 1796 - 1865)
MotherMary Warren (bt 1794 - 1795 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Grisbrook. Her married name was Wyatt.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Louisa Glanville was born on 23 July 1837 at St Peter Port, GSY.
     She was baptized on 26 August 1837 at The Town Church, St Peter Port, GSY, godparents Thomas Glanville, Mary Warren and Mary Glanville.
     She married Henry Bush Grisbrook on 21 August 1859 at NZ (when age calculated as 22 years and 29 days.)
     She married Henry Wyatt on 17 October 1895 at NZ (when age calculated as 58 years, 2 months and 24 days) Henry being the widower of Louisa's sister Elizabeth.
     She died on 16 March 1922 at Christchurch, CBY, NZ, (when age calculated as 84); buried with Henry Bush Gresbrook.

Other information

     Louisa was married 2 times.
     Louisa Glanville immigrated before 1859 to NZ.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Louisa Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at Ramer, St Peter Port, GSY; recorded age 5, living with her parents.
  • She appeared on the census of 30 March 1851 at 37 Glatney Esplanade, St Peter Port, GSY; recorded age 14, living with her parents.
  • Louisa was a house servant on 30 March 1851.

Family 1

Henry Bush Grisbrook b. bt 1829 - 1830, d. 10 Aug 1894

Family 2

Henry Wyatt b. 1824, d. 28 May 1904

John Glanville

Male, ID #4065, b. 26 September 1845, d. 25 February 1847
FatherJohn Warren Glanville (1820 - c 1911)
MotherElizabeth De La Page (bt 1814 - 1815 - b 1863)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Glanville was born on 26 September 1845 at St Andrew, GSY.
     He died on 25 February 1847 at St Andrew, GSY, (when age calculated as 1.)

Elizabeth Perkin

Female, ID #4066, b. circa 1806, d. June 1849

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Northey. Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Perkin was born circa 1806 at Clawton, DEV, ENG.
     She married an unknown person on 7 August 1826 at Clawton, DEV, ENG, to Samuel Finnemore and having 2 children (present with her in 1841 census)
Samuel Finnemore of Clawton, widower, and Elizaebth Perkin of Clawton spinster were married by Banns.
     She married Thomas Northey on 28 December 1836 at Clawton, DEV, ENG, Elizabeth marrying in surname Finnamore.
     She married John Glanville, son of John Glanville and Elizabeth (Surname Unknown), circa November 1846 at Holdsworthy registered, DEV, ENG, Marriage registered in name Elizabeth Northey. Birth certif of daughter Charity names her Elizabeth formerly Northey, formerly Finnamore/ Phinamore nee Perkin.
     She died in June 1849 at Holsworthy registered, DEV, ENG; recorded age 43.

Other information

     Elizabeth was married 3 times.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 15 July 1849, Elizabeth Perkin and John Glanville lived at Park Cottage, Broadwoodwidger, DEV, ENG, at baptism of daughter.

Family 1

Thomas Northey b. b 1816

Family 2

John Glanville b. bt 1794 - 1795

Eric Richard Glanville

Male, ID #4067, b. 30 January 1935, d. 12 July 2008
FatherJohn Glanville (1890 - 1964)
MotherLila Adey (1893 - 1978)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Eric Richard Glanville was born on 30 January 1935 at Stockton on Tees registered, DUR, ENG.
     He married Shirley Willis circa February 1959 at Durham South East registered, DUR, ENG.
     He died on 12 July 2008 at Cyprus (when age calculated as 73); with obituaries:
GLANVILLE Eric Richard Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day, Tears in our eyes just wipe away, But the pain in our hearts is here to stay. With all your jokes and silent laugh, You are not alone, you are with our Zack. We miss you, Grandad. Loving you always, Chloe, Adam and Kieran. xxx.
Published in the Evening Gazette on 18th July 2008

Published in the Evening Gazette on 24th July 2008
GLANVILLE Eric Richard Died on holiday on July 12. Respected brother-in-law of Shiela, Colin and family.

GLANVILLE Eric Richard Died July 12. Loved brother-in-law of Ken, Janet and family. R.I.P.
Published in the Evening Gazette on 26th July 2008

GLANVILLE Eric Richard July 12, aged 73 years, taken suddenly while on holiday with his family in Cyprus. A loving husband, father and grandad. Funeral arrangements to follow. Sad and sudden was the call, Your sudden death surprised us all, It's hard to think you had to die, Without the chance to say goodbye, I see you sitting in the sun, Watching the grankids having fun, And as the sunsets on your life, I will always be your loving wife. Shirley. xxx

GLANVILLE Eric Richard Died on holiday on July 12. Respected brother-in-law of Shiela, Colin and family.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Eric was under school age on 29 September 1939.
  • As of 29 September 1939, Eric Richard Glanville lived at 27 Swaledale Crescent, Billingham, DUR, ENG.
  • Eric was an electrician, working for am American manufacturer of food packaging machines. He installed machinery in China in the 1960s circa 1960.
  • As of 1999, Eric Richard Glanville and Shirley Willis lived at 91 Low Grange Avenue, Billingham, DUR, ENG.
  • As of 2008, Eric Richard Glanville and Shirley Willis lived at Billingham, DUR, ENG.


Shirley Willis b. bt 1934 - 1935, d. 23 Dec 2018

John Starke

Male, ID #4068, b. before 1617

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Starke was born before 1617.
     He married Rose Glanfield, daughter of Richard Glanfield and Elizabeth Haiward, before 1636 in ENG.


Rose Glanfield b. 16 Feb 1616

Annie Glanville

Female, ID #4070, b. 1853, d. 1922
Fathermale Glanville (b 1831 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Annie Glanville was born in 1853.
     She died in 1922 at PA, USA.
     She was buried in 1922 at Fernwood Cemetery, Fernwood, Delaware Co., PA, USA, listed on a memorial with Herbert 1851 - 1931, Florence 1855 - 1900 and George Kerr 1890 -1985.

Florence Glanville

Female, ID #4071, b. 1855, d. 1900
Fathermale Glanville (b 1831 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Florence Glanville was born in 1855.
     She died in 1900 at PA, USA.
     She was buried in 1900 at Fernwood Cemetery, Fernwood, Delaware Co., PA, USA, listed on a memorial with Herbert 1851 - 1931, Annie 186 3- 1922 and George Kerr 1890 -1985.

Thomas Glanfield

Male, ID #4072, b. before 1726, d. January 1726

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanfield was born before 1726.
     He died in January 1726 at Holton St Mary, SFK, ENG.
     He was buried on 12 January 1726 at St Mary, Holton St Mary, SFK, ENG.

Thomas Glanfield

Male, ID #4073, b. before 1739, d. October 1739

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanfield was born before 1739.
     He died in October 1739 at Bildeston, SFK, ENG.
     He was buried on 22 October 1739 at St Mary, Bildeston, SFK, ENG.

Thomas Glanfield

Male, ID #4074, b. 1745, d. December 1745

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanfield was born in 1745.
     He died in December 1745 at Marlesford, SFK, ENG.
     He was buried on 12 December 1745 at St Andrew, Marlesford, SFK, ENG, recorded age 0.

Richard Glanville

Male, ID #4075, b. before 1696

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Richard Glanville was born before 1696.
     He married Mary Pickering on 9 October 1716 at St Saviour, Southwark, SRY, ENG.


Mary Pickering b. b 1696

Elizabeth Briant

Female, ID #4076, b. before 1542

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanfield.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Briant was born before 1542.
     She married George Glanfield, son of Robert Glanville, in 1562 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.


George Glanfield b. b 1542, d. Jul 1609

William Church

Male, ID #4077, b. before 1583

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William Church was born before 1583.
     He married Catherine Glanfield, daughter of George Glanfield and Elizabeth Briant, on 17 March 1603 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.


Catherine Glanfield b. 1582

George Glanfield

Male, ID #4078, b. 19 December 1602
FatherRichard Glanfield (b 1572 - 1637)
MotherElizabeth Haiward (b 1581 - c 1625)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 19 December 1602 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, father named Richard Glanfild. George Glanfield was born before 19 December 1602 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.



Elizabeth Glanfield

Female, ID #4079, b. 18 August 1605
FatherRichard Glanfield (b 1572 - 1637)
MotherElizabeth Haiward (b 1581 - c 1625)

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Atkinson.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     She was baptized on 18 August 1605 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, father named Richard Glanfild. Elizabeth Glanfield was born before 18 August 1605 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.

Other information

     In December 1636 she was named in the will of her father, and had had multiple children at that time.

John Glanfield

Male, ID #4080, b. 9 September 1610
FatherRichard Glanfield (b 1572 - 1637)
MotherElizabeth Haiward (b 1581 - c 1625)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     He was baptized on 9 September 1610 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG, father named Richard Glanfyld. John Glanfield was born before 9 September 1610 at Hadleigh, SFK, ENG.