John Jago

Male, ID #10861, b. before 1809

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Jago was born before 1809.
     He married Catherine Pearn Andrews, daughter of George Jago and Catherine Pearn, on 31 March 1829 at St Stephen by Saltash, CON, ENG, bachelor and spinster of this parish, by licence.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • John was a sailor on 31 March 1829.


Catherine Pearn Andrews b. bt 1806 - 1807, d. May 1897

Frederick Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #10862, b. circa February 1868, d. circa August 1870
FatherFrederick Glanville (c 1842 - c 1870)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Frederick Thomas Glanville was born circa February 1868 at Aston registered, WAR, ENG.
     He died circa August 1870 at Kings Norton registered, WOR, ENG; recorded age 2.

female Gillon

Female, ID #10863, b. before 1851

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Female Gillon was born before 1851.



Charles Nathaniel Glanville

Male, ID #10864, b. between 1876 and 1877
FatherWilliam Glanville (b 1856 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Charles Nathaniel Glanville was born between 1876 and 1877 at Jamaica; father named William Glanville at his subsequent marriage.
     He married Jane Elizabeth Braham on 29 August 1900 at Black Ryer, St Elizabeth, Jamaica, both with recorded age 23, both marked the register. Witnesses Sarah Sengor, Elkanah Braham.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Charles was a bulter on 29 August 1900.
  • As of 29 August 1900, Charles Nathaniel Glanville lived at Black Ryer, St Elizabeth, Jamaica.


Jane Elizabeth Braham b. bt 1876 - 1877

Annie Jane Glanville

Female, ID #10865, b. circa February 1868
FatherJoseph Glanville (c 1843 - c 1906)
MotherAnn Richards (bt 1847 - 1848 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Annie Jane Glanville was born circa February 1868 at Redruth registered, CON, ENG.

Charles Elizabeth Glanville

? (Unkown gender), ID #10866, b. circa February 1868

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Charles Elizabeth Glanville was born circa February 1868 at St Columb Major registered, CON, ENG.

George Glanville

Male, ID #10867, b. circa February 1868, d. 10 February 1937
FatherWilliam Thomas Glanville (bt 1823 - 1824 - c 1890)
MotherAnn Searle Hitchcock (bt 1829 - 1830 - c 1873)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     George Glanville was born circa February 1868 at Barton Village, DEV, ENG; registered Newton Abbot. Brec recorded in 1891 census.
     He was baptized on 22 March 1868 at St Mary Church, DEV, ENG, George of William and Ann Glanville, abode Barton, labourer.
     He married Alice Wellavyze on 2 February 1890 at St Matthew, Great Peter Street, London, MDX, ENG, both with recorded age 22, bachelor and spinster. Fathers named William Glanville lime burner, Charles Wellavyze labourer.
Witnesses James Potter, Annie Bellamy.
     He died on 10 February 1937 at Lambeth, SRY, ENG; recorded age 69, registered Lambeth.
     His estate was probated on 6 March 1937 indexed as:
1937 GLANVILLE George of 117 Coronation Buildings, South Lambeth Road, Lambeth, London who died on 10 February 1937 at Lambeth Hospital, London. Probate at Oxford on 6 March to Alice Browning (wife of William Thomas Elliott Browning), effects £186-7-8.

Other information

     George and Alice Wellavyze had 6 children by the 1911 census, 1 deceased by that date.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • George Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at Barton, St Mary Church, DEV, ENG; recorded age 3, living with his parents.
  • George was a scholar on 2 April 1871.
  • George was a labourer on 2 February 1890.
  • As of 2 February 1890, George Glanville lived at 7 I Peabody Buildsings, Old Pye Street, London, MDX, ENG.
  • George was a brewers labourer at baptism of daughter Alice on 2 March 1891.
  • He and Alice Wellavyze appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at London St John the Evangelist, MDX, ENG; both with recorded age 23.
  • George was a labourer at baptism of son on 16 January 1898.
  • George was a brewers labourer on 31 March 1901.
  • He and Alice Wellavyze appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at London St John, MDX, ENG; both with recorded age 33.
  • George was a labourer at baptism of daughter on 9 August 1905.
  • George was a brewery gatekeeper on 2 April 1911.
  • He and Alice Wellavyze appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 71 Bonnington Square, Lambeth, SRY, ENG; both with recorded age 43.
  • George was a gate keeper at baptism of daughter on 22 September 1912.
  • George was a gateman, at marriage of daur Alice on 14 April 1914.
  • George was a foreman watchman, at marriage of son George Henry on 16 December 1917.
  • As of 1922, George Glanville and Alice Wellavyze lived at 13 Greencoat Mansions, Westminster and St Marylebone, MDX, ENG.
  • As of 1932, George Glanville and Alice Wellavyze lived at 13 Greencoat Mansions, Greencoat Place, Westminster, MDX, ENG.
  • As of 1934, George Glanville and Alice Wellavyze lived at 4 Probyn House, Regency Street, Westminster, MDX, ENG.


Alice Wellavyze b. c May 1867, d. c Nov 1935

Henry Glanville

Male, ID #10868, b. circa February 1868
MotherEmma Glanville (b 1848 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Henry Glanville was born illegitimate circa February 1868 at Chepstow registered, MON, WLS; mother maiden named Glanville. Somersetshire Chaplow recorded in 1871 census.
     He was baptized on 28 March 1868 at Non Conformist, Lydney, GLS, ENG, mother named Emma Glanville, illegitimate.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Henry Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at Colby Lodge, Amroth, PEM, WLS; recorded age 3, relationship to Henry and Esther Camper (head of household) is nurse child. All the others at that address are children of Henry.

Henry Glanville

Male, ID #10869, b. before 13 August 1815
FatherJohn Glanville (b 1780 - )
MotherMary (Surname Unknown) (b 1780 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Henry Glanville was born before 13 August 1815 at Great Marlow, BKM, ENG.
     He was baptized on 13 August 1815 at Great Marlow, BKM, ENG, parents named John and Mary Glanville.

Charles Henry Bunney

Male, ID #10870, b. between 1860 and 1861

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Charles Henry Bunney was born between 1860 and 1861 at St Mewan, CON, ENG.
     He married Philippa Mary Glanville, daughter of John Glanville and Elizabeth Bawden, circa August 1888 at Redruth registered, CON, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Charles was a carpenter on 5 April 1891.
  • He appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at College Row, Camborne, CON, ENG; recorded age 30, widower son of David and Elizabeth, living with his parents.


Philippa Mary Glanville b. c Nov 1868, d. c Feb 1891

Philip Glanville

Male, ID #10871, b. 8 February 1868, d. 19 October 1929
FatherJames William Glanville (1827 - bt 1871 - 1881)
MotherCharlotte Vosper (1828 - 1904)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Philip Glanville was born on 8 February 1868 at Deptford, KEN, ENG; registered Greenwich.
     He was baptized on 4 August 1869 at Charles the Martyr, Plymouth, DEV, ENG, Philip son of William and Charlotte Glanville, above 62 York Street St Andrews, born Feb 8 1868.
     He married Annie Maria Warner on 13 January 1900 at Exeter registered, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 31 years, 11 months and 5 days.)
     He died on 19 October 1929 at Exeter, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 61); recorded age 61, registered Exeter.
     His estate was probated on 24 December 1935 indexed as:
1935 GLANVILLE Philip of 14 Barrack Road, Heavitree, Exeter who died on 19 October 1929 at the Royal Devonshire and Exeter Hospital, Exeter. Probate at Exeter on 24 December to Annie Maria Glanville, widow, effects £630.

Other information

     Philip (when aged 22) was present at the marriage of Thomas Glanville and Jessie Ann Jones on 2 August 1890 at St Peter, Plymouth, DEV, ENG; Registered Plymouth. His age recorded 25, hers 20, fathers named James William Glanville deceased, Charles Jones engine dirver. Witness Philip Glanville.
     Philip and Annie Maria Warner had 1 son.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Philip Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at 11 Neswick Street, Plymouth St Andrew, DEV, ENG; recorded age 3, living with his mother.
  • Philip was a scholar on 2 April 1871.
  • He appeared on the census of 3 April 1881 at 9 Wyndham Square West, Plymouth St Andrew, DEV, ENG; recorded age 13, living with his widowed mother.
  • Philip was a cabinet maker on 3 April 1881.
  • He appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG; recorded age 23.
  • Philip was an attendant on 5 April 1891.
  • Philip was a Cabinet Maker & Joiner on 31 March 1901.
  • He and Annie Maria Warner appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at Heavitree, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 35, hers 28. With them, Kate Warner age 19.
  • Philip was a joiner, at baptism of son Kenneth on 28 April 1905.
  • As of 28 April 1905, Philip Glanville and Annie Maria Warner lived at 14 Barrack Road, Exeter, DEV, ENG, at baptism of son Kenneth.
  • Philip was a cabinet maker for Exeter City Asylum on 2 April 1911.
  • He and Annie Maria Warner appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 14 Barrack Road, Heavitree, Exeter, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 45, hers 38.


Annie Maria Warner b. 28 Jan 1873, d. 9 Jun 1962

Thomas William Glanville

Male, ID #10872, b. circa February 1868
FatherJohn Glanville (b 1846 - a 1901)
MotherSusan Bunce (bt 1846 - 1847 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas William Glanville was born circa February 1868 at West Ham registered, ESS, ENG.

female Laidrey

Female, ID #10873, b. before 1851

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Female Laidrey was born before 1851.



Laura Rosina Glanville

Female, ID #10874, b. circa February 1871, d. circa November 1871
FatherFrancis Thomas Glanville (bt 1819 - 1820 - )
MotherAnna M. Bradley (bt 1832 - 1833 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Laura Rosina Glanville was born circa February 1871 at Plymouth registered, DEV, ENG; it is not certain whether Laura Henrietta or Laura Rosina was the daughter of Thomas and Anna nee Bradley.
     She died circa November 1871 at Plymouth registered, DEV, ENG; recorded age 0.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Laura Rosina Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at 2 Queens Cottages, Plymouth St Andrew, DEV, ENG; recorded age 1mth, living with her parents.

James Glanville

Male, ID #10875, b. between 1856 and 1857, d. circa August 1924

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     James Glanville was born between 1856 and 1857.
     He died circa August 1924 at Devonport registered, DEV, ENG; recorded age 67.

Maria Glanville

Female, ID #10876, b. between 1837 and 1838

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Maria Glanville was born between 1837 and 1838 at Plymouth, DEV, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Maria was a domestic nurse on 31 March 1901.
  • She appeared on the census of 31 March 1901 at Union Workhouse, Paddington, MDX, ENG; recorded age 63, unmarried.

Eliza Ann Glanville

Female, ID #10877, b. circa February 1871
Motherfemale Gillon (b 1851 - )

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Eliza Ann Glanville was born circa February 1871 at Guisborough registered, YKS, ENG.

Mary Ann Glanville

Female, ID #10878, b. circa February 1871

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Mary Ann Glanville was born circa February 1871 at Kensington registered, MDX, ENG; mother maiden named Glanville, or name omitted.

Richard Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #10879, b. 2 March 1871, d. 21 July 1916
MotherElizabeth Anne Glanville (c 1849 - )

Alternate Names

     He was also known as Thomas.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Richard Thomas Glanville was born on 2 March 1871 at Helston, CON, ENG; registered Helston.
     He was baptized on 24 May 1872 at Helston, CON, ENG.
     He married Annie Trythall circa August 1899 at Redruth registered, CON, ENG.
     He died on 21 July 1916 in France (when age calculated as 45); recorded:
Name: Richard Thomas Glanville
Birth Place: Elston, Cornwall (Helston)
Residence: Bargoed
Death Date: 21 Jul 1916
Enlistment Location: Cardiff
Rank: Private
Regiment: South Wales Borderers
Battalion: 12th Battalion.
Number: 24363
Type of Casualty: Died of wounds
Theater of War: Aldershot
Comments: Formerly 37860, Welch Regt

and commemmorated:
Nationality: United Kingdom
Rank: Private
Regiment/Service: South Wales Borderers
Unit Text: 12th Bn.
Date of Death: 21/07/1916
Service No: 24363
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
Grave/Memorial Reference: VIII. A. 131.

His soldier's effects were settled with the Guardian of daughter : Mrs Alice Hewitt.

Other information

     Richard and Annie Trythall had 3 children by 1911 census, 1 still living at that date.
     On 18 March 1905 the Weekly Mail newspaper reported:
CARDIFF MAN AND HIS WIFE SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS AT BRISTOL. A sad story of domestic infelicity was revealed at Bristol on Monday, when Annie Glanville, wife of Richard Thomas Glanville, a carpenter in the employ of the Cardiff Corporation, sought a separation order on the ground of her husband's illtreatment. Mrs. Glanville stated that they had been married eight years, and had lived together at Cardiff until January 21, when a climax in the illtreatment was reached, and she left him. There was one child, aged six months, and since its birth witnees complained that her husband had several times seriously assaulted her. The defendant pleaded that his wife was a drunkard, and he himself had made an application at Cardiff for a separation order on account of this. The defendant added that he had another action pending against his wife for misconduct, but that would not, of course, be heard in Bristol. In view of that fact the magistrates dismissed the case.
     On 12 June 1908 the Evening Express newspaper reported:
Sad Domestic Case
To-day (before the Cardiff stipendiary magistrate) Thomas Glanville, a corporation scavenger, applied for a separation order from his wife, Annie Glanville. Mr. Harold Lloyd, for the applicant, stated that the parties (who hail from Diamond-street, Roath), had been married about ten years. For the past six years the woman had been very intemperate, particularly during the last four or five months. There were two children, but on May 14 one died, and at the inquest some fearful disclosures were made as to the way the woman had behaved. She then admitted drinking very heavily, and was censured by the coroner and jury. Upon her promise to reform, applicant gave her another chance, but within a few days of the burial of the child she was again on the drink, and the other child was found in the street by the police and removed to the workhouse, where it remained for one or two days. The woman had been drinking, and lost the little one. She had received money regularly from her husband, but spent it, and had pawned clothes to satisfy her craving for drink. Mrs. Glanville blamed her husband for driving her to excessive drinking. The applicant and Inspector Bingham and other witnesses gave evidence, after which a separation order was granted, the husband to have the custody of the child and to pay his wife 5s. a week maintenance.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Richard Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 at Heloquithack, Wendron, CON, ENG; recorded age 19, boarding with Mary A Goldsworthy.
  • Richard was a tiner miner on 5 April 1891.
  • Richard was a miner of Carnarthen Street, at baptism of son Richard on 31 January 1900.
  • Richard was a scavanger, at baptism of son Charles on 7 December 1902.
  • As of 7 December 1902, Richard Thomas Glanville and Annie Trythall lived at 4 Byron Street, Roath, Cardiff, GLA, WLS, at baptism of son Charles.
  • Richard was a dustman, municipal worker on 2 April 1911.
  • He appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 36 Allans Bank, Crescent Heath, Cardiff, GLA, WLS; recorded age 39, married wife not present. Boarding with George and Alice Hewitt.


Annie Trythall b. b 1877

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #10880, b. 5 December 1870, d. circa May 1961
FatherJohn Glanville (c 1845 - bt 1871 - 1889)
MotherJane Carnew (bt 1847 - 1848 - )

Alternate Names

     He was also known as Granville recorded at marriage and 1911 census.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born on 5 December 1870 at Merthyr Tydfil, GLA, WLS; registered Merthyr Tydfil q1 1871.
     He married Janet Ann Williams circa May 1902 at Pontypridd registered, GLA, WLS.
     He died circa May 1961 at Pontypridd registered, GLA, WLS; recorded age 90.

Other information

     Thomas and Janet Ann Williams had no children by the 1911 census.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 at 1 Jones's Square, Merthyr Tydfil, GLA, WLS; recorded age 4mths, living with his parents.
  • Thomas was a miner, hewer on 2 April 1911.
  • He and Janet Ann Williams appeared on the census of 2 April 1911 at 84 Miskin Road, Trealaw, GLA, WLS; his age recorded 39, hers 30.
  • Thomas was an old age pensioner on 29 September 1939.
  • As of 29 September 1939, Thomas Glanville lived at 80 Kenry Street, Pontypridd, GLA, WLS, widower.


Janet Ann Williams b. bt 1880 - 1881, d. c Nov 1915

Harriet J. Glanville

Female, ID #10881, b. between 1876 and 1877

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Harriet J. Glanville was born between 1876 and 1877 in ENG.

Other information

     Harriet J. Glanville immigrated on 30 September 1888 to CAN Age: 12
Sex: F
Year of arrival: 1888
Microfilm reel: C-4536
Ship: SS Parisian
Port of departure: Liverpool
Departure Date: 20 Sep 1888
Port of arrival: Quebec
Arrival Date: 30 Sep 1888
Party: Dr.Barnardo's
Destination: Peterborough, Ont.
Comments: Ship sailed via Londonderry. Dr.Barnardo's Party of 90 females to Peterborough.

William James Glanville

Male, ID #10882, b. circa August 1899
MotherAletha Josephine Glanville (c 1878 - 1964)

Alternate Names

     He was also known as William J. Glanville recorded at immigration.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     William James Glanville was born circa August 1899 at Union Workhouse, St Columb, CON, ENG; registered St Columb Major.
     He was baptized on 26 September 1899 at St Columb Major, CON, ENG, mother Aletha, single woman of Union.

Other information

     William James Glanville immigrated in 1914 to CAN Age: 15
Sex: M
Year of arrival: 1914
Microfilm reel: T-4808
Ship: SS Alsatian
Port of departure: Liverpool
Departure Date: 22 May 1914
Port of arrival: Quebec
Arrival Date: 29 May 1914
Party: Barnes'
Destination: Sherbrooke, Que.

Ann Glanville

Female, ID #10883, b. between 1827 and 1828
FatherWilliam Glanville (b 1807 - )

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Hosking.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Ann Glanville was born between 1827 and 1828 at Saltash, CON, ENG.
     She married John Hosking on 2 January 1856 at St Andrews Parish Church, Plymouth, DEV, ENG, Registered Plymouth. His age recorded 45, widower, hers 24. Fathers named Abraham Hosking boatman, William Glanville boatman.

Other information

     Ann Glanville and John Glanville were associated in 1857 by virtue of having a child together, but no marriage appears to have taken place.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • As of 2 January 1856, Ann Glanville lived at Bull Hill, Plymouth, DEV, ENG.
  • She and John Hosking appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at Beach, Saltash, CON, ENG; his age recorded 51, hers 33. With them children John Hosking 16, Sarah J Hosking 14, Susanna and Elizabeth Hosking both 11, son law George Banaball 11 and daur law Mary Glanville 9.

Family 1


Family 2

John Hosking b. 1811

Family 3

John Glanville b. b 1837

John Hosking

Male, ID #10884, b. 1811

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     John Hosking was born in 1811 at Saltash, CON, ENG.
     He married Ann Glanville, daughter of William Glanville, on 2 January 1856 at St Andrews Parish Church, Plymouth, DEV, ENG, (when age calculated as 45 years) Registered Plymouth. His age recorded 45, widower, hers 24. Fathers named Abraham Hosking boatman, William Glanville boatman.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • John was a mariner on 2 January 1856.
  • He and Ann Glanville appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 at Beach, Saltash, CON, ENG; his age recorded 51, hers 33. With them children John Hosking 16, Sarah J Hosking 14, Susanna and Elizabeth Hosking both 11, son law George Banaball 11 and daur law Mary Glanville 9.
  • John was a fisherman on 7 April 1861.
  • John was a fisherman, when at 18 Tamar Street Saltash with his wife and children on 2 April 1871.


Ann Glanville b. bt 1827 - 1828

Elizabeth Lishman

Female, ID #10885, b. between 1763 and 1764

Alternate Names

     Her married name was Glanville.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Elizabeth Lishman was born between 1763 and 1764 at DEV, ENG.
     She married Thomas Glanville, son of William Glanville and Susanna German, on 24 August 1815 at Meavy, DEV, ENG.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Elizabeth Lishman and Thomas Glanville appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at House, Meavy, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 71, hers 77.


Thomas Glanville b. b 6 Aug 1769, d. c May 1847

Thomas Glanville

Male, ID #10886, b. before 6 August 1769, d. circa May 1847
FatherWilliam Glanville (b 1733 - 1771)
MotherSusanna German (b 1737 - 1813)

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Thomas Glanville was born before 6 August 1769 at Meavy, DEV, ENG.
     He was baptized on 6 August 1769 at Meavy, DEV, ENG.
     He married Elizabeth Bealy on 20 February 1804 at Buckland Monachorum, DEV, ENG, Thomas Glanvill, Elizabeth Bealy.
     He married Elizabeth Lishman on 24 August 1815 at Meavy, DEV, ENG.
     He died circa May 1847 at Tavistock registered, DEV, ENG; recorded age 76.

Other information

     Thomas was married 2 times.

Address(es), Census(es) & Occupation(s)

  • Thomas was an Ag Lab on 6 June 1841.
  • He and Elizabeth Lishman appeared on the census of 6 June 1841 at House, Meavy, DEV, ENG; his age recorded 71, hers 77.

Family 1

Elizabeth Bealy b. bt 1767 - 1768, d. Nov 1813

Family 2

Elizabeth Lishman b. bt 1763 - 1764

Henry Davies

Male, ID #10887, b. before 1879

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Henry Davies was born before 1879.
     He married Ellen Ann Glanville, daughter of Richard Hocking Glanville and Mary Glover, on 16 May 1899 in the USA.


Ellen Ann Glanville b. 10 Aug 1877, d. 27 Mar 1969

Emma Adelaide Glanville

Female, ID #10888, b. 13 May 1891, d. 11 February 1957
FatherWilfred Glanville (1845 - 1901)
MotherElizabeth Heath (bt 1843 - 1844 - )

Alternate Names

     She was also known as Emily marriage registration. Her married name was Speaight.

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Emma Adelaide Glanville was born on 13 May 1891 at Hackney registered, MDX, ENG.
     She was baptized on 17 June 1891 at St Mary of Eton church, Hackney Wick, Hackney, MDX, ENG.
     She married Henry William Speaight on 20 February 1923 at Islington, MDX, ENG, (when age calculated as 31 years, 9 months and 7 days) registered Islington.
     She died on 11 February 1957 (when age calculated as 65.)


Henry William Speaight b. b 1903

Henry William Speaight

Male, ID #10889, b. before 1903

Birth, Marriage and Death information

     Henry William Speaight was born before 1903.
     He married Emma Adelaide Glanville, daughter of Wilfred Glanville and Elizabeth Heath, on 20 February 1923 at Islington, MDX, ENG, registered Islington.


Emma Adelaide Glanville b. 13 May 1891, d. 11 Feb 1957